Present time... 'I should have left Simla then and there...I should ha terjemahan - Present time... 'I should have left Simla then and there...I should ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Present time... 'I should have left

Present time...

'I should have left Simla then and there...I should have...things would have been much different now'. A silent sigh escaped Jodha's heart. She looked at her little son, sleeping peacefully beside her. They had to leave their home in hurry last night...hence this little soul couldn't get time to sleep. He seemed to be a little tired this morning. So, Jodha made him sleep after lunch. He is too small to bear all these troubles, they are going through.

Jodha caressed his head lightly...ran her fingers through his smooth hairs. Rico moved in sleep...he cuddled more into his mother's arms...hugged her with his tiny arm. This was his favorite position in sleep. Rico's gesture brought a faint smile on Jodha's somber face. Her son was the only lifeline in her otherwise DEAD life. In other words she was actually living for raise him. She couldn't imagine her existence without her son. Rico was the WORLD for her. There was another one to whom Jodha owed much...who was always there in her difficult times...her Ammijan.

Jodha's cell phone sprang into life. She was quick to grab and silence it so that the ringtone can't disturb her son's nap. She didn't need to look into the caller's name as she knew who it could be. Hence she picked up the call, without even looking at the screen, 'Ji Ammijan kahiye.'

'Hope you didn't have any difficulty in finding the Hotel Jodha?' asked the worried lady on phone.

'No, Ammijan it's very popular Hotel, taxi driver himself took us here. I didn't need to ask anyone.' Replied Jodha.

'Adgah sahab ne bataya tha Hotel achha hai...firbhi agar koyee problem ho to bejhijhak mujhe phone karna...waise mera Salim kya kar raha hai?' the lady on phone asked the question with much eagerness in her voice.

'He is sleeping...' Jodha was about to continue but the caller broke into.

'Off course...he must not have slept last night...sone do use...' Uttered the lady with a voice soaked in affection. Her care and love for the boy could easily be sensed in her words. Then all of a sudden her tone changed into a more serious one, as she ventured into something much more serious. 'Jodha...Jalal kyun aya tha waha?'

'I don't know the exact reason Ammijan, but as far as I could manage from Rico and Bhabya...he met Rico at school...then they went out and woh Rico ko ghar chorne aye the. I don't think he knew I live there or Rico is my son...but...'

'But...Jalal is can't bet on him...right?' the lady asked with a faint laugh, closer to a sad one.

' can't bet on him...' Jodha felt a stab in her heart as something from past flashed in her mind. She decided to change the topic as it was getting tough for her to go on with this. 'Ammijan apka operation kab hai?' asked Jodha.

'Next week beta. I will have to stay in hospital for at least one whole month. But before that I must make you settle.' The lady on phone continued, 'I have send Adgah sahab to you with some money. You will need it. You must get a new home for both of you and a new school for Salim. But Jodha you need to be very careful. Do not go out of the Hotel until Jalal leaves Kolkata. Tum samajh rahi ho na?'

'Ji Ammijan.' Jodha obeyed without any argument as she knew what Ammijan saying, was best for her.

' it Dadi on phone?' their conversation broke with the sudden interruption of a sleepy voice.

'Yes's your Dadi. Talk to her.' Jodha gave the phone to Rico.

'Hello are you?...yes I loved the Hotel...its huge...lift bhi has a swimming pool...we are at the 16th floor...yaha se Eden Gardens bhi dikhta hai...its awesome Dadi.' Having done with the first set of answers, Rico paused for couple of seconds, then resumed his trail of replies...but this time his answers clearly marked the difference in questions. 'I met him in school...he was very tall, know Dadi he knows so many things about sports car...he, I didn't tell him my mother's name...why...why won't I talk to him?...He is my friend Dadi...he is a nice guy...but...' getting the fact that he can't convince his Dadi, Rico looked up to his mother. 'Mom...why Dadi is asking me not to talk to my friend?'

Jodha didn't know what to say...she knew Rico will keep asking the same question until he is satisfied with the answer...but she didn't have anything in her stock right now to satisfy him. She took the phone from Rico. 'Ammijan...don't worry...I will convince him somehow. Aap chinta mat kijiye...' Jodha tried to manage the situation.

'Ok beta as you wish...chalo talk to you later.' The lady snapped the call quickly but not before giving Jodha the glimpse of pain, merged with her voice. Jodha knew the true reason behind this agony. She could feel what it takes for a mother to stay away from her only son...she could feel how much it hurts to be near your son yet not meet him...she could feel how difficult it is for a mother to stop somebody from talking to her own son...stating...he is not a good guy.

Hamida Banu never had any influence over her son...Jalaluddin Mohammad. Jalal has always been his Choti Ammi's son. He always liked it that way. Hamida never approved Jalal's way of living. The more she objected, the more he distanced himself from her. After a certain point of time Hamida took responsibility of IMPERIAL old age home, and started living there as well. This way she detached herself form Jalal's life yet not gone far away from him. The only communication this mother-son duo had...was a few minutes phone call once in a week. But that too didn't last long. Hamida snapped every connection with her son...the moment she came to know about she is only Jodha's Ammijan...not anybody else's.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Present time...

'I should have left Simla then and there...I should have...things would have been much different now'. A silent sigh escaped Jodha's heart. She looked at her little son, sleeping peacefully beside her. They had to leave their home in hurry last night...hence this little soul couldn't get time to sleep. He seemed to be a little tired this morning. So, Jodha made him sleep after lunch. He is too small to bear all these troubles, they are going through.

Jodha caressed his head lightly...ran her fingers through his smooth hairs. Rico moved in sleep...he cuddled more into his mother's arms...hugged her with his tiny arm. This was his favorite position in sleep. Rico's gesture brought a faint smile on Jodha's somber face. Her son was the only lifeline in her otherwise DEAD life. In other words she was actually living for raise him. She couldn't imagine her existence without her son. Rico was the WORLD for her. There was another one to whom Jodha owed much...who was always there in her difficult times...her Ammijan.

Jodha's cell phone sprang into life. She was quick to grab and silence it so that the ringtone can't disturb her son's nap. She didn't need to look into the caller's name as she knew who it could be. Hence she picked up the call, without even looking at the screen, 'Ji Ammijan kahiye.'

'Hope you didn't have any difficulty in finding the Hotel Jodha?' asked the worried lady on phone.

'No, Ammijan it's very popular Hotel, taxi driver himself took us here. I didn't need to ask anyone.' Replied Jodha.

'Adgah sahab ne bataya tha Hotel achha hai...firbhi agar koyee problem ho to bejhijhak mujhe phone karna...waise mera Salim kya kar raha hai?' the lady on phone asked the question with much eagerness in her voice.

'He is sleeping...' Jodha was about to continue but the caller broke into.

'Off course...he must not have slept last night...sone do use...' Uttered the lady with a voice soaked in affection. Her care and love for the boy could easily be sensed in her words. Then all of a sudden her tone changed into a more serious one, as she ventured into something much more serious. 'Jodha...Jalal kyun aya tha waha?'

'I don't know the exact reason Ammijan, but as far as I could manage from Rico and Bhabya...he met Rico at school...then they went out and woh Rico ko ghar chorne aye the. I don't think he knew I live there or Rico is my son...but...'

'But...Jalal is can't bet on him...right?' the lady asked with a faint laugh, closer to a sad one.

' can't bet on him...' Jodha felt a stab in her heart as something from past flashed in her mind. She decided to change the topic as it was getting tough for her to go on with this. 'Ammijan apka operation kab hai?' asked Jodha.

'Next week beta. I will have to stay in hospital for at least one whole month. But before that I must make you settle.' The lady on phone continued, 'I have send Adgah sahab to you with some money. You will need it. You must get a new home for both of you and a new school for Salim. But Jodha you need to be very careful. Do not go out of the Hotel until Jalal leaves Kolkata. Tum samajh rahi ho na?'

'Ji Ammijan.' Jodha obeyed without any argument as she knew what Ammijan saying, was best for her.

' it Dadi on phone?' their conversation broke with the sudden interruption of a sleepy voice.

'Yes's your Dadi. Talk to her.' Jodha gave the phone to Rico.

'Hello are you?...yes I loved the Hotel...its huge...lift bhi has a swimming pool...we are at the 16th floor...yaha se Eden Gardens bhi dikhta hai...its awesome Dadi.' Having done with the first set of answers, Rico paused for couple of seconds, then resumed his trail of replies...but this time his answers clearly marked the difference in questions. 'I met him in school...he was very tall, know Dadi he knows so many things about sports car...he, I didn't tell him my mother's name...why...why won't I talk to him?...He is my friend Dadi...he is a nice guy...but...' getting the fact that he can't convince his Dadi, Rico looked up to his mother. 'Mom...why Dadi is asking me not to talk to my friend?'

Jodha didn't know what to say...she knew Rico will keep asking the same question until he is satisfied with the answer...but she didn't have anything in her stock right now to satisfy him. She took the phone from Rico. 'Ammijan...don't worry...I will convince him somehow. Aap chinta mat kijiye...' Jodha tried to manage the situation.

'Ok beta as you wish...chalo talk to you later.' The lady snapped the call quickly but not before giving Jodha the glimpse of pain, merged with her voice. Jodha knew the true reason behind this agony. She could feel what it takes for a mother to stay away from her only son...she could feel how much it hurts to be near your son yet not meet him...she could feel how difficult it is for a mother to stop somebody from talking to her own son...stating...he is not a good guy.

Hamida Banu never had any influence over her son...Jalaluddin Mohammad. Jalal has always been his Choti Ammi's son. He always liked it that way. Hamida never approved Jalal's way of living. The more she objected, the more he distanced himself from her. After a certain point of time Hamida took responsibility of IMPERIAL old age home, and started living there as well. This way she detached herself form Jalal's life yet not gone far away from him. The only communication this mother-son duo had...was a few minutes phone call once in a week. But that too didn't last long. Hamida snapped every connection with her son...the moment she came to know about she is only Jodha's Ammijan...not anybody else's.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hadir waktu ... "Aku harus pergi Simla itu juga ... aku harus ... hal-hal yang akan jauh berbeda sekarang '. Sebuah napas diam lolos hati Jodha itu. Dia melihat anak kecilnya, tidur nyenyak di sampingnya. Mereka harus meninggalkan rumah mereka terburu-buru tadi malam ... maka jiwa kecil ini tidak bisa mendapatkan waktu untuk tidur. Dia tampaknya sedikit lelah pagi ini. Jadi, Jodha membuatnya tidur setelah makan siang. Dia terlalu kecil untuk menanggung semua masalah ini, mereka akan melalui. Jodha membelai kepalanya ringan ... berlari jari-jarinya melalui rambut yang halus. Rico pindah tidur ... ia meringkuk lebih ke pelukan ibunya ... memeluknya dengan lengan kecilnya. Ini adalah posisi favoritnya dalam tidur. Isyarat Rico membawa senyum tipis di wajah muram Jodha itu. Anaknya adalah satu-satunya jalur kehidupan dalam hidup jika MATI nya. Dengan kata lain dia benar-benar hidup untuk dia ... untuk membangunkan dia. Dia tidak bisa membayangkan keberadaannya tanpa anaknya. Rico adalah WORLD untuknya. Ada satu lagi kepada siapa Jodha berhutang banyak ... yang selalu ada di saat-saat sulit nya ... nya Ammijan. ponsel Jodha itu melompat ke dalam hidup. Dia cepat untuk mengambil dan membungkam sehingga nada dering tidak dapat mengganggu tidur anaknya. Dia tidak perlu melihat ke dalam nama pemanggil saat ia tahu siapa yang bisa. Oleh karena itu dia mengambil panggilan, bahkan tanpa melihat layar, 'Ji Ammijan kahiye. " "Harap Anda tidak memiliki kesulitan dalam menemukan Hotel Jodha? ' tanya wanita khawatir di telepon. "Tidak, Ammijan itu sangat populer Hotel, sopir taksi sendiri membawa kami di sini. Aku tidak perlu bertanya siapa pun. " Jawab Jodha. "Adgah sahab ne bataya tha Hotel achha hai ... firbhi agar koyee masalah ho untuk bejhijhak mujhe karna telepon ... waise mera kya kar raha Salim hai?" wanita di telepon mengajukan pertanyaan dengan banyak keinginan dalam suaranya. "Dia sedang tidur ... 'Jodha hendak melanjutkan tapi si penelepon masuk ke. "Tentu saja ... dia tidak harus tidur tadi malam ... sone jangan gunakan ... "Diucapkan wanita dengan suara direndam dalam kasih sayang. Perawatan dan cinta untuk anak itu dengan mudah bisa merasakan dalam kata-katanya. Kemudian semua nada nya tiba-tiba berubah menjadi yang lebih serius, saat ia berkelana ke sesuatu yang jauh lebih serius. 'Jodha ... Jalal kyun aya tha waha? " "Aku tidak tahu alasan yang tepat Ammijan, tapi sejauh yang saya bisa mengelola dari Rico dan Bhabya ... ia bertemu Rico di sekolah ... kemudian mereka pergi keluar dan woh Rico ko ghar chorne aye. Saya tidak berpikir dia tahu aku tinggal di sana atau Rico adalah anakku ... tapi ... ' 'Tapi ... Jalal adalah Jalal ... Anda tidak dapat bertaruh pada dia ... kan? " wanita bertanya dengan tertawa samar, lebih dekat ke yang menyedihkan. "Yap ... Anda tidak dapat bertaruh pada dirinya ... 'Jodha merasa bacokan di hatinya sebagai sesuatu dari masa lalu berkelebat dalam benaknya. Dia memutuskan untuk mengubah topik seperti mulai sulit baginya untuk melanjutkan ini. 'Ammijan operasi apka kab hai? " tanya Jodha. "Minggu depan beta. Aku harus tinggal di rumah sakit selama setidaknya satu bulan penuh. Tapi sebelum itu aku harus membuat Anda menetap. " Wanita di telepon melanjutkan, "Saya telah mengirim Adgah sahab kepada Anda dengan sejumlah uang. Anda akan membutuhkannya. Anda harus mendapatkan rumah baru bagi Anda berdua dan sekolah baru untuk Salim. Tapi Jodha Anda harus sangat berhati-hati. Jangan pergi keluar dari Hotel sampai Jalal meninggalkan Kolkata. Tum samajh rahi ho na? " "Ji Ammijan." Jodha dipatuhi tanpa argumen karena ia tahu apa yang Ammijan mengatakan, adalah yang terbaik untuknya. "Ibu ... apakah Dadi di telepon?" percakapan mereka pecah dengan gangguan tiba-tiba suara mengantuk. "Ya Rico ... itu Dadi Anda. Bicaralah padanya. " Jodha memberikan telepon ke Rico. 'Hello Dadi ... apa kabar? ... ya saya mencintai Hotel ... yang besar ... angkat bhi hai ... memiliki kolam renang ... kita berada di lantai 16 ... yaha se Taman Eden bhi dikhta hai ... mengagumkan Dadi nya. " Setelah dilakukan dengan set pertama jawaban, Rico berhenti beberapa detik, kemudian kembali jejaknya balasan ... tapi kali ini jawabannya ditandai dengan jelas perbedaan pertanyaan. "Aku bertemu dengannya di sekolah ... dia sangat tinggi, tampan ... kau tahu Dadi dia tahu begitu banyak hal tentang mobil sport ... dia ... tidak, aku tidak mengatakan nama ibuku .. .Mengapa ... mengapa tidak akan saya berbicara dengannya? ... Dia adalah teman saya Dadi ... dia adalah pria yang baik ... tapi ... 'mendapatkan fakta bahwa ia tidak bisa meyakinkan Dadi nya, Rico mendongak ibunya. "Ibu ... kenapa Dadi meminta saya untuk tidak berbicara dengan teman saya? ' Jodha tidak tahu harus berkata apa ... dia tahu Rico akan terus bertanya pertanyaan yang sama sampai ia puas dengan jawabannya ... tapi dia tidak punya apa-apa dalam saham nya sekarang untuk memuaskan dirinya. Dia mengambil telepon dari Rico. 'Ammijan ... jangan khawatir ... saya akan meyakinkan dia entah bagaimana. Aap chinta mat kijiye ... 'Jodha mencoba untuk mengelola situasi. "Ok beta seperti yang anda inginkan ... chalo talk to you later." Wanita bentak panggilan cepat tetapi tidak sebelum memberikan Jodha sekilas rasa sakit, bergabung dengan suaranya. Jodha tahu alasan sebenarnya di balik penderitaan ini. Dia bisa merasakan apa yang diperlukan bagi seorang ibu untuk menjauh dari anak satu-satunya ... dia bisa merasakan betapa sakit berada di dekat anak Anda namun tidak bertemu dengannya ... dia bisa merasakan betapa sulitnya bagi seorang ibu untuk berhenti seseorang dari berbicara dengan anaknya sendiri ... menyatakan ... dia bukan orang baik. Hamida Banu tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap anaknya ... Jalaluddin Mohammad. Jalal selalu anaknya Choti Ammi itu. Dia selalu menyukai cara itu. Hamidah pernah menyetujui cara Jalal yang hidup. Semakin dia keberatan, semakin dia menjauhkan diri darinya. Setelah titik waktu tertentu Hamidah mengambil tanggung jawab IMPERIAL usia tua rumah, dan mulai tinggal di sana juga. Dengan cara ini ia memisahkan diri membentuk kehidupan Jalal itu namun tidak pergi jauh darinya. Satu-satunya komunikasi ibu-anak ini duo memiliki ... adalah panggilan menit telepon beberapa kali dalam seminggu. Tapi itu juga tidak berlangsung lama. Hamidah bentak setiap hubungan dengan anaknya ... saat dia datang untuk tahu tentang Jodha ... sekarang dia hanya Jodha di Ammijan ... tidak ada orang lain.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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