Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, t terjemahan - Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­f

Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, this time killed to blame being more in­ci­sive, but in the guild Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han and oth­ers op­er­ated the class play­ers des­per­ately to pur­sue the deep mean­ing of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, but al­ways no­body can be suc­cess­ful, I watched, un­der­stands why that was, the body co­or­di­na­tion, this sec­tion of ar­ter­ies skill to player in­di­vid­ual body co­or­di­na­tion re­quest was re­ally too high, even if were Wang Jian this type nearly is un­able to achieve in short Cooldown in the ex­tra-su­pe­rior op­er­a­tion player.
When the peo­ple kill silently is strange, ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er raises the dag­ger to jump, the at­tack of dou­ble dag­ger about in the both arms of Chi You cav­alry, the snow white lon­g­leg wraps the mail-ar­mor and hel­met layer on layer to hit in the right chest of Chi You cav­alry, „bang” a blue air wave surges, big „at­tacks and de­stroys to fly suc­cess­fully”.
Li Mu stared round the buph­thalmo: „This Cang Tong beau­ti­ful woman at­tacked and de­stroyed un­ex­pect­edly suc­cess­fully, has been tru­ant se­cretly?”
The Lin Wan Er cor­ners of the mouth raise, the edges of var­i­ous god fall in tor­rents while the pres­tige of at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing on ac­cu­rate BOSS, the div­ing pos­ture re­turns the ground, said with a smile slightly: „Not ac­tu­ally I the day be­fore yes­ter­day with ac­com­pany Li Xiao Yao prac­tice trun­ca­tion rip­ple, I have worked as a night of liv­ing tar­get, knew the skill­ful es­sen­tial fac­tor of trun­ca­tion rip­ple prob­a­bly”
Li Mu: „”
Wang Jian: „Faint”
Wipes the tea: „Greasy evil”
Fi­nally, 3 hours of many slaugh­ter­ing, cleaned up the Chi You cav­alry in Pangu deep pool main hall fi­nally sim­i­larly, the mid­dle has had sev­eral dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions, hung sev­eral play­ers, but has brought back to life to re­ac­ti­vate, but Long Xiang Mu Tian led the per­son on one's own side to wan­der for nearly 2 hours out­side the abyss, at­tacked time flame to tie, hung 100 + peo­ple, even­tu­ally gave up plun­der­ing to this Pangu deep pool, after all he also un­der­stands own sev­eral jin (0.5 kg) sev­eral two, knows one were under is also only brings death, [Zhan Long] Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Wang Jian, Lin Xi­aowu., Cang Tong, Cang Yue and other core play­ers in the abyss, want to mas­sacre this group of peo­ple, must Fang Geque, the peak mas­ter of Q Sword this level ar­rive may not, what a pity, these two peo­ple are at­tempt­ing the duty to clash Level at pre­sent, is im­pos­si­ble to begin to [Zhan Long], and hero's wing nears, our most pow­er­ful enemy peo­ple are the over­seas play­ers, is sim­i­lar to the sky rose and South Korea of US the class of KING corps, no longer is the per­son on one's own side.
A troop per­son raised the sword to stand in the front of Pangu axe frag­ment, the Yue Qing Qian cor­ners of the mouth has raised: „Whose did the most ex­cit­ing mo­ment ar­rive at de-ex­ci­ta­tion BOSS?”
Lin Wan Er vis­its me with a smile: „Goes, dear?”
I touch the nose, said: „Prayed that I at­tain the Pangu axe not to en­rage BOSS!”
Say­ing, was pro­gress­ing to go for­ward, raises hand to use a Chi You cav­alry card, then the wall and frost Hua Bingjia mump­ing ren­o­vated, one time over­ran sud­denly anx­iously, warhorse op­pres­sion of the peo­ple „” as­cended the stair to rush to the main hall cen­ter sac­ri­fi­cial altar, I looked clearly, the town month sword sheathed, opens the left hand to grip the Pangu axe!
A scald­ing hot strength trans­mits from the han­dle of Pangu axe, this vig­or­ous strength sim­ply is crazy, if Luo Lin falls into the strength abyss be­cause of the des­per­ate mag­i­cal in­stru­ment the words, the Pangu axe gave my feel­ing is his strength also suf­fi­ciently makes me fall into the dark­ness, the vi­sion swept, the Pangu axe was grasped by me in the left hand, al­though Level was in­suf­fi­cient equip­ment, but has ac
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, this time killed to blame being more in­ci­sive, but in the guild Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han and oth­ers op­er­ated the class play­ers des­per­ately to pur­sue the deep mean­ing of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, but al­ways no­body can be suc­cess­ful, I watched, un­der­stands why that was, the body co­or­di­na­tion, this sec­tion of ar­ter­ies skill to player in­di­vid­ual body co­or­di­na­tion re­quest was re­ally too high, even if were Wang Jian this type nearly is un­able to achieve in short Cooldown in the ex­tra-su­pe­rior op­er­a­tion player.When the peo­ple kill silently is strange, ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er raises the dag­ger to jump, the at­tack of dou­ble dag­ger about in the both arms of Chi You cav­alry, the snow white lon­g­leg wraps the mail-ar­mor and hel­met layer on layer to hit in the right chest of Chi You cav­alry, „bang” a blue air wave surges, big „at­tacks and de­stroys to fly suc­cess­fully”.„By”Li Mu stared round the buph­thalmo: „This Cang Tong beau­ti­ful woman at­tacked and de­stroyed un­ex­pect­edly suc­cess­fully, has been tru­ant se­cretly?”The Lin Wan Er cor­ners of the mouth raise, the edges of var­i­ous god fall in tor­rents while the pres­tige of at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing on ac­cu­rate BOSS, the div­ing pos­ture re­turns the ground, said with a smile slightly: „Not ac­tu­ally I the day be­fore yes­ter­day with ac­com­pany Li Xiao Yao prac­tice trun­ca­tion rip­ple, I have worked as a night of liv­ing tar­get, knew the skill­ful es­sen­tial fac­tor of trun­ca­tion rip­ple prob­a­bly”Li Mu: „”
Wang Jian: „Faint”
Wipes the tea: „Greasy evil”
Fi­nally, 3 hours of many slaugh­ter­ing, cleaned up the Chi You cav­alry in Pangu deep pool main hall fi­nally sim­i­larly, the mid­dle has had sev­eral dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions, hung sev­eral play­ers, but has brought back to life to re­ac­ti­vate, but Long Xiang Mu Tian led the per­son on one's own side to wan­der for nearly 2 hours out­side the abyss, at­tacked time flame to tie, hung 100 + peo­ple, even­tu­ally gave up plun­der­ing to this Pangu deep pool, after all he also un­der­stands own sev­eral jin (0.5 kg) sev­eral two, knows one were under is also only brings death, [Zhan Long] Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Wang Jian, Lin Xi­aowu., Cang Tong, Cang Yue and other core play­ers in the abyss, want to mas­sacre this group of peo­ple, must Fang Geque, the peak mas­ter of Q Sword this level ar­rive may not, what a pity, these two peo­ple are at­tempt­ing the duty to clash Level at pre­sent, is im­pos­si­ble to begin to [Zhan Long], and hero's wing nears, our most pow­er­ful enemy peo­ple are the over­seas play­ers, is sim­i­lar to the sky rose and South Korea of US the class of KING corps, no longer is the per­son on one's own side.
A troop per­son raised the sword to stand in the front of Pangu axe frag­ment, the Yue Qing Qian cor­ners of the mouth has raised: „Whose did the most ex­cit­ing mo­ment ar­rive at de-ex­ci­ta­tion BOSS?”
Lin Wan Er vis­its me with a smile: „Goes, dear?”
I touch the nose, said: „Prayed that I at­tain the Pangu axe not to en­rage BOSS!”
Say­ing, was pro­gress­ing to go for­ward, raises hand to use a Chi You cav­alry card, then the wall and frost Hua Bingjia mump­ing ren­o­vated, one time over­ran sud­denly anx­iously, warhorse op­pres­sion of the peo­ple „” as­cended the stair to rush to the main hall cen­ter sac­ri­fi­cial altar, I looked clearly, the town month sword sheathed, opens the left hand to grip the Pangu axe!
A scald­ing hot strength trans­mits from the han­dle of Pangu axe, this vig­or­ous strength sim­ply is crazy, if Luo Lin falls into the strength abyss be­cause of the des­per­ate mag­i­cal in­stru­ment the words, the Pangu axe gave my feel­ing is his strength also suf­fi­ciently makes me fall into the dark­ness, the vi­sion swept, the Pangu axe was grasped by me in the left hand, al­though Level was in­suf­fi­cient equip­ment, but has ac
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Telah dipromosikan banyak serangan dan pertahanan efek seketika, saat ini dibunuh untuk menyalahkan menjadi lebih tajam, tetapi dalam serikat Li Mu, Wang Jian, Lagu Han dan lain-lain dioperasikan para pemain kelas mati-matian untuk mengejar makna mendalam dari pemotongan riak, tapi selalu ada yang bisa menjadi sukses, saya menyaksikan, memahami mengapa itu, koordinasi tubuh, bagian keterampilan arteri permintaan koordinasi pemain tubuh individu benar-benar terlalu tinggi, bahkan jika itu Wang Jian jenis ini hampir tidak dapat dicapai dalam Cooldown singkat di ekstra yang operasi unggul pemain.
Ketika orang-orang membunuh diam-diam aneh, sebenarnya Lin Wan Er menimbulkan belati untuk melompat, serangan belati ganda tentang di lengan kedua Chi Anda kavaleri, salju longleg putih membungkus surat-armor dan helm lapisan atas lapisan untuk memukul di dada kanan Chi Anda kavaleri, "bang" gelombang udara biru lonjakan, besar "serangan dan menghancurkan terbang berhasil".
Li Mu menatap putaran buphthalmo yang: "wanita cantik Cang Tong ini menyerang dan menghancurkan tiba-tiba berhasil, telah bolos diam-diam? "
The Lin Wan Er sudut kenaikan mulut, tepi berbagai dewa jatuh deras sementara prestise menyerang dan menghancurkan pada BOSS akurat, postur menyelam mengembalikan tanah, berkata dengan senyum yang sedikit : "Tidak benar-benar saya sehari sebelum kemarin dengan menemani Li Xiao Yao praktek pemotongan riak, saya telah bekerja sebagai malam target hidup, tahu faktor penting terampil dari pemotongan riak mungkin"
Li Mu: ""
Wang Jian: "Faint"
Wipes teh: "Berminyak jahat"
akhirnya, 3 jam dari banyak pemotongan, dibersihkan kavaleri Chi Anda di Pangu kolam renang dalam ruang utama akhirnya sama, tengah memiliki beberapa situasi berbahaya, tergantung beberapa pemain, tetapi telah dibawa kembali ke kehidupan untuk mengaktifkan , tapi panjang Xiang Mu Tian memimpin orang di satu sisi sendiri mengembara selama hampir 2 jam di luar jurang, menyerang waktu api untuk mengikat, tergantung 100 + orang, akhirnya menyerah menjarah ke Pangu dalam kolam ini, setelah semua dia juga mengerti sudah beberapa jin (0,5 kg) beberapa dua, tahu satu berada di bawah juga hanya membawa kematian, [Zhan panjang] Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Wang Jian, Lin Xiaowu., Cang Tong, Cang Yue dan pemain inti lainnya di jurang, ingin pembantaian sekelompok orang, harus Fang Geque, master puncak Q Pedang tingkat ini tiba tidak mungkin, sayang, dua orang ini mencoba tugas berbenturan tingkat saat ini, adalah mustahil untuk mulai [Zhan panjang] , dan sayap pahlawan mendekati, orang musuh paling kuat kami adalah pemain luar negeri, mirip dengan langit naik dan Korea Selatan US kelas RAJA korps, tidak lagi adalah orang di sisi sendiri.
A pasukan orang mengangkat pedang untuk berdiri di depan Pangu kapak fragmen, sudut-sudut Yue Qing Qian dari mulut telah mengangkat: "siapa itu saat yang paling menarik tiba di de-eksitasi BOSS?"
Lin Wan Er mengunjungi saya dengan senyum: "Goes, ? sayang "
aku menyentuh hidung, mengatakan:" Berdoa bahwa saya mencapai kapak Pangu tidak membuat marah BOSS "!
mengatakan, sedang berlangsung untuk maju, mengangkat tangan untuk menggunakan kartu kavaleri Chi Anda, maka dinding dan es Hua Bingjia mumping direnovasi, satu kali menyerbu tiba-tiba cemas, penindasan kuda perang rakyat "" naik tangga untuk bergegas ke pusat utama aula kurban altar, aku melihat dengan jelas, kota bulan pedang berselubung, membuka tangan kiri untuk pegangan kapak Pangu!
"! "
A pedas kekuatan panas mentransmisikan dari pegangan Pangu kapak, kekuatan yang kuat ini hanya gila, jika Luo Lin jatuh ke dalam jurang kekuatan karena instrumen ajaib putus asa kata-kata, kapak Pangu memberi perasaan saya adalah kekuatannya juga cukup membuat saya jatuh ke kegelapan, visi menyapu, kapak Pangu itu digenggam oleh saya di tangan kiri, meskipun Tingkat adalah peralatan memadai, tetapi memiliki ac
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