I. Why Careful Selection Is ImportantSlecting the right employees is i terjemahan - I. Why Careful Selection Is ImportantSlecting the right employees is i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I. Why Careful Selection Is Importa

I. Why Careful Selection Is Important
Slecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: 1) employees with the right skills and attributes will perform more effectively; 2) the cost of making a wrong hire can become exhorbitant considering the time and money invested in the selection and training process; and 3) the legal implications of incompetent or negligent hiring.
II. Basic Testing Concepts
A. Reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests.
B. Validity refers to evidence that performance on a test is a valid predictor of subsequent performance on the job.
1. Criterion Validity shows that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance.
2. Content Validity shows that the test contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question.
Teaching Tip: The difference between reliability and validity is sometimes difficult for students to understand. Explain that if 100 accident-prone, careless applicants took the same test and scored well on it, the test would be reliable because the results are consistent. However, if the purpose of the test was to identify safety-conscious applicants, it would not be valid as a test because it does not predict good safety performance on the job, the very thing it was intended to measure.

C. Evidence-Based HR: How to Validate a Test
1. Analyze the Job and write job descriptions and job specifications.
2. Choose the Tests that measure the attributes (predictors) important for job success.
3. Administer the Test selected to old or new employees for concurrent and predictive validation.
4. Relate Test Scores and Criteria through a correlation analysis, which shows the degree of statistical relationship between (1) scores on the test and (2) job performance.
5. Cross-validate and Revalidate by performing Steps 3 and 4 on a new sample of employees. Testing Guidelines: 1) use tests as supplements; 2) validate the tests; 3) analyze all your current hiring and promotion standards; 4) keep accurate records; 5) begin your validation program now; 6) use a certified psychologist; and 7) test conditions are important.

D. Test Takers’ Individual Rights and Test Security – Test takers have certain rights to privacy and information under the American Psychological Association’s (APA) standard for educational and psychological tests.

1. Legal Privacy Issues – Supreme Court decisions provide protection against the disclosure of employee information to people outside the company. Organizations should train supervisors regarding confidentiality and adopt a “need to know” policy to protect information. Disclosure of procedures may also limit liability.
2. The New Workforce: Gender Issues in Testing. Employers using selectiion testing should realize that test results may be distorted by gender.

Know Your Employment Law: The Issue of Privacy. In addition to the APA’s test privacy and security standard, certain other protections regarding an employee’s right to privacy are embedded in U.S. law. Guidelines for employers to follow include: 1) training supervisors regarding the importance of employee confidentiality; 2) adopt a "need to know" policy;" and 3) disclose procedures.

E. Using Tests at Work – Various types of tests are widely used by employers today, including those for basic skills, job skills, and psychological measurement.
1. Test Scoring – may be automated and done by the employer, or professionally scored and interpreted by psychologists outside the firm.
F. Computer and Online Testing – is increasingly replacing pencil-and-paper and manual tests.

III. Types of Tests
A. Tests of Cognitive Abilities – Cognitive tests include tests of general reasoning ability (intelligence) and tests of specific mental abilities like memory and inductive reasoning.
1. Intelligence Tests are tests of general intellectual abilities ranging from memory, vocabulary, and verbal fluency to numerical ability.
2. Specific Cognitive Abilities (aptitude) include inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.

B. Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities – Employers may use various tests to measure such motor abilities as finger dexterity, manual dexterity, and reaction time. They may also want to measure such physical abilities as static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and stamina.

C. Measuring Personality and Interests – can be used to assess personal characteristics as attitude, motivation, and temperament. (See Figure 6-6)
1. What Personality Tests Measure – Tests measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation.
2. The "Big Five" – Industrial psychologists emphasize five personality dimensions as they apply to personnel testing: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
3. Caveats – Personality tests are the most difficult tests to evaluate and use. Recent court decisions indicated that the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a medical test because it can screen out applicants with psychological impairment, and that its use before an employment offer is made is therefore a violation of ADA.
4. Interest Inventories compare one’s interests with those of people in various occupations.
5. Achievement Tests – measure what a person has learned.

IV. Work Samples and Simulations
A. Using Work Sampling for Employee Selection
1. Rationale for Work Sampling – Work sampling technique measures how a candidate actually performs some of the job’s basic tasks, making it harder for applicants to fake answers. This method tends to be fairer and exhibit better validity than tests designed to predict performance.
2. Developing a Work Sampling Procedure – The basic procedure is to choose several tasks crucial to performing the job in question and to test applicants on those identified tasks.

B. Management Assessment Centers

Provide simulations in which candidates perform realistic management tasks, under the observation of experts who appraise each candidate’s potential. Simulated exercises include in-basket, leaderless group discussion, management games, individual presentations, objective tests, and interviews.
1. Effectiveness – Most experts view assessment centers as effective for selecting and promoting management candidates, despite the extra cost to develop the centers.
C. Situational Testing and Video-Based Situational Testing typically present the candidate with several scenarios, each followed by a multiple-choice question.
D. The Miniature Job Training and Evaluation Approach involves training candidates to perform a sample of job tasks, and evaluating their performance.
E. Realistic Job Previews – Being explicit about work schedules, preferences, and other job standards at the point of interview can help reduce turnover later.
When You’re on Your Own: HR for Line Managers and Entrepreneurs. Employee Testing and Selection – In many firms, the HR department does little more than preliminary prescreening and followup with background checks, drug, and physical exams. Managers who want to screen some of their own job applicants more formally can devise and use screening tools with obvious face validity. Steps should be taken to keep within the guidelines discussed in this chapter. There are a number of tools available that are easy to administer.

V. Background Investigations and Other Selection Techniques
A. Why Perform Background Investigations and Reference Checks? – Most employers check and verify an applicant’s background information and references, including driving record, check for criminal charges or convictions, and credit check.

1. Aims – The main reasons for conducting investigations into an applicant’s background are to verify factual information and to uncover damaging information to help prevent losses.
2. Types of Background Checks – Typically the applicant’s current and/or former position and salary are verified. Commercial credit rating companies and other services can provide information about credit standing, criminal, employment, and educational history. Employers often check social networking site postings online.
3. Effectiveness – Reference letters are not viewed as very useful. Fewer than half of HR managers state that they were able to obtain adequate information about candidates.
4. Legal Issues: Defamation – Laws (like the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970) increase the likelihood that rejected applicants will have access to the background information. The rejected applicant has various legal remedies, including the right to sue for defamation.
5. Legal Issues: Privacy – Truth is not always a defense. Employees can sue employers for disclosing true but embarrassing private facts to those without a need to know.
6. Supervisor Reluctance – Rather than damage a former employee’s chance for a job, supervisors may sometimes give good references.
7. Employer Guidelines – Defensible reference policies include having only authorized managers provide information about employees. Some employers will only provide dates of employment, salary, and position title to reference seekers.
8. Making Background Checks More Useful – Employers should: include on their application forms a statement for applicants to sign, explicitly authorizing a background check; rely more on telephone references than written ones; ask open-ended questions, use each reference as a source for another and watch for “red flags.” An example of a reference checking form is illustrated in Figure 6-8.

B. How to Check a Candidate’s Background – Most employers at least try to verify an applicant’s current or former position and salary with his or her current or former employer by phone, assuming they cleared doing so with the candidate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I. Why Careful Selection Is ImportantSlecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: 1) employees with the right skills and attributes will perform more effectively; 2) the cost of making a wrong hire can become exhorbitant considering the time and money invested in the selection and training process; and 3) the legal implications of incompetent or negligent hiring. II. Basic Testing ConceptsA. Reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests.B. Validity refers to evidence that performance on a test is a valid predictor of subsequent performance on the job.1. Criterion Validity shows that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance.2. Content Validity shows that the test contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question.Teaching Tip: The difference between reliability and validity is sometimes difficult for students to understand. Explain that if 100 accident-prone, careless applicants took the same test and scored well on it, the test would be reliable because the results are consistent. However, if the purpose of the test was to identify safety-conscious applicants, it would not be valid as a test because it does not predict good safety performance on the job, the very thing it was intended to measure.C. Evidence-Based HR: How to Validate a Test1. Analyze the Job and write job descriptions and job specifications.2. Choose the Tests that measure the attributes (predictors) important for job success.3. Administer the Test selected to old or new employees for concurrent and predictive validation.4. Relate Test Scores and Criteria through a correlation analysis, which shows the degree of statistical relationship between (1) scores on the test and (2) job performance.5. Cross-validate and Revalidate by performing Steps 3 and 4 on a new sample of employees. Testing Guidelines: 1) use tests as supplements; 2) validate the tests; 3) analyze all your current hiring and promotion standards; 4) keep accurate records; 5) begin your validation program now; 6) use a certified psychologist; and 7) test conditions are important.D. Test Takers’ Individual Rights and Test Security – Test takers have certain rights to privacy and information under the American Psychological Association’s (APA) standard for educational and psychological tests.1. Legal Privacy Issues – Supreme Court decisions provide protection against the disclosure of employee information to people outside the company. Organizations should train supervisors regarding confidentiality and adopt a “need to know” policy to protect information. Disclosure of procedures may also limit liability.2. The New Workforce: Gender Issues in Testing. Employers using selectiion testing should realize that test results may be distorted by gender.Tahu hukum ketenagakerjaan Anda: Masalah privasi. Selain APA tes privasi dan keamanan standar, perlindungan tertentu mengenai seorang karyawan dari hak untuk privasi yang tertanam dalam hukum AS. Pedoman bagi majikan untuk mengikuti mencakup: 1) pelatihan pengawas mengenai pentingnya kerahasiaan karyawan; 2) mengadopsi kebijakan "perlu tahu"; "dan 3) mengungkapkan prosedur.E. menggunakan tes di tempat kerja-berbagai jenis tes secara luas digunakan oleh majikan saat ini, termasuk untuk keterampilan dasar, keterampilan kerja dan pengukuran psikologis.1. tes Scoring-mungkin akan otomatis dilakukan oleh majikan, atau profesional mencetak dan ditafsirkan oleh psikolog di luar perusahaan. F. komputer dan Online pengujian-semakin adalah mengganti tes pensil dan kertas dan manual. III. jenis pengujianA. tes kemampuan kognitif-kognitif tes meliputi tes kemampuan penalaran Umum (kecerdasan) dan tes kemampuan mental tertentu seperti memori dan penalaran induktif.1. tes kecerdasan yang tes kemampuan intelektual yang umum, mulai dari memori, kosakata, dan kelancaran verbal numerikal kemampuan.2. spesifik kemampuan kognitif (kecerdasan) termasuk penalaran deduktif dan induktif, pemahaman verbal, memori dan kemampuan numerik.B. tes kemampuan fisik-majikan dan Motor dapat menggunakan berbagai tes untuk mengukur kemampuan seperti itu motor sebagai jari ketangkasan, ketangkasan manual dan waktu reaksi. Mereka mungkin juga ingin mengukur kemampuan fisik seperti itu sebagai kekuatan statis, kekuatan dinamis, koordinasi tubuh dan stamina.C. Measuring Personality and Interests – can be used to assess personal characteristics as attitude, motivation, and temperament. (See Figure 6-6)1. What Personality Tests Measure – Tests measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation.2. The "Big Five" – Industrial psychologists emphasize five personality dimensions as they apply to personnel testing: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. 3. Caveats – Personality tests are the most difficult tests to evaluate and use. Recent court decisions indicated that the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a medical test because it can screen out applicants with psychological impairment, and that its use before an employment offer is made is therefore a violation of ADA.4. Interest Inventories compare one’s interests with those of people in various occupations.5. Achievement Tests – measure what a person has learned. IV. Work Samples and SimulationsA. Using Work Sampling for Employee Selection1. Rationale for Work Sampling – Work sampling technique measures how a candidate actually performs some of the job’s basic tasks, making it harder for applicants to fake answers. This method tends to be fairer and exhibit better validity than tests designed to predict performance.2. Developing a Work Sampling Procedure – The basic procedure is to choose several tasks crucial to performing the job in question and to test applicants on those identified tasks.B. Management Assessment Centers Provide simulations in which candidates perform realistic management tasks, under the observation of experts who appraise each candidate’s potential. Simulated exercises include in-basket, leaderless group discussion, management games, individual presentations, objective tests, and interviews.1. Effectiveness – Most experts view assessment centers as effective for selecting and promoting management candidates, despite the extra cost to develop the centers.C. Situational Testing and Video-Based Situational Testing typically present the candidate with several scenarios, each followed by a multiple-choice question.D. The Miniature Job Training and Evaluation Approach involves training candidates to perform a sample of job tasks, and evaluating their performance.E. Realistic Job Previews – Being explicit about work schedules, preferences, and other job standards at the point of interview can help reduce turnover later.When You’re on Your Own: HR for Line Managers and Entrepreneurs. Employee Testing and Selection – In many firms, the HR department does little more than preliminary prescreening and followup with background checks, drug, and physical exams. Managers who want to screen some of their own job applicants more formally can devise and use screening tools with obvious face validity. Steps should be taken to keep within the guidelines discussed in this chapter. There are a number of tools available that are easy to administer.
V. Background Investigations and Other Selection Techniques
A. Why Perform Background Investigations and Reference Checks? – Most employers check and verify an applicant’s background information and references, including driving record, check for criminal charges or convictions, and credit check.

1. Aims – The main reasons for conducting investigations into an applicant’s background are to verify factual information and to uncover damaging information to help prevent losses.
2. Types of Background Checks – Typically the applicant’s current and/or former position and salary are verified. Commercial credit rating companies and other services can provide information about credit standing, criminal, employment, and educational history. Employers often check social networking site postings online.
3. Effectiveness – Reference letters are not viewed as very useful. Fewer than half of HR managers state that they were able to obtain adequate information about candidates.
4. Legal Issues: Defamation – Laws (like the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970) increase the likelihood that rejected applicants will have access to the background information. The rejected applicant has various legal remedies, including the right to sue for defamation.
5. Legal Issues: Privacy – Truth is not always a defense. Employees can sue employers for disclosing true but embarrassing private facts to those without a need to know.
6. Supervisor Reluctance – Rather than damage a former employee’s chance for a job, supervisors may sometimes give good references.
7. Employer Guidelines – Defensible reference policies include having only authorized managers provide information about employees. Some employers will only provide dates of employment, salary, and position title to reference seekers.
8. Making Background Checks More Useful – Employers should: include on their application forms a statement for applicants to sign, explicitly authorizing a background check; rely more on telephone references than written ones; ask open-ended questions, use each reference as a source for another and watch for “red flags.” An example of a reference checking form is illustrated in Figure 6-8.

B. How to Check a Candidate’s Background – Most employers at least try to verify an applicant’s current or former position and salary with his or her current or former employer by phone, assuming they cleared doing so with the candidate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
I. Mengapa Seleksi Hati-hati Apakah Penting
Slecting karyawan yang tepat adalah penting untuk tiga alasan utama: 1) karyawan dengan keterampilan yang tepat dan atribut akan bekerja dengan lebih efektif; 2) biaya pembuatan menyewa salah dapat menjadi exhorbitant mempertimbangkan waktu dan uang yang diinvestasikan dalam proses seleksi dan pelatihan; dan 3) implikasi hukum dari tidak kompeten atau lalai mempekerjakan.
II. Konsep Pengujian dasar
A. Keandalan mengacu pada konsistensi skor yang diperoleh oleh orang yang sama ketika diuji ulang dengan tes yang sama atau setara.
B. Validitas mengacu pada bukti bahwa kinerja pada tes adalah prediktor yang valid kinerja berikutnya pada pekerjaan.
1. Kriteria Validitas menunjukkan bahwa skor pada tes (prediktor) terkait dengan kinerja pekerjaan.
2. Konten Validitas menunjukkan bahwa tes berisi contoh wajar tugas dan keterampilan benar-benar diperlukan untuk pekerjaan yang bersangkutan.
Tip Pengajaran: Perbedaan antara reliabilitas dan validitas kadang-kadang sulit bagi siswa untuk memahami. Jelaskan bahwa jika 100 rawan kecelakaan, pelamar ceroboh mengambil tes yang sama dan mendapatkan nilai yang baik itu, tes akan diandalkan karena hasilnya konsisten. Namun, jika tujuan dari tes ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pelamar keselamatan sadar, itu tidak akan berlaku sebagai ujian karena tidak memprediksi kinerja keselamatan baik di tempat kerja, hal itu dimaksudkan untuk mengukur. C. Bukti-Based HR: Cara Validasi Test 1. Menganalisis pekerjaan dan menulis deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan. 2. Pilih Tes yang mengukur atribut (prediktor) penting untuk keberhasilan pekerjaan. 3. Mengelola Uji dipilih untuk karyawan lama atau baru untuk validasi bersamaan dan prediktif. 4. Berhubungan Uji Skor Kriteria dan melalui analisis korelasi, yang menunjukkan derajat hubungan statistik antara (1) skor pada tes dan (2) kinerja pekerjaan. 5. Lintas memvalidasi dan memvalidasi ulang dengan melakukan Langkah 3 dan 4 pada sampel baru karyawan. Pengujian Pedoman: 1) menggunakan tes sebagai suplemen; 2) memvalidasi tes; 3) menganalisis semua perekrutan dan promosi standar Anda saat ini; 4) menyimpan catatan yang akurat; 5) memulai program validasi Anda sekarang; 6) menggunakan psikolog bersertifikat; dan 7) kondisi pengujian yang penting. D. Uji Takers 'Individual Hak dan Keamanan Uji - Uji pengambil memiliki hak tertentu untuk privasi dan informasi di bawah American Psychological Association (APA) standar untuk tes pendidikan dan psikologis. 1. Masalah Privasi hukum - keputusan Mahkamah Agung memberikan perlindungan terhadap pengungkapan informasi karyawan kepada orang-orang di luar perusahaan. Organisasi harus melatih supervisor tentang kerahasiaan dan mengadopsi "perlu tahu" kebijakan untuk melindungi informasi. Pengungkapan prosedur juga dapat membatasi tanggung jawab. 2. Tenaga Kerja Baru: Isu Gender dalam Pengujian. Pengusaha menggunakan pengujian selectiion harus menyadari bahwa hasil tes dapat terdistorsi oleh gender. Tahu Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Anda: Isu Privasi. Selain tes privasi APA dan standar keamanan, perlindungan tertentu lainnya mengenai karyawan hak privasi yang tertanam dalam hukum AS. Pedoman bagi pengusaha untuk mengikuti meliputi: 1) pengawas pelatihan mengenai pentingnya kerahasiaan karyawan; 2) mengadopsi "perlu tahu" kebijakan; "dan 3) mengungkapkan prosedur. E. Menggunakan Tes di Tempat Kerja - Berbagai jenis tes yang banyak digunakan oleh pengusaha saat ini, termasuk untuk keterampilan dasar, keterampilan kerja, dan pengukuran psikologis. 1 . Uji Scoring - dapat otomatis dan dilakukan oleh majikan, atau profesional mencetak dan ditafsirkan oleh psikolog di luar perusahaan. F. Komputer dan Pengujian Online - semakin menggantikan pensil dan kertas dan tes manual. III Jenis Pengujian. A. Tes Kemampuan Kognitif - tes kognitif meliputi tes kemampuan penalaran umum (kecerdasan) dan tes kemampuan mental tertentu seperti memori dan penalaran induktif. 1. Tes Intelligence adalah tes kemampuan intelektual umum mulai dari memori, kosakata, dan kefasihan lisan untuk kemampuan numerik . 2. Kemampuan Kognitif Tertentu (aptitude) meliputi induktif dan deduktif penalaran, pemahaman verbal, memori, dan kemampuan numerik. B. Tes Motor dan Kemampuan Fisik - Pengusaha dapat menggunakan berbagai tes untuk mengukur kemampuan motorik seperti jari ketangkasan, ketangkasan manual, dan waktu reaksi. Mereka juga mungkin ingin mengukur kemampuan fisik seperti kekuatan statis, kekuatan dinamis, koordinasi tubuh, dan stamina. C. Mengukur Kepribadian dan Minat - dapat digunakan untuk menilai karakteristik pribadi sebagai sikap, motivasi, dan temperamen. (Lihat Gambar 6-6) 1. Apa Kepribadian Tes Ukur - Tes mengukur aspek dasar kepribadian pemohon, seperti introversi, stabilitas, dan motivasi. 2. "Big Five" - psikolog Industri menekankan lima dimensi kepribadian yang berlaku untuk pengujian personil: extraversion, kestabilan emosi, keramahan, kesadaran, dan keterbukaan terhadap pengalaman. 3. Peringatan - tes kepribadian adalah tes yang paling sulit untuk mengevaluasi dan menggunakan. Keputusan pengadilan terakhir menunjukkan bahwa Tes MMPI (MMPI) adalah tes medis karena dapat menyaring pelamar dengan gangguan psikologis, dan bahwa penggunaannya sebelum menawarkan pekerjaan dibuat karena itu merupakan pelanggaran ADA. 4. Persediaan bunga bandingkan kepentingan seseorang dengan orang-orang dalam berbagai pekerjaan. 5. Tes Prestasi - mengukur apa seseorang telah belajar. IV. Sampel kerja dan Simulasi A. Menggunakan Kerja Sampling untuk Seleksi Karyawan 1. Alasan untuk Work Sampling - langkah teknik pengambilan sampel Kerja bagaimana seorang calon benar-benar melakukan beberapa tugas pokok pekerjaan ini, sehingga sulit bagi pelamar untuk jawaban palsu. Metode ini cenderung lebih adil dan menunjukkan validitas lebih baik dari tes yang dirancang untuk memprediksi kinerja. 2. Mengembangkan Kerja Prosedur Sampling - Prosedur dasar adalah memilih beberapa tugas penting untuk melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dan untuk menguji pelamar pada tugas-tugas diidentifikasi. B. Pusat Pengkajian manajemen Menyediakan simulasi di mana kandidat melakukan tugas-tugas manajemen realistis, di bawah pengamatan ahli yang menilai potensi masing-masing kandidat. Latihan simulasi termasuk dalam keranjang, diskusi kelompok tanpa pemimpin, game manajemen, presentasi individu, tes objektif, dan wawancara. 1. Efektivitas - Kebanyakan ahli melihat pusat penilaian efektif untuk memilih dan mempromosikan kandidat manajemen, meskipun biaya tambahan untuk mengembangkan pusat-pusat. C. Situasional Pengujian dan Video Berbasis situasional Pengujian biasanya menyajikan kandidat dengan beberapa skenario, masing-masing diikuti dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda. D. The Miniature Pelatihan Kerja dan Evaluasi Pendekatan melibatkan calon pelatihan untuk melakukan sampel tugas pekerjaan, dan mengevaluasi kinerja mereka. E. Realistis Job Previews - Menjadi eksplisit tentang jadwal kerja, preferensi, dan standar pekerjaan lain pada titik wawancara dapat membantu mengurangi omset kemudian. Ketika Anda berada di Sendiri: HR untuk Manajer Line dan Pengusaha. Pengujian karyawan dan Seleksi - Di banyak perusahaan, departemen SDM tidak sedikit lebih dari penyaringan awal dan tindak lanjut dengan pemeriksaan latar belakang, obat, dan ujian fisik. Manajer yang ingin menyaring beberapa pelamar kerja mereka sendiri lebih formal dapat merancang dan menggunakan alat skrining dengan validitas wajah jelas. Langkah-langkah harus diambil untuk menjaga dalam pedoman dibahas dalam bab ini. Ada sejumlah alat yang tersedia yang mudah dijalankan. V. Investigasi latar belakang dan Teknik Seleksi Lain A. Mengapa Lakukan Investigasi Latar Belakang dan Referensi Cek? - Sebagian besar pengusaha memeriksa dan memverifikasi informasi dan referensi latar belakang pemohon, termasuk catatan mengemudi, memeriksa tuntutan pidana atau keyakinan, dan pemeriksaan kredit. 1. Tujuan - Alasan utama untuk melakukan penyelidikan ke latar pemohon adalah untuk memverifikasi informasi faktual dan untuk mengungkap informasi merusak membantu mencegah kerugian. 2. Jenis Cek Latar Belakang - Biasanya pemohon saat ini dan / atau mantan posisi dan gaji diverifikasi. Perusahaan peringkat kredit komersial dan layanan lainnya dapat memberikan informasi tentang kredit berdiri, kriminal, pekerjaan, dan sejarah pendidikan. Majikan sering memeriksa posting situs jejaring sosial online. 3. Efektivitas - Surat referensi tidak dipandang sebagai sangat berguna. Kurang dari setengah dari manajer HR menyatakan bahwa mereka dapat memperoleh informasi yang memadai tentang calon. 4. Permasalahan Hukum: Fitnah - Hukum (seperti Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970) meningkatkan kemungkinan bahwa menolak pelamar akan memiliki akses ke informasi latar belakang. Pemohon ditolak memiliki berbagai upaya hukum, termasuk hak untuk menuntut pencemaran nama baik. 5. Permasalahan Hukum: Privasi - Kebenaran tidak selalu pertahanan. Karyawan dapat menuntut majikan untuk mengungkapkan fakta-fakta pribadi benar tetapi memalukan bagi mereka tanpa perlu tahu. 6. Pengawas Keengganan - Daripada merusak kesempatan mantan karyawan untuk pekerjaan, pengawas kadang-kadang memberikan referensi yang baik. 7. Pedoman majikan - kebijakan referensi Defensible termasuk memiliki manajer hanya berwenang memberikan informasi tentang karyawan. Beberapa pengusaha hanya akan memberikan tanggal kerja, gaji, dan judul posisi untuk para pencari referensi. 8. Membuat Background Cek Lebih Berguna - Pengusaha harus: masukkan pada formulir aplikasi mereka pernyataan bagi pelamar untuk menandatangani, secara eksplisit otorisasi pemeriksaan latar belakang; lebih mengandalkan referensi telepon dari yang tertulis; mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka, menggunakan setiap referensi sebagai sumber lain dan menonton untuk "bendera merah." Contoh bentuk referensi memeriksa diilustrasikan pada Gambar 6-8. B. Bagaimana Periksa Latar Belakang Calon ini - Sebagian besar pengusaha setidaknya mencoba untuk memverifikasi atau mantan posisi pemohon dan gaji dengan majikan atau mantan nya melalui telepon, dengan asumsi mereka dibersihkan melakukannya dengan kandidat.

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