Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Rangkong (Bucerotidae) adalah burung yang ditemukan di tropis dan subtropis Afrika, Asia dan Melanesia. Mereka dicirikan oleh panjang, melengkung ke bawah tagihan yang sering cerah berwarna dan kadang-kadang memiliki casque pada lebih atas rahang bawah. Bahasa Inggris Umum dan nama ilmiah dari keluarga mengacu pada bentuk tagihan, "buceros" menjadi "cow horn" dalam bahasa Yunani. Rangkong memiliki dua-lobed ginjal. Mereka adalah burung hanya di mana tulang belakang leher pertama dan kedua (atlas dan sumbu masing-masing) menyatu bersama-sama; ini mungkin menyediakan platform yang lebih stabil untuk membawa tagihan. [1] keluarga omnivora, buah dan binatang kecil. Mereka adalah monogami peternak yang bersarang di alam rongga di pohon dan kadang-kadang tebing. Sejumlah spesies burung yang terancam punah, kebanyakan picik spesies dengan rentang kecil.Apakah Anda ingin mencoba beberapa fitur baru? Dengan bergabung beta, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke fitur eksperimental, risiko mengalami bug dan masalah.Oke tidak, terima kasihDeskripsi Penyebaran dan habitat EditSeperti namanya, Rangkong Sri Lanka abu-abu abu-abu dan endemik di Sri Lanka.The Bucerotidae include about 55 living species, though a number of cryptic species may yet be split, as has been suggested for the red-billed hornbill. Their distribution includes Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Subcontinent to the Philippines and the Solomon Islands, but no genus is found in both Africa and Asia. Most are arboreal birds, but the large ground hornbills (Bucorvus), as their name implies, are terrestrial birds of open savanna. Of the 24 species found in Africa, 13 are birds of the more open woodlands and savanna, and some occur even in highly arid environments; the remaining species are found in dense forests. This contrasts with Asia, where a single species occurs in open savanna and the remainder are forest species.[2] The Indian subcontinent has 10 species of hornbills, of which 9 are found in India and adjoining countries, while the Sri Lanka grey hornbill is restricted to the island. The most common widespread species in the Indian subcontinent is the Indian grey hornbill. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Indonesia has 13 hornbill species: 9 of them exist in Sumatra, and the rest exist in Sumba, Sulawesi, Papua and Kalimantan. Kalimantan has the same hornbill species as Sumatra, except that the great hornbill is not found there.[7] In the Neogene (at least in the late Miocene), hornbills inhabited North Africa and South Europe. Their remains have been found in Morocco[8] and Bulgaria.[9]Behaviour and ecology
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