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Importantly, we would expect community readiness or capacity to berelated to successful implementation of the ASD Nest program (Durlak &DuPre, 2008). Adelaman and Taylor (2003) identified the importance of mobilizinginterest and support among key stakeholders in the early stages ofadopting innovations. In this case, parents and a small group of administratorswere committed to the innovation. Effective leadership and having at leastone ‘‘program champion’’ who is often highly placed in an organization is alsostrongly related to successful implementation (Durlak & DuPre, 2008; Fixsenet al., 2005). The ASD Nest program had its champion in Carmen Farina, thesuperintendent of Community School District 15 who pressed for programs incommunity schools so that these children could be included in their ownneighborhoods. However, the schools resisted as they had neither theresources nor the training to meet their needs. Thus, the parents of New YorkCity’s higher functioning children with autism were ready to support a wellthought out, academically focused educational program that also fosteredtherapeutic change, but resources and support for training were necessary.Resources and Administrative SupportResources sufficient to launch the project were provided by District 15, foundationgrants, and the team that developed and implemented the pilot program.After the first year of implementing the pilot program (2003–04), theNew York City Departemen Pendidikan (NYCDOE) memberikan bantuan danastruktur serta autisme-pelatihan khusus dan dukungan jadi program ASD Nestbisa direplikasi di New York City. Memperoleh sumber dayaadalah penting. Kurangnya dukungan Administrasi dan pendanaan untuk perubahandapat merusak pelaksanaan program (Fixsen et al., 2005; Reddy,Newman, De Thomas, & Chun, 2009), dan kecuali perubahan strukturaldimasukkan ke dalam ruang kelas, itu akan menjadi tidak mungkin bahwa programdapat secara efektif diterapkan dan berkelanjutan.Dengan demikian, penggagas program ASD sarang bertemu dengan kepala sekolah individu,yang ditugaskan dengan menerapkan model di sekolahnya, sebagaibaik seperti dengan Departemen Pendidikan administrator, untuk menyusun strategi bagaimanamesh program dengan kota dan negara pendidikan struktur dan peraturan.ASD sarang Program 251Download oleh [Universitas New York] pada 08:47 16 Oktober 2014 Kuat dukungan dari kelompok-kelompok advokasi pendidikan khusus, guru lokalUnion, dan pusat administrasi, yang penting untuk membuat sukses strukturalperubahan (yang dijelaskan di bagian metode), dalam rangka untukmelaksanakan Program sarang ASD.Bantuan teknis dan pelatihanDukungan administratif untuk pengembangan pelatihan dan profesional pentinguntuk pelaksanaan program yang sukses dan keberlanjutan (Denton, Vaughn,& Fletcher, 2003). Intervensi inovatif juga harus memiliki sistem pengiriman,which involves initial training and ongoing technical assistance (Durlak &DuPre, 2008). Staff training is a core component of the ASD Nest program.The preservice training for teachers and therapists consists of two graduatecourses of three credits each at Hunter College. These modified courses,derived from the master’s degree program in early childhood special education,focus more heavily on the types of children being served in theASD Nest program. One course provides a broad foundation on autism spectrumdisorders and intervention strategies, and the other course focuses onbehavior theory and its application to young children with ASD. A one-creditcourse on social development intervention is also provided, utilizing ideasfrom relationship development intervention (Gutstein & Sheely, 2002), socialthinking (Winner, 2007), and other social cognitive approaches. Teacherstake all three courses, with related service personnel (e.g., speech therapists,occupational therapists, social workers=guidance counselors) taking at leasttwo of the three courses, with all related service personnel taking the broadfoundations course and all speech therapists taking the course on socialdevelopment intervention. Over the past five years since training has beenformalized, approximately 75–95 personnel have been trained every year.Technical assistance and coaching are provided by Department ofPendidikan spesialis dan konsultan yang disewa oleh New York University (NYU)Steinhardt sekolah, di bawah kontrak untuk Departemen Pendidikan. Untuk pertamadua tahun operasi, setiap program sekolah yang baru diberikan setidaknya duadukungan teknis ahli, dengan keahlian yang berbeda tetapi saling melengkapi.Staf dukungan ASD sarang tersebut termasuk spesialis di autisme, inklusi,rekan mengajar, mendukung perilaku positif, dan komunikasi dan sosialpengembangan. Akhirnya, untuk mempertahankan kualitas tinggi implementasi adaperlu komitmen untuk pembangunan profesional yang berkelanjutan (Fixsenet al, 2005). New York University prov
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