„Drop”, Fang Geque sends in the news: „Ram­ble, care­ful, the newly ar terjemahan - „Drop”, Fang Geque sends in the news: „Ram­ble, care­ful, the newly ar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Drop”, Fang Geque sends in the new

„Drop”, Fang Geque sends in the news: „Ram­ble, care­ful, the newly ar­rived war­ship de­fense and at­tack have striven to excel.”
„Knows that you are also care­ful, I have the human to clash from the flank.”
Switches off that mo­ment of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sud­denly a se­ries of run­ning sounds are un­ceas­ing, the war­ship of flame Long Jun that rais­ing com­man­der's flag ex­ploded sud­denly, changed into piece by piece the ruins, my in­stan­ta­neous moral na­ture one thump, that was Fang Geque the place ship!!
How­ever, in war­ship ruins, a per­son's shadow ac­tu­ally treads a deck frag­ment space book­let to leap, ap­pears to an­other piece, two book­lets leap con­tin­u­ously, he ap­peared on an­other war­ship, god of the north shield makes him es­cape.
The crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, the war­ship of flame Long Jun, flood dragon armed forces was at­tacked and sunk, the speed of loss goes far be­yond our imag­i­na­tion, al­though the shal­low for­est has al­most used the Tian Ling Em­pire aquatic strength, but we had un­der­es­ti­mated Luo Ding on hand in mil­i­tary strength, their naval units are not in­fe­rior in us, if even is not our hands grasps Long Jing ar­tillery, this weaponry has not re­sulted in hits.
I issue an order, palace guard 44 war­ships over­ran from the war­ships of ad­vance armed forces com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment, bomb the sound to be un­ceas­ing, our Long Jing ar­tillery shell is suf­fi­cient, so long as cools for 40-50 sec­onds to come one time to hit hard on the pack­ing shell again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously I also saw clearly, on the war­ship of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment erects un­ex­pect­edly is sim­i­lar to the one great ar­tillery of hot crag ar­tillery, but might sit­u­ated in hot crag ar­tillery and Long Jing ar­tillery, be­cause such Fang Geque war­ship will be de­stroyed.
„Full speed ad­vance, the helms­man marches for­ward with curve, avoids their bomb­ing!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool com­manded loudly on one side war­ship: „The great ar­tillery of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment same is fixed, does not need to be afraid them!”
Fi­nally, the great ar­tillery at least more than 50% hit goals of palace guard, but the fire of op­po­site party ac­tu­ally less than 5% can hit, times ex­plode in the sea level, is ac­tu­ally not able to cause any sub­stan­tive dam­age to us, the palace guard such clashes, the fleet of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment lost the square inch im­me­di­ately, Fang Geque seizes this once in a thou­sand years op­por­tu­nity, lead­ing the gnathi­tis Long Jun war­ship to at­tack from both sides one with us, im­me­di­ately the 100 + war­ships of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment in­stan­ta­neously on buckle half.
Prob­a­bly al­ways can­not hit, fi­nally a ghost nian step ac­cu­rate Com­man­der BOSS on com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment war­ship has got­ten angry, shouted to clear the way loudly: „By the past, the short dis­tance bang fell this crowd of Tian Ling Em­pire chop suey!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool cor­ners of the mouth raise: „Makes them ap­proach, Long Jing ar­tillery prepa­ra­tion, two ar­tillery bat­tle­ships, visit them to have many!”
In­deed so, ap­proaches fires at our ac­cu­rate to be higher, did not wait for the war­ship ad­just­ment good angle of op­po­site party we to at­tack and sink the op­po­site party, but the com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment has pre­vailed as be­fore, be­cause the shell of flame Long Jun, flood dragon armed forces has used up fi­nally, both sides have launched the hand-to-hand fight­ing in the sea, gave up the bomb­ing tac­tic.
„Bang bang bang”
A se­ries of war­ships hit in to­gether, both sides to can­cel the claw fixed good war­ship, then raised the pointed weapons mu­tu­ally to rush ahead in one.
Xiao Li looks some­what scared: „Such fight”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Drop”, Fang Geque sends in the news: „Ram­ble, care­ful, the newly ar­rived war­ship de­fense and at­tack have striven to excel.”„Knows that you are also care­ful, I have the human to clash from the flank.”„Good!”Switches off that mo­ment of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sud­denly a se­ries of run­ning sounds are un­ceas­ing, the war­ship of flame Long Jun that rais­ing com­man­der's flag ex­ploded sud­denly, changed into piece by piece the ruins, my in­stan­ta­neous moral na­ture one thump, that was Fang Geque the place ship!!How­ever, in war­ship ruins, a per­son's shadow ac­tu­ally treads a deck frag­ment space book­let to leap, ap­pears to an­other piece, two book­lets leap con­tin­u­ously, he ap­peared on an­other war­ship, god of the north shield makes him es­cape.The crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, the war­ship of flame Long Jun, flood dragon armed forces was at­tacked and sunk, the speed of loss goes far be­yond our imag­i­na­tion, al­though the shal­low for­est has al­most used the Tian Ling Em­pire aquatic strength, but we had un­der­es­ti­mated Luo Ding on hand in mil­i­tary strength, their naval units are not in­fe­rior in us, if even is not our hands grasps Long Jing ar­tillery, this weaponry has not re­sulted in hits.„Over­runs!”I issue an order, palace guard 44 war­ships over­ran from the war­ships of ad­vance armed forces com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment, bomb the sound to be un­ceas­ing, our Long Jing ar­tillery shell is suf­fi­cient, so long as cools for 40-50 sec­onds to come one time to hit hard on the pack­ing shell again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously I also saw clearly, on the war­ship of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment erects un­ex­pect­edly is sim­i­lar to the one great ar­tillery of hot crag ar­tillery, but might sit­u­ated in hot crag ar­tillery and Long Jing ar­tillery, be­cause such Fang Geque war­ship will be de­stroyed.„Full speed ad­vance, the helms­man marches for­ward with curve, avoids their bomb­ing!”The South Ko­rean deep pool com­manded loudly on one side war­ship: „The great ar­tillery of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment same is fixed, does not need to be afraid them!”Fi­nally, the great ar­tillery at least more than 50% hit goals of palace guard, but the fire of op­po­site party ac­tu­ally less than 5% can hit, times ex­plode in the sea level, is ac­tu­ally not able to cause any sub­stan­tive dam­age to us, the palace guard such clashes, the fleet of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment lost the square inch im­me­di­ately, Fang Geque seizes this once in a thou­sand years op­por­tu­nity, lead­ing the gnathi­tis Long Jun war­ship to at­tack from both sides one with us, im­me­di­ately the 100 + war­ships of com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment in­stan­ta­neously on buckle half.Prob­a­bly al­ways can­not hit, fi­nally a ghost nian step ac­cu­rate Com­man­der BOSS on com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment war­ship has got­ten angry, shouted to clear the way loudly: „By the past, the short dis­tance bang fell this crowd of Tian Ling Em­pire chop suey!”The South Ko­rean deep pool cor­ners of the mouth raise: „Makes them ap­proach, Long Jing ar­tillery prepa­ra­tion, two ar­tillery bat­tle­ships, visit them to have many!”In­deed so, ap­proaches fires at our ac­cu­rate to be higher, did not wait for the war­ship ad­just­ment good angle of op­po­site party we to at­tack and sink the op­po­site party, but the com­bat en­forc­ing de­tach­ment has pre­vailed as be­fore, be­cause the shell of flame Long Jun, flood dragon armed forces has used up fi­nally, both sides have launched the hand-to-hand fight­ing in the sea, gave up the bomb­ing tac­tic.„Bang bang bang”A se­ries of war­ships hit in to­gether, both sides to can­cel the claw fixed good war­ship, then raised the pointed weapons mu­tu­ally to rush ahead in one.Xiao Li looks some­what scared: „Such fight”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Drop", Fang Geque mengirimkan berita: "mengoceh, hati-hati, pertahanan kapal perang yang baru tiba dan menyerang telah berusaha untuk unggul."
"Tahu bahwa Anda juga berhati-hati, saya memiliki manusia berbenturan dari sayap".
"Baik ! "
Switch off saat itu komunikasi, tiba-tiba serangkaian menjalankan suara yang tak henti-hentinya, kapal perang api panjang Juni bahwa bendera menaikkan komandan meledak tiba-tiba, berubah menjadi sepotong demi sepotong reruntuhan, sifat moral seketika saya satu dentuman, yang Fang Geque tempat kapal !!
Namun, di reruntuhan kapal perang, bayangan seseorang benar-benar tapak buku ruang dek fragmen melompat, tampaknya sepotong, dua buku melompat terus menerus, ia muncul di kapal perang lain, dewa pelindung utara membuatnya melarikan diri.
The derak tembakan yang tak henti-hentinya, kapal perang api panjang Juni, angkatan bersenjata naga banjir diserang dan tenggelam, kecepatan hilangnya jauh melampaui imajinasi kita, meskipun hutan dangkal hampir menggunakan kekuatan air Tian Ling Empire, tapi kami telah meremehkan Luo Ding di tangan kekuatan militer, unit angkatan laut mereka tidak kalah dalam diri kita, bahkan jika tidak tangan kita menangkap Long Jing artileri, persenjataan ini belum menghasilkan hits.
"Barang sisa!"
aku mengeluarkan perintah, pengawal istana 44 kapal perang menyerbu dari kapal perang dari muka bersenjata tempur pasukan menegakkan detasemen, bom suara menjadi tak henti-hentinya, artileri shell Long Jing kami sudah cukup, asalkan mendingin untuk 40-50 detik untuk datang satu kali untuk memukul keras pada shell packing lagi, bersamaan saya juga melihat dengan jelas, pada kapal perang tempur menegakkan detasemen erects terduga mirip dengan salah satu artileri besar karang artileri panas, tapi mungkin terletak di artileri karang panas dan Long Jing artileri, karena seperti Fang Geque kapal perang akan hancur.
"speed muka penuh , juru mudi pawai maju dengan kurva, menghindari pemboman mereka "!
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan memerintahkan keras di salah satu kapal perang sisi:" The artileri besar pertempuran menegakkan detasemen yang sama adalah tetap, tidak perlu takut mereka "!
Akhirnya, besar artileri setidaknya lebih dari 50% memukul gol dari penjaga istana, tapi api pihak lawan benar-benar kurang dari 5% dapat menekan, kali meledak di permukaan laut, sebenarnya tidak mampu menyebabkan kerusakan substantif kepada kami, pengawal istana seperti bentrokan, armada tempur menegakkan detasemen kehilangan inci persegi segera, Fang Geque merebut ini kesempatan sekali dalam seribu tahun, memimpin gnathitis panjang Juni kapal perang untuk menyerang dari kedua belah pihak satu dengan kami, segera 100 + kapal perang tempur menegakkan detasemen seketika . setengah gesper
Mungkin selalu tidak bisa memukul, akhirnya hantu nian langkah akurat Komandan BOSS pada pertempuran menegakkan kapal perang detasemen telah mendapat marah, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "dengan masa lalu, jarak Bang pendek jatuh kerumunan ini Tian Ling Empire chop suey "!
kolam renang dalam sudut Korea Selatan dari kenaikan mulut:"! Membuat mereka pendekatan, persiapan artileri Long Jing, dua kapal perang artileri, mengunjungi mereka memiliki banyak "
Memang begitu, pendekatan kebakaran di kami akurat menjadi lebih tinggi, tidak menunggu untuk penyesuaian kapal perang sudut yang baik dari pihak lawan kita untuk menyerang dan menenggelamkan pihak lawan, tetapi pertempuran menegakkan detasemen telah berlaku seperti sebelumnya, karena shell api panjang Juni, angkatan bersenjata naga banjir telah habis akhirnya, kedua belah pihak telah meluncurkan pertempuran tangan-ke-tangan di laut, menyerah taktik pengeboman.
"Bang bang bang"
serangkaian kapal perang hit di bersama-sama, kedua belah pihak untuk membatalkan cakar tetap kapal perang yang baik, kemudian mengangkat senjata runcing saling buru-buru ke depan dalam satu .
Xiao Li terlihat agak takut: "pertarungan tersebut"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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