payout ratios and again find a positive and significant relation. Weak terjemahan - payout ratios and again find a positive and significant relation. Weak Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

payout ratios and again find a posi

payout ratios and again find a positive and significant relation. Weak creditor rights lead to dividend restrictions,consistent with the substitute hypothesis.We also show that our empirical results are economically, as well as statistically, significant. A typical firm from the highest creditor rights environment is over 70% more likely to pay dividends than a typical firm from the lowest creditor rights environment. Similarly, as the creditor rights index increases from zero to four, the predicted
payout ratio increases from 0.78% of firm sales to 1.98% of firm sales, a 2.5-fold increase in dividend payout ratios.Next, we extend our analysis in several ways. First, we examine the explanatory power of the components of the creditor rights index. We find that most of the individual components exhibit the same positive relation with
dividend payouts as the overall creditor rights index, both in terms of the propensity to pay as well as payout ratios.Second, we test and confirm that firms from weak creditor rights environments are more likely to omit a dividend than firms from strong creditor rights environments.Third, we show that firm-level credit quality reduces,
but does not negate, the impact of creditor rights on dividend payouts. Fourth, we hypothesize and confirm that free cash flows intensify the positive relation between creditor rights and dividend payouts. Fifth, we test an alternative explanation for our empirical findings;namely, that the positive relation between creditor rights and dividend payouts is driven by poor access to external financing. We find no empirical support for this conjecture. Lastly, we run a series of robustness tests using additional control variables, time-variation in the independent variables, sample variations,Fama and MacBeth (1973)and country-mean regressions. All of these robustness tests confirm a positive and stable relation between creditor rights and dividend payout policies.Overall, our study contributes to the corporate payout literature by proposing and confirming a substitute hypothesis based on agency costs of debt. We confirm that creditor rights play a significant role in determining dividend policies around the world. The weaker the country’s creditor rights, the more likely it is that firms will restrict dividend payouts as a substitute bonding mechanism. Our results also contribute to the nascent literature on creditor control rights.Nini, Smith, and Sufi(2007)find that creditors exert control over corporate investment policies, and
Roberts and Sufi (2007)find that creditors exert control over financing policies. Our results contribute to this growing body of research by showing that creditors exercise substantial control over dividend policies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
payout ratios and again find a positive and significant relation. Weak creditor rights lead to dividend restrictions,consistent with the substitute hypothesis.We also show that our empirical results are economically, as well as statistically, significant. A typical firm from the highest creditor rights environment is over 70% more likely to pay dividends than a typical firm from the lowest creditor rights environment. Similarly, as the creditor rights index increases from zero to four, the predictedpayout ratio increases from 0.78% of firm sales to 1.98% of firm sales, a 2.5-fold increase in dividend payout ratios.Next, we extend our analysis in several ways. First, we examine the explanatory power of the components of the creditor rights index. We find that most of the individual components exhibit the same positive relation withdividend payouts as the overall creditor rights index, both in terms of the propensity to pay as well as payout ratios.Second, we test and confirm that firms from weak creditor rights environments are more likely to omit a dividend than firms from strong creditor rights environments.Third, we show that firm-level credit quality reduces,but does not negate, the impact of creditor rights on dividend payouts. Fourth, we hypothesize and confirm that free cash flows intensify the positive relation between creditor rights and dividend payouts. Fifth, we test an alternative explanation for our empirical findings;namely, that the positive relation between creditor rights and dividend payouts is driven by poor access to external financing. We find no empirical support for this conjecture. Lastly, we run a series of robustness tests using additional control variables, time-variation in the independent variables, sample variations,Fama and MacBeth (1973)and country-mean regressions. All of these robustness tests confirm a positive and stable relation between creditor rights and dividend payout policies.Overall, our study contributes to the corporate payout literature by proposing and confirming a substitute hypothesis based on agency costs of debt. We confirm that creditor rights play a significant role in determining dividend policies around the world. The weaker the country’s creditor rights, the more likely it is that firms will restrict dividend payouts as a substitute bonding mechanism. Our results also contribute to the nascent literature on creditor control rights.Nini, Smith, and Sufi(2007)find that creditors exert control over corporate investment policies, andRoberts and Sufi (2007)find that creditors exert control over financing policies. Our results contribute to this growing body of research by showing that creditors exercise substantial control over dividend policies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
rasio payout dan lagi menemukan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan. Hak kreditur lemah menyebabkan pembatasan dividen, konsisten dengan pengganti hypothesis.We juga menunjukkan bahwa hasil empiris kami secara ekonomi, serta statistik, signifikan. Sebuah perusahaan yang khas dari lingkungan hak kreditur tertinggi adalah lebih dari 70% lebih mungkin untuk membayar dividen dari perusahaan yang khas dari lingkungan hak kreditur terendah. Demikian pula, dengan meningkatnya indeks hak kreditur dari nol sampai empat, diprediksi
payout ratio meningkat dari 0,78% dari penjualan perusahaan menjadi 1,98% dari penjualan perusahaan, peningkatan 2,5 kali lipat dalam pembayaran dividen ratios.Next, kita memperpanjang analisis kami dalam beberapa cara . Pertama, kita meneliti kekuatan penjelas dari komponen indeks hak kreditur. Kami menemukan bahwa sebagian besar komponen individu menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sama dengan
pembayaran dividen sebagai indeks hak kreditur secara keseluruhan, baik dari segi kecenderungan untuk membayar serta pembayaran ratios.Second, kami menguji dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan dari lingkungan hak kreditur lemah lebih mungkin untuk menghilangkan dividen dari perusahaan-perusahaan dari environments.Third hak kreditur kuat, kami menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kredit perusahaan-tingkat mengurangi,
tetapi tidak meniadakan, dampak hak kreditur atas pembayaran dividen. Keempat, kita berhipotesis dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa arus kas bebas mengintensifkan hubungan positif antara hak kreditur dan pembayaran dividen. Kelima, kita menguji penjelasan alternatif untuk temuan empiris kita, yaitu bahwa hubungan positif antara hak kreditur dan pembayaran dividen didorong oleh akses terhadap pembiayaan eksternal. Kami tidak menemukan dukungan empiris untuk dugaan ini. Terakhir, kami menjalankan serangkaian tes ketahanan menggunakan variabel tambahan kontrol, waktu-variasi dalam variabel independen, variasi sampel, Fama dan Macbeth (1973) dan regresi berarti negara. Semua tes ketahanan ini mengkonfirmasi hubungan positif dan stabil antara hak kreditur dan dividend payout policies.Overall, penelitian kami memberikan kontribusi untuk literatur payout perusahaan dengan mengusulkan dan mengkonfirmasikan hipotesis pengganti berdasarkan biaya agensi dari utang. Kami mengkonfirmasi bahwa hak kreditur memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan kebijakan dividen di seluruh dunia. Semakin lemah hak kreditur negara, semakin besar kemungkinan itu adalah bahwa perusahaan akan membatasi pembayaran dividen sebagai mekanisme ikatan pengganti. Hasil kami juga berkontribusi terhadap literatur baru lahir pada kontrol kreditur rights.Nini, Smith, dan Sufi (2007) menemukan bahwa kreditur melakukan kontrol atas kebijakan investasi perusahaan, dan
Roberts dan Sufi (2007) menemukan bahwa kreditur melakukan kontrol atas kebijakan pembiayaan. Hasil kami berkontribusi untuk ini pertumbuhan badan penelitian dengan menunjukkan bahwa kreditur melakukan kontrol besar atas kebijakan dividen.
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