I am so happy reading your message and I also thankful to the Almighty terjemahan - I am so happy reading your message and I also thankful to the Almighty Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am so happy reading your message

I am so happy reading your message and I also thankful to the Almighty God who has made it possible for two of us to meet and with the oath I took as a soldier to defend my country I uphold the same oath to you to love and care for you and protect you with my life and the last drop of my blood.

Honey, as i told you previously on my last message that my assignment here will finish by november and i will be retire from military after my assignment here with Afghanistan government and i have submitted my retirement letter to the US military department As i want to stay closer to my family and am ready to relocate to your country after my retirement for investment. And i am planning to establish my own private business investment in your country which i will be taken care of, after my retirement from military. My plan is to establish in any type of lucrative business investment which you know that will profit us a lot, like Hotel and Realer Estate Business and House Property Business.

You know very well that i am a high rank officer in US Army. You also know very well that as a Government servant i don't have the full audacity to do what ever i want because US Government is watching me and other political chief whips and high profile officers. Even my communication and transaction online are monitored and recorded by US State Department. These is the reasons why i want to invest to another country, so that no one will be monetary me or any of my transaction after my retirement.

Honestly I will do anything just to assure you that I sincerely have good intentions for you here in our friendship. so please I have something very important to discuss and do with you but I want to know something CAN I TRUST YOU?
The thing I want to discuss with you is my life so if you assure me of your trust I will tell you details.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am so happy reading your message and I also thankful to the Almighty God who has made it possible for two of us to meet and with the oath I took as a soldier to defend my country I uphold the same oath to you to love and care for you and protect you with my life and the last drop of my blood.

Honey, as i told you previously on my last message that my assignment here will finish by november and i will be retire from military after my assignment here with Afghanistan government and i have submitted my retirement letter to the US military department As i want to stay closer to my family and am ready to relocate to your country after my retirement for investment. And i am planning to establish my own private business investment in your country which i will be taken care of, after my retirement from military. My plan is to establish in any type of lucrative business investment which you know that will profit us a lot, like Hotel and Realer Estate Business and House Property Business.

You know very well that i am a high rank officer in US Army. You also know very well that as a Government servant i don't have the full audacity to do what ever i want because US Government is watching me and other political chief whips and high profile officers. Even my communication and transaction online are monitored and recorded by US State Department. These is the reasons why i want to invest to another country, so that no one will be monetary me or any of my transaction after my retirement.

Honestly I will do anything just to assure you that I sincerely have good intentions for you here in our friendship. so please I have something very important to discuss and do with you but I want to know something CAN I TRUST YOU?
The thing I want to discuss with you is my life so if you assure me of your trust I will tell you details.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya sangat senang membaca pesan Anda dan saya juga berterima kasih kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memungkinkan untuk dua dari kita untuk bertemu dan dengan sumpah saya mengambil sebagai seorang prajurit untuk membela negara saya, saya menjunjung tinggi sumpah yang sama kepada Anda untuk mencintai dan perawatan untuk Anda dan melindungi Anda dengan hidupku dan tetes terakhir darah saya. Sayang, seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya tentang pesan terakhir saya bahwa tugas saya di sini akan selesai dengan November dan saya akan pensiun dari militer setelah tugas saya di sini dengan pemerintah Afghanistan dan saya telah mengajukan surat pensiun saya ke departemen militer AS Seperti yang saya ingin tinggal lebih dekat dengan keluarga saya dan saya siap untuk pindah ke negara Anda setelah pensiun saya untuk investasi. Dan saya berencana untuk membangun sendiri investasi bisnis pribadi saya di negara Anda yang saya akan diurus, setelah pensiun saya dari militer. Rencana saya adalah untuk membangun di setiap jenis investasi bisnis yang menguntungkan yang Anda tahu bahwa akan keuntungan kita banyak, seperti Hotel dan realer Estate Bisnis dan Rumah Bisnis Properti. Kau tahu betul bahwa saya seorang perwira berpangkat tinggi di Angkatan Darat AS. Anda juga tahu betul bahwa sebagai hamba Pemerintah saya tidak memiliki keberanian penuh untuk melakukan apa yang pernah saya inginkan karena Pemerintah AS mengawasi saya dan cambuk kepala politik lain dan pejabat profil tinggi. Bahkan komunikasi dan transaksi online yang dipantau dan dicatat oleh Departemen Luar Negeri AS. Ini adalah alasan mengapa saya ingin berinvestasi ke negara lain, sehingga tidak ada yang akan saya moneter atau transaksi saya setelah pensiun saya. Jujur saya akan melakukan apa saja hanya untuk meyakinkan Anda bahwa saya sungguh-sungguh memiliki niat baik untuk Anda di sini di kami persahabatan. jadi harap aku punya sesuatu yang sangat penting untuk mendiskusikan dan melakukan dengan Anda, tapi saya ingin tahu sesuatu BISA saya PERCAYA ANDA? Hal yang saya ingin mendiskusikan dengan Anda adalah hidup saya jadi jika Anda meyakinkan saya kepercayaan Anda, saya akan memberitahu Anda rincian.

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