By David J. LeggettINTRODUCTIONChemical process hazard identificationa terjemahan - By David J. LeggettINTRODUCTIONChemical process hazard identificationa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By David J. LeggettINTRODUCTIONChem

By David J. Leggett
Chemical process hazard identification
and risk assessment, at the manufacturing
and pilot-plant scale, is a welldefined
discipline with much open-literature
documentation available for
guidance.a In essence, the risk assessment
process has three stages. First,
credible process upsets (accidents) are
posited andtheir consequences, andthe
likelihood that they will occur, are
assessed – risk identification. Second,
process and personnel safeguards are
reviewed to determine if they are able to
protect workers and assets from the
harmcaused by the upset – risk evaluation.
Third, the process is modified to
lower the risks that could arise from the
synthesis operations, to an acceptable
level – risk minimization. These modificationsmayinclude
enhancements to
the process digital control system, use of
automated shutdown systems that are
driven by continuous monitoring of
operational parameters, increased
monitoring of potentially hazardous
situations, and additions or enhancements
to personal protective equipment
The degree of risk incurred by any
activity is a function of the consequence(
s) of an upset occurring during
the activity, and the frequency of its
occurrence. Frequencies may range
from once per month (1 occurrence
in 30 days) to once per 3,000 years
(approximately 1 in 106 days). In any
well-run organization, including
research laboratories, accidents or
upsets are, or should be rare events,
and the vast majority of faculty and
students will not experience one during
their time working in the laboratory.
However, we also know that the
probability of an accident of some
severity in their workplace is not zero.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
By David J. LeggettINTRODUCTIONChemical process hazard identificationand risk assessment, at the manufacturingand pilot-plant scale, is a welldefineddiscipline with much open-literaturedocumentation available forguidance.a In essence, the risk assessmentprocess has three stages. First,credible process upsets (accidents) areposited andtheir consequences, andthelikelihood that they will occur, areassessed – risk identification. Second,process and personnel safeguards arereviewed to determine if they are able toprotect workers and assets from theharmcaused by the upset – risk evaluation.Third, the process is modified tolower the risks that could arise from thesynthesis operations, to an acceptablelevel – risk minimization. These modificationsmayincludeenhancements tothe process digital control system, use ofautomated shutdown systems that aredriven by continuous monitoring ofoperational parameters, increasedmonitoring of potentially hazardoussituations, and additions or enhancementsto personal protective equipment(PPE).The degree of risk incurred by anyactivity is a function of the consequence(s) of an upset occurring duringthe activity, and the frequency of itsoccurrence. Frequencies may rangefrom once per month (1 occurrencein 30 days) to once per 3,000 years(approximately 1 in 106 days). In anywell-run organization, includingresearch laboratories, accidents orupsets are, or should be rare events,and the vast majority of faculty andstudents will not experience one duringtheir time working in the laboratory.However, we also know that theprobability of an accident of someseverity in their workplace is not zero.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Oleh David J. Leggett
Kimia identifikasi bahaya proses
dan penilaian risiko, pada manufaktur
dan skala pilot-tanaman, adalah welldefined
disiplin dengan banyak terbuka-literatur
dokumentasi yang tersedia untuk
guidance.a Intinya, penilaian risiko
proses memiliki tiga tahap. Pertama,
gangguan proses yang kredibel (kecelakaan) yang
mengemukakan konsekuensi andtheir, andthe
kemungkinan bahwa mereka akan terjadi, yang
dinilai - identifikasi risiko. Kedua,
proses dan personil pengamanan yang
ditinjau untuk menentukan apakah mereka mampu
melindungi pekerja dan aset dari
harmcaused oleh marah -. evaluasi risiko
Ketiga, proses ini dimodifikasi untuk
menurunkan risiko yang bisa timbul dari
operasi sintesis, untuk dapat diterima
tingkat - minimalisasi risiko. Modificationsmayinclude ini
tambahan untuk
sistem proses kontrol digital, penggunaan
sistem shutdown yang otomatis yang
digerakkan oleh pemantauan terus menerus dari
parameter operasional, peningkatan
pemantauan berpotensi berbahaya
situasi, dan penambahan atau peningkatan
peralatan pelindung diri
Tingkat risiko yang ditanggung oleh setiap
kegiatan adalah fungsi dari konsekuensi (
s) dari sebuah marah yang terjadi selama
kegiatan, dan frekuensi yang
terjadi. Frekuensi dapat berkisar
dari sekali per bulan (1 terjadinya
dalam 30 hari) untuk sekali per 3.000 tahun
(sekitar 1 di 106 hari). Dalam setiap
organisasi yang dikelola dengan baik, termasuk
laboratorium penelitian, kecelakaan atau
gangguan yang, atau seharusnya peristiwa langka,
dan sebagian besar dosen dan
mahasiswa tidak akan mengalami satu selama
waktu mereka bekerja di laboratorium.
Namun, kita juga tahu bahwa
probabilitas kecelakaan beberapa
keparahan di tempat kerja mereka tidak nol.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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