Child Queen Shu purses the lips to say with a smile in side: „I re­all terjemahan - Child Queen Shu purses the lips to say with a smile in side: „I re­all Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Child Queen Shu purses the lips to

Child Queen Shu purses the lips to say with a smile in side: „I re­ally am the cruel fate, in booth this as­sign­ment.”
Frost laughs in spite of try­ing not to: „I go with you to­gether, you have any­thing not to be un­sat­is­fied.”
„Good, the queen long live, we tonight!”
The dis­cus­sion has de­cided that I also em­barked to seek for the lit­tle friend.
This duty can only five peo­ple form a team, oth­er­wise is un­able to trig­ger the duty re­sult . More­over the scar­let moun­tain range in the deep place of dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, this def­i­nitely is flood­ing var­i­ous hard­ship and dan­ger all the way, words that five peo­ple of groups that must seek for [Zhan Long] most peak, the fight com­poses, the treat­ment was in­dis­pens­able, swims the baby al­ready de­cided but not yet an­nounced a quota, the long-dis­tance de­part­ment was a Dong Cheng month host out­put, Lin Xi­aowu a con­trol out­put, has Aier­sha scepter and Huang Zhong­gong the words out­put def­i­nitely is not a prob­lem, a quota, um, brought Wan Er, she had sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai to cheer, but T was steer­able., Is the ex­cel­lent can­di­date.
11 drag into four MM team, why also has not said that im­me­di­ately sur­pris­edly likely was the cu­ri­ous baby
Lin Xi­aowu: „, guild­mas­ter do not make any­thing to us, I was help­ing one sec­ond of heroic that boy make a duty a mo­ment ago!”
Swims the baby: „Def­i­nitely had the duty.”
Lin Wan Er chuckle: „Pig head, what duty?”
The Dong Cheng month hee smiles: „Ap­prox­i­mately is the duty that the de­feat is preg­nant and so on”
I am speech­less: „The heart that Dong Cheng your this wants to be preg­nant re­ally made the in­nu­mer­able young man wounds pass the heart, you were also the girl of god­dess level, must act with con­straint much!”
Dong Cheng month and ras­cal: „Oth­ers have the in­fer­til­ity.”
I: „”
Also wanted the mis­de­meanor, Wan Er to af­firm that must kill peo­ple, there­fore I have given every­body duty shar­ing rapidly, said: „Comes, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den meet­ing, pre­pares to prac­tice the level to need drugs wait things.”
„, Ultra mas­ter line duty?” Lin Xi­aowu is nar­row­ing the beau­ti­ful eye, said hap­pily fully: „I could have a pre­mo­ni­tion, this time def­i­nitely is to har­vest the travel of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, I take a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment!”
I: „That well dili­gently, can­not only not have a dream dili­gently!”
Waited for about ten min­utes, I am wait­ing in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den ob­ser­va­tion post, this is also Frost most likes in the stand­ing and wait­ing for a long time snow alone the prac­tice place, the re­sult 10 min­utes, a big dragon ran out of the snow wave to plunge cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, not far away sev­eral Dragon’s den armed sol­diers has raised the me­chan­i­cal cross­bow arrow, the anger shouted to clear the way: „What is com­ing? Big dragon?!”
My hur­ried road: „Do not fire, per­son on one's own side.”
I am town Tian­long ride in the Dragon’s den sta­tus, is only in­fe­rior ex­is­tence of Frost and blue radish, these Dragon’s den armed sol­diers the re­spect­ful dan­gling cross­bow bow, said im­me­di­ately: „Yes, Sir!”
The meat wing of big dragon sweeps across fly­ing snow to ar­rive on the city, is sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai, this is the sa­cred big dragon of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, is the god sol­dier sharp weapon that Lin Wan Er most takes ad­van­tage of now, as a re­sult of Lit­tle Bai ex­is­tence, Lin Wan Er in­di­vid­ual strength can in­clude first three in the Tian Ling Em­pire es­ti­mate, at least, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, short spear trick et al. met Lin Wan Er not to have the too big strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess, Fang Geque also re­luc­tantly, the law of demon dragon anti- ex­tremely high, wipes the tea the ground to ride the war tem­porar­ily is the player, not too big strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess, per­haps also on o
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Child Queen Shu purses the lips to say with a smile in side: „I re­ally am the cruel fate, in booth this as­sign­ment.”Frost laughs in spite of try­ing not to: „I go with you to­gether, you have any­thing not to be un­sat­is­fied.”„Good, the queen long live, we tonight!”The dis­cus­sion has de­cided that I also em­barked to seek for the lit­tle friend.This duty can only five peo­ple form a team, oth­er­wise is un­able to trig­ger the duty re­sult . More­over the scar­let moun­tain range in the deep place of dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, this def­i­nitely is flood­ing var­i­ous hard­ship and dan­ger all the way, words that five peo­ple of groups that must seek for [Zhan Long] most peak, the fight com­poses, the treat­ment was in­dis­pens­able, swims the baby al­ready de­cided but not yet an­nounced a quota, the long-dis­tance de­part­ment was a Dong Cheng month host out­put, Lin Xi­aowu a con­trol out­put, has Aier­sha scepter and Huang Zhong­gong the words out­put def­i­nitely is not a prob­lem, a quota, um, brought Wan Er, she had sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai to cheer, but T was steer­able., Is the ex­cel­lent can­di­date.11 drag into four MM team, why also has not said that im­me­di­ately sur­pris­edly likely was the cu­ri­ous babyLin Xi­aowu: „, guild­mas­ter do not make any­thing to us, I was help­ing one sec­ond of heroic that boy make a duty a mo­ment ago!”Swims the baby: „Def­i­nitely had the duty.”Lin Wan Er chuckle: „Pig head, what duty?”The Dong Cheng month hee smiles: „Ap­prox­i­mately is the duty that the de­feat is preg­nant and so on”I am speech­less: „The heart that Dong Cheng your this wants to be preg­nant re­ally made the in­nu­mer­able young man wounds pass the heart, you were also the girl of god­dess level, must act with con­straint much!”Dong Cheng month and ras­cal: „Oth­ers have the in­fer­til­ity.”I: „”Also wanted the mis­de­meanor, Wan Er to af­firm that must kill peo­ple, there­fore I have given every­body duty shar­ing rapidly, said: „Comes, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den meet­ing, pre­pares to prac­tice the level to need drugs wait things.”„, Ultra mas­ter line duty?” Lin Xi­aowu is nar­row­ing the beau­ti­ful eye, said hap­pily fully: „I could have a pre­mo­ni­tion, this time def­i­nitely is to har­vest the travel of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, I take a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment!”I: „That well dili­gently, can­not only not have a dream dili­gently!”„Um!”Waited for about ten min­utes, I am wait­ing in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den ob­ser­va­tion post, this is also Frost most likes in the stand­ing and wait­ing for a long time snow alone the prac­tice place, the re­sult 10 min­utes, a big dragon ran out of the snow wave to plunge cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, not far away sev­eral Dragon’s den armed sol­diers has raised the me­chan­i­cal cross­bow arrow, the anger shouted to clear the way: „What is com­ing? Big dragon?!”My hur­ried road: „Do not fire, per­son on one's own side.”
I am town Tian­long ride in the Dragon’s den sta­tus, is only in­fe­rior ex­is­tence of Frost and blue radish, these Dragon’s den armed sol­diers the re­spect­ful dan­gling cross­bow bow, said im­me­di­ately: „Yes, Sir!”
The meat wing of big dragon sweeps across fly­ing snow to ar­rive on the city, is sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai, this is the sa­cred big dragon of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, is the god sol­dier sharp weapon that Lin Wan Er most takes ad­van­tage of now, as a re­sult of Lit­tle Bai ex­is­tence, Lin Wan Er in­di­vid­ual strength can in­clude first three in the Tian Ling Em­pire es­ti­mate, at least, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, short spear trick et al. met Lin Wan Er not to have the too big strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess, Fang Geque also re­luc­tantly, the law of demon dragon anti- ex­tremely high, wipes the tea the ground to ride the war tem­porar­ily is the player, not too big strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess, per­haps also on o
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anak Queen Shu mengerutkan bibir untuk mengatakan dengan senyum di sisi: "Saya benar-benar nasib kejam, di booth tugas ini."
Frost tertawa meskipun berusaha untuk tidak: "Saya pergi dengan Anda bersama-sama, Anda memiliki sesuatu untuk tidak tidak puas. "
" Baik, ratu lama hidup, kita malam ini! "
pembahasan sudah memutuskan bahwa saya juga memulai untuk mencari teman kecil.
tugas ini hanya lima orang membentuk tim, jika tidak dapat memicu hasil tugas. Selain itu pegunungan merah di tempat yang dalam wilayah setan yang berbeda, ini pasti adalah banjir berbagai kesulitan dan bahaya sepanjang jalan, kata-kata yang lima orang dari kelompok yang harus mencari [Zhan panjang] yang paling puncak, pertarungan menyusun, pengobatan itu sangat diperlukan, berenang bayi sudah memutuskan tetapi belum mengumumkan kuota, departemen jarak jauh itu output bulan tuan rumah Dong Cheng, Lin Xiaowu output kontrol, telah Aiersha tongkat dan Huang Zhonggong kata-kata keluaran pasti tidak masalah, kuota , um, membawa Wan Er, dia punya naga perak kecil Bai untuk menghibur, tapi T adalah steerable, Apakah calon yang sangat baik..
11 seret ke dalam empat tim MM, mengapa juga belum mengatakan bahwa segera surprisedly kemungkinan adalah penasaran bayi
Lin Xiaowu: "!, Guildmaster tidak membuat apa-apa kepada kami, saya membantu satu detik dari heroik bahwa anak membuat tugas saat yang lalu"
Berenang bayi: "Pasti punya tugas."
Lin Wan Er tertawa: "kepala babi, tugas apa? "
The Dong Cheng bulan hee tersenyum:" Kira-kira adalah tugas bahwa kekalahan tersebut hamil dan sebagainya "
aku berkata-kata:" hati yang Dong Cheng Anda ini ingin menjadi hamil benar-benar membuat luka pemuda tak terhitung melewati hati, Anda juga gadis dari tingkat dewi, harus bertindak dengan kendala banyak "!
Dong Cheng bulan dan bajingan:". Lain memiliki infertilitas yang "
I:" "
juga menginginkan pelanggaran, Wan Er menegaskan bahwa harus membunuh orang, karena itu saya telah diberikan semua tugas berbagi cepat, mengatakan: "Datang, dingin tanah pertemuan den Dragon digarap, bersiap untuk berlatih tingkat membutuhkan obat menunggu hal."
", Ultra Master garis tugas" Lin Xiaowu adalah penyempitan mata yang indah, mengatakan gembira sepenuhnya: "? aku bisa memiliki firasat, kali ini pasti adalah untuk memanen perjalanan instrumen ajaib, saya mengambil alat ajaib "!
saya:" Itu juga rajin, bisa tidak hanya tidak memiliki mimpi rajin "!
" Um! "
Menunggu selama sekitar sepuluh menit , saya menunggu di dingin tanah dragon pos pengamatan den digarap, ini juga Frost paling suka di berdiri dan menunggu waktu salju yang lama saja tempat praktik, hasilnya 10 menit, naga besar berlari keluar dari gelombang salju terjun dingin den lahan tidur Dragon, tidak jauh beberapa tentara bersenjata den Dragon telah mengangkat panah panah mekanik, kemarahan berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "Apa yang akan terjadi? Big naga ?! "
Saya bergegas jalan:". Jangan api, orang di sisi sendiri "
Saya kota Tianlong naik status den Naga, hanya keberadaan inferior Frost dan lobak biru, den tentara bersenjata ini Dragon menjuntai hormat panah busur, mengatakan segera: "Ya, Pak!"
daging sayap menyapu naga besar di salju ke tiba di kota, adalah naga perak kecil Bai, ini adalah naga besar sakral barang asli dengan harga yang wajar, adalah dewa tentara senjata tajam yang Lin Wan Er paling mengambil keuntungan dari sekarang, sebagai akibat dari keberadaan kecil Bai, Lin Wan Er kekuatan individu dapat mencakup tiga pertama dalam estimasi Tian Ling Empire, setidaknya, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han dan Yanzhao tak tertandingi, singkat trik tombak et al. bertemu Lin Wan Er tidak memiliki siasat terlalu besar yang menjamin keberhasilan, Fang Geque juga enggan, hukum setan naga anti sangat tinggi, tisu teh tanah untuk naik perang sementara adalah pemain, bukan siasat terlalu besar yang menjamin sukses, mungkin juga pada o
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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