Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Tapi yang terlepas dari telah memilih, tidak akan memiliki kata-kata ini, sepertinya... Lagu Luodan dalam status Song klan, beberapa tidak stabil, tetapi memiliki tidak terkait, aku dan dia adalah teman, aku bisa membantunya." Meng Hao wajah tersenyum sangat cerah, tetapi juga membawa shyly, menyerupai agak malu.Tapi kata-katanya memiliki wajah tersenyum, sebelum benar-benar memungkinkan itu untuk membuka mulut Song klan clansman, facial warna perubahan besar."Kata-kata adalah anak saya...""Lagu Luodan, keluar untuk melihat saya!" meng Hao untuk membuka mulut, suara tiba-tiba mengepul, seperti thunder guruh, menyebar lebih dari delapan sisi, bintang-bintang gema.Hampir sementara suaranya menyebar, tempat jauh lagu Luodan bentuk, seperti gemuruh umum petir datang, ketika kelajuan kecepatan, pendekatan, muncul lengan bajunya besar instan flings, Guntur kencang, sebelum keriting yang membuka mulut clansman, langsung menjulang tempat yang jauh, penyebab luka ini clansman ledakan darah, segera parah."Nenekmu ayah, Anda berani lubang saya!! Membawa orang ini untuk saya!" Mahkota Song surga raung, di sekitar clansman Song klan, pergi beberapa maju segera, cepat sebelum itu untuk membuka mulut clansman ditangkap.Who when has not gone to inquire is appoints opposite party so to open mouth, Song Heaven's Crown turned around, looks to Meng Hao, his look black, the innermost feelings also had the depression, most when early, if were not he thought that the face countenance could not hang, does not want directly to face Meng Hao, did not have the beforehand matter.The Meng Hao faint smile, looks at Song Luodan, waits for opposite party to open mouth.„Those words, were not I say!” Song Luodan has hesitated, to open mouth that stretches hardly.„I know, but I thought that your I am acquainted, does this matter, want me to help? The price said.” Meng Hao said with a smile.Song Luodan is just about to reject, but both eyes dodge, suddenly passes message in a low voice.„How many do you want?”„Before these in bag of holding, turned one time to be OK again.”„You were too ruthless! His name was Song god, was Song Clan direct descendant Chosen, robbed the line with me the position, do not kill him, destroyed its reputation to be possible!”Meng Hao smiled, suddenly to open mouth, sound like the thunder, rolling spreads equally, reverberates eight sides.„Song god, you owed my money, this also!”His sound seems Tianwei, thunders the Vault of Heaven earth, spreads over the stars, when lets innumerable mountain peak reacted, a cloudy and cold sound, floats from the distant place.„Meng Fellow Daoist, Song does not remember that owes you money. Owes you money, is Song Luodan.”„I said you to owe, you owe!” When Meng Hao to open mouth, the body one step goes out forward, his body flickers, appeared in the distant place, the right hand has lifted toward an earth fist falls, bang, the ground collapsed. The form departs together rapidly.That is a youth, appearance is handsome, only both eyes are tall and slender, should be the twinkle vicious glow, but is bringing now startled, by Meng Hao frightens overbearingly.„Meng Fellow Daoist, you must do!!” This youth bellows, when body rapidly retreats, in Song Clan has dozens rainbows, flies rapidly. Protection in this all around Song Clan powerhouse.Meng Hao in the behaviors of various religious sects, lets other family Sect, already knew the news. It is not willing to pester to Meng Hao here, only hopes to send as soon as possible Meng Hao.However also to provide against contingencies, therefore these people protect there, at this moment sees Meng Hao act, immediately appears.„Meng Hao, money you took away, but must do!” When the intermittent low roar spreads, these dozens rainbows approach. Must prevent Meng Hao to shell that youth.„The Song Luodan money, has traded, but the money of this Song god, did not have.” When Meng Hao light to open mouth, the right hand lifts wields, the strong winds thunder, making that dozens people of forms be prevented completely, when mind reacted. Meng Hao has taken a step, directly soars the retreats Song god to go.„I have not owed you money!!” Song god innermost feelings already regretted that should not use Meng Hao here, weakens Song Luodan, but regretted now was useless. His fast retreats, hurried the crumb jade slip. Let the elders of family rescue.„You have not matched to owe me money, tries to provoke me and Song Luodan matter, this scheme is extremely superficial, I am not really clear, you like this mental, to make how possibly Song Luodan think threatening?” When Meng Hao shakes the head to open mouth, the right hand lifts, toward Song god fierce grasps, under this grasps, Song god body shivered fiercely, uncontrolled, directly soared Meng Hao.„Patriarch saves me!!” When Song god screamed, the Meng Hao left hand made a fist suddenly, toward nearby nihility, the direct fist fell, this fist, was a deicide!
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