What Is Instructional Design? 7 the unit to meet these standards. Thes terjemahan - What Is Instructional Design? 7 the unit to meet these standards. Thes Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

What Is Instructional Design? 7 the

What Is Instructional Design? 7
the unit to meet these standards. These statements become the goals around which I'll plan the instruction." College professor: "My approach is to list the content that needs to be covered relative to the selected topic. This list would include the terms, definitions, concepts, and principles that I feel need to be communicated to my students." Instructional designer in industry: "I would start by determining whether the problem the training is to address is an instructional problem. If instruction will help solve the problem, then it's important to start by listing the skills and knowledge the trainees are to develop as a result of this instruction. These would be the outcomes or objectives to be accomplished." The foregoing replies represent a sampling of approaches that might be taken as different individuals initiate their instructional planning. There could be other replies to the question. For example, one community college instructor always sta.' v.ining the final ckaiiiinataal foi a new 1111.1L. Ile b,licyes that passing the final exam is the students' greatest concern. Therefore, he writes questions that indicate what should receive emphasis in his teaching. His reasoning seems plausible. As you read the replies to the question and formulate your own answer, two conclusions become apparent. First, a number of different considerations appeal to educators and instructional designers as each starts planning. Second, each of us selects an order or sequence of our own to treat these elements. Instructional development is often interpreted in different ways and sometimes used interchangeably with instructional design. Frequently, instructional devel-opment is defined as the production process, that is, the translation of the instructional design plan into the instructional materials such as print, video, multimedia, or Web-based materials. Another definition describes instructional development as the management function in systematic instructional planning. This term includes assigning and supervising personnel, handling allocated bud-gets, arranging for necessary support services, and checking time schedules for compliance.
Education versus Training . We might also want to consider the distinction between education and training. Both education and training are concerned with learning; however, each has a different perspective and purpose. One of the goals of formal education is to prepare an individual to be a contributing member of the society_ The focus of an education is quite broad and can range from history, to English, to chemistry, to physical fitness, to political science, to music. Formal education also occurs during a fixed time frame. For example, classes for students in grades 1 to 6 typicint. start in late August and continue to early June_ University courses follow a sirnifa, schedule in that classes typically start by the first week of September and end in
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Apa yang dimaksud dengan desain instruksional? 7 the unit to meet these standards. These statements become the goals around which I'll plan the instruction." College professor: "My approach is to list the content that needs to be covered relative to the selected topic. This list would include the terms, definitions, concepts, and principles that I feel need to be communicated to my students." Instructional designer in industry: "I would start by determining whether the problem the training is to address is an instructional problem. If instruction will help solve the problem, then it's important to start by listing the skills and knowledge the trainees are to develop as a result of this instruction. These would be the outcomes or objectives to be accomplished." The foregoing replies represent a sampling of approaches that might be taken as different individuals initiate their instructional planning. There could be other replies to the question. For example, one community college instructor always sta.' v.ining the final ckaiiiinataal foi a new 1111.1L. Ile b,licyes that passing the final exam is the students' greatest concern. Therefore, he writes questions that indicate what should receive emphasis in his teaching. His reasoning seems plausible. As you read the replies to the question and formulate your own answer, two conclusions become apparent. First, a number of different considerations appeal to educators and instructional designers as each starts planning. Second, each of us selects an order or sequence of our own to treat these elements. Instructional development is often interpreted in different ways and sometimes used interchangeably with instructional design. Frequently, instructional devel-opment is defined as the production process, that is, the translation of the instructional design plan into the instructional materials such as print, video, multimedia, or Web-based materials. Another definition describes instructional development as the management function in systematic instructional planning. This term includes assigning and supervising personnel, handling allocated bud-gets, arranging for necessary support services, and checking time schedules for compliance. Education versus Training . We might also want to consider the distinction between education and training. Both education and training are concerned with learning; however, each has a different perspective and purpose. One of the goals of formal education is to prepare an individual to be a contributing member of the society_ The focus of an education is quite broad and can range from history, to English, to chemistry, to physical fitness, to political science, to music. Formal education also occurs during a fixed time frame. For example, classes for students in grades 1 to 6 typicint. start in late August and continue to early June_ University courses follow a sirnifa, schedule in that classes typically start by the first week of September and end in
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Apa Instructional Design? 7
unit untuk memenuhi standar tersebut. Pernyataan-pernyataan ini menjadi tujuan sekitar yang saya akan merencanakan instruksi. "College professor:" Pendekatan saya adalah untuk membuat daftar isi yang perlu dibahas relatif terhadap topik yang dipilih. Daftar ini akan mencakup persyaratan, definisi, konsep, dan prinsip-prinsip yang saya merasa perlu dikomunikasikan kepada murid-murid saya "desainer instruksional dalam industri:". Saya akan mulai dengan menentukan apakah masalah pelatihan ini adalah untuk mengatasi adalah masalah instruksional. Jika instruksi akan membantu memecahkan masalah, maka penting untuk memulai dengan membuat daftar keterampilan dan pengetahuan para peserta pelatihan dapat berkembang sebagai hasil dari instruksi ini. Ini akan menjadi hasil atau tujuan yang akan dicapai. "The balasan atas merupakan contoh dari pendekatan yang mungkin diambil sebagai individu yang berbeda memulai perencanaan pembelajaran mereka. Mungkin ada balasan lain terhadap pertanyaan. Misalnya, instruktur sekolah satu komunitas selalu sta . ' v.ining final ckaiiiinataal foi sebuah 1111.1L baru. Ile b, licyes yang lulus ujian akhir adalah perhatian terbesar siswa. Oleh karena itu, ia menulis pertanyaan yang menunjukkan apa yang harus menerima penekanan dalam ajaran-Nya. Alasannya tampaknya masuk akal. Ketika Anda membaca balasan untuk pertanyaan dan merumuskan jawaban Anda sendiri, dua kesimpulan menjadi jelas. Pertama, sejumlah pertimbangan yang berbeda menarik bagi pendidik dan desainer instruksional karena setiap mulai perencanaan. kedua, kita masing-masing memilih perintah atau urutan kita sendiri untuk mengobati elemen-elemen ini. pengembangan instruksional sering ditafsirkan dengan cara yang berbeda dan kadang-kadang digunakan bergantian dengan desain instruksional. sering, instruksional devel-ngunan didefinisikan sebagai proses produksi, yaitu, terjemahan dari rencana desain instruksional ke dalam bahan ajar seperti cetak, video, multimedia, atau bahan berbasis Web. definisi lain menjelaskan pengembangan instruksional sebagai fungsi manajemen dalam perencanaan pembelajaran yang sistematis. Istilah ini mencakup menetapkan dan mengawasi personel, penanganan dialokasikan bud-mendapat, mengatur untuk layanan dukungan yang diperlukan, dan memeriksa jadwal waktu untuk kepatuhan.
Pendidikan vs Training. Kami juga mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan perbedaan antara pendidikan dan pelatihan. Pendidikan dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran; Namun, masing-masing memiliki perspektif yang berbeda dan tujuan. Salah satu tujuan dari pendidikan formal adalah untuk mempersiapkan individu untuk menjadi anggota kontribusi dari society_ Fokus pendidikan cukup luas dan dapat berkisar dari sejarah, ke Bahasa Inggris, untuk kimia, untuk kebugaran fisik, untuk ilmu politik, musik . Pendidikan formal juga terjadi selama jangka waktu yang tetap. Misalnya, kelas untuk siswa kelas 1 sampai 6 typicint. mulai pada akhir Agustus dan terus awal program June_ Universitas ikuti sirnifa sebuah, jadwal dalam kelas biasanya mulai pada minggu pertama September dan berakhir di
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