But Long Xing fam­ily back­ground is flame Long Jun's Yorozuo is long, terjemahan - But Long Xing fam­ily back­ground is flame Long Jun's Yorozuo is long, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

But Long Xing fam­ily back­ground i

But Long Xing fam­ily back­ground is flame Long Jun's Yorozuo is long, has not had too many so­cial deal­ings with the dif­fer­ent demon, even has not en­tered the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, there­fore too un­der­es­ti­mated that the bad risk de­gree in dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, the dif­fer­ent demon army is not here most flagi­tious species, mas­sive such as big dragon and crazy python and so on more fear­ful wild an­i­mal, but the pre­sent thorn por­cu­pine is only the bait of dif­fer­ent demon rais­ing.
„The pigs of 170 lev­els of an­tique lev­els, pulled” Lin Wan Er to say.
Li Mudao: „What to do, to kill?”
I nod: „Kills, if the por­cu­pine runs away, we do not pur­sue, nearby killed on the line.”
Hun­dred peo­ple roll threaten the bor­der rapidly, my di­rect hand seiz­ing the dragon caught a first 169 lev­els of por­cu­pine at pre­sent, the long sword in­spires rides, when thou­sand have hit, this por­cu­pine turned into the rem­nant blood im­me­di­ately, Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian has made up two blades sep­a­rately, the thorn por­cu­pine whistling the piti­ful yell is hang­ing, the huge stature tum­bled in the wilder­ness, „bang” just liked the earth­quake.
„The corpse of por­cu­pine do not move.” I said: „This type of corpse is not use­ful re­gard­ing us, but can ac­tu­ally work as the food of palace guard, do not waste.”
Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Free elder brother cur­rently re­ally very much had the wind of se­nior gen­eral, con­sid­ered that the issue was more com­pre­hen­sive than us.”
I smile, said: „Ac­tu­ally I have ob­served, in this game to the es­tab­lish­ment of NPC army is sci­en­tific, the meals, changes in tem­per­a­ture and morale sol­dier will af­fect the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, gives an ex­am­ple, I have ob­served the at­tribute of palace guard or­di­nary sol­dier, the strik­ing power is re­lated with the meals, changes in tem­per­a­ture, morale and anger, if they get angry, that avoid­ance strength and spirit strength will re­duce much.”
The Dong Cheng month said: „Mage needs to judge and con­tem­plate calmly, under the anger will af­fect the spirit tech­nique strik­ing power.”
„Right, is what is all about.”
I think that said: „Makes the palace guard be able to eat to the full and rest well, the prob­a­bil­ity of falling ill greatly will also re­duce, oth­er­wise often fell ill 2-3 tenths, at­tribute com­plete sharp de­cline, only then about 40%, this weaponry did not need to hit.”
Li Mu laughs: „There­fore a bit faster res­cues that dragon whet­stone, oth­er­wise treated too for a long time in the pigsty must in­fect the plague.”
One group of peo­ple ad­vance rapidly, turned into the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment a por­cu­pine of leader , etc., pro­ceeded again is a blood red piece of map, the wild boar deep pool soon ar­rived, what how­ever made me not think was the dif­fer­ent demon army has not am­bushed us from the start, but was the array waits for us around the wild boar deep pool, firmly such as in­tel­li­gence of­fice word, ap­prox­i­mately 1 W high and low ap­pear­ance, 1 level level of dif­fer­ent demon had, but could not have seen the com­mand tem­porar­ily.
Hun­dred peo­ple roll ap­proach slowly, I raise the but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao to walk in the front line.
Has not ap­proached, in the crowd of dif­fer­ent demon army has mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long to throw the long-bar­relled gun sud­denly, „puff” a thorn falls in my front land, shouts with the ex­cep­tion­ally sharp sound: „Li Xiao Yao of palace guard, you now are the aban­don­ment mil­i­tary com­man­der in day of plume em­pire, even if you have Wu Shen­ban the strength not to help mat­ters, I looked would rather join our dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, we can re­lease your 1000 peo­ple, to­gether was pop­u­lar in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory with us drank spic­ily!”
I smile: „Dif­fer­ent demon type of stu­pid thing also un­der­stood to in­duce some­body to ca­pit­u­late un­ex­pect­edly, was re­ally strange
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
But Long Xing fam­ily back­ground is flame Long Jun's Yorozuo is long, has not had too many so­cial deal­ings with the dif­fer­ent demon, even has not en­tered the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, there­fore too un­der­es­ti­mated that the bad risk de­gree in dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, the dif­fer­ent demon army is not here most flagi­tious species, mas­sive such as big dragon and crazy python and so on more fear­ful wild an­i­mal, but the pre­sent thorn por­cu­pine is only the bait of dif­fer­ent demon rais­ing.„The pigs of 170 lev­els of an­tique lev­els, pulled” Lin Wan Er to say.Li Mudao: „What to do, to kill?”I nod: „Kills, if the por­cu­pine runs away, we do not pur­sue, nearby killed on the line.”„OK!”Hun­dred peo­ple roll threaten the bor­der rapidly, my di­rect hand seiz­ing the dragon caught a first 169 lev­els of por­cu­pine at pre­sent, the long sword in­spires rides, when thou­sand have hit, this por­cu­pine turned into the rem­nant blood im­me­di­ately, Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian has made up two blades sep­a­rately, the thorn por­cu­pine whistling the piti­ful yell is hang­ing, the huge stature tum­bled in the wilder­ness, „bang” just liked the earth­quake.„The corpse of por­cu­pine do not move.” I said: „This type of corpse is not use­ful re­gard­ing us, but can ac­tu­ally work as the food of palace guard, do not waste.”Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Free elder brother cur­rently re­ally very much had the wind of se­nior gen­eral, con­sid­ered that the issue was more com­pre­hen­sive than us.”I smile, said: „Ac­tu­ally I have ob­served, in this game to the es­tab­lish­ment of NPC army is sci­en­tific, the meals, changes in tem­per­a­ture and morale sol­dier will af­fect the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, gives an ex­am­ple, I have ob­served the at­tribute of palace guard or­di­nary sol­dier, the strik­ing power is re­lated with the meals, changes in tem­per­a­ture, morale and anger, if they get angry, that avoid­ance strength and spirit strength will re­duce much.”The Dong Cheng month said: „Mage needs to judge and con­tem­plate calmly, under the anger will af­fect the spirit tech­nique strik­ing power.”„Right, is what is all about.”I think that said: „Makes the palace guard be able to eat to the full and rest well, the prob­a­bil­ity of falling ill greatly will also re­duce, oth­er­wise often fell ill 2-3 tenths, at­tribute com­plete sharp de­cline, only then about 40%, this weaponry did not need to hit.”Li Mu laughs: „There­fore a bit faster res­cues that dragon whet­stone, oth­er­wise treated too for a long time in the pigsty must in­fect the plague.”„Um!”One group of peo­ple ad­vance rapidly, turned into the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment a por­cu­pine of leader , etc., pro­ceeded again is a blood red piece of map, the wild boar deep pool soon ar­rived, what how­ever made me not think was the dif­fer­ent demon army has not am­bushed us from the start, but was the array waits for us around the wild boar deep pool, firmly such as in­tel­li­gence of­fice word, ap­prox­i­mately 1 W high and low ap­pear­ance, 1 level level of dif­fer­ent demon had, but could not have seen the com­mand tem­porar­ily.Hun­dred peo­ple roll ap­proach slowly, I raise the but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao to walk in the front line.
Has not ap­proached, in the crowd of dif­fer­ent demon army has mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long to throw the long-bar­relled gun sud­denly, „puff” a thorn falls in my front land, shouts with the ex­cep­tion­ally sharp sound: „Li Xiao Yao of palace guard, you now are the aban­don­ment mil­i­tary com­man­der in day of plume em­pire, even if you have Wu Shen­ban the strength not to help mat­ters, I looked would rather join our dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, we can re­lease your 1000 peo­ple, to­gether was pop­u­lar in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory with us drank spic­ily!”
I smile: „Dif­fer­ent demon type of stu­pid thing also un­der­stood to in­duce some­body to ca­pit­u­late un­ex­pect­edly, was re­ally strange
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tapi latar belakang keluarga Panjang Xing adalah api Panjang Jun Yorozuo panjang, tidak memiliki terlalu banyak urusan sosial dengan setan yang berbeda, bahkan belum memasuki wilayah setan yang berbeda, karena itu terlalu meremehkan bahwa tingkat risiko buruk di wilayah setan yang berbeda, setan yang berbeda tentara tidak ada di sini spesies yang paling menjijikkan, besar seperti naga besar dan python gila dan hewan liar sebagainya lebih menakutkan, tapi duri landak ini hanya umpan iblis yang berbeda membesarkan.
"babi-babi dari 170 tingkat level antik, menarik" Lin Wan Er mengatakan.
Li Mudao: "Apa yang harus dilakukan, untuk membunuh?"
aku mengangguk: "Kills, jika landak berjalan pergi, kita tidak mengejar, di dekatnya tewas di telepon."
Seratus orang roll mengancam perbatasan dengan cepat, tangan langsung saya merebut naga menangkap pertama 169 tingkat landak saat ini, pedang panjang menginspirasi rides, ketika ribu telah memukul, landak ini berubah menjadi darah sisa segera, Lin Wan Er dan Yue Qing Qian telah dibuat dua bilah terpisah, landak duri bersiul berteriak menyedihkan menggantung, perawakannya besar jatuh di padang gurun, "bang" hanya menyukai gempa.
"mayat landak tidak bergerak." saya berkata: "Jenis mayat tidak berguna tentang kami, tapi benar-benar dapat bekerja sebagai makanan dari pengawal istana, jangan buang ".
Wang Jian Xiaodao:". kakak Gratis saat benar-benar sangat banyak memiliki angin umum senior, menganggap bahwa masalah ini lebih komprehensif dari kita "
aku tersenyum, mengatakan: "Sebenarnya saya telah mengamati, dalam permainan ini untuk pembentukan tentara NPC ilmiah, makanan, perubahan suhu dan moral prajurit akan mempengaruhi efisiensi pertempuran, memberi contoh, saya telah mengamati atribut dari pengawal istana . prajurit biasa, kekuatan mencolok terkait dengan makanan, perubahan suhu, moral dan marah, jika mereka marah, bahwa kekuatan penghindaran dan kekuatan semangat akan mengurangi banyak "
The Dong Cheng bulan mengatakan:" Mage perlu menilai dan merenungkan dengan tenang , di bawah kemarahan akan mempengaruhi daya mencolok teknik semangat ".
" Benar, adalah apa adalah semua tentang. "
saya pikir yang mengatakan:" Membuat pengawal istana dapat makan dengan penuh dan beristirahat dengan baik, kemungkinan jatuh sakit sangat juga akan mengurangi, jika tidak sering jatuh sakit 2-3 persepuluh, atribut penurunan tajam lengkap, hanya kemudian sekitar 40%, persenjataan ini tidak perlu menekan ".
Li Mu tertawa:" Oleh karena itu menyelamatkan sedikit lebih cepat naga batu asah, jika tidak diobati juga untuk waktu yang lama di kandang babi harus menginfeksi wabah. "
" Um! "
satu kelompok orang maju dengan cepat, berubah menjadi nilai empiris dan peralatan landak pemimpin, dll, dilanjutkan lagi adalah bagian merah darah peta, yang babi hutan dalam kolam segera tiba, apa namun membuat saya tidak berpikir itu tentara setan yang berbeda belum disergap kami dari awal, tapi yang menunggu array untuk kami di sekitar babi hutan dalam kolam, tegas seperti kata kantor intelijen, sekitar 1 W tingkat 1 tingkat tinggi dan penampilan yang rendah, dari setan yang berbeda memiliki, tetapi tidak bisa melihat perintah sementara.
Seratus orang roll pendekatan perlahan, aku mengangkat kupu-kupu dan kota Yue Dao berjalan di garis depan.
belum mendekat, di kerumunan tentara setan yang berbeda memiliki banyak orang lama untuk membuang senjata laras panjang tiba-tiba, "meniup" duri jatuh di tanah depan saya, berteriak dengan suara yang sangat tajam: "Li Xiao Yao pengawal istana, Anda sekarang adalah militer ditinggalkan komandan di hari kerajaan membanggakan, bahkan jika Anda memiliki Wu Shenban kekuatan untuk tidak membantu hal-hal, aku melihat lebih suka bergabung dengan wilayah setan kami berbeda, kami bisa melepaskan 1000 orang, bersama-sama populer di wilayah setan yang berbeda dengan kami minum spicily! "
saya tersenyum:" Jenis setan Berbagai hal bodoh juga dipahami untuk mendorong seseorang untuk menyerah tiba-tiba, benar-benar aneh
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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