Wipes the tea to pound to fall the shield on the place, shouted to cle terjemahan - Wipes the tea to pound to fall the shield on the place, shouted to cle Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wipes the tea to pound to fall the

Wipes the tea to pound to fall the shield on the place, shouted to clear the way ten­derly: „Long-dis­tance, pre­pared to pro­ject, the archer with the Big Dip­per arrow, dis­rupted the of­fen­sive rhythm of demon as far as pos­si­ble, the iron blade edge rides to pre­pare the shield wall com­pletely CD!”
Not far away, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and at­tack­ing army has reached the city three big trade unions are also crit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion, Q Sword is in­sti­gates the warhorse to raise the long sword to walk ran­domly in the frontal line edge, loud was shout­ing in­spi­ra­tion morale and in­tel­li­gent lineup, after sev­eral sec­onds, demon reg­i­ment al­ready fast close, we can no­tice that the demon of many oc­to­pus face and lob­ster face bran­dished the pointed weapons to scream.
The at­trib­utes of these demons al­most ex­actly the same, I read a lob­ster face, to carry the fel­low of iron spear at fin­ger­tips
【Deep sea demon】( 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)
Level: 153
At­tack: 16700-18900
De­fense: 15000
HP: 1000000
Skill: 【The blade edge of cold ice】 【Dark blue bil­lows ad­vance】 【Dark blue bil­lows at­tack and de­stroy】
In­tro­duced: The deep sea demon, the strength out­stand­ing per­son in sea-nymph clan, these deep sea demons un­der­stands the river char­ac­ter, and can walk freely on the land, stud­ies var­i­ous war tech­niques under the sea-nymph king Sellin's rule for a long time, even some can con­trol to mump, can like be the human brave war­rior en­ters the earth, sky, Saint ter­ri­tory and other bound­aries, the deep sea im­pe­r­ial guard that in ad­di­tion the sea mail-ar­mor and hel­met pro­tec­tion of sword po­ten­tial, these deep sea demons com­pose is brave, in 7 years sweep away by the 20 W mil­i­tary strength do not turn over to the major in­flu­ences of sea deep place, have car­ried in the sea Sellin the main throne
„Has been care­ful, is 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its!”
I am grip­ping tightly the Longchi sword, said: „Three skills are the uni­form at­tack de­part­ments, we are doomed to de­fend!”
Dur­ing the speeches the demons en­tered the fir­ing dis­tance, the [Zhan Long] archer, Mage, hack­bu­teer and oth­ers had fired, the arrow arrow and magic in­ter­lock the bang to kill in the mon­ster group, a big in­jury digit spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, but demons as if basic on fear­less this de­gree of at­tack, be­fore called was rush­ing, is car­ry­ing the iron blade and long-bar­relled gun on the bang on shield that in the iron blade edge rode, the dark blue bil­lows ad­vance drew back sev­eral rice our bat­tle­line bang, a fel­low an­tenna of oc­to­pus face was grasp­ing three han­dle blades, to was wip­ing the tea the Lion King shield to rum­ble a time piece to kill on, blade op­ti­cal den­sity vol­ume., The dark blue bil­lows at­tack and de­stroy the skill, wipes the tea also to in­sist, a nearby swords­man is the iron blade edge rides ac­tu­ally sobs one to fall to the ground, was at­tacked and de­stroyed by three dark blue bil­lows hits to­gether, has not added the blood to hang with enough time.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wipes the tea to pound to fall the shield on the place, shouted to clear the way ten­derly: „Long-dis­tance, pre­pared to pro­ject, the archer with the Big Dip­per arrow, dis­rupted the of­fen­sive rhythm of demon as far as pos­si­ble, the iron blade edge rides to pre­pare the shield wall com­pletely CD!”Not far away, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and at­tack­ing army has reached the city three big trade unions are also crit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion, Q Sword is in­sti­gates the warhorse to raise the long sword to walk ran­domly in the frontal line edge, loud was shout­ing in­spi­ra­tion morale and in­tel­li­gent lineup, after sev­eral sec­onds, demon reg­i­ment al­ready fast close, we can no­tice that the demon of many oc­to­pus face and lob­ster face bran­dished the pointed weapons to scream.The at­trib­utes of these demons al­most ex­actly the same, I read a lob­ster face, to carry the fel­low of iron spear at fin­ger­tips【Deep sea demon】( 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)Level: 153At­tack: 16700-18900De­fense: 15000HP: 1000000Skill: 【The blade edge of cold ice】 【Dark blue bil­lows ad­vance】 【Dark blue bil­lows at­tack and de­stroy】In­tro­duced: The deep sea demon, the strength out­stand­ing per­son in sea-nymph clan, these deep sea demons un­der­stands the river char­ac­ter, and can walk freely on the land, stud­ies var­i­ous war tech­niques under the sea-nymph king Sellin's rule for a long time, even some can con­trol to mump, can like be the human brave war­rior en­ters the earth, sky, Saint ter­ri­tory and other bound­aries, the deep sea im­pe­r­ial guard that in ad­di­tion the sea mail-ar­mor and hel­met pro­tec­tion of sword po­ten­tial, these deep sea demons com­pose is brave, in 7 years sweep away by the 20 W mil­i­tary strength do not turn over to the major in­flu­ences of sea deep place, have car­ried in the sea Sellin the main throne„Has been care­ful, is 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its!”I am grip­ping tightly the Longchi sword, said: „Three skills are the uni­form at­tack de­part­ments, we are doomed to de­fend!”Dur­ing the speeches the demons en­tered the fir­ing dis­tance, the [Zhan Long] archer, Mage, hack­bu­teer and oth­ers had fired, the arrow arrow and magic in­ter­lock the bang to kill in the mon­ster group, a big in­jury digit spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, but demons as if basic on fear­less this de­gree of at­tack, be­fore called was rush­ing, is car­ry­ing the iron blade and long-bar­relled gun on the bang on shield that in the iron blade edge rode, the dark blue bil­lows ad­vance drew back sev­eral rice our bat­tle­line bang, a fel­low an­tenna of oc­to­pus face was grasp­ing three han­dle blades, to was wip­ing the tea the Lion King shield to rum­ble a time piece to kill on, blade op­ti­cal den­sity vol­ume., The dark blue bil­lows at­tack and de­stroy the skill, wipes the tea also to in­sist, a nearby swords­man is the iron blade edge rides ac­tu­ally sobs one to fall to the ground, was at­tacked and de­stroyed by three dark blue bil­lows hits to­gether, has not added the blood to hang with enough time.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tisu teh untuk pon jatuh perisai di tempat, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan lembut: "jarak jauh, siap untuk proyek, pemanah dengan Big Dipper panah, mengganggu ritme ofensif setan sejauh mungkin, besi tepi pisau naik untuk mempersiapkan dinding perisai sepenuhnya CD! "
Tidak jauh, [Hero Mound], Praha dan menyerang tentara telah mencapai kota tiga serikat buruh besar juga situasi kritis, Q pedang adalah instigates kuda perang untuk menaikkan pedang panjang untuk berjalan secara acak di tepi garis frontal, keras adalah berteriak inspirasi moral dan lineup cerdas, setelah beberapa detik, setan resimen sudah cepat dekat, kita dapat melihat bahwa setan banyak gurita wajah dan lobster wajah mengacungkan senjata tajam berteriak.
atribut setan ini hampir persis sama, saya membaca wajah lobster, untuk membawa rekan tombak besi di ujung jari
【Jauh setan laut】 (6 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda)
level: 153
Attack: 16.700-18.900
Pertahanan: 15000
HP: 1000000
Keterampilan : 【pisau tepi es dingin】 【gelap ombak biru muka】 【biru pemecah serangan dan menghancurkan】
Diperkenalkan: The demon laut dalam, kekuatan orang luar biasa di laut-nimfa klan, ini setan laut dalam memahami karakter sungai, dan bisa berjalan bebas di tanah, mempelajari berbagai teknik perang di bawah raja aturan laut nimfa Sellin untuk waktu yang lama, bahkan beberapa dapat mengontrol untuk mengemis-ngemis, bisa seperti menjadi gagah manusia memasuki bumi, langit, Saint wilayah dan batas-batas lainnya, laut dalam penjaga kekaisaran bahwa selain laut surat-armor dan perlindungan helm potensi pedang, ini setan laut dalam menulis adalah berani, dalam 7 tahun menyapu oleh 20 kekuatan militer W tidak menyerahkan kepada pengaruh utama dari laut dalam tempat, telah dilakukan di laut Sellin tahta utama
"telah hati-hati, adalah 6 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda!"
saya mencengkeram erat pedang Longchi, mengatakan: "Tiga keterampilan adalah departemen serangan seragam, kita ditakdirkan untuk membela! "
Selama pidato setan memasuki jarak tembak, yang [Zhan panjang] pemanah, Mage, hackbuteer dan lain-lain telah dipecat, panah panah dan interlock sihir bang untuk membunuh dalam kelompok rakasa, besar spatters cedera digit ke segala arah, tapi setan seperti jika dasar di kenal takut derajat serangan, sebelum disebut bergegas, membawa pisau besi dan senjata laras panjang di bang pada perisai yang di tepi pisau besi naik, gelap ombak biru muka menarik kembali beberapa beras kami battleline Bang, sesama antena gurita wajahnya menggenggam tiga bilah pegangan, untuk menyeka teh Lion King melindungi bergemuruh waktu sepotong untuk membunuh, pisau optik Volume kepadatan., The ombak biru gelap menyerang dan menghancurkan keterampilan, tisu teh juga bersikeras, seorang pendekar dekatnya adalah ujung pisau besi naik sebenarnya isak tangis yang jatuh ke tanah, diserang dan dihancurkan oleh tiga ombak biru tua hits bersama, belum menambahkan darah untuk bergaul dengan cukup waktu.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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