Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sekilas tergesa-gesa, aku melihat dengan jelas, tiga orang ini adalah para pemain perang pisau tajam pisau buruh, melainkan mati depan sekitar 30 meter, seorang pemain adalah merangkul kotak harta Roh Kudus, berlangsung untuk retrocede perlahan-lahan, orang itu skala musik kuno, perkelahian musim sepuluh Jenderal besar kepala yang memilih kota tengkorak besi, saya mengalami , kekuatan orang ini bukanlah sangat benar-benar biasa."Ramble, potongan-potongan!"Siaran mabuk tombak suara, menghadapi setidaknya melintasi ratus perang zona tajam pemain AS, bersaing seperti sebelumnya, mungkin juga tidak pernah memiliki "menyerah" dalam Kamus ini anak laki-laki pendek tombak trik Cooldown berpikir dua karakter pertama.Trik pendek tombak maju langsung bertindak, hits pendekar sengit suara, tiket senapan berlaras panjang lain dada swordsman, mengaum sangat rendah, mengembun perisai tanggul untuk mempertahankan satu set keterampilan pendekar ketiga, saya membuat penggunaan dari celah pulsa gerbang, memanggil pedang kuat gale meledak, akan mencekik mati HP sekitarnya sekelompok pemain Amerika skala besar , butterfly, Apakah terhuyung-huyung akan dipotong untuk menyerang, Mars spattered dalam semua arah, gemetar kaku telah ditarik kembali kapak prajurit gila, tujuan menunjuk ke skala musik kuno, jauh telah dilemparkan untuk melakukan pedang, pisau tajam pisau spasial spin!The ancient musical scale bosom holds the valuable box, the right hand is grabbing the reins to graze tightly, went out of V characters to walk position MISS to fall the first sharp knife blade spatial spin in a hurry, but some of my early expectations, did the sword in airborne stop starting the backing up spatial spin suddenly, „” cut on the mail-armor and helmet of ancient musical scale, carried over the 12 W + injury digit.„Frightens?!”The ancient musical scale had a scare obviously, the long-distance attack skill can attack his many HP instantaneously, this is he has not thought that moreover the sharp knife blade spatial spin releases one time is 9 times attacks to kill, 7 times are waiting for him!„Harasses him!”Holds the valuable box to retreat, the ancient musical scale while is ordering loudly, actually ancient musical scale person is verve, the operation is also the first-class boundary, will put definitely will usually put together the operation with me, the true peak masters are the hope can with strong at own person showdown, now but the valuable box in the hand, the ancient musical scale thinks will retrocede, this also will be wise electing.Drinks in the sound lowly, two knights are the player grasp the golden shield to outflank, my flying position is not high, they progress to jump together, connects with me in the midair, Qi Qi started the heroic hit skill, truly, in such harassment enormous degree disturbs my thought that keeping me from editing better sharp knife blade spatial spin angle to obstruct the backlash of ancient musical scale.But what they cannot think, my saddle horse is raspberry, was the dragon god's daughter, the feasibility is really too strong, was in the midair direct sharply to stop MISS to fall the heroic hit effect, the butterfly sword sweeps away twice, pulled out to fly directly with horse the left knight, the left arm lifted, takes advantage of opportunity a elbow to strike to fly high the suppression on the shoulder of another knight, fell with the horse bang him in the ground.Meanwhile, the thought actually maintains quite clearly, as if practices in Henan and North Star view together expands the brain territory capacity to be ordinary, at the same time near body wrestle at the same time, actually continuously edits three sharp knife blade spatial spins the paths, does the sword distantly has the cyclone „to brush” three shuttles to attack in ancient
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