It seems like he is Young Lord, but if traded did not know that their  terjemahan - It seems like he is Young Lord, but if traded did not know that their  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It seems like he is Young Lord, but

It seems like he is Young Lord, but if traded did not know that their cultivator saw, thinks Meng Hao was Young Lord.
„? What matter?” Meng De stares.
Meng Hao looked at Meng De one eyes, he can see that the opposite party does not know, wants to come that steward middle-aged cultivator, arranging Meng Chen to serve the Han Clan Young Lord matter, is not Meng De's decision, but is of that steward chooses.
Meng Hao shakes the head, has not said anything again, Meng De flexure scratching the head, careful has thought is very long , did not remember once what happened on the boat ship, but he can feel, Meng Hao here, before had perhaps been wronged.
„Meng Chen, this ... Before you also know me, disposition some ... Bad, that we were not ripe at that time, you could rest assured that later has my Meng De to eat, has your!” Meng De has patted the chest, looks at Meng Hao, this days must be together, unknowingly, the Meng Hao manner, making him care very much.
Meng Hao shows a faint smile, he also borrows this days similarly, saw this Meng De freely playboy, although is stupid every so often, but essence by no means is incurable.
Two months later this day, in Meng De's unceasing attempt relates in the family, he contacted finally with the family, Meng De is excited immediately, reported the family here matter completely.
One day later, Meng Hao saw in the distant place starry sky, speeds away five rainbows that comes, when the person of head is an old man, this old man is hoary-headed, does not get angry from the prestige, Cultivation unexpectedly is Dao Realm, although is only a source, may as before be Dao Realm.
The Meng Hao look is tranquil, stands in Meng De's side.
behind of old man, with three male female, the female middle age, maintains very well, but forehead has the anxiety throughout, at this moment when flies, after seeing Meng De, is looking at Meng De that distressed appearance, immediately has flowed off the tears, hurries to go forward, grasps Meng De.
„Mother ... I am all right.” Meng De has also cried, the matter that this days, he withstands, had already exceeded his ability, if is not Meng Hao side him , he does not know that will be what kind.
„virtue, you have been wronged ...” The female feels Meng De's head, when looks at present obviously with departure different Meng De, on Meng De, has been short of a wisp of high-spirited playboy, were many maturely steady, lets female gratified at the same time, is grieved.
The old man behind three men, person of Cultivation Ancient Realm later, misses one from of the great circle, the appearance and Meng De are very similar, when walks, he is looking at Meng De silently, grasps.
„Father ...” Meng De cries to say.
As for another two men, this moment dispersing, walks into the boat ship, observes in all around, the vision dodges, often in recording, only that Dao Realm old man, the vision is sweeping, in looking to Meng De gentle, when looks to Meng Hao, then reveals swiftly and fiercely.
„Main shame servant dies, reads you to defend main active, can make you leave behind last words.” When old man light to open mouth, is recording the boat ship trace people in two cultivator, unemotionally, turns around to move toward Meng Hao.
Meng Hao frowned, sighed one darkly, he has neglected the Meng Clan face countenance, this matter, many person knew, to Meng Clan, was not the good deed, even if were also the Meng Clan clansman, may here, eliminate a potential informant obviously, was the simplest choice.
At this moment, Meng De breaks free of the arms of parents immediately, immediately before arriving at the Meng Hao body, protects him in behind, entreated toward that Dao Realm old man.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It seems like he is Young Lord, but if traded did not know that their cultivator saw, thinks Meng Hao was Young Lord.„? What matter?” Meng De stares.Meng Hao looked at Meng De one eyes, he can see that the opposite party does not know, wants to come that steward middle-aged cultivator, arranging Meng Chen to serve the Han Clan Young Lord matter, is not Meng De's decision, but is of that steward chooses.Meng Hao shakes the head, has not said anything again, Meng De flexure scratching the head, careful has thought is very long , did not remember once what happened on the boat ship, but he can feel, Meng Hao here, before had perhaps been wronged.„Meng Chen, this ... Before you also know me, disposition some ... Bad, that we were not ripe at that time, you could rest assured that later has my Meng De to eat, has your!” Meng De has patted the chest, looks at Meng Hao, this days must be together, unknowingly, the Meng Hao manner, making him care very much.Meng Hao shows a faint smile, he also borrows this days similarly, saw this Meng De freely playboy, although is stupid every so often, but essence by no means is incurable.Two months later this day, in Meng De's unceasing attempt relates in the family, he contacted finally with the family, Meng De is excited immediately, reported the family here matter completely.One day later, Meng Hao saw in the distant place starry sky, speeds away five rainbows that comes, when the person of head is an old man, this old man is hoary-headed, does not get angry from the prestige, Cultivation unexpectedly is Dao Realm, although is only a source, may as before be Dao Realm.The Meng Hao look is tranquil, stands in Meng De's side.behind of old man, with three male female, the female middle age, maintains very well, but forehead has the anxiety throughout, at this moment when flies, after seeing Meng De, is looking at Meng De that distressed appearance, immediately has flowed off the tears, hurries to go forward, grasps Meng De.„Mother ... I am all right.” Meng De has also cried, the matter that this days, he withstands, had already exceeded his ability, if is not Meng Hao side him , he does not know that will be what kind.„virtue, you have been wronged ...” The female feels Meng De's head, when looks at present obviously with departure different Meng De, on Meng De, has been short of a wisp of high-spirited playboy, were many maturely steady, lets female gratified at the same time, is grieved.The old man behind three men, person of Cultivation Ancient Realm later, misses one from of the great circle, the appearance and Meng De are very similar, when walks, he is looking at Meng De silently, grasps.„Father ...” Meng De cries to say.As for another two men, this moment dispersing, walks into the boat ship, observes in all around, the vision dodges, often in recording, only that Dao Realm old man, the vision is sweeping, in looking to Meng De gentle, when looks to Meng Hao, then reveals swiftly and fiercely.„Main shame servant dies, reads you to defend main active, can make you leave behind last words.” When old man light to open mouth, is recording the boat ship trace people in two cultivator, unemotionally, turns around to move toward Meng Hao.Meng Hao frowned, sighed one darkly, he has neglected the Meng Clan face countenance, this matter, many person knew, to Meng Clan, was not the good deed, even if were also the Meng Clan clansman, may here, eliminate a potential informant obviously, was the simplest choice.At this moment, Meng De breaks free of the arms of parents immediately, immediately before arriving at the Meng Hao body, protects him in behind, entreated toward that Dao Realm old man.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sepertinya dia adalah Young Tuhan, tetapi jika diperdagangkan tidak tahu bahwa kultivator mereka melihat, berpikir Meng Hao adalah Muda Tuhan.
"? Apa peduli? "Meng De menatap.
Meng Hao memandang Meng De satu mata, ia dapat melihat bahwa pihak lawan tidak tahu, ingin datang bahwa steward kultivator setengah baya, mengatur Meng Chen untuk melayani masalah Han Clan Muda Tuhan, bukan keputusan Meng De, tapi adalah pelayan yang memilih.
Meng Hao getar kepala, belum mengatakan apa-apa lagi, Meng De lentur menggaruk kepala, hati-hati telah memikirkan sangat panjang, tidak ingat sekali apa yang terjadi di kapal boat, tapi dia bisa merasakan, Meng Hao sini, sebelum barangkali telah dianiaya.
"Meng Chen, ini ... sebelum Anda juga tahu saya, disposisi beberapa ... Bad, bahwa kami tidak matang pada waktu itu, Anda bisa yakin bahwa kemudian memiliki saya Meng De makan, memiliki Anda! "Meng De telah menepuk dada, melihat Meng Hao, hari ini harus bersama-sama, tanpa sadar, dengan cara Meng Hao, membuatnya peduli sangat banyak.
Meng Hao menunjukkan senyum samar, ia juga meminjam hari ini sama, melihat playboy ini Meng De bebas, meskipun bodoh setiap begitu sering, tapi intinya tidak berarti tidak dapat disembuhkan.
Dua bulan kemudian hari ini, dalam upaya tak henti-hentinya Meng De ini berkaitan dalam keluarga, ia menghubungi akhirnya dengan keluarga, Meng De bersemangat segera, dilaporkan keluarga di sini peduli sama sekali.
satu hari kemudian, Meng Hao melihat di tempat langit berbintang yang jauh, kecepatan jauh lima pelangi yang datang, ketika orang kepala adalah orang tua, orang tua ini beruban berkepala, tidak mendapatkan marah dari prestise, Budidaya tiba-tiba adalah Dao Realm, meskipun hanya sumber, mungkin seperti sebelumnya menjadi Realm Dao.
The Meng Hao tampilan tenang, berdiri di sisi Meng De ini.
balik dari orang tua, dengan tiga perempuan laki-laki, usia menengah perempuan, mempertahankan sangat baik, tapi dahi memiliki kecemasan seluruh, pada saat ini ketika lalat, setelah melihat Meng De, adalah melihat Meng De bahwa penampilan tertekan, segera telah mengalir dari air mata, bergegas untuk pergi maju, menangkap Meng De.
"Ibu ... saya baik-baik." Meng De juga menangis, hal yang hari ini, ia tahan, sudah melebihi kemampuannya, jika tidak Meng Hao sisi dia, dia tidak tahu yang akan seperti apa.
"kebajikan, Anda telah bersalah ..." perempuan merasa kepala Meng De, saat terlihat saat ini jelas berbeda dengan Meng De keberangkatan, pada Meng De, telah singkat dari seuntai playboy bersemangat tinggi , banyak matang stabil, memungkinkan perempuan bersyukur pada saat yang sama, menjadi sedih.
orang tua di belakang tiga orang, orang dari Budidaya Lanta kemudian, merindukan salah satu dari lingkaran besar, penampilan dan Meng De sangat mirip, ketika jalan-jalan , ia melihat Meng De diam-diam, menangkap.
"Ayah ..." Meng De menangis untuk mengatakan.
Adapun dua orang, saat ini menyebar, masuk ke kapal boat, mengamati di sekitar, yang dodges visi, sering di perekaman, hanya itu orang tua Dao Realm, visi itu adalah menyapu, dalam mencari untuk Meng De lembut, ketika terlihat Meng Hao, kemudian mengungkapkan dengan cepat dan keras.
"hamba malu Main meninggal, membaca Anda untuk membela utama yang aktif, dapat membuat Anda meninggalkan balik kata-kata terakhir. "Ketika cahaya orang tua untuk membuka mulut, merekam kapal boat jejak orang dalam dua kultivator, tanpa emosi, berbalik untuk bergerak ke arah Meng Hao.
Meng Hao mengerutkan kening, mendesah satu muram, ia telah mengabaikan Meng Clan wajah wajah , hal ini, banyak orang tahu, untuk Meng Clan, bukan perbuatan baik, bahkan jika itu juga klan Meng Clan, mungkin di sini, menghilangkan informan potensial jelas, adalah pilihan yang paling sederhana.
pada saat ini, Meng De istirahat bebas dari pelukan orang tua segera, segera sebelum tiba di tubuh Meng Hao, melindungi dia di belakang, memohon ke arah yang orang tua Dao Realm.
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