Lin Wan Er has rubbed the awake song eye, said on and on: „Yes­ter­day terjemahan - Lin Wan Er has rubbed the awake song eye, said on and on: „Yes­ter­day Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lin Wan Er has rubbed the awake son

Lin Wan Er has rubbed the awake song eye, said on and on: „Yes­ter­day, Fang Geque has sent an in­vi­ta­tion let­ter to me, he has met a SSS level ultra dif­fi­cult mis­sion, can only 5 peo­ple through tying the trans­mis­sion en­ters the duty map, more­over is a big map, found a Sword Saint level trai­tor in nine Licheng, mas­ter but who [Leg­end] guild any­thing can­not break force­fully, there­fore comes our [Zhan Long] re­quest aid, was I yes­ter­day to­gether went in the mine to re­lease La­bor­ers after you”
Lin Wan Er looks up me, said with a smile: „There­fore, I thought that super BOSS of Sword Saint level blows out the sword is the prob­a­bil­ity of weapon is big, in ad­vance agreed with Fang Geque, I can help them kill this BOSS, but blows out the sword is the weapon comes to me, these chat­ted the record to have the screen­shot, any Pin Jie sword was the weapon must first give me, drew bonus high can­not sur­pass 100 W, there­fore, town month sword this ex­ploded the cur­rent price on mar­ket of later sys­tem eval­u­a­tion the sword is 400 WR, took by my 100 W, Lu Chun­yang eyes quick were at that time green, he has not thought un­ex­pect­edly. Blew out the sword re­ally”
I think her one pair be­cause of stay­ing up late, but the red eye, some lov­ing dearly said: „Let alone, a bit faster eats meal, then goes back to rest ear­lier, was right, 100 W that which your comes?”
Lin Wan Er shows a faint smile: „My orig­i­nal bankcard lifted a ban . More­over the fa­ther gave my new Cary to save 1 E in ad­vance”
I: „”
The Dong Cheng month holds the vol­ume: „This local tyrant sin­cer­ity hav­ing no way ratio”
I nod: „Um, in the morn­ing this KFC was in­vited by Wan Er!”
Fin­ished eat­ing the break­fast in a hurry, de­liv­ers Lin Wan Er to go back to rest.
I con­tinue to get on­line, walk ran­domly around ter­ri­tory, help­ing Chi Yu Han be cold, the pro­duc­tive forces and mil­i­tary strength of Chi Yu Qing rapid growth ter­ri­tory, en­ters the city, has a look at the con­struc­tion in city, must have 10 build­ings si­mul­ta­ne­ously to rise to 3 lev­els can the city scale pro­mo­tion be 4 lev­els, but was not too long, under my pre­in­stall, the in­fantry bat­tal­ion, squadron and herd Ma Chang, the hawk nest, cast the sol­dier, school ground, tar­get range, the so­lic­it­ing the best-qual­i­fied work­ers hall, cham­ber of com­merce and trans­mis­sion and other Dai­jouike con­struc­tions to rise 3 lev­els com­pletely, was the wait­ing grain, stone and lum­ber three raw ma­te­r­ial full 3 W. Can pro­mote, ac­cord­ing to city pro­duc­tive forces also on a day of mat­ter.
Rea­son that chooses these con­struc­tions also to have the rea­son as the main pro­mo­tion goal, the in­fantry bat­tal­ion, squadron and herd horse field can guar­an­tee that the re­cruit­ing speed and loy­alty of step cav­alry sol­dier, the hawk nest is the char­ac­ter­is­tics branch of the ser­vices Flame Hawk Archers nec­es­sary con­struc­tion, casts the sol­dier, school ground and tar­get range is the nec­es­sary con­struc­tion of en­hance­ment mil­i­tary strength, trans­mis­sion and cham­ber of com­merce are used to make money to gain, as for so­lic­it­ing the best-qual­i­fied work­ers hall, this is used to re­cruit the mil­i­tary com­man­der and knight-er­rant in main­land, after all after Dragon’s den , after the scale in­creases, only de­pends on the Chi Yu Han cold per­son un­able to com­mand, the fu­ture bat­tle­field, will be the player in­ter­ac­tive war of NPC, no longer merely will be the stage of player. This is also the im­por­tant place of ter­ri­tory city, can pro­vide a force for one­self to the army that let­ting the human shiv­ers base­less, nat­u­rally, this army is based on for­mi­da­ble fund, the war is in it­self the con­sump­tion of wealth.
Con­struc­tion pro­mo­tion in Dragon’s den, only then my this guild­mas­ter and Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian two vice- guild­mas­ter can about, two MM not be in­ter­ested in this
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lin Wan Er telah mengusap mata lagu terjaga, berkata pada dan: "kemarin, Fang Geque telah dikirim surat undangan kepada saya, ia bertemu SSS tingkat ultra misi yang sukar, dapat hanya 5 orang-orang melalui mengikat transmisi memasuki peta tugas, Selain itu adalah peta besar, ditemukan pengkhianat tingkat Saint pedang di sembilan Licheng, master tetapi siapa guild [legenda] apa pun tidak bisa memecahkan tegas oleh karena itu datang kami [Zhan panjang] permintaan bantuan, adalah aku hari bersama-sama pergi pada tambang untuk melepaskan buruh setelah Anda "Lin Wan Er mendongak saya, berkata dengan senyum: "oleh karena itu, saya pikir super bos dari pedang Saint tingkat meniup pedang adalah probabilitas senjata besar, sebelumnya disepakati dengan Fang Geque, aku dapat membantu mereka membunuh bos ini, tetapi pukulan keluar pedang adalah senjata datang kepadaku, bercakap-cakap ini rekor untuk memiliki gambar , setiap pedang Pin Jie adalah senjata yang harus memberikan pertama saya, menarik bonus tinggi tidak dapat melampaui 100 W, oleh karena itu, kota bulan pedang ini meledak harga saat ini di pasar kemudian sistem evaluasi pedang adalah 400 WR, mengambil dengan saya 100 W, Lu Chunyang mata cepat berada di green waktu itu, dia telah tidak mengira tiba-tiba. Meniup pedang benar-benar""Rintihan"Saya pikir dia satu pasangan karena tidur larut malam, tapi mata merah, beberapa mencintai mahal berkata: "biarkan sendirian, sedikit lebih cepat makan makanan, kemudian kembali untuk beristirahat sebelumnya, adalah benar, 100 W yang yang Anda datang?"Lin Wan Er menunjukkan senyum yang lemah: "bankcard asli saya mengangkat larangan. Selain itu Bapa memberi saya Cary baru untuk menyelamatkan 1 E terlebih dahulu"I: „”Bulan Dong Cheng memegang volume: "Keikhlasan tiran lokal ini memiliki sama sekali tidak rasio"Aku mengangguk: "Um, pagi ini KFC diundang oleh Wan Er!""Um!"Selesai makan sarapan terburu-buru, memberikan Lin Wan Er untuk kembali untuk beristirahat.Saya terus mendapatkan online, berjalan secara acak di sekitar wilayah, membantu Yu Han Chi menjadi dingin, kekuatan produktif dan kekuatan militer wilayah pertumbuhan cepat Chi Yu Qing, memasuki kota, telah melihat pembangunan kota, harus memiliki 10 bangunan secara bersamaan untuk naik ke tingkat 3 dapat kota skala promosi 4 tingkat, tetapi tidak terlalu panjang , di bawah preinstall saya, Batalyon Infanteri, skuadron dan herd Ma Chang, sarang elang, cor prajurit, sekolah dasar, kisaran sasaran, meminta aula pekerja berkualitas terbaik, Kamar Dagang dan transmisi dan konstruksi Daijouike lain naik 3 tingkat sepenuhnya, adalah biji-bijian menunggu, batu dan bahan baku kayu tiga penuh 3 W. Dapat mempromosikan, menurut kota kekuatan produktif juga pada hari masalah.Rea­son that chooses these con­struc­tions also to have the rea­son as the main pro­mo­tion goal, the in­fantry bat­tal­ion, squadron and herd horse field can guar­an­tee that the re­cruit­ing speed and loy­alty of step cav­alry sol­dier, the hawk nest is the char­ac­ter­is­tics branch of the ser­vices Flame Hawk Archers nec­es­sary con­struc­tion, casts the sol­dier, school ground and tar­get range is the nec­es­sary con­struc­tion of en­hance­ment mil­i­tary strength, trans­mis­sion and cham­ber of com­merce are used to make money to gain, as for so­lic­it­ing the best-qual­i­fied work­ers hall, this is used to re­cruit the mil­i­tary com­man­der and knight-er­rant in main­land, after all after Dragon’s den , after the scale in­creases, only de­pends on the Chi Yu Han cold per­son un­able to com­mand, the fu­ture bat­tle­field, will be the player in­ter­ac­tive war of NPC, no longer merely will be the stage of player. This is also the im­por­tant place of ter­ri­tory city, can pro­vide a force for one­self to the army that let­ting the human shiv­ers base­less, nat­u­rally, this army is based on for­mi­da­ble fund, the war is in it­self the con­sump­tion of wealth.Con­struc­tion pro­mo­tion in Dragon’s den, only then my this guild­mas­ter and Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian two vice- guild­mas­ter can about, two MM not be in­ter­ested in this
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