In an in depth developmental analysis of the straight down belief in a terjemahan - In an in depth developmental analysis of the straight down belief in a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In an in depth developmental analys

In an in depth developmental analysis of the straight down belief in action and judgment,Krist (2001) found that, in contrast to the earlier conjectures by Kaiser et al., manychildren are able to revise the misconception, without formal instruction, between 8 and 12 years of age. Moreover, the data of these experiments suggest that the straight down belief is not rooted in a perceptual illusion, which could be demonstrated by ingenious variations of the task. And most interestingly, the experiments provided clear converging evidence for an early assumption put forward by McCloskey and his associates: that people use their na ï ve beliefs to plan their actions. When asked to hit a target on the fl oor by dropping a ball while moving, those children who held the straight down belief in a judgment condition dropped the ball signifi cantly later (above the target) than those who exhibited correct judgmental knowledge; they seemed to realize that the ball should
clearly be released before being exactly above the target.
It would be a misinterpretation of Krist ’ s findings to say that, by 12 years of age, children have a full fledged understanding of the inertia of moving objects. The knowledge
of even the oldest children in his study seemed to be fragile, and to have developed in a slow and piecemeal fashion. These conclusions are reminiscent of those drawn by
Kim and Spelke (1999) , who studied the development of the understanding of gravity
and inertia on object motion at much younger ages, from 7 - month - old infants to 6 - year old children. Of particular interest in the present context are the changes in understanding beyond infancy. In the fi nal experiment in the Kim and Spelke study, children had to predict where a ball would land if rolled off a slightly downward slanted ramp. Three possible landing locations were shown: one consistent with the straight down belief, one corresponding to the correct parabolic path, and one that would result if there were no gravity
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In an in depth developmental analysis of the straight down belief in action and judgment,Krist (2001) found that, in contrast to the earlier conjectures by Kaiser et al., manychildren are able to revise the misconception, without formal instruction, between 8 and 12 years of age. Moreover, the data of these experiments suggest that the straight down belief is not rooted in a perceptual illusion, which could be demonstrated by ingenious variations of the task. And most interestingly, the experiments provided clear converging evidence for an early assumption put forward by McCloskey and his associates: that people use their na ï ve beliefs to plan their actions. When asked to hit a target on the fl oor by dropping a ball while moving, those children who held the straight down belief in a judgment condition dropped the ball signifi cantly later (above the target) than those who exhibited correct judgmental knowledge; they seemed to realize that the ball should
clearly be released before being exactly above the target.
It would be a misinterpretation of Krist ’ s findings to say that, by 12 years of age, children have a full fledged understanding of the inertia of moving objects. The knowledge
of even the oldest children in his study seemed to be fragile, and to have developed in a slow and piecemeal fashion. These conclusions are reminiscent of those drawn by
Kim and Spelke (1999) , who studied the development of the understanding of gravity
and inertia on object motion at much younger ages, from 7 - month - old infants to 6 - year old children. Of particular interest in the present context are the changes in understanding beyond infancy. In the fi nal experiment in the Kim and Spelke study, children had to predict where a ball would land if rolled off a slightly downward slanted ramp. Three possible landing locations were shown: one consistent with the straight down belief, one corresponding to the correct parabolic path, and one that would result if there were no gravity
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam sebuah analisis mendalam perkembangan kepercayaan turun langsung dalam tindakan dan penghakiman, Krist (2001) menemukan bahwa, berbeda dengan dugaan sebelumnya oleh Kaiser et al., Manychildren dapat merevisi kesalahpahaman, tanpa instruksi formal, antara 8 dan 12 tahun. Selain itu, data dari percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan turun langsung tidak berakar pada ilusi persepsi, yang bisa ditunjukkan oleh variasi cerdik tugas. Dan yang paling menarik, eksperimen memberikan bukti konvergen jelas untuk asumsi awal yang diajukan oleh McCloskey dan rekan-rekannya: yang digunakan orang na mereka i ve keyakinan untuk merencanakan tindakan mereka. Ketika diminta untuk memukul target pada oor fl dengan menjatuhkan bola saat bergerak, anak-anak yang memegang kepercayaan turun langsung dalam kondisi penghakiman menjatuhkan bola signifi kan nanti (di atas target) dibandingkan mereka yang dipamerkan pengetahuan menghakimi yang benar; mereka tampaknya menyadari bahwa bola harus
jelas akan dirilis sebelum menjadi persis di atas target.
Ini akan menjadi salah tafsir temuan Krist 's untuk mengatakan bahwa, dengan usia 12 tahun, anak-anak memiliki pemahaman penuh baku dari inersia benda bergerak . Pengetahuan
tentang bahkan anak-anak tertua di ruang kerjanya tampak rapuh, dan telah dikembangkan secara lambat dan sedikit demi sedikit. Kesimpulan ini mengingatkan yang ditarik oleh
Kim dan Spelke (1999), yang mempelajari perkembangan pemahaman gravitasi
dan inersia pada gerak benda pada usia yang jauh lebih muda, dari 7 - bulan - bayi berumur 6 - anak-anak berusia tahun. Yang menarik dalam konteks ini adalah perubahan dalam pemahaman luar bayi. Dalam percobaan fi nal di Kim dan Spelke studi, anak-anak harus memprediksi di mana bola akan mendarat jika berguling ramp sedikit ke bawah miring. Tiga lokasi pendaratan yang mungkin menunjukkan: satu konsisten dengan keyakinan bawah lurus, salah satu yang sesuai dengan jalur parabola yang benar, dan salah satu yang akan terjadi jika tidak ada gravitasi
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