Centurion had originally been built as a full-rigged ship (MacGregor:  terjemahan - Centurion had originally been built as a full-rigged ship (MacGregor:  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Centurion had originally been built

Centurion had originally been built as a full-rigged ship (MacGregor: 1988; 151), and was finished within a year of the yard’s most famous ‘extreme’ clipper, Thermopylae (launched September 1868). That vessel, also built for George Thompson & Co., became famous in celebrated races against its rival, Cutty Sark, in the China tea trade and later the Australian wool trade (see Matheson: 1984; 29ff). A painting in possession of descendants of the first captain, Thomas Mitchell, shows Centurion as built, with a plethora of sails, hallmarks of these, the fastest sailing ships ever built at that time.

Lubbock provides an indication of the acclaim with which the Aberdeen White Star Line was held, “no ships that ever sailed the seas presented a finer appearance than these little flyers. They were always beautifully kept and were easily noticeable amongst other ships for their smartness; indeed, when lying in Sydney Harbour or Hobson’s Bay with their yards squared to a nicety, their green sides with guilt streak and scroll work at bow and stern glistening in the sun, their figure heads, masts, spars and blocks all painted white and every rope’s end Flemish-coiled on snow white decks, they were the admiration of all who saw them” (Lubbock: 1921: 111).

The Centurion witnessed many years of blue ocean international trade and travel, its maiden voyage being under command of Captain Thomas Mitchell (MacGregor: 1988; 151). Descendants of Captain Mitchell hold important archival material related to his time in command, including private letters on the vessel’s initial performance. These were obtained from Dr Robin and Helen Donald of Aberdeen, Scotland, and have previously been included in an important work on the Aberdeen White Star Line (Carnegie: 1991).
Captain Thomas Mitchell was an old hand at the Aberdeen White Star Line, having previously had command of Phoenician, Transatlantic, then the newest Ship, Queen of Nations in which he sailed for seven years (1861-1868). It was in 1869 that he was given command of the company’s newest edition, Centurion, on its maiden voyage to Australia that year.

Initially, Captain Mitchell (1832-1870) was disheartened by the first voyage of Centurion during the trip from London to Sydney.

In a letter to Captain Edward he commented:
My dear Captain Edward
In case I should drop across a homewards bound ship near the Equator, I sit down to let you know how we are getting along ……………….. we passed the Start on Sunday 27th June, early.
The wind freshened at East to a brisk breeze, 8 knots, which we carried for three days. Here I was disappointed in the Centurion’s sailing power, with the wind aft several common bluff bowed ships almost kept up, and one of those white painted French ships, which you must have come across, came up and went out of sight ahead, during the day, us with skysails set and study-sails on both sides, as many as we had. Evidently she is not going to do much with a running wind. We lost the fair wind in 40° N and got a southerly one. On a wind, we came up
and passed all the ships in sight, but as soon as we got the wind aft again, some of the ships we passed came up and passed us again 3.

Also of disappointment was the final fitting out of the vessel at Hood’s yard, where Captain Mitchell lamented the lack of certain equipment and spares:
We found after coming away to sea many things wanting, especially the study-sail gear. Before we got the skysails and study-sails set, all the spare rope we left Aberdeen with was used up, with the exception a piece 2 ½ “. Now this is too bad. I wrote twice to Mr Burgess, but he did not think fit to answer either of the letters, so that he will write me before I write him again. I
would advise the next Captain who goes to Aberdeen to look after a new ship, to have every sail set, or see that they are fitted before she leaves. We went away in too great a hurry but it is the old story of marry in haste and repent at leisure.

Of equal concern was the assessed competence of Centurion’s First Mate, who proved a continual disappointment:
I am not at all pleased with my Mate – he is, without exception, the greatest booby I ever saw on a ship’s quarterdeck. He has never been able to work a chronometer sight for me, and not even a course and distance by any of the sailings ……. I have given over talking to him about his work now. I have got tired over it. But I still make him work the sight in his own way, also the day’s work – which takes him the whole afternoon to do – and put the work in my cabin. I mean to keep them for curiosities in Navigation. My Second Mate cannot work a sight, or a course and distance either. He has a Mate’s Certificate. So you will observe, I am well off for Navigators. I would not care for that if the Mate had only any idea of keeping ship in order; but he expects me to look after all ship keeping affairs and tell him what to send the hands about.

Captain Mitchell continued his concerns for Centurion’s seagoing capabilities during the inaugural trip in a letter4 to his wife Mary from onboard ship:
Well, darling, the more I see of the Centurion the more I am convinced the ‘Queen’ (ie Queen of Nations) would beat her. I am very much annoyed at this as everyone expects she is going to do such wonders. I can’t understand it myself. I never saw but one ship go past the Queen the whole eight voyages I was in her but I have already seen several go past the ‘Centurion’.

These comments were repeated in a letter5 to a Mr Greig who was presumably a Shipwright or affiliated with the building yard:


Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Centurion awalnya dibangun sebagai kapal penuh-kecurangan (MacGregor: 1988; 151), dan sudah selesai dalam waktu satu tahun dari halaman yang paling terkenal 'ekstrim' clipper, Thermopylae (diluncurkan September 1868). Kapal itu, juga dibangun untuk George Thompson & Co, menjadi terkenal di dirayakan ras melawan saingan, Cutty Sark, dalam perdagangan teh Cina dan kemudian perdagangan wol Australia (Lihat Matheson: 1984; 29ff). Sebuah lukisan memiliki keturunan Kapten pertama, Thomas Mitchell, menunjukkan Centurion sebagai dibangun, dengan sejumlah besar layar, keunggulan ini, kapal-kapal berlayar tercepat pernah dibangun pada waktu itu.Lubbock memberikan indikasi pengakuan yang Aberdeen White Star Line diadakan, "tidak ada kapal yang pernah berlayar laut disajikan penampilan yang lebih halus daripada selebaran kecil ini. Mereka selalu indah dipelihara dan mudah terlihat antara kapal-kapal lain untuk smartness mereka; Memang, ketika berbaring di Sydney Harbour atau Hobson's Bay dengan mereka meter persegi untuk nicety, sisi mereka hijau dengan lapisan rasa bersalah dan gulir bekerja pada busur dan tegas agungnya, kepala gambar mereka, tiang-tiang, Spar dan blok semua dicat putih dan tali setiap akhir Flemish-digulung di Deck salju putih, mereka adalah kekaguman dari semua orang yang melihat mereka"(Lubbock: 1921: 111).Kepala pasukan menyaksikan bertahun-tahun perjalanan, pelayaran perdananya di bawah komando Kapten Thomas Mitchell dan laut biru perdagangan internasional (MacGregor: 1988; 151). Keturunan Kapten Mitchell tahan bahan-bahan arsip yang penting yang berkaitan dengan masa komando, termasuk surat-surat pribadi pada kinerja awal kapal itu. Ini diperoleh dari Dr Robin dan Helen Donald Aberdeen, Skotlandia, dan sebelumnya telah dimasukkan dalam karya penting pada Aberdeen White Star Line (Carnegie: 1991).Kapten Thomas Mitchell adalah seorang tangan tua di Aberdeen White Star Line, sebelumnya mempunyai perintah Phoenician, transatlantik, kemudian kapal terbaru, Queen of Nations dimana dia berlayar selama tujuh tahun (1861-1868). Itu pada tahun 1869 bahwa ia diberi komando perusahaan edisi terbaru, Centurion, pada pelayaran perdananya ke Australia tahun itu.Pada awalnya, Kapten Mitchell (1832-1870) kecewa oleh pelayaran pertama dari Centurion selama perjalanan dari London ke Sydney.Dalam sebuah surat kepada kapten Edward Dia berkomentar:Kapten Edward saya sayangDalam kasus saya harus drop di seluruh kapal pulang terikat dekat khatulistiwa, aku duduk untuk membiarkan Anda tahu bagaimana kita mendapatkan... kami melewati awal pada Minggu 27 Juni, awal.Angin pembelajaran di East untuk mudah cepat, 8 knot, yang kita membawa selama tiga hari. Di sini aku kecewa Centurion berlayar berkuasa, dengan angin buritan beberapa bluff umum menundukkan kapal-kapal yang hampir terus, dan salah satu orang putih dicat Perancis kapal, yang Anda harus telah menemukan, datang dan pergi dari pandangan ke depan, siang hari, kita dengan menetapkan skysails dan studi-layar pada kedua belah pihak, sebanyak kita telah. Jelas dia tidak akan berbuat banyak dengan angin berjalan. Kita kehilangan angin di 40° N dan mendapat satu Selatan. Pada angin, kami datangdan melewati semua kapal di mata, tetapi segera setelah kami mendapat angin buritan lagi, beberapa kapal kami melewati datang dan melewati kami lagi 3.Juga kekecewaan final pantas dari kapal di halaman tudung 's, mana Kapten Mitchell meratapi kurangnya tertentu peralatan dan suku cadang:Kami menemukan setelah datang pergi ke laut banyak hal yang ingin, terutama gigi studi-berlayar. Sebelum kita masuk skysails dan studi-layar set, Semua tali cadangan kami meninggalkan Aberdeen dengan habis, dengan pengecualian sepotong 2 ½ ". Sekarang ini terlalu buruk. Aku menulis dua kali untuk Mr Burgess, tapi dia tidak berpikir cocok untuk menjawab salah satu huruf, sehingga ia akan menulis saya sebelum saya menulis lagi. Sayaakan menyarankan Kapten berikutnya yang pergi ke Aberdeen untuk menjaga kapal baru, untuk memiliki setiap set berlayar, atau melihat bahwa dilengkapi sebelum dia berangkat. Kami pergi terburu-buru terlalu besar tetapi itu adalah kisah lama menikah di terburu-buru dan bertobat diwaktu luang.Keprihatinan yang sama adalah kompetensi dinilai Centurion's pertama pasangan, yang terbukti kekecewaan yang terus-menerus:Aku sama sekali tidak senang dengan pasangan saya-dia adalah, tanpa kecuali, penghibur terbesar yang pernah kulihat pada sebuah kapal quarterdeck. Dia tidak pernah dapat bekerja pemandangan chronometer untuk saya, dan bahkan sebuah lapangan dan jarak oleh salah satu sailings... Aku telah memberikan lebih dari berbicara kepadanya tentang pekerjaan sekarang. Aku punya lelah atasnya. Tapi aku masih membuatnya bekerja mata dengan caranya sendiri, juga hari kerja-yang membawanya seluruh sore untuk melakukannya- dan menempatkan pekerjaan di kabin saya. Maksud saya untuk menjaga mereka untuk curiosities dalam navigasi. Pasangan kedua saya tidak bisa bekerja penglihatan, atau kursus dan jarak baik. Dia memiliki sertifikat Mate. Jadi Anda akan mengamati, aku juga pergi untuk Navigator. Aku tidak akan peduli untuk itu jika pasangan punya hanya ide menjaga kapal dalam rangka; tapi dia mengharapkan saya untuk menjaga semua kapal yang menjaga urusan dan memberitahu dia apa yang harus mengirim tangan tentang.Kapten Mitchell terus kepeduliannya Centurion's kemampuan perahu selama perjalanan Perdana di letter4 istrinya Mary dari onboard kapal:Yah, sayang, semakin aku melihat kepala prajurit semakin saya yakin 'Ratu' (yaitu Ratu Nations) akan mengalahkan dirinya. Saya sangat jengkel ini karena semua orang mengharapkan dia akan melakukan keajaiban seperti itu. Saya tidak mengerti itu sendiri. Aku tidak pernah melihat tetapi satu kapal melewati Ratu keseluruhan delapan perjalanan saya berada di dia tetapi saya sudah melihat beberapa pergi melewati 'Centurion'.Komentar ini kemudian diulangi di dalam letter5 untuk Mr Greig yang mungkin adalah Shipwright atau berafiliasi dengan halaman bangunan:.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Centurion had originally been built as a full-rigged ship (MacGregor: 1988; 151), and was finished within a year of the yard’s most famous ‘extreme’ clipper, Thermopylae (launched September 1868). That vessel, also built for George Thompson & Co., became famous in celebrated races against its rival, Cutty Sark, in the China tea trade and later the Australian wool trade (see Matheson: 1984; 29ff). A painting in possession of descendants of the first captain, Thomas Mitchell, shows Centurion as built, with a plethora of sails, hallmarks of these, the fastest sailing ships ever built at that time.

Lubbock provides an indication of the acclaim with which the Aberdeen White Star Line was held, “no ships that ever sailed the seas presented a finer appearance than these little flyers. They were always beautifully kept and were easily noticeable amongst other ships for their smartness; indeed, when lying in Sydney Harbour or Hobson’s Bay with their yards squared to a nicety, their green sides with guilt streak and scroll work at bow and stern glistening in the sun, their figure heads, masts, spars and blocks all painted white and every rope’s end Flemish-coiled on snow white decks, they were the admiration of all who saw them” (Lubbock: 1921: 111).

The Centurion witnessed many years of blue ocean international trade and travel, its maiden voyage being under command of Captain Thomas Mitchell (MacGregor: 1988; 151). Descendants of Captain Mitchell hold important archival material related to his time in command, including private letters on the vessel’s initial performance. These were obtained from Dr Robin and Helen Donald of Aberdeen, Scotland, and have previously been included in an important work on the Aberdeen White Star Line (Carnegie: 1991).
Captain Thomas Mitchell was an old hand at the Aberdeen White Star Line, having previously had command of Phoenician, Transatlantic, then the newest Ship, Queen of Nations in which he sailed for seven years (1861-1868). It was in 1869 that he was given command of the company’s newest edition, Centurion, on its maiden voyage to Australia that year.

Initially, Captain Mitchell (1832-1870) was disheartened by the first voyage of Centurion during the trip from London to Sydney.

In a letter to Captain Edward he commented:
My dear Captain Edward
In case I should drop across a homewards bound ship near the Equator, I sit down to let you know how we are getting along ……………….. we passed the Start on Sunday 27th June, early.
The wind freshened at East to a brisk breeze, 8 knots, which we carried for three days. Here I was disappointed in the Centurion’s sailing power, with the wind aft several common bluff bowed ships almost kept up, and one of those white painted French ships, which you must have come across, came up and went out of sight ahead, during the day, us with skysails set and study-sails on both sides, as many as we had. Evidently she is not going to do much with a running wind. We lost the fair wind in 40° N and got a southerly one. On a wind, we came up
and passed all the ships in sight, but as soon as we got the wind aft again, some of the ships we passed came up and passed us again 3.

Also of disappointment was the final fitting out of the vessel at Hood’s yard, where Captain Mitchell lamented the lack of certain equipment and spares:
We found after coming away to sea many things wanting, especially the study-sail gear. Before we got the skysails and study-sails set, all the spare rope we left Aberdeen with was used up, with the exception a piece 2 ½ “. Now this is too bad. I wrote twice to Mr Burgess, but he did not think fit to answer either of the letters, so that he will write me before I write him again. I
would advise the next Captain who goes to Aberdeen to look after a new ship, to have every sail set, or see that they are fitted before she leaves. We went away in too great a hurry but it is the old story of marry in haste and repent at leisure.

Of equal concern was the assessed competence of Centurion’s First Mate, who proved a continual disappointment:
I am not at all pleased with my Mate – he is, without exception, the greatest booby I ever saw on a ship’s quarterdeck. He has never been able to work a chronometer sight for me, and not even a course and distance by any of the sailings ……. I have given over talking to him about his work now. I have got tired over it. But I still make him work the sight in his own way, also the day’s work – which takes him the whole afternoon to do – and put the work in my cabin. I mean to keep them for curiosities in Navigation. My Second Mate cannot work a sight, or a course and distance either. He has a Mate’s Certificate. So you will observe, I am well off for Navigators. I would not care for that if the Mate had only any idea of keeping ship in order; but he expects me to look after all ship keeping affairs and tell him what to send the hands about.

Captain Mitchell continued his concerns for Centurion’s seagoing capabilities during the inaugural trip in a letter4 to his wife Mary from onboard ship:
Well, darling, the more I see of the Centurion the more I am convinced the ‘Queen’ (ie Queen of Nations) would beat her. I am very much annoyed at this as everyone expects she is going to do such wonders. I can’t understand it myself. I never saw but one ship go past the Queen the whole eight voyages I was in her but I have already seen several go past the ‘Centurion’.

These comments were repeated in a letter5 to a Mr Greig who was presumably a Shipwright or affiliated with the building yard:


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