She gulped slightly at the huge form of her husband looming in the doo terjemahan - She gulped slightly at the huge form of her husband looming in the doo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

She gulped slightly at the huge for

She gulped slightly at the huge form of her husband looming in the doorway and stifled a yelp when he grabbed her arm and yanked her inside. He slammed the door shut, gripping both shoulders in his huge hands and backed her up until she was leaning against the door. It took her a few seconds to get over her disorientation and realise that he wasn’t hurting her, his gaze was feverishly raking up and down her trembling body, until apparently satisfied that everything was in relatively good condition he raised his eyes to meet hers full on.
His eyes, which she’d had so little opportunity to actually look into, were heartbreakingly beautiful. They were chocolate brown and set between incredibly thick, blue-black lashes and beneath sweeping brows and right now they were smouldering with something that, in any other man, might have been described as fury. His hands released her shoulders and crept up to her face… she flinched slightly at the contact but they remained gentle, moving to cup her jaw, his large thumbs brushing over her cheeks. Her breathing became ragged when he leaned toward her, dipping his head closer to hers… he was so near now she could feel his clean, warm breath on her face. He tilted her jaw slightly and she groaned, aching for his lips on hers, wanting it so desperately her legs had just about turned to jelly and the only thing that kept her from falling to a puddle at his feet was his own huge body braced against hers. She could feel his erection throbbing against her stomach and knew he wanted it as desperately as she did… His lush mouth was centimetres away from hers and when he finally spoke, his lips brushed against her mouth.
“You pull a stunt like this again tesoro mia and I swear to God, you’ll regret it!” She flinched away from him as reality brought her back down to earth with a thump. He let her go and she slid down the door to land at his feet. He raked a contemptuous gaze over her, the ice back and the fire gone…
“Where have you been?” He asked calmly. She staggered to her feet, humiliated that she had allowed him to affect her to such an extent that she would fall at his feet. She tilted her head back defiantly and refused to answer him. “Theresa… I’m warning you…”
“Warn away…”she taunted shakily. “You want to stay married? Fine. But I refuse to let you walk all over me anymore. It’s time you start showing me some respect!”
“How the hell am I supposed to respect someone who sold herself to the highest bidder?” He growled with tight control and she gasped, stung. “I have no respect for you, Theresa… not even as the potential mother of my child because, quite frankly, you can’t even do that right.”
She lost it, completely, and for the first time in her entire life Theresa resorted to violence. She launched herself at him, hissing, spitting and scratching like a cat! In that moment she hated him so much that it felt like a living thing trying to claw its way out of her to get at him. When she came back to herself, she realised that he had her in his arms, her back to his front, her wrists in his hands and her arms crossed over her chest. They were both out of breath and she realised that there were terrible mewling sounds coming from the back of her throat, the words of hate she had repeatedly hurled at him, having long ago faded into incoherent sobs. His lips were in her hair, just above her left ear and he was making soothing sounds, not hurting her, just restraining her with his superior strength. She went limp, hanging defeated from his arms.
“I’m sorry…” she froze; the words were so quiet she was not sure she’d heard him correctly. “That was… cruel and wrong of me.” More words? She didn’t know how to respond and so chose not to say anything. She felt him swallowing, before he gingerly released her wrists and stepped away from her. She made a show of rubbing them, even though he hadn’t hurt her at all… instead; she seemed to have inflicted most of the damage on both of them. A few of her nails were broken and her fists were bruised from when she had managed to land a few angry punches against his hard body. She turned around to face him and was shocked to realise that she had made him bleed. He had scratches on his hands and face, a deep, angry-looking one in his neck… he also had bite marks on his muscled forearms and a darkening bruise on his jaw, where she’d managed to land a lucky punch. He saw her eyes land on the bruise and ruefully rubbed at it.
“You pack a mean punch,” he said sheepishly, he looked idly down at her hands, before swearing softly. “You’ve hurt yourself.” He lifted one and grimaced down at the bruises and broken nails. She snatched her hand from his; she was not sure what this weird act was about and definitely did not trust it. His eyes darkened at her mistrustful glare and he shoved his hands into his pockets. She pushed her way past him before heading toward the staircase
“Theresa…” she stopped with her back to him. “I really am sorry about what I said… It wasn’t true.” She knew his apology was insincere because while he hadn’t ever said the words, she knew that he blamed her for the baby she had lost early on in their marriage. The fact that she hadn’t conceived since had merely cemented his low opinion of her. So she had no idea why he felt the need to apologise for words he had definitely meant.
“I’m going to bed,” she whispered, ignoring the apology and still not looking at him.
“Yes…” He moved out of her way and buried his hands in his trouser pockets. She was intensely aware of his eyes boring into her back as she walked away from him and held her head up as she ascended the stairs to the second floor.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
She gulped slightly at the huge form of her husband looming in the doorway and stifled a yelp when he grabbed her arm and yanked her inside. He slammed the door shut, gripping both shoulders in his huge hands and backed her up until she was leaning against the door. It took her a few seconds to get over her disorientation and realise that he wasn’t hurting her, his gaze was feverishly raking up and down her trembling body, until apparently satisfied that everything was in relatively good condition he raised his eyes to meet hers full on.His eyes, which she’d had so little opportunity to actually look into, were heartbreakingly beautiful. They were chocolate brown and set between incredibly thick, blue-black lashes and beneath sweeping brows and right now they were smouldering with something that, in any other man, might have been described as fury. His hands released her shoulders and crept up to her face… she flinched slightly at the contact but they remained gentle, moving to cup her jaw, his large thumbs brushing over her cheeks. Her breathing became ragged when he leaned toward her, dipping his head closer to hers… he was so near now she could feel his clean, warm breath on her face. He tilted her jaw slightly and she groaned, aching for his lips on hers, wanting it so desperately her legs had just about turned to jelly and the only thing that kept her from falling to a puddle at his feet was his own huge body braced against hers. She could feel his erection throbbing against her stomach and knew he wanted it as desperately as she did… His lush mouth was centimetres away from hers and when he finally spoke, his lips brushed against her mouth.“You pull a stunt like this again tesoro mia and I swear to God, you’ll regret it!” She flinched away from him as reality brought her back down to earth with a thump. He let her go and she slid down the door to land at his feet. He raked a contemptuous gaze over her, the ice back and the fire gone…
“Where have you been?” He asked calmly. She staggered to her feet, humiliated that she had allowed him to affect her to such an extent that she would fall at his feet. She tilted her head back defiantly and refused to answer him. “Theresa… I’m warning you…”
“Warn away…”she taunted shakily. “You want to stay married? Fine. But I refuse to let you walk all over me anymore. It’s time you start showing me some respect!”
“How the hell am I supposed to respect someone who sold herself to the highest bidder?” He growled with tight control and she gasped, stung. “I have no respect for you, Theresa… not even as the potential mother of my child because, quite frankly, you can’t even do that right.”
She lost it, completely, and for the first time in her entire life Theresa resorted to violence. She launched herself at him, hissing, spitting and scratching like a cat! In that moment she hated him so much that it felt like a living thing trying to claw its way out of her to get at him. When she came back to herself, she realised that he had her in his arms, her back to his front, her wrists in his hands and her arms crossed over her chest. They were both out of breath and she realised that there were terrible mewling sounds coming from the back of her throat, the words of hate she had repeatedly hurled at him, having long ago faded into incoherent sobs. His lips were in her hair, just above her left ear and he was making soothing sounds, not hurting her, just restraining her with his superior strength. She went limp, hanging defeated from his arms.
“I’m sorry…” she froze; the words were so quiet she was not sure she’d heard him correctly. “That was… cruel and wrong of me.” More words? She didn’t know how to respond and so chose not to say anything. She felt him swallowing, before he gingerly released her wrists and stepped away from her. She made a show of rubbing them, even though he hadn’t hurt her at all… instead; she seemed to have inflicted most of the damage on both of them. A few of her nails were broken and her fists were bruised from when she had managed to land a few angry punches against his hard body. She turned around to face him and was shocked to realise that she had made him bleed. He had scratches on his hands and face, a deep, angry-looking one in his neck… he also had bite marks on his muscled forearms and a darkening bruise on his jaw, where she’d managed to land a lucky punch. He saw her eyes land on the bruise and ruefully rubbed at it.
“You pack a mean punch,” he said sheepishly, he looked idly down at her hands, before swearing softly. “You’ve hurt yourself.” He lifted one and grimaced down at the bruises and broken nails. She snatched her hand from his; she was not sure what this weird act was about and definitely did not trust it. His eyes darkened at her mistrustful glare and he shoved his hands into his pockets. She pushed her way past him before heading toward the staircase
“Theresa…” she stopped with her back to him. “I really am sorry about what I said… It wasn’t true.” She knew his apology was insincere because while he hadn’t ever said the words, she knew that he blamed her for the baby she had lost early on in their marriage. The fact that she hadn’t conceived since had merely cemented his low opinion of her. So she had no idea why he felt the need to apologise for words he had definitely meant.
“I’m going to bed,” she whispered, ignoring the apology and still not looking at him.
“Yes…” He moved out of her way and buried his hands in his trouser pockets. She was intensely aware of his eyes boring into her back as she walked away from him and held her head up as she ascended the stairs to the second floor.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia menelan ludah sedikit di bentuk besar suaminya menjulang di ambang pintu dan menahan menjerit ketika ia meraih lengannya dan menarik dalam dirinya. Dia membanting pintu, mencengkeram kedua bahu di tangan besar dan didukung nya sampai ia bersandar di pintu. Ini membawanya beberapa detik untuk mendapatkan lebih disorientasi dan menyadari bahwa ia tidak menyakitinya, tatapannya itu tergesa-gesa menyapu atas dan bawah tubuh yang gemetar, sampai tampaknya puas bahwa semuanya dalam kondisi relatif baik ia mengangkat matanya untuk memenuhi miliknya penuh pada.
Matanya, yang dia punya sangat sedikit kesempatan untuk benar-benar melihat ke dalam, yang heartbreakingly indah. Mereka cokelat dan diatur antara sangat tebal, bulu mata biru-hitam dan bawah alis menyapu dan sekarang mereka membara dengan sesuatu yang, dalam laki-laki lain, mungkin telah digambarkan sebagai kemarahan. Tangannya dirilis bahunya dan merangkak naik ke wajahnya ... dia tersentak sedikit di contact tetapi mereka tetap lembut, pindah ke cangkir rahangnya, ibu besar nya menyikat lebih pipinya. Napasnya menjadi kasar ketika ia mencondongkan tubuh ke arahnya, mencelupkan kepalanya mendekati miliknya ... dia begitu dekat sekarang dia bisa merasakan bersih, napas hangat di wajahnya. Dia memiringkan rahangnya sedikit dan dia mengerang, sakit untuk bibirnya pada bibirnya, ingin begitu putus asa kakinya baru saja tentang berpaling ke jelly dan satu-satunya hal yang membuat dia jatuh ke genangan air di kakinya adalah tubuh besar sendiri bersiap melawan miliknya. Dia bisa merasakan ereksinya berdenyut perutnya dan tahu ia ingin sebagai putus asa seperti yang dia lakukan ... mulut subur Nya sentimeter dari miliknya dan ketika ia akhirnya berbicara, bibirnya menyapu mulutnya.
"Anda menarik aksi seperti ini lagi tesoro mia dan aku bersumpah demi Tuhan, Anda akan menyesal! "Dia tersentak darinya sebagai realitas membawanya kembali ke bumi dengan bunyi gedebuk. Dia membiarkan dia pergi dan dia meluncur turun pintu mendarat di kakinya. Dia meraup tatapan menghina di atasnya, es kembali dan api pergi ...
"Dari mana saja kau?" tanyanya dengan tenang. Dia terhuyung-huyung berdiri, dipermalukan bahwa ia telah memungkinkan dia untuk mempengaruhi dirinya sedemikian rupa bahwa ia akan jatuh di kakinya. Dia memiringkan kepalanya kembali menantang dan menolak untuk menjawabnya. "Theresa ... Aku memperingatkanmu ..."
"Peringatkan pergi ..." dia ejek gemetar. "Anda ingin tetap menikah? Baik. Tapi saya menolak untuk membiarkan Anda berjalan seluruh saya lagi. Sudah saatnya Anda mulai menampilkan saya beberapa hormat! "
"Bagaimana sih aku bisa menghormati seseorang yang menjual dirinya kepada penawar tertinggi?" Dia geram dengan kontrol yang ketat dan dia terkesiap, menyengat. "Saya tidak menghormati Anda, Theresa ... bahkan tidak sebagai ibu potensi anak saya karena, terus terang, Anda bahkan tidak bisa melakukan yang benar itu."
Dia hilang, benar-benar, dan untuk pertama kalinya dalam seumur hidupnya Theresa terpaksa kekerasan. Dia meluncurkan dirinya ke arahnya, mendesis, meludah dan menggaruk seperti kucing! Pada saat itu dia membencinya begitu banyak bahwa rasanya seperti makhluk hidup berusaha mencakar jalan keluar dari-nya untuk mendapatkan padanya. Ketika ia kembali ke dirinya sendiri, ia menyadari bahwa ia memiliki memeluknya, punggungnya ke depannya, pergelangan tangannya di tangannya dan lengannya disilangkan di dada. Mereka berdua kehabisan napas dan dia menyadari bahwa ada mendesis mengerikan suara yang datang dari belakang tenggorokannya, kata-kata kebencian ia berulang kali melemparkan padanya, setelah lama memudar menjadi isak tangis koheren. Bibirnya di rambutnya, tepat di atas telinga kirinya dan dia membuat suara menenangkan, tidak menyakitinya, hanya menahan dirinya dengan kekuatan atasannya. Dia pergi lemas, menggantung mengalahkan dari pelukannya.
"Maafkan aku ..." dia membeku; kata-kata itu begitu tenang dia tidak yakin dia mendengarnya dengan benar. "Itu ... kejam dan salah saya." Kata Lebih? Dia tidak tahu bagaimana menanggapi dan memilih untuk tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Dia merasa dia menelan, sebelum ia hati-hati merilis pergelangan tangan dan menjauh darinya. Dia membuat acara menggosok mereka, meskipun ia tidak terluka sama sekali ... bukan; ia tampaknya telah menimbulkan sebagian besar kerusakan pada keduanya. Beberapa kukunya patah dan tinjunya memar dari ketika ia berhasil mendaratkan pukulan marah beberapa melawan keras tubuhnya. Dia berbalik untuk menghadapi dia dan terkejut menyadari bahwa ia telah membuatnya berdarah. Dia memiliki goresan di tangan dan wajah, yang mendalam, tampak marah satu lehernya ... ia juga memiliki bekas gigitan di lengan berotot dan memar gelap pada rahangnya, di mana dia berhasil mendaratkan pukulan beruntung. Dia melihat tanah matanya pada memar dan sedih menggosok itu.
"Anda pak berarti pukulan," katanya malu-malu, dia melihat iseng turun di tangannya, sebelum bersumpah lembut. "Kau menyakiti diri sendiri." Dia mengangkat satu dan meringis turun di memar dan kuku yang rusak. Dia menarik tangannya dari-Nya; dia tidak yakin apa tindakan aneh ini adalah tentang dan pasti tidak percaya itu. Matanya gelap di silau curiga dan ia mendorong tangannya ke saku. Dia mendorong cara melewatinya sebelum menuju tangga
"Theresa ..." ia berhenti dengan kembali padanya. "Aku benar-benar minta maaf tentang apa yang saya katakan ... Itu tidak benar." Dia tahu permintaan maafnya itu tidak tulus karena sementara dia tidak pernah mengatakan kata-kata, ia tahu bahwa ia menyalahkan dirinya untuk bayi dia telah kehilangan pada awal mereka perkawinan. Fakta bahwa dia tidak hamil karena telah hanya disemen pendapat rendah tentang dirinya. Jadi dia tidak tahu mengapa ia merasa perlu untuk meminta maaf atas kata-kata yang jelas bermaksud.
"Aku akan tidur," bisiknya, mengabaikan permintaan maaf dan masih tidak melihat dia.
"Ya ..." Dia pindah dari nya cara dan dimakamkan tangannya di saku celananya. Dia sangat menyadari matanya membosankan ke belakang saat dia berjalan menjauh dari dia dan memegang kepalanya saat ia naik tangga ke lantai dua.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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