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Hope and change in Indonesia: Country's Obama takes on spurned elites
Jokowi's victory heralded as a victory for grass-roots politics, but the archipelago's establishment is fighting back
October 18, 2014 7:00AM ET
by Michael Pizzi @michaelwpizzi
Sworn in as president of Indonesia on Monday will be a man often described as his country’s Barack Obama — a grass-roots sensation whose rise through regional politics into national office has been heralded as a breath of fresh air in a political system dominated by elites.
In Indonesia, a huge but fledgling democracy still shadowed by its dictatorial past, the expectations for Joko Widodo, or Jokowi as he universally known, may even surpass that which greeted Obama in 2008.
Like his soon-to-be U.S. counterpart — who himself spent four years of childhood in the archipelago nation — Indonesia’s president-elect campaigned on a sometimes vaguely defined platform of hope and change for the nation's working classes that galvanized support.
But Jokowi’s early days in office will be a test of more than just one man’s legacy; the future of Indonesia’s democratic project could very well be on the line, some say. The 53-year-old’s narrow victory over Prabowo Subianto, a strongman-figure who was once married to ex-dictator Suharto’s daughter, “means we’re asking whether a new leader who entered politics during the democratic era can drive through reforms, rather than whether an authoritarian-era holdover can wind democracy back,” said Dave McRae, an expert on Indonesian politics with the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne.
Jokowi will take the reins of the burgeoning economic and regional power at a moment when many worry it is on the verge of taking a giant step backward. Just weeks after the July election was called for the upstart, Indonesia’s scorned establishment forces in parliament passed a law that canceled local direct elections and shifted power to crony-dominated assemblies, making it harder for grass-roots politicians like Jokowi to vie with old-school elites.
Supporters of the law have framed it as a means of curbing the rampant corruption among local leaders, who have been directly elected since 2005. Its detractors argue it will have exactly the opposite effect, further entrenching old-guard rulers and unraveling democratic progress in the nation of 250 million people.
“The thinking that citizens are not ready for democracy is worrying,” said Sandra Hamid, the Indonesia representative for the Asia Foundation. “It is worrying that elected officials can openly say they do not trust citizens to directly vote for their governors, head of districts and mayors.”
The election reform law may still be struck down by Indonesia’s high court — it is a deeply unpopular piece of legislation, with some 80 percent of the electorate opposing it — but it is a stark reminder of the deep-seated obstacles that Jokowi faces. In this, analysts say, Obama offers lessons for Indonesia’s most ambitious reformer yet.
“Like Obama, he will surely not be able to fulfill all the high expectations heaped upon him,” said Vedi Hadiz, an Indonesian professor of Asian Societies and Politics at Murdoch University in Australia. “At the moment, he is banking on his popularity to enable him to negotiate with the old forces.”
A self-made man and former furniture salesman, Jokowi has promised to sidestep the transactional politics and corruption that have permeated Indonesia’s democracy since the fall of Suharto in 1998. He has vowed to select a presidential cabinet based on merit, rather than using those positions as political currency to garner support among Jakarta’s powerbrokers. And he has made very public overtures to his political opponents by holding meetings with bigwigs in the opposition Merah-Putih coalition. On Friday, even Prabowo — who had seemingly snubbed all invitations after losing out to Jokowi — met with his presidential victor, and came away pledging his support.
But while Jokowi has the backing of the influential party leader Megawati Sukarnoputri — a former president and daughter of independence leader Sukarno — many are more circumspect about his ability to achieve ambitious reforms without engaging in the same politicking he has railed against.
Jokowi's supporters say they hope his outsider status will enable him to be bolder than his predecessor — the rather staid Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono —by operating through a leaner coalition, but analysts say any success will hinge on whether he can balance the inspiring commitment to reform that got him elected and the political realities in Jakarta, which include an antagonistic parliament that has seemed dead-set on undermining the president-elect.

Indonesia's act of denial
Feeble rule of law and rampant impunity underpins continued human rights abuses

“For Jokowi’s government, the turbulence serves as a wake-up call, a reminder of what real politics is going to look like in the next five years,” said Hamid, of the Asia Foundation. “Given that we have never had a minority government, this may be a good thing for Indonesia.”
An early test will be how Jokowi addresses the deeply embedded corruption in Indonesia — a country Transparency International consistently rates as one of the most corrupt in the world. Since Jokowi's election, parliament has passed a bill making it harder to investigate corrupt MPs and is pushing for the president to curtail the powers of the KPK, or Anti-Corruption Commission, which is “arguably the most trusted of the institutions that have emerged out of Indonesia’s relatively young democracy," Hadiz said.
“The problem, of course, is that corruption is the fuel that keeps the Indonesian political system running in the way that it is presently constituted,” he explained.
Securing political capital among these same elites will be key, however, as Jokowi will immediately be shouldered with slowing economic growth and simmering religious tensions. The most pressing economic concern is the need to roll back fuel subsidies, a move that will be highly unpopular but necessary if Jokowi intends to revamp Indonesia’s woeful infrastructure and effectively implement universal health care. Analysts expect Jokowi will hike prices about 45 percent, saving Indonesia somewhere in the neighborhood of $15 billion next year.
He will also come under pressure to redirect backward momentum on Indonesia's longstanding religious tolerance, a legacy of the outgoing president, who walked on eggshells around the hardline Sunni Defense League (SDL) while more moderate Islamic parties gained traction in April elections.
During a decade of rule, Yudhoyono effectively allowed radical groups to “set the discourse and challenge pluralistic principles,” said Tobias Basuki, a political researcher at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta. As a consequence, minority groups in the predominantly Sunni country — including Ahmadiyah and Shia Muslims alongside Christians — saw their rights curtailed and religious violence flare. It will be politically risky to confront these hardline currents, said Hadiz, but “the hope is that [Jokowi] will be less wishy-washy than his predecessor.”
He comes to power, however, as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant insurgency sweeps across Syria and Iraq, exciting a new generation of disaffected, radical young Muslims across the globe with its wanton brutality. Hundreds of Indonesians are believed to be fighting with ISIL and at least one prominent Indonesian radical has already pledged allegiance to its leader.
The world's largest Muslim-majority nation is on edge about the potential domestic security threat ISIL might pose, especially with the wounds from the Islamic insurgency in Aceh, which ended in 2005, still fresh.
But Jokowi’s — and Indonesia’s — challenges are far from insurmountable. Though many are tempted to draw pessimistic conclusions given his parallels with Obama, who has disappointed many in the U.S. after encountering partisan brinkmanship and Congressional discord, Jokowi faces a very different set of circumstances. “Jokowi will not face a society as divided as the U.S., and the main grand issues that sway public opinion strongly are much fewer and less contentious compared to the U.S,” said Basuki.
One major advantage Jokowi will gain on Monday is a more expansive right to veto legislation than exists in the American presidential system. Indonesia’s president and parliament must agree on draft legislation in order for it to pass, so Jokowi has some ability to block truly regressive laws, noted McRae of the University of Melbourne.
And unlike Obama in 2008, he enters office with a more extensive executive experience, as mayor of the city of Solo and most recently as governor of Jakarta.
“Jokowi and Obama both had grand entrances, but Jokowi’s personal construct is somewhat more technical than the grand vision Obama had,” Basuki added. "For better or for worse.”

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Berharap dan perubahan di Indonesia: Obama negara mengambil elit ditolakKemenangan Jokowi yang digembar-gemborkan sebagai sebuah kemenangan untuk akar rumput politik, tetapi di Kepulauan pendirian melawan18 Oktober 2014 7:00 AM ET oleh Michael Pizzi @michaelwpizzi Dilantik sebagai Presiden Indonesia pada hari Senin akan menjadi seorang pria yang sering digambarkan sebagai negaranya Barack Obama — sensasi akar rumput yang naik melalui politik regional ke kantor Nasional telah gemborkan sebagai menghirup udara segar dalam sistem politik yang didominasi oleh elit.Di Indonesia, demokrasi yang besar tetapi masih muda masih dibayangi masa lalu diktator, harapan untuk Joko Widodo, atau Jokowi ketika ia dikenal secara umum, bahkan mungkin melampaui yang disambut Obama pada tahun 2008. Seperti rekan US segera-to-be-yang menghabiskan empat tahun masa kanak-kanak di negara kepulauan — Presiden-Elect Indonesia berkampanye pada platform kadang-kadang samar-samar didefinisikan harapan dan perubahan untuk bangsa bekerja kelas yang galvanis dukungan.Tapi Jokowi awal hari dalam kantor akan menjadi tes lebih daripada hanya satu orang warisan; masa depan proyek demokrasi di Indonesia bisa sangat baik menjadi pada baris, beberapa mengatakan. 53 tahun di sempit kemenangan Prabowo Subianto, cara sosok yang pernah menikah dengan putri mantan diktator Suharto, "berarti kami meminta apakah pemimpin baru yang masuk politik selama era demokrasi bisa melewati reformasi, bukan apakah holdover era otoriter dapat angin demokrasi kembali," kata Dave McRae, seorang ahli politik Indonesia dengan lembaga Asia di University of Melbourne.Jokowi akan mengambil kendali berkembang ekonomi dan kekuatan regional pada saat Kapan banyak khawatir itu di ambang mengambil langkah raksasa mundur. Hanya beberapa minggu setelah pemilihan Juli dipanggil untuk pemula, pasukan dihujat lingkungan di mana berdirinya Indonesia di Parlemen mengesahkan Undang-undang yang dibatalkan lokal langsung pemilihan dan bergeser kekuatan didominasi kroni-Majelis, sehingga sulit untuk akar rumput politisi seperti Jokowi untuk bersaing dengan tua-sekolah elit.Pendukung hukum dibingkai sebagai sarana untuk membatasi korupsi merajalela para pemimpin lokal, yang telah dipilih langsung sejak tahun 2005. Pencela berpendapat akan memiliki persis efek sebaliknya, lebih lanjut entrenching penjaga tua penguasa dan menguraikan kemajuan demokrasi di bangsa 250 juta orang."Berpikir bahwa warga tidak siap untuk demokrasi mengkhawatirkan," kata Sandra Hamid, perwakilan Indonesia untuk Asia Foundation. "Sangat mengkhawatirkan bahwa pejabat terpilih secara terbuka dapat mengatakan mereka tidak percaya warga untuk langsung memilih Gubernur, kepala distrik dan wali mereka."Undang-undang reformasi pemilu mungkin masih bisa memukul oleh pengadilan tinggi di Indonesia — itu adalah sepotong sangat tidak populer undang-undang, dengan sekitar 80 persen dari pemilih yang menentang hal- tapi yang paling kejam pengingat hambatan mendalam yang Jokowi wajah. Dalam hal ini, analis, Obama menawarkan pelajaran untuk Indonesia paling ambisius pembaharu belum."Seperti Obama, dia pasti tidak akan mampu memenuhi semua harapan yang tinggi yang menumpuk untuk dia," kata Vedi Hadiz, seorang profesor Indonesia masyarakat Asia dan politik di Murdoch University di Australia. "Pada saat ini, ia adalah perbankan pada popularitas-nya untuk memungkinkan dia untuk bernegosiasi dengan kekuatan tua."Seorang pria buatan sendiri dan mebel Mantan salesman, Jokowi telah berjanji untuk menghindari transaksional politik dan korupsi yang telah meresap demokrasi di Indonesia sejak jatuhnya Suharto pada tahun 1998. Ia telah bersumpah untuk Pilih kabinet presidensial berdasarkan prestasi, daripada menggunakan posisi mereka sebagai mata uang politik untuk menggalang dukungan antara Jakarta powerbrokers. Dan dia telah membuat tawaran yang sangat umum untuk lawan-lawan politiknya dengan mengadakan pertemuan dengan petinggi dalam oposisi koalisi Merah-Putih. Pada hari Jumat, bahkan Prabowo — yang tampaknya telah snubbed semua undangan setelah kehilangan untuk Jokowi — bertemu dengan victor nya Presiden, dan datang jauh berjanji dukungannya.Tetapi sementara Jokowi memiliki dukungan dari pemimpin berpengaruh Partai Megawati Soekarnoputri — mantan Presiden dan putri pemimpin kemerdekaan Sukarno — banyak lebih berhati-hati tentang kemampuannya untuk mencapai reformasi ambisius tanpa terlibat dalam politisasi sama dia telah mencecar.Jokowi's pendukung mengatakan mereka berharap statusnya luar akan memungkinkan dia untuk menjadi lebih berani daripada pendahulunya — agak tenang Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono — oleh beroperasi melalui sebuah koalisi yang lebih ramping, tetapi analis mengatakan keberhasilan akan bergantung pada apakah ia dapat menyeimbangkan komitmen inspirasi untuk reformasi yang mendapat dia dipilih dan realitas politik di Jakarta, yang meliputi Parlemen antagonis yang tampak mati-set pada merongrong Presiden-Elect. Undang-undang Indonesia penyangkalanLemah aturan hukum dan impunitas merajalela mendasari pelanggaran hak asasi manusia terus"Pemerintah Jokowi's, turbulensi berfungsi sebagai panggilan bangun, pengingat politik nyata apa yang akan terlihat seperti dalam lima tahun ke depan," kata Hamid, Asia Foundation. "Mengingat bahwa kita tidak pernah punya pemerintah minoritas, ini mungkin hal yang baik bagi Indonesia."Sebuah tes awal akan bagaimana Jokowi alamat sangat tertanam korupsi di Indonesia — negara transparansi internasional secara konsisten TARIF sebagai salah satu yang paling korup di dunia. Sejak pemilihan Jokowi's, Parlemen telah melewati tagihan sehingga sulit untuk menyelidiki MPs korup dan mendorong bagi presiden untuk membatasi kekuasaan KPK, atau Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, yang "bisa dibilang yang paling terpercaya lembaga yang muncul dari demokrasi relatif muda di Indonesia", Hadiz kata. "Masalahnya, tentu saja, adalah bahwa korupsi adalah bahan bakar yang membuat sistem politik Indonesia yang berjalan di jalan yang saat ini dibentuk," jelasnya.Mengamankan modal politik antara elit sama ini akan menjadi kunci, namun, seperti Jokowi segera dapat dipikul dengan memperlambat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mendidih ketegangan agama. Kekhawatiran ekonomi paling mendesak adalah kebutuhan untuk memutar kembali subsidi bahan bakar, suatu langkah yang akan sangat tidak populer tetapi diperlukan jika Jokowi berniat untuk merubah infrastruktur menyedihkan di Indonesia dan secara efektif menerapkan perawatan kesehatan universal. Analis mengharapkan Jokowi akan kenaikan harga sekitar 45 persen, menyelamatkan Indonesia di suatu tempat di daerah $15 milyar tahun depan.Dia juga akan datang di bawah tekanan untuk mengarahkan mundur momentum toleransi beragama di Indonesia sudah berjalan lama, warisan keluar Presiden, yang berjalan pada kulit telur di sekitar Liga Pertahanan Sunni garis keras (SDL) sementara Partai-partai Islam yang lebih moderat mendapatkan traksi dalam April pemilu.Selama dekade pemerintahan Yudhoyono secara efektif memungkinkan kelompok-kelompok radikal "menetapkan prinsip pluralistik wacana dan tantangan," kata Tobias Basuki, seorang peneliti politik di Centre for Strategic and International Studies di Jakarta. Akibatnya, kelompok-kelompok minoritas di negara yang didominasi Sunni — termasuk Ahmadiyah dan umat Muslim Syiah bersama orang Kristen — melihat mereka hak-hak yang dibatasi dan kekerasan agama suar. Itu akan sangat berisiko secara politis untuk menghadapi arus garis keras ini, kata Hadiz, tapi "harapan adalah bahwa [Jokowi] akan kurang wishy-washy daripada pendahulunya."Dia datang ke tenaga, namun, sebagai negara Islam di Irak dan pemberontakan Levant menyapu Siria dan Iraq, menarik generasi baru puas, Muslim radikal muda di seluruh dunia dengan kekejaman yang nakal. Ratusan warga Indonesia yang diyakini akan berjuang dengan ISIL dan setidaknya satu tokoh radikal Indonesia telah berjanji setia untuk pemimpin.Negara mayoritas Muslim terbesar di dunia adalah di tepi tentang potensi ancaman keamanan dalam negeri yang ISIL mungkin berpose, terutama dengan luka-luka dari pemberontakan Islam di Aceh, yang berakhir pada tahun 2005, masih segar.Tapi Jokowi's — dan Indonesia — tantangan yang jauh dari dapat diatasi. Meskipun banyak yang tergoda untuk menarik kesimpulan pesimis diberikan nya paralel dengan Obama, yang telah kecewa banyak di AS setelah menghadapi nekat partisan dan Kongres perselisihan, Jokowi menghadapi serangkaian keadaan yang sangat berbeda. "Jokowi tidak akan menghadapi masyarakat sebagai dibagi sebagai AS, dan grand masalah utama yang bergoyang opini publik sangat jauh lebih sedikit dan kurang perdebatan dibandingkan dengan Amerika Serikat," kata Basuki.Salah satu keuntungan utama Jokowi akan mendapatkan pada hari Senin adalah lebih luas hak untuk memveto undang-undang daripada yang ada di sistem Presiden Amerika. Indonesia Presiden dan Parlemen harus setuju pada rancangan undang-undang dalam rangka untuk lulus, jadi Jokowi memiliki beberapa kemampuan untuk memblokir undang-undang yang benar-benar Pasal, mencatat McRae dari University of Melbourne.Dan tidak seperti Obama pada tahun 2008, ia memasuki kantor dengan pengalaman eksekutif yang lebih luas, sebagai walikota kota Solo dan baru-baru ini sebagai Gubernur Jakarta."Jokowi dan Obama telah grand pintu masuk, tetapi membangun pribadi Jokowi's agak lebih teknis daripada memiliki visi besar Obama," Basuki ditambahkan. "Lebih baik atau lebih buruk."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hope and change in Indonesia: Country's Obama takes on spurned elites
Jokowi's victory heralded as a victory for grass-roots politics, but the archipelago's establishment is fighting back
October 18, 2014 7:00AM ET
by Michael Pizzi @michaelwpizzi
Sworn in as president of Indonesia on Monday will be a man often described as his country’s Barack Obama — a grass-roots sensation whose rise through regional politics into national office has been heralded as a breath of fresh air in a political system dominated by elites.
In Indonesia, a huge but fledgling democracy still shadowed by its dictatorial past, the expectations for Joko Widodo, or Jokowi as he universally known, may even surpass that which greeted Obama in 2008.
Like his soon-to-be U.S. counterpart — who himself spent four years of childhood in the archipelago nation — Indonesia’s president-elect campaigned on a sometimes vaguely defined platform of hope and change for the nation's working classes that galvanized support.
But Jokowi’s early days in office will be a test of more than just one man’s legacy; the future of Indonesia’s democratic project could very well be on the line, some say. The 53-year-old’s narrow victory over Prabowo Subianto, a strongman-figure who was once married to ex-dictator Suharto’s daughter, “means we’re asking whether a new leader who entered politics during the democratic era can drive through reforms, rather than whether an authoritarian-era holdover can wind democracy back,” said Dave McRae, an expert on Indonesian politics with the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne.
Jokowi will take the reins of the burgeoning economic and regional power at a moment when many worry it is on the verge of taking a giant step backward. Just weeks after the July election was called for the upstart, Indonesia’s scorned establishment forces in parliament passed a law that canceled local direct elections and shifted power to crony-dominated assemblies, making it harder for grass-roots politicians like Jokowi to vie with old-school elites.
Supporters of the law have framed it as a means of curbing the rampant corruption among local leaders, who have been directly elected since 2005. Its detractors argue it will have exactly the opposite effect, further entrenching old-guard rulers and unraveling democratic progress in the nation of 250 million people.
“The thinking that citizens are not ready for democracy is worrying,” said Sandra Hamid, the Indonesia representative for the Asia Foundation. “It is worrying that elected officials can openly say they do not trust citizens to directly vote for their governors, head of districts and mayors.”
The election reform law may still be struck down by Indonesia’s high court — it is a deeply unpopular piece of legislation, with some 80 percent of the electorate opposing it — but it is a stark reminder of the deep-seated obstacles that Jokowi faces. In this, analysts say, Obama offers lessons for Indonesia’s most ambitious reformer yet.
“Like Obama, he will surely not be able to fulfill all the high expectations heaped upon him,” said Vedi Hadiz, an Indonesian professor of Asian Societies and Politics at Murdoch University in Australia. “At the moment, he is banking on his popularity to enable him to negotiate with the old forces.”
A self-made man and former furniture salesman, Jokowi has promised to sidestep the transactional politics and corruption that have permeated Indonesia’s democracy since the fall of Suharto in 1998. He has vowed to select a presidential cabinet based on merit, rather than using those positions as political currency to garner support among Jakarta’s powerbrokers. And he has made very public overtures to his political opponents by holding meetings with bigwigs in the opposition Merah-Putih coalition. On Friday, even Prabowo — who had seemingly snubbed all invitations after losing out to Jokowi — met with his presidential victor, and came away pledging his support.
But while Jokowi has the backing of the influential party leader Megawati Sukarnoputri — a former president and daughter of independence leader Sukarno — many are more circumspect about his ability to achieve ambitious reforms without engaging in the same politicking he has railed against.
Jokowi's supporters say they hope his outsider status will enable him to be bolder than his predecessor — the rather staid Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono —by operating through a leaner coalition, but analysts say any success will hinge on whether he can balance the inspiring commitment to reform that got him elected and the political realities in Jakarta, which include an antagonistic parliament that has seemed dead-set on undermining the president-elect.

Indonesia's act of denial
Feeble rule of law and rampant impunity underpins continued human rights abuses

“For Jokowi’s government, the turbulence serves as a wake-up call, a reminder of what real politics is going to look like in the next five years,” said Hamid, of the Asia Foundation. “Given that we have never had a minority government, this may be a good thing for Indonesia.”
An early test will be how Jokowi addresses the deeply embedded corruption in Indonesia — a country Transparency International consistently rates as one of the most corrupt in the world. Since Jokowi's election, parliament has passed a bill making it harder to investigate corrupt MPs and is pushing for the president to curtail the powers of the KPK, or Anti-Corruption Commission, which is “arguably the most trusted of the institutions that have emerged out of Indonesia’s relatively young democracy," Hadiz said.
“The problem, of course, is that corruption is the fuel that keeps the Indonesian political system running in the way that it is presently constituted,” he explained.
Securing political capital among these same elites will be key, however, as Jokowi will immediately be shouldered with slowing economic growth and simmering religious tensions. The most pressing economic concern is the need to roll back fuel subsidies, a move that will be highly unpopular but necessary if Jokowi intends to revamp Indonesia’s woeful infrastructure and effectively implement universal health care. Analysts expect Jokowi will hike prices about 45 percent, saving Indonesia somewhere in the neighborhood of $15 billion next year.
He will also come under pressure to redirect backward momentum on Indonesia's longstanding religious tolerance, a legacy of the outgoing president, who walked on eggshells around the hardline Sunni Defense League (SDL) while more moderate Islamic parties gained traction in April elections.
During a decade of rule, Yudhoyono effectively allowed radical groups to “set the discourse and challenge pluralistic principles,” said Tobias Basuki, a political researcher at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta. As a consequence, minority groups in the predominantly Sunni country — including Ahmadiyah and Shia Muslims alongside Christians — saw their rights curtailed and religious violence flare. It will be politically risky to confront these hardline currents, said Hadiz, but “the hope is that [Jokowi] will be less wishy-washy than his predecessor.”
He comes to power, however, as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant insurgency sweeps across Syria and Iraq, exciting a new generation of disaffected, radical young Muslims across the globe with its wanton brutality. Hundreds of Indonesians are believed to be fighting with ISIL and at least one prominent Indonesian radical has already pledged allegiance to its leader.
The world's largest Muslim-majority nation is on edge about the potential domestic security threat ISIL might pose, especially with the wounds from the Islamic insurgency in Aceh, which ended in 2005, still fresh.
But Jokowi’s — and Indonesia’s — challenges are far from insurmountable. Though many are tempted to draw pessimistic conclusions given his parallels with Obama, who has disappointed many in the U.S. after encountering partisan brinkmanship and Congressional discord, Jokowi faces a very different set of circumstances. “Jokowi will not face a society as divided as the U.S., and the main grand issues that sway public opinion strongly are much fewer and less contentious compared to the U.S,” said Basuki.
One major advantage Jokowi will gain on Monday is a more expansive right to veto legislation than exists in the American presidential system. Indonesia’s president and parliament must agree on draft legislation in order for it to pass, so Jokowi has some ability to block truly regressive laws, noted McRae of the University of Melbourne.
And unlike Obama in 2008, he enters office with a more extensive executive experience, as mayor of the city of Solo and most recently as governor of Jakarta.
“Jokowi and Obama both had grand entrances, but Jokowi’s personal construct is somewhat more technical than the grand vision Obama had,” Basuki added. "For better or for worse.”

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