This term entered English in 1390 with the meaning of "relations of events, the story". In the Middle English meaning is "story" in general. Restrictions on the meaning of "record of past events" appeared in the late 15th century. It was still in the sense of Greek at that time Francis Bacon used the term in the late 16th century, when he wrote about "Natural History". for him, historia is "knowledge of the object is determined by space and time", so that kind of knowledge provided by Memory (while science is provided by reason, and poetry is provided by fantasy).
Given the significance of language from various languages above can be affirmed that the definition history concerning the time and events. Therefore, the problem of time is important in understanding the events, then historians tend to overcome this problem by making periodization.
In a linguistic expression of synthetic vs. analytic / isolation dichotomy, now appoint a different word for human history or stories in general. In Germany, France, and most Germanic and Romance languages, the same word is used to use the word "history" and "story".
Adjective historical evidenced from 1661, and the historic of 1669.
Historian in the meaning of a "researcher of history" attested from 1531. in all European languages, "history" is still used to use the word "what's happening with men," and "scientific studies that occurred", the meaning of the latter sometimes distinguished by a capital letter, "History" , or said historiography.
History of Arabic History of Arabic in Indonesia Begins Since Indonesian Society Start Embracing Islam Teaching Arabic (Fusha) The Learned In Indonesia Meant To Achieving Two Objectives As A Tool For Studying And Deepen Knowledge of Islam as objective, ie Form Power-Expert Arabic
Methods Arabic Language Learning In Indonesia Generally Still Focus On Grammar Method - touchable. Characteristics of Special That Has Developed Providing Information And Memorization Rule-Rule Grammar In Pupil Memorization Words Then coupled According to Rule Grammar Applicable Activity Translating Word By Word and sentence by sentence Neither Arab-Indonesia or Indonesia-Arab Exercises For Proficiency Using Language In Oral Highly Less Viewer Tool Or Less Using the Tools That Can Be Heard-Seen (Audio-Visual Aids)
Forms Arabic Language Learning 1. Learning Arabic Yang Characteristically Verbal Namely: To Teach Reading Skills Qur'an, Prayers, Prayer Readings Without Must Understand Meaning.