This Web Site (and any other site accessed through this site) and the  terjemahan - This Web Site (and any other site accessed through this site) and the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This Web Site (and any other site a

This Web Site (and any other site accessed through this site) and the services provided therein are only available to users seeking employment ("Jobseekers") and are subject to the Terms and Conditions which are set out below. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions, please do not use this Web Site. Upon your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, they are binding upon you. Daya5 Rekrutmen ("the Company") may revise the Terms and Conditions at anytime by updating this section. You are advised to visit this page periodically to review the Terms and Conditions. Your access the Company's Web Site and its services will be terminated upon your notice to the Company that any change is unacceptable otherwise your continued use will constitute your acceptance of all changes and they will be binding upon you.

1. Acceptable Web Site Uses

a. Specific Uses - Jobseekers
Jobseekers agree that they will only use the Company's Web Sites (and any other sites accessed through them) for lawful purposes and to seek employment. Jobseekers may send their resume through the Company Web Sites. Alternatively the Jobseeker may send his resume to the Company through the Company's Web Sites in reply to any job advertisement. In such event the Jobseeker's resume will also remain active on the Company's Web Sites for a predetermined period and, unless the Jobseeker chooses to delete it, it will thereafter be stored in the Company's Database at the Jobseeker's own risk. The Company also reserves the right to edit any Jobseeker's resume as it sees fit. Jobseekers accept that personal data are given entirely at their own risk.

b. Prohibited Uses - Jobseekers
Jobseekers agree not to use any of the Company's Web Sites for any of the following purposes which are expressly prohibited:-
i. Jobseekers shall not post any non-resume information and/or incomplete, false or inaccurate resume information which is not their own accurate resume.
ii. Jobseekers shall not respond to any employment opportunity for any reason other than to apply for the job advertised.
iii. All users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Company's Web Sites (or any other sites accessed through the Company's Web Sites) including, without limitation, accessing data not intended for them or logging into a server or account which they are not authorized to access, attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or attempting to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network or sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services, Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability.
iv. All users will not use the Company's Web Sites in order to transmit, distribute or store material in violation of any applicable law or regulation, or in any manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others, or that is libelous, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful.

2. Copyright, Trademarks etc.
The graphics, images, editorial content and HTMC on all the Company's Web Sites are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and may not be downloaded or otherwise duplicated without the express written permission of the Company. Re-use of any of the foregoing is strictly prohibited and the Company reserves all rights.

3. Responsibility
The Company may not monitor its Web Sites at all times but reserves the right to do so. The Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material input by any user or others and not posted by the Company. All users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume, advertisement, web page or material contained therein placed by them. The Company is not responsible for the content of any other web sites linked to the Company's Web Sites; links are provided as internet navigation tools only. The Company does not warrant that any resume, advertisement or web page will be viewed by any specific number of users or that it will be viewed by any specific user. The Company is not in anyway to be considered to be an agent with respect to any user use of the Company's Web Sites and the Company will not be responsible in any way for any decision, for whatever reason made, made by any party seeking or posting jobs on the Company's Web Sites. THE COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ITS WEB SITES WILL OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR THAT ITS WEB SITES AND ITS SERVER ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MECHANISMS. IF USE OF THE WEB SITES OR THEIR CONTENTS RESULT IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, BY ANY USER, THE COMPANY WILL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS. THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES AND THEIR CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUGH PREJUDICE TO THE FOREGOING, ANY IN RESPECT OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFERINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENTS, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS AND LINKS OF THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES.

4. Own Risk
All USERS USE THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES AND ANY OTHER WEB SITES ACCESSED THROUGH IT, AT ENTIRELY THEIR OWN RISK. ALL users are responsible for their own communications and are responsible for the consequences of their posting. The Company does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any of the communications posted by other users or endorses any opinions expressed by users. Any reliance by users on material posted by other users will be at their own risk. The Company reserves the right to expel any user and prevent their further access to the Company's Web Sites, at any time for breaching this Agreement or violating the law and also reserves the right to remove any material which is abusive, illegal or disruptive.

5. Links to Other Sites
The Company's Web Sites may contain links to third party Web Sites. These are provided solely as a convenience to you and not in any way as an endorsement by the Company of the contents on such third-party Web Sites. If any user accesses any linked third party Web Sites, they do so entirely at their own risk. The Company is not responsible for the content of any third party Web Sites linked to its Web Sites and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of materials on such third-party Web Sites. Further any material or details posted in the Company Web Sites by any user may be viewed by users of other web sites linked to the Company's Web Sites and the Company will not be responsible for any improper use by any user or third party from linked third party web sites of any data or materials posted on the Company's Web Sites.

6. Indemnity
All users agree to indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions, demands, losses or damages arising from or resulting from their use of the Company's Web Sites or their breach of the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall provide prompt notice of any such claim, suit or proceeding to the relevant user.

7. Disclaimer

8. Limitation of Liability
Without prejudice to the above, the aggregate liability by the Company to any user for all claims arising from their use of the Company's services and the Company's Web Sites shall be limited to the amount of the existing package fee subscribed to and paid for by the user (if any) and operative at that time.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia and users hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Indonesia courts.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Situs Web ini (dan situs lainnya yang diakses melalui situs ini) dan layanan yang disediakan di dalamnya hanya tersedia bagi pengguna yang mencari pekerjaan ("pencari kerja") dan tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan di bawah ini. Jika Anda tidak menerima syarat dan ketentuan, jangan gunakan situs Web ini. Berdasarkan penerimaan Anda syarat dan ketentuan, mereka yang mengikat Anda. Rekrutmen Daya5 ("Perusahaan") dapat merevisi syarat dan kondisi setiap saat dengan memperbarui bagian ini. Anda disarankan untuk mengunjungi halaman ini secara berkala untuk memeriksa syarat dan ketentuan. Akses situs Web perusahaan dan layanan akan dihentikan pemberitahuan Anda ke perusahaan yang setiap perubahan tidak dapat diterima jika Anda terus menggunakan akan merupakan penerimaan Anda semua perubahan dan mereka akan mengikat Anda.1. dapat diterima situs Web menggunakana. tertentu menggunakan - pencari kerjaPencari kerja setuju bahwa mereka hanya akan menggunakan situs Web perusahaan (dan situs-situs lain yang diakses melalui mereka) untuk tujuan yang sah dan mencari pekerjaan. Pencari kerja dapat mengirimkan resume mereka melalui situs Web perusahaan. Atau pencari dapat mengirimkan resume kepada perusahaan melalui perusahaan situs Web in reply to setiap iklan pekerjaan. Dalam hal demikian pencari resume akan juga tetap aktif di situs Web perusahaan untuk periode yang telah ditentukan dan kecuali pencari memilih untuk menghapusnya, itu akan kemudian disimpan dalam Database Perseroan pada risiko pencari sendiri. Perusahaan juga berhak untuk mengedit resume pencari apapun seperti melihat cocok. Pencari kerja menerima bahwa data pribadi diberikan sepenuhnya pada risiko mereka sendiri. b. penggunaan yang dilarang - pencari kerjaPencari kerja setuju untuk tidak menggunakan salah satu situs Web perusahaan untuk salah satu tujuan yang tegas dilarang:- i. pencari kerja tidak diperbolehkan mengirim informasi bebas-resume dan/atau resume lengkap, palsu atau tidak akurat informasi yang tidak akurat resume mereka sendiri. II. pencari kerja akan tidak menanggapi setiap kesempatan kerja untuk alasan apapun selain untuk melamar pekerjaan yang diiklankan. III. semua pengguna dilarang melanggar atau mencoba melanggar keamanan situs Web perusahaan (atau situs-situs lain yang diakses melalui situs Web perusahaan) termasuk, tanpa batasan, mengakses data tidak dimaksudkan bagi mereka atau log in ke server atau account yang mereka tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses, mencoba untuk probe, scan atau tes kelemahan dari sistem atau jaringan atau mencoba pelanggaran keamanan atau tindakan otentikasi tanpa otorisasi yang tepat, mencoba mengganggu dengan layanan untuk setiap pengguna, host atau jaringan atau pengiriman e-mail yang tidak diminta, termasuk promosi dan/atau iklan tentang produk atau layanan, pelanggaran keamanan sistem atau jaringan dapat menyebabkan kewajiban perdata atau pidana. IV. semua pengguna tidak akan menggunakan situs Web perusahaan mengirimkan, mendistribusikan atau menyimpan bahan yang melanggar hukum atau peraturan, atau dengan cara apapun yang akan melanggar hak cipta, merek dagang, rahasia dagang, atau hak kekayaan intelektual lainnya dari orang lain atau melanggar privasi atau publisitas, atau hak-hak lain pribadi orang lain, atau yang memfitnah, cabul, mengancam, kasar atau kebencian.2. hak cipta, merek dagang dll.Grafis, Gambar, isi editorial dan HTMC pada semua situs Web perusahaan yang intelektual perusahaan dan dilindungi oleh hukum hak cipta dan merek dagang dan tidak dapat diunduh atau sebaliknya diduplikasi tanpa izin tertulis dari perusahaan. Penggunaan kembali salah satu terdahulu adalah dilarang dan Perusahaan berhak atas semua hak. 3. tanggung jawabThe Company may not monitor its Web Sites at all times but reserves the right to do so. The Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material input by any user or others and not posted by the Company. All users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume, advertisement, web page or material contained therein placed by them. The Company is not responsible for the content of any other web sites linked to the Company's Web Sites; links are provided as internet navigation tools only. The Company does not warrant that any resume, advertisement or web page will be viewed by any specific number of users or that it will be viewed by any specific user. The Company is not in anyway to be considered to be an agent with respect to any user use of the Company's Web Sites and the Company will not be responsible in any way for any decision, for whatever reason made, made by any party seeking or posting jobs on the Company's Web Sites. THE COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ITS WEB SITES WILL OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR THAT ITS WEB SITES AND ITS SERVER ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MECHANISMS. IF USE OF THE WEB SITES OR THEIR CONTENTS RESULT IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, BY ANY USER, THE COMPANY WILL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS. THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES AND THEIR CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUGH PREJUDICE TO THE FOREGOING, ANY IN RESPECT OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFERINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENTS, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS AND LINKS OF THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES. 4. risiko sendiriSemua pengguna menggunakan situs WEB perusahaan dan situs WEB lainnya yang diakses melalui itu, sepenuhnya risiko mereka sendiri. Semua pengguna bertanggung jawab untuk komunikasi mereka sendiri dan bertanggung jawab untuk konsekuensi dari posting mereka. Perusahaan tidak mewakili atau menjamin kebenaran, akurasi atau keandalan setiap komunikasi yang dikirim oleh pengguna lain atau mendukung pendapat tertentu yang diekspresikan oleh pengguna. Setiap ketergantungan oleh pengguna pada bahan yang dikirim oleh pengguna lain akan risiko mereka sendiri. Perusahaan berhak untuk mengusir setiap pengguna dan mencegah akses lebih lanjut ke situs Web perusahaan, setiap saat untuk melanggar Perjanjian ini atau pelanggaran hukum dan juga berhak untuk menghapus setiap materi yang kasar, ilegal atau mengganggu.5. link ke situs lainSitus Web perusahaan mungkin berisi link ke situs Web pihak ketiga. Ini disediakan hanya sebagai kemudahan bagi Anda dan tidak dalam cara apapun sebagai pengesahan oleh perusahaan isi pada situs Web pihak ketiga tersebut. Jika setiap pengguna mengakses situs Web pihak ketiga tertaut, mereka melakukannya sepenuhnya pada risiko mereka sendiri. Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk isi dari pihak ketiga situs Web terkait dengan situs Web dan tidak membuat pernyataan atau jaminan mengenai isi atau keakuratan bahan-bahan pada situs Web pihak ketiga tersebut. Selanjutnya materi atau rincian yang diposting di situs Web perusahaan oleh setiap pengguna dapat dilihat oleh pengguna situs web lain yang tertaut ke situs Web perusahaan dan perusahaan tidak akan bertanggung jawab untuk setiap penyalahgunaan oleh pengguna atau pihak ketiga dari situs web pihak ketiga terkait setiap data atau materi yang Diposkan pada situs Web perusahaan. 6. ganti rugiSemua pengguna setuju untuk mengganti kerugian dan membebaskan perusahaan, petugas, Direktur, karyawan, dan agen dari dan terhadap klaim, tindakan, tuntutan, kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul dari atau akibat penggunaan situs Web perusahaan atau mereka melanggar persyaratan perjanjian ini. Perusahaan akan memberikan prompt pemberitahuan klaim itu, gugatan atau melanjutkan ke pengguna relevan. 7. penolakanPERUSAHAAN, PETUGAS, DIREKTUR, KARYAWAN, ATAU AGEN TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB DALAM HAL APAPUN ATAS KERUGIAN ATAU KERUSAKAN YANG DIDERITA OLEH SETIAP PENGGUNA APAPUN YANG TIMBUL ATAU YANG DIHASILKAN DARI PENGGUNAAN ATAU KETIDAKMAMPUAN UNTUK MENGGUNAKAN PERUSAHAAN DI SITUS WEB DAN ISINYA. 8. pembatasan tanggung jawabTanpa prasangka di atas, kewajiban agregat oleh perusahaan untuk setiap pengguna untuk semua klaim yang timbul dari penggunaan layanan perusahaan dan situs Web perusahaan akan terbatas pada jumlah biaya paket yang ada berlangganan dan dibayar oleh user (jika ada) dan operasi pada saat itu. 9. pemerintahan hukum dan yurisdiksiPerjanjian ini diatur oleh hukum Republik Indonesia dan pengguna dengan ini tunduk pada yurisdiksi pengadilan Indonesia.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
This Web Site (and any other site accessed through this site) and the services provided therein are only available to users seeking employment ("Jobseekers") and are subject to the Terms and Conditions which are set out below. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions, please do not use this Web Site. Upon your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, they are binding upon you. Daya5 Rekrutmen ("the Company") may revise the Terms and Conditions at anytime by updating this section. You are advised to visit this page periodically to review the Terms and Conditions. Your access the Company's Web Site and its services will be terminated upon your notice to the Company that any change is unacceptable otherwise your continued use will constitute your acceptance of all changes and they will be binding upon you.

1. Acceptable Web Site Uses

a. Specific Uses - Jobseekers
Jobseekers agree that they will only use the Company's Web Sites (and any other sites accessed through them) for lawful purposes and to seek employment. Jobseekers may send their resume through the Company Web Sites. Alternatively the Jobseeker may send his resume to the Company through the Company's Web Sites in reply to any job advertisement. In such event the Jobseeker's resume will also remain active on the Company's Web Sites for a predetermined period and, unless the Jobseeker chooses to delete it, it will thereafter be stored in the Company's Database at the Jobseeker's own risk. The Company also reserves the right to edit any Jobseeker's resume as it sees fit. Jobseekers accept that personal data are given entirely at their own risk.

b. Prohibited Uses - Jobseekers
Jobseekers agree not to use any of the Company's Web Sites for any of the following purposes which are expressly prohibited:-
i. Jobseekers shall not post any non-resume information and/or incomplete, false or inaccurate resume information which is not their own accurate resume.
ii. Jobseekers shall not respond to any employment opportunity for any reason other than to apply for the job advertised.
iii. All users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Company's Web Sites (or any other sites accessed through the Company's Web Sites) including, without limitation, accessing data not intended for them or logging into a server or account which they are not authorized to access, attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or attempting to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network or sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services, Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability.
iv. All users will not use the Company's Web Sites in order to transmit, distribute or store material in violation of any applicable law or regulation, or in any manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others, or that is libelous, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful.

2. Copyright, Trademarks etc.
The graphics, images, editorial content and HTMC on all the Company's Web Sites are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and may not be downloaded or otherwise duplicated without the express written permission of the Company. Re-use of any of the foregoing is strictly prohibited and the Company reserves all rights.

3. Responsibility
The Company may not monitor its Web Sites at all times but reserves the right to do so. The Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material input by any user or others and not posted by the Company. All users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume, advertisement, web page or material contained therein placed by them. The Company is not responsible for the content of any other web sites linked to the Company's Web Sites; links are provided as internet navigation tools only. The Company does not warrant that any resume, advertisement or web page will be viewed by any specific number of users or that it will be viewed by any specific user. The Company is not in anyway to be considered to be an agent with respect to any user use of the Company's Web Sites and the Company will not be responsible in any way for any decision, for whatever reason made, made by any party seeking or posting jobs on the Company's Web Sites. THE COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ITS WEB SITES WILL OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR THAT ITS WEB SITES AND ITS SERVER ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MECHANISMS. IF USE OF THE WEB SITES OR THEIR CONTENTS RESULT IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, BY ANY USER, THE COMPANY WILL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS. THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES AND THEIR CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUGH PREJUDICE TO THE FOREGOING, ANY IN RESPECT OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFERINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENTS, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS AND LINKS OF THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES.

4. Own Risk
All USERS USE THE COMPANY'S WEB SITES AND ANY OTHER WEB SITES ACCESSED THROUGH IT, AT ENTIRELY THEIR OWN RISK. ALL users are responsible for their own communications and are responsible for the consequences of their posting. The Company does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any of the communications posted by other users or endorses any opinions expressed by users. Any reliance by users on material posted by other users will be at their own risk. The Company reserves the right to expel any user and prevent their further access to the Company's Web Sites, at any time for breaching this Agreement or violating the law and also reserves the right to remove any material which is abusive, illegal or disruptive.

5. Links to Other Sites
The Company's Web Sites may contain links to third party Web Sites. These are provided solely as a convenience to you and not in any way as an endorsement by the Company of the contents on such third-party Web Sites. If any user accesses any linked third party Web Sites, they do so entirely at their own risk. The Company is not responsible for the content of any third party Web Sites linked to its Web Sites and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of materials on such third-party Web Sites. Further any material or details posted in the Company Web Sites by any user may be viewed by users of other web sites linked to the Company's Web Sites and the Company will not be responsible for any improper use by any user or third party from linked third party web sites of any data or materials posted on the Company's Web Sites.

6. Indemnity
All users agree to indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions, demands, losses or damages arising from or resulting from their use of the Company's Web Sites or their breach of the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall provide prompt notice of any such claim, suit or proceeding to the relevant user.

7. Disclaimer

8. Limitation of Liability
Without prejudice to the above, the aggregate liability by the Company to any user for all claims arising from their use of the Company's services and the Company's Web Sites shall be limited to the amount of the existing package fee subscribed to and paid for by the user (if any) and operative at that time.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia and users hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Indonesia courts.
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