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Di online perjudian, hacking dan kecurangan dua terpisahmasalah. Kecurangan dapat terjadi demikian pula untuk bagaimana hal ini dilakukanfisik kasino. Pemain berkolusi terhadap rumah dan lainnyapemain. Selain itu, ada cara-cara baru untuk menipu yangmelibatkan penggunaan program.Hacking adalah cerita yang berbeda. Menyusup ke kasino onlinemelibatkan memanipulasi enkripsi yang langkah-langkah untuk memungkinkandiri akses ke informasi yang berharga yang disimpan dalamsitus. Hal ini sering dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak, yangkomprehensif ke server korban dan mencatat semua penekanan tombol yangterjadi, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan akses ke dilindungi sandidaerah korban situs. Hacker biasanya hack untuk keuanganmendapatkan, tetapi juga melakukannya untuk politik atau murni berbahayaalasan.Hacking dan kecurangan telah berlangsung di kasino onlinesejak pertama online poker situs pergi tinggal pada awal 1990-an.Hal ini terjadi dengan setiap bagian baru teknologi-hampir sebagaisegera sebagai perangkat baru atau layanan yang tersedia untuk umum,ada hacker mencoba untuk merusak itu.Dini hari dari Internet perjudian telah Carefree,"Apa pun pergi" peraturan kebijakan.Situs yang diselenggarakan di lepas pantai dan pemain dikirim dan diterimauang melalui western union, cek pribadi, dan bankkawat. Operasi situs perjudian di Amerika Serikat adalahilegal, yang memberikan kontribusi untuk suasana ini berisiko. Tidakperjudian situs-situs yang diizinkan berarti tidak ada perlindungan pemerintahwhen something did go wrong.This led to a proliferation of poker players willing to findways to cheat. Dishonest players created poker bots, colluded,and data mined their way to easy money. Each of thesemethods creates an unfair advantage for its user in a uniqueway.Ways to Cheat at Online PokerData mining is the practice of profiling opponents byanalyzing all of their past hands. Hackers who have managedto get into poker sites’ past hand archives are able to find andcatalog every game that various opponents have played onthe site, giving them the data necessary to create graphs thatshow how each opponent reacts to various poker scenariosand plays his or her hands. Accessing past hands that one hasnot participated it in is illegal.Collusion is a situation where two poker players agree towork together for monetary gain. This can also refer to oneplayer signing into poker sites with multiple accounts ondifferent computers, hiding behind the appearance of uniqueIP addresses. The player then might dump chips to one of theaccounts, creating an unfair leverage against other players.Poker bots are programs that play on behalf of their users.They can be employed as part of collusion schemes or tosimply play while the user is away from his or her computer.Poker bots are banned on most poker websites because theyare a type of fraud.Solutions to CheatingIn response to these types of cheating, anti-cheating softwarewas developed for poker sites. It wasn’t foolproof, but ithelped cut down on cheating significantly. One such programis PitBoss. PitBoss and other anti-cheating programs detectbots’ formulaic playing style and suspicious player behavior.It allows alleged bots and cheaters to be flagged for removaland if they’re proven to be cheating, banned.In physical casinos, ceiling-mounted cameras known as “eyesin the sky” monitor player behavior. On some websites, theanti-cheating software is also referred to as the eye in the sky.Heartbleed Was a Security HoleWith the Heartbleed bug, the concern wasn’t cheaters usingthose old methods. The concern was about all the data thatcould be easily stolen by attackers. Heartbleed is a weak spotin the OpenSSL encryption software. New Jersey’s onlinecasinos rely on SSL to keep their players’ information safe.Hackers have always been a concern for websites that storeusers’ personal information. To log into a New Jerseygambling website, players must enter their social securitynumber and bank account or credit card information alongwith their personally-identifying information like their nameand address. Hacking past a casino website’s security cangive a theft access to thousands of accounts, worth possiblymillions of dollars combined.SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is a cryptographicprotocol that protects valuable information by protecting itthrough layers of cryptographic primitives. These primitivesare algorithms that change simple words, phrases and othertypes of data into blocks of seemingly random characters.Various types of cryptographic primitives are combined tomake up a cryptographic protocol, which is usually strongenough to keep all information stored and transmittedthrough it secure. Connection between a client and a secureserver can only begin once both parties have completed ahandshake procedure which is a series of data transmissionsbetween the two that allow for verification of both party’sidentity. Once the handshake is complete and a connection ismade, a session between the client and the server can begin.Safe in Jersey for NowAfter the Heartbleed bug was exposed, New Jersey gamblerswere panicked. Their information was there, vulnerable, readyto be accessed by anybody who could exploit the Heartbleedbug.But Caesar’s, Borgata, 888Poker, PartyPoker, andBetfairPoker were safe. Heartbleed only affected certainversions of SSL, none of which are in use by New Jersey’sonline casinos. The versions affected are the older versions.These versions have been in use for over two years, allowinginformation to be easily accessed since 2011. Because onlinegambling is so new in New Jersey, casinos started theiroperations with the latest versions of SSL.This doesn’t mean that New Jersey’s online casinos are safeforever. They got lucky with the Heartbleed bug – it affectedhundreds of servers that store millions of accounts, but theirswere spared because they had recently purchased the SSLsoftware. Say two years from now, a new bug is found andexploited. If a New Jersey gambling site doesn’t update itssoftware between now and then, it could be at risk. Heartbleedwas a wake-up call for secure websites to always update andpatch their software when a new version becomes available.It’s Too Soon to TellNone of New Jersey’s online casinos have experienced amajor hacking or security compromise yet because they areso new. If the IT teams behind Borgata, Betfair and the otherswant to keep it that way, they have to stay on the cutting edgeof anti-hacking technology. You can’t get complacent whenyou have thousands of social security numbers on file.Cheating is one thing to deal with internally, but massivesecurity breaches are another entirely.This is New Jersey’s chance to build up a reputation as thesafest gambling option on the web. There will always behackers working night and day to break the latest software.Casinos need to stay one step ahead of them. It’s a cat andmouse game that, if New Jersey’s casinos can play it right,can lead to the kind of trust in a notoriously untrustedindustry that will bring players back again and again.
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