Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
2. Excavation techniques will vary according to the nature of the archaeological deposits encountered, and you should always ensure that the minimum damage or destruction is caused to the archaeological resource.3. No matter what the circumstances or intention of the excavation, it is important that a set of aims, approaches and intended outcomes are defined at the outset within a specification or project design. This design should be prepared with the help of qualified and experienced archaeologists if at all possible. See Project Design and Project Report Checklists and definitions (Module 18) for a checklist of what should be included in an excavation project design.4. As with any form of archaeological research, you should contact your local authority archaeologist or equivalent*** to inform them of your planned research. As well as keeping them informed of your project, hence contributing to the archaeological record for the local area, this will also help your project as the local authority archaeologist or equivalent will be able to provide feedback about your project design and planned work. If your work is to do with maritime archaeology, it will be appropriate to contact the relevant national curator, for example English Heritage, Cadw or Historic Scotland. Make sure too that all the members of your team that will be involved with the project are also aware of the overall project design or specification, and of their roles on the project.(*** County atau lokal otoritas arkeolog di Inggris; Mempercayai arkeolog di Wales; otoritas lokal arkeologi advisor di Skotlandia; Badan lingkungan Irlandia Utara: Dibangun warisan Direktorat di Irlandia Utara, petugas arkeologi, Guernsey Museum, untuk lingkungan pengetahuan Guernsey, Jersey warisan untuk Jersey atau Manx warisan nasional di Isle of Man)5. izin penggalian arkeologi apapun harus diperoleh dari pemilik tanah, yang harus sesuai dengan tujuan keseluruhan dari proyek serta logistik, metodologi dan waktu kerja. Arkeolog otoritas lokal dan, dimana tepat, kurator badan nasional, harus disimpan informasi di seluruh. Di Irlandia Utara, penggalian arkeologi hanya dapat dilakukan dengan lisensi yang Diperoleh dari badan lingkungan hidup Irlandia Utara. Di negara lain, tidak ada lisensi yang spesifik diperlukan kecuali penggalian yang sedang dilaksanakan di monumen kuno terjadwal, bangunan terdaftar, terdaftar persediaan medan perang, atau terdaftar persediaan taman atau kebun. Dalam situasi ini, persetujuan yang harus diperoleh dari badan warisan nasional ***.(*** Dalam kasus medan perang persediaan, persediaan Taman dan kebun, dan dirancang lanskap, izin tersebut tidak wajib di Skotlandia.)
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