Kancil, the small but clever mouse deer, had many enemies in the fores terjemahan - Kancil, the small but clever mouse deer, had many enemies in the fores Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Kancil, the small but clever mouse

Kancil, the small but clever mouse deer, had many enemies in the forest. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, so that every time his life was threatened, he managed to escape.
One of his greatest enemies was Crocodile, who lived in the river that bordered the forest. Many times Crocodile had tried to capture the small mouse deer. Crocodile was big, but he was not very clever. Kancil was able to trick him every time.
One day it was very hot. There was no wind at all to refresh the thirsty plants and trees of the forest. It was in the middle of the dry season. For many weeks no rain had fallen so that the little creeks where the small animals used to drink had dried up. Kancil was walking alone in the forest; he was very thirsty. He had walked a long way; looking for a brook where he could quench his thirst, but he had found only dry mud in the once gay rippling brooks. It was very quiet in the forest. All the animals seemed to sleep. Even the birds did not sing in the trees. Kancil finally decided to go to the river that bordered the forest. Usually he avoided going there as he knew that Crocodile was always on the look-out for him, waiting for an opportunity to catch him.
When he arrived at the river. Kancil looked cautiously around him. There was no body to be seen. The clear river water mirrored blindly the rays of the sun. step by step Kancil approached the water. His sharp eyes looked right and left; his pointed ears strained to catch the slightest sound. But no danger seemed to threaten him this time. Relieved, he bent his head to enjoy the cool water. Suddenly, his glance fell upon an object that was floating not far away from where he stood. It was a blackish thing. It looked like a fallen branch ………. Or, like the back of crocodile! Kancil jumped back, surprised and thoughtful. But he was also very thirsty. How could he possibly know whether the thing there in the river was really a log or a crocodile? Then he smiled a little as he hit upon an idea. In a clear voice he shouted, “ Hey! There, you who are in the river. If you are crocodile, don’t answer me, but if you are only a long of wood, tell me your name!”
Now it was really Crocodile who was floating in the river. He had seen Kancil approaching and he was waiting for him to bend his head to drink. At the very moment when Kancil did not look. Crocodile would catch him. Without thinking any further, Crocodile answered Kancil in his gruff voice, “Don’t be afraid, I’m only a harmless log!”
Immediately, Kancil ran away as fast as his leg could carry him, while shouting over his shoulder, “O, stupid Crocodile, have you ever heard a log of wood talk?”
A fortnight later, however, Kancil forgot this incident. The dry season was not over yet and it seemed to be hotter than ever. Kancil remembered the cool, fresh river water. How wonderful it would be take a bath in it! He decided to try his luck once again. This time there was nothing suspicious to be seen, so Kancil went to the water and drank to his heart’s content. It was very quite, and also very hot. Without thinking any further Kancil went down into the river and began to splash himself. In his delight he forgot all about danger. He pick up a dry twig that was floating by and began to beat the water with it. He made so much noise that he woke up….who else, but old crocodile who was sleeping in the neighborhood.
“Well, well, this seem to be my lucky day,” thought Crocodile. In a flash he shot out of his hiding place and all of a sudden. Kancil felt sharp teeth biting into one of his legs. It hurt him very much, but though he was shocked and frightened Kancil did not lose his wits. Without hesitation he dipped the dry twig into the water and in a mocking tone he said, “stupid old log of wood, do you really think you have got me? It is only a twig you have in your mouth, not my leg. Here is my leg’ catch it if you can!”
Kancil moved the twig rapidly to and in front of Crocodile’s eyes. Crocodile could not see very well in the water and above all, he really was blockhead! He believed the clever tal of the little mouse deer, released kancil’s leg and snapped his jaw on the twig. Of course, kancil did not wait one second to jump out of the water and run to the safety of the woods. Though his leg was very sore, he laughed heartily. Once more he had tricked Crocodile.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kancil, kecil tapi pintar kancil, memiliki banyak musuh di hutan. Untungnya, dia adalah cepat berpikir, sehingga setiap kali terancam hidupnya, ia berhasil melarikan diri.Salah satu musuh terbesar adalah buaya, yang tinggal di sungai yang dikelilingi hutan. Banyak kali buaya telah mencoba untuk menangkap tikus rusa kecil. Buaya adalah besar, tetapi dia tidak sangat pintar. Kancil mampu trik dia setiap waktu.Satu hari itu sangat panas. Ada ada angin untuk me-refresh Haus tanaman dan pohon-pohon hutan. Itu di tengah-tengah musim kemarau. Selama beberapa minggu tidak ada hujan telah jatuh sehingga anak-anak sungai yang sedikit yang mana hewan-hewan kecil digunakan untuk minum telah mengering. Kancil berjalan sendirian di hutan; Ia adalah sangat Haus. Dia telah berjalan jauh; mencari sungai yang mana dia bisa dahaganya, tetapi ia menemukan hanya kering Lumpur di brooks rippling sekali gay. Itu sangat tenang di hutan. Semua binatang tampaknya tidur. Bahkan burung-burung tidak bernyanyi di pohon-pohon. Kancil akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi ke sungai yang dikelilingi hutan. Biasanya ia menghindari pergi ke sana karena ia tahu bahwa buaya adalah selalu pada pandangan-keluar untuk dia, menunggu kesempatan untuk menangkapnya.Ketika ia tiba di sungai. Kancil tampak hati-hati di sekelilingnya. Ada tidak ada tubuh untuk dilihat. Air sungai jelas dicerminkan secara membabi buta sinar matahari. Kancil langkah demi langkah mendekati air. Mata tajam tampak kanan dan kiri; telinganya menunjuk tegang untuk menangkap suara sedikit. Tapi tampaknya tidak ada bahaya mengancam dia saat ini. Lega, ia membungkuk kepalanya untuk menikmati air dingin. Tiba-tiba, sekilas nya jatuh pada objek yang mengambang tidak jauh dari tempat ia berdiri. Itu hal yang kehitaman. Itu tampak seperti cabang jatuh... Atau, seperti punggung buaya! Kancil melompat kembali, terkejut dan merenung. Tapi dia juga sangat Haus. Bagaimana bisa dia mungkin tahu apakah hal yang ada di sungai adalah benar-benar log atau buaya? Kemudian dia tersenyum sedikit seperti dia memukul berdasarkan ide. Dengan suara jelas ia berteriak, "Hei! Sana, kamu yang berada di sungai. Jika Anda adalah buaya, tidak menjawab, tetapi jika Anda hanya panjang dari kayu, tell me your name!"Sekarang itu benar-benar buaya yang mengambang di sungai. Dia telah melihat Kancil yang mendekati dan dia sedang menunggu dia untuk menekuk kepala untuk minum. Pada saat Kapan Kancil tidak terlihat. Buaya akan menangkapnya. Tanpa berpikir apapun lebih lanjut, buaya menjawab Kancil dalam suaranya kasar, "Jangan takut, aku hanya log tidak berbahaya!"Segera, Kancil melarikan diri secepat karena kakinya bisa membawa dia, sambil berteriak atas bahunya, "O, bodoh buaya, Apakah Anda pernah mendengar log kayu bicara?"Dua minggu kemudian, namun, Kancil lupa insiden ini. Musim kemarau tidak lebih dari yet dan tampaknya lebih panas dari sebelumnya. Kancil ingat air sungai yang sejuk dan segar. Betapa indahnya akan mengambil mandi di dalamnya! Ia memutuskan untuk mencoba peruntungannya sekali lagi. Saat ini tidak ada yang mencurigakan untuk dilihat, jadi Kancil pergi ke air dan minum untuk isi hati Nya. Itu sangat, dan juga sangat panas. Tanpa berpikir lebih jauh Kancil turun ke sungai dan mulai memercikkan dirinya. Di kegemaran-nya dia lupa semua tentang bahaya. Dia mengambil ranting kering yang mengambang oleh dan mulai memukul air itu dengannya. Dia membuat kebisingan begitu banyak bahwa ia terbangun Facebook... yang lain, tapi lama buaya yang sedang tidur di lingkungan."Yah, Yah, ini tampaknya menjadi hari saya beruntung," pikir buaya. Dalam sekejap dia menembak keluar dari tempat persembunyiannya dan semua dari sudden. Kancil merasa gigi tajam menggigit kakinya. Itu menyakiti dia sangat banyak, tetapi meskipun ia terkejut dan takut Kancil tidak kehilangan kebijaksanaan. Tanpa ragu-ragu ia mencelupkan ranting kering ke air dan dengan nada mengejek ia berkata, "bodoh tua log kayu, Apakah Anda benar-benar berpikir Anda punya saya? Hal ini hanya ranting yang Anda miliki di mulut Anda, bukan kaki saya. Berikut adalah kakiku ' menangkap jika Anda bisa! "Kancil moved the twig rapidly to and in front of Crocodile’s eyes. Crocodile could not see very well in the water and above all, he really was blockhead! He believed the clever tal of the little mouse deer, released kancil’s leg and snapped his jaw on the twig. Of course, kancil did not wait one second to jump out of the water and run to the safety of the woods. Though his leg was very sore, he laughed heartily. Once more he had tricked Crocodile.
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