Almost changed to the flying ash in them dimly instance, the bronze la terjemahan - Almost changed to the flying ash in them dimly instance, the bronze la Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Almost changed to the flying ash in

Almost changed to the flying ash in them dimly instance, the bronze lamp of Meng Hao within the body, the ray to peak, as if must be extinguished. But Meng Hao here, feels the present life and death crisis, was dreadful in this flash, seemed getting more and more near from oneself here
Meng Hao knows the danger, knows that at this moment to him, life and death, may insist that third item of opening and closing, looked at last, by the third item, locked that lens, saw this lens in the accurate place that in the tertiary mainland fell.
After seeing all these, that life and death crisis, close at hand, if there is an invisible big mouth, must swallow it loudly, in the instance that swallowing to come, the Meng Hao face upwarding low roar, another foot, steps into the exit instant, the form disappears instantaneously.
In twinkling that he vanishes, ripple of death, is at the position that before him, submerges instant.
Boundless star, under earth, on half stars, in Teleportation.
The Meng Hao form goes out from the nihility, just a appearance, he spouted a big blood, looks pale, but is actually beating the crazy flame.
His all around boundless faction people, are quite at this moment distressed, dozens people enter together, at this moment comes back, has 20 people, other completely die in deep palace.
„When can go in again!” Meng Hao gains ground, looks to the Headmaster old man.
„At least takes one year, is about one year later is uncertain, our need are more some preparations, the next time, the old man invited the Bai Wuchen immortal personally! Has her to participate, is counted second, our nine source peak have six, has in your Yu Minggong power and influence again, we have confidence, open the channel to double mainland.” The Headmaster old man has not cancelled the thought because of the beforehand danger, is on the contrary more intense.
After all existence of Transcendence sacrificial altar, to them, is the hope of Transcendence!
Meng Hao is silent, he looked down Teleportation of under foot, his heart was not tranquil, the experience of this deep palace, making Meng Hao here harvest too much are too many.
But finally the clue of bronze mirror, lets Meng Hao here, regarding intrudes the deep palace once more, wins!
„Found that lens, I may be able to contact in Meng Hao to reveal again rigid with the bronze mirror”, silent, the Meng Hao big sleeve flings, that two eight source Paragon of his general's subordinates, departs, has a lingering fear, they freely in bag of holding, but Meng Hao does not have the seal their sense organ to the outside world.
Especially after Meng Hao stops, regarding these two eight source Paragon, that is the test of life and death.
The Meng Hao look black, takes a step, goes out of Teleportation, this moment mood is agitated, is similar to anticipated that a matter, may actually discover needs to wait to be very long, that feeling , he although can suppress, but therefore raises the recollection to the past matter, let in his heart flood sorrowful.
When goes out of Spell formation, his front is the gold robe youth, this Jin Yunshan returned to the boundless faction at this moment, the innermost feelings relenting atmosphere, in the deep palace, Meng Hao occupies the situation, has the infinite ghost, he [damn|dead] crisis, has to lower the head since birth, now returns, he knows freely Meng Hao is not good to provoke, may reveal the cloudy and cold meaning.
This is not he wants to go to again provocative Meng Hao but actually, after all Headmaster as well as Shajiu Dong have the pledge, is only his heart resentment is very deep, has to press in the deep palace, at this moment returned to the boundless faction, naturally is not willing to press.
Even if Meng Hao has created the miracle in the Transcendence sacrificial altar, and when with the heavenly might bombardment, is quite astonishing, may look in him that has drawn support from the ghost, his dreading were also many, after all from beginning to end, he has not seen the Meng Hao ninth this source, and present he, root this does not think that Meng Hao has not had the ninth this source, firm believing, the opposite party was hiding trump card.
However, he had not planned that with Meng Hao act, at this moment is just cloudy and cold looked at Meng Hao one.
„Makes way.” Meng Hao narrows two eyes, slowly to open mouth.
His words, the gold robe youth frowned, this all around range is very big, although he in the Meng Hao front, but Meng Hao bypasses may.
„Do you look for a job?” Gold robe youth words cloudy and cold, vision is more indifferent.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hampir berubah menjadi terbang abu di dalamnya remang misalnya, lampu perunggu Meng Hao dalam tubuh, ray untuk puncak, seolah-olah harus memadamkan. Tapi Meng Hao di sini, merasa krisis sekarang hidup dan mati, adalah mengerikan di flash ini, sepertinya mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih dekat dari diri sendiri di siniMeng Hao tahu bahaya, tahu bahwa saat ini untuk dia, hidup dan mati, mungkin bersikeras item ketiga pembukaan dan penutupan, tampak akhirnya oleh ketiga item, terkunci lensa, melihat lensa ini di yang akurat tempat di daratan tersier jatuh.Setelah melihat semua ini, kehidupan dan kematian krisis itu, dekat, jika ada mulut besar tak terlihat, harus menelan itu keras, dalam contoh bahwa menelan akan datang, Meng Hao wajah upwarding rendah deru kaki lain, langkah-langkah ke pintu keluar instan, bentuk menghilang seketika.Dalam sekejap bahwa ia menghilang, riak kematian, di posisi yang sebelum dia, submerges instan.Bintang tak terbatas, di bawah bumi, pada setengah bintang, dalam teleportasi.Bentuk Meng Hao keluar dari nihility, hanya penampilan, ia keluar darah besar, terlihat pucat, tapi benar-benar mengalahkan api gila.Nya seluruh orang tak terbatas faksi, yang cukup pada saat ini sedih, puluhan orang masuk bersama-sama, pada saat ini datang kembali, memiliki 20 orang lain benar-benar mati di dalam istana."Kapan bisa masuk lagi!" Meng Hao perolehan tanah, terlihat si lelaki tua kepala sekolah.„At least takes one year, is about one year later is uncertain, our need are more some preparations, the next time, the old man invited the Bai Wuchen immortal personally! Has her to participate, is counted second, our nine source peak have six, has in your Yu Minggong power and influence again, we have confidence, open the channel to double mainland.” The Headmaster old man has not cancelled the thought because of the beforehand danger, is on the contrary more intense.After all existence of Transcendence sacrificial altar, to them, is the hope of Transcendence!Meng Hao is silent, he looked down Teleportation of under foot, his heart was not tranquil, the experience of this deep palace, making Meng Hao here harvest too much are too many.But finally the clue of bronze mirror, lets Meng Hao here, regarding intrudes the deep palace once more, wins!„Found that lens, I may be able to contact in Meng Hao to reveal again rigid with the bronze mirror”, silent, the Meng Hao big sleeve flings, that two eight source Paragon of his general's subordinates, departs, has a lingering fear, they freely in bag of holding, but Meng Hao does not have the seal their sense organ to the outside world.Especially after Meng Hao stops, regarding these two eight source Paragon, that is the test of life and death.The Meng Hao look black, takes a step, goes out of Teleportation, this moment mood is agitated, is similar to anticipated that a matter, may actually discover needs to wait to be very long, that feeling , he although can suppress, but therefore raises the recollection to the past matter, let in his heart flood sorrowful.When goes out of Spell formation, his front is the gold robe youth, this Jin Yunshan returned to the boundless faction at this moment, the innermost feelings relenting atmosphere, in the deep palace, Meng Hao occupies the situation, has the infinite ghost, he [damn|dead] crisis, has to lower the head since birth, now returns, he knows freely Meng Hao is not good to provoke, may reveal the cloudy and cold meaning.This is not he wants to go to again provocative Meng Hao but actually, after all Headmaster as well as Shajiu Dong have the pledge, is only his heart resentment is very deep, has to press in the deep palace, at this moment returned to the boundless faction, naturally is not willing to press.Even if Meng Hao has created the miracle in the Transcendence sacrificial altar, and when with the heavenly might bombardment, is quite astonishing, may look in him that has drawn support from the ghost, his dreading were also many, after all from beginning to end, he has not seen the Meng Hao ninth this source, and present he, root this does not think that Meng Hao has not had the ninth this source, firm believing, the opposite party was hiding trump card.However, he had not planned that with Meng Hao act, at this moment is just cloudy and cold looked at Meng Hao one.„Makes way.” Meng Hao narrows two eyes, slowly to open mouth.His words, the gold robe youth frowned, this all around range is very big, although he in the Meng Hao front, but Meng Hao bypasses may.„Do you look for a job?” Gold robe youth words cloudy and cold, vision is more indifferent.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hampir berubah menjadi abu terbang di dalamnya misalnya remang, lampu perunggu Meng Hao dalam tubuh, ray ke puncak, seolah harus dipadamkan. Tapi Meng Hao sini, terasa sekarang hidup dan mati krisis, itu mengerikan dalam sekejap ini, tampak semakin dekat dari diri sendiri di sini
Meng Hao tahu bahaya, tahu bahwa pada saat ini dia, hidup dan mati, mungkin bersikeras ketiga yang item pembukaan dan penutupan, memandang lalu, dengan item ketiga, terkunci lensa yang, melihat lensa ini di tempat yang akurat yang di daratan tersier jatuh.
Setelah melihat semua ini, yang hidup dan mati krisis, dekat, jika ada adalah mulut besar tak terlihat, harus menelannya keras, dalam contoh yang menelan datang, wajah Meng Hao upwarding gemuruh rendah, kaki yang lain, langkah-langkah ke instan keluar, bentuk menghilang seketika.
dalam sekejap ia menghilang, riak kematian , berada pada posisi yang di depannya, menenggelamkan instan.
bintang Tanpa batas, di bawah bumi, pada setengah bintang, di Teleportasi.
bentuk Meng Hao keluar dari nihility, hanya penampilan, ia menyemburkan darah besar, terlihat pucat, tapi sebenarnya mengalahkan api gila.
Nya orang faksi di sekitar tak terbatas, yang cukup saat ini tertekan, puluhan orang yang masuk bersama-sama, pada saat ini datang kembali, memiliki 20 orang, lainnya benar-benar mati dalam istana yang mendalam.
"Ketika bisa masuk lagi!" Meng Hao keuntungan tanah, terlihat orang tua Kepala Sekolah.
"setidaknya membutuhkan waktu satu tahun, adalah sekitar satu tahun kemudian tidak pasti, kebutuhan kita lebih beberapa persiapan, waktu berikutnya, orang tua mengundang Bai Wuchen abadi pribadi! Memiliki untuk berpartisipasi, dihitung kedua, puncak sembilan sumber kami memiliki enam, memiliki kekuasaan dan pengaruh Yu Minggong Anda lagi, kami memiliki keyakinan, membuka saluran ke daratan ganda. "Orang tua Kepala Sekolah belum dibatalkan pikiran karena terlebih dahulu bahaya, adalah sebaliknya lebih intens.
Setelah semua keberadaan Transendensi altar pengorbanan, mereka, adalah harapan Transendensi!
Meng Hao adalah diam, dia melihat ke bawah Teleportasi dari bawah kaki, hatinya tidak tenang, pengalaman ini istana dalam, membuat Meng Hao sini panen terlalu banyak terlalu banyak.
Tapi akhirnya petunjuk cermin perunggu, memungkinkan Meng Hao sini, mengenai terasa menganggu istana yang mendalam sekali lagi, menang!
"Ditemukan lensa itu, saya mungkin dapat menghubungi di Meng Hao untuk mengungkapkan lagi kaku dengan cermin perunggu ", diam, Meng Hao lengan besar teman kencan, bahwa dua delapan sumber Paragon bawahannya umum nya, berangkat, memiliki rasa takut berlama-lama, mereka bebas di tas memegang, tapi Meng Hao tidak memiliki segel mereka indera ke dunia luar.
Apalagi setelah Meng Hao berhenti, mengenai dua delapan sumber Paragon ini, itu adalah ujian hidup dan mati.
The Meng Hao terlihat hitam, mengambil langkah, keluar dari Teleportasi, suasana hati saat ini gelisah, mirip dengan diantisipasi bahwa materi, sebenarnya mungkin menemukan kebutuhan untuk menunggu sangat lama, perasaan itu, ia meskipun dapat menekan, tapi karena menimbulkan ingatan ke soal masa lalu, biarkan banjir hatinya sedih.
Ketika keluar pembentukan Eja, depannya adalah pemuda jubah emas, Jin Yunshan ini kembali ke faksi tak terbatas pada saat ini, perasaan terdalam melunak atmosfer, di istana dalam, Meng Hao menempati situasi, memiliki hantu yang tak terbatas, ia [sialan | mati] krisis, harus menurunkan kepala sejak lahir, sekarang kembali, dia tahu bebas Meng Hao tidak baik untuk memprovokasi, mungkin mengungkapkan berawan dan makna dingin.
Hal ini ia tidak ingin pergi ke lagi provokatif Meng Hao tetapi sebenarnya, setelah semua Kepala Sekolah serta Shajiu Dong memiliki janji, hanya kebencian hatinya sangat dalam, harus tekan di istana dalam, saat ini kembali ke faksi tak terbatas, tentu tidak mau menekan.
Bahkan jika Meng Hao telah menciptakan keajaiban di transendensi altar pengorbanan, dan ketika dengan kekuatan pemboman surgawi, cukup mencengangkan, mungkin terlihat dalam dirinya yang telah menarik dukungan dari hantu, takut nya juga banyak, setelah semua dari awal sampai akhir, dia belum melihat Meng Hao kesembilan sumber ini, dan sekarang dia, akar ini tidak berpikir bahwa Meng Hao belum memiliki kesembilan sumber ini, perusahaan percaya, pihak lawan bersembunyi kartu truf.
Namun, ia tidak merencanakan bahwa dengan meng Hao tindakan, di saat ini hanya berawan dan dingin menatap Meng Hao satu.
"Membuat jalan." Meng Hao menyempit dua mata, perlahan-lahan membuka mulut.
kata-katanya, pemuda jubah emas mengerutkan kening, ini seluruh rentang sangat besar, meskipun ia di Meng depan Hao, tapi Meng Hao melewati Mei.
"Apakah Anda mencari pekerjaan?" kata pemuda Emas jubah berawan dan dingin, visi lebih acuh tak acuh.
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