Reconstituting the flours with free lipids generally restored their or terjemahan - Reconstituting the flours with free lipids generally restored their or Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Reconstituting the flours with free

Reconstituting the flours with free lipids generally restored their original properties, except that cooking time was significantly reduced. Increasing lipids 50% above the original levels gave noodles with a weakened structure, which is a typical
shortening effect, but no change in surface firmness. Interchange of thefree
lipids between the WW and CHRW flours caused little difference in color, but
breaking stress reduced significantly.The cutting stress of the cooked noodles showed
no changes,but the surface firmness of the WW noodle was decreased significantly
from 52.7 to 46.0 g/mm (Table II). The nonpolar lipid (NL) fraction, which accounted for 66-72% of the free lipids in the flours, was largely responsible for the functionality of the free lipid. Using the defatted noodle for comparison in Figure 1,restorationof the NL fraction to the defatted flour, as compared to the glycolipid (GL) and the phospholipid (PL) fractions, usually decreased breaking stress of dry noodles more but generally increased surface firmness of cooked noodles more. The cutting stress of the cooked noodle seemed to be influenced more by the PL than
either the GL fraction or the NL fraction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Melembagakan tepung dengan lipid gratis umumnya dipulihkan sifat asli mereka, kecuali bahwa waktu memasak berkurang secara signifikan. Peningkatan lipid 50% di atas tingkat asli memberikan mie dengan struktur yang lemah, yang merupakan khasmemperpendek efek, tapi tidak ada perubahan di permukaan ketegasan. Persimpangan thefreelipid antara tepung WW dan CHRW menyebabkan sedikit perbedaan dalam warna, tapimelanggar stres berkurang secara signifikan.Stres memotong mie dimasak yang menunjukkantidak ada perubahan, tetapi ketegasan permukaan WW mie telah menurun secara signifikandari 52.7 46.0 g/mm (tabel II). Fraksi nonpolar lipid (NL), yang diperhitungkan 66-72% dari lipid gratis di tepung, adalah sebagian besar bertanggung jawab untuk fungsionalitas lipid gratis. Menggunakan mie defatted untuk perbandingan dalam gambar 1, restorationof fraksi NL tepung defatted, dibandingkan dengan glycolipid (GL) dan pecahan fosfolipid (PL), biasanya menurun melanggar stres mie kering lebih tetapi mie dimasak keteguhan permukaan umumnya meningkat lebih lanjut. Stres memotong mie dimasak tampaknya lebih dipengaruhi oleh PL daripadaGL fraksi atau fraksi NL.
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