Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Saat ini, semua orang tiba-tiba memahami, meterai di luar Planet Timur kemenangan, tujuannya, mencegah tiga besar Dao masyarakat mengesankan, tetapi juga, bisa masuk karena tidak ada, maka fungsi Ji Xiufang, akan tanpa batas!Tapi naik dalam tiga masyarakat Dao besar memaksakan cara, harus menyingkirkan instan, dalam tiga besar Dao masyarakat, mengapa tidak tahu, cara yang mengesankan tiba-tiba menghilang tiba-tiba, bentuk yang ini berangkat, bentrokan sekte tiba-tiba segera.Ini, pengamat tampak tidak berkata, tapi ini Dao Realm patriark, yang benar-benar terlihat lagi perubahan, mengaum terlihat.Cepat, mereka berdua mata kontraksi, thunder pikiran.Kesembilan laut dunia Tuhan, ini mempersiapkan menyelamatkan Planet Timur kemenangan bentuk, hampir hanya berlari keluar, segera di sekte, memiliki hampir 10% murid-muridnya, tiba-tiba meledak, tiba-tiba... Memuakkan!Bahkan juga memiliki mazhab penatua untuk berpartisipasi, menjadikan dunia Tuhan kesembilan laut segera kacau.Serupa, di tertinggi pedang sekte juga muncul, Kuil upacara abadi kuno Dao, sama Jadi, cukup tiba-tiba, disajikan perselisihan sipil, seolah-olah bersembunyi selama bertahun-tahun, saat ini untuk beberapa tujuan, menyelesaikan letusan.Gemuruh suara menyebar di tiga besar Dao masyarakat, ini adalah hanya perselisihan sipil wavelet, tidak dapat terus menjadi terlalu panjang, tidak mungkin untuk membatalkan langit, tetapi fungsinya... Sebenarnya berlarut-larut waktu!Tertunda tiga besar Dao masyarakat, harus menyelamatkan Planet Timur kemenangan waktu!The seal , the dragging of this time, is quite in addition fatal.An function of hideaway, that is the warning!Various Ninth Mountain and Sea Dao Realm Patriarch, everyone innermost feelings cold air is thicker.„Fang Clan ... Wanted the destruction! But I still think inconceivable, so can the family, how on destruction such?”„Ji Clan will not get rid easily, but once gets rid ... Is the thunder strikes! This is a Fang Clan disaster ... Perhaps the Ji Clan layout, had not revealed completely.”„Can make Ji Clan not hesitate to expose the Three Great Daoist Societies strength of concealing, does not hesitate the price destruction Fang Clan ... For what?” These Dao Realm Patriarch, silent, the vision flashes slightly, there is Anger to fill the air, they get angry, is the Ji Clan layout, has used Chosen in their respective Sect.After all Planet East Victory outside at this moment, various Chosen in!However although has the anger, but these Dao Realm Patriarch survived was too long, they understood Ji Clan again formidable, with all Ninth Mountain Sect families will not be the enemy. Various Chosen. So long as is not suicides. Will not obstruct, after this war ended, will come out.The Fang Clan home, the sad and shrill pitiful yell is still spreading, battles between all clansmen, making the ground blood fill the air, every time, had the Fang Clan clansman dead.This civil strife. Let Planet East Victory besides Fang Clan, a deathly stillness.The house collapses, Pavilion Floor collapses, when the earth thunders, Meng Hao in the midair, looks at present all these, his both eyes were red immediately, even if he to the family too many senses of belonging, may not look that the clansman was killed, looks that Fang Xi there is having the crisis. His malignant influences, loudly eruption.Pats bag of holding. Immediately in the hand of Meng Hao Lightning Cauldron appears, when Flash of Lightning walks randomly, the Meng Hao form disappears instantaneously, side a clansman with Fang Xi, has changed the position immediately.In changing positions instantaneous, is the Fang Xi crisis, is the direct descendant clansman, a figure soon falls on the forehead moment, Meng Hao does not have the least bit to hesitate, one step steps forward, the big sleeve flings.Thunders, his within the body 123 Immortal meridians, roars erupted, has formed strength of the terror, must strike to kill the Fang Xi clansman that directly, was curling the blood blowout, body bang, was split up directly.The Fang Xi mirthless smile, he looks at all around, a deep dilutedness, reappearing heart.Meng Hao was silent, looks at Fang Xi one, in the item has revealed decisively, started to summon the soldier burial puppet to arrive, even if he can guess correctly that this family rebellion, had outside the influence participation surely, otherwise, impossible family the powerhouse of Patriarch rank, has not appeared.Dia tidak tahu rumah bawah tanah perang, tidak tahu luar starry langit perang dunia Dao, tetapi ini tidak menghalangi Meng Hao menghakimi, keluarga... Meninggalkan masalah penting!
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