Non acute and non-urgent visits to the emergencydepartment (ED) may ca terjemahan - Non acute and non-urgent visits to the emergencydepartment (ED) may ca Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Non acute and non-urgent visits to

Non acute and non-urgent visits to the emergency
department (ED) may cause significant problems since
they consume resources that should be allocated for
acute patients [1-4]. Triage has, in part, been developed
in order to allocate resources [3,4]. Emergency depart-
ments around the world use different triage systems to
assess the severity of incoming patients’ conditions and
assign treatment priorities: the Australasian Triage Scale
(ATS), the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS),
the Manchester Triage System (MTS), and the Emer-
gency Severity Index (ESI) [5-16]. There is, indeed,
some data from secondary health care systems suggest-
ing that team-triage may reduce waiting times to see a
doctor and to radiology and the length of stay in the ED
[17]: experienced doctor-nurse triage teams have been
reported to be an effective way of shortening the waiting
time in the ED, irrespective of the urgency of the
The health system in Finland is divided into private
and public primary care (GP) services and in addition to
primary care ED and secondary care ED services. EDs
and most of the office-hours primary care are funded by
the public health system. In other words, they are non-
profit making. Emergency services in Finland have been
provided by both hospitals and health centres since the
1970s. Out-of-hours services in health centres are run
by primary health care staff and GPs while the EDs of
the secondary care hospitals are run by different medical
specialities. Primary care out-of-hours units were
increasingly incorporated into hospital emergency units
due to centralization at the end of the 20th century.
These EDs came to be known as ‘combined emergency
departments’ [16]. GPs are responsible for the initial
assessment and treatment in the EDs, thereby regulating
access to the acute secondary health care. One argument
for this centralization is that a considerable number of
patients needing acute care, also require hospital treat-
ment, tests performed in hospital and medical attention
from specialists [16]. The use of out-of-hours services
decreased when the service of the public primary health
care centres was improved in the 1990’s by the so-called
personal doctor system [18]. Decreased use of EDs indi-
cated that a smoothly running public service during
office hours reduced the demand for out-of-hours ser-
vices [18]. This is observed to be a general trend when
the quality of daytime primary care is adequate [19]. As
a complementary, profit driven system there is a well-
equipped private primary health care which is, however,
more expensive for the patients to use. Patients choos-
ing this system cover the expenses by using their own
money and insurances. Both the public and private sec-
tor primary care and private secondary care consult
public secondary care by using referrals. The most
difficult clinical cases are usually treated in public sec-
ondary care.
The situation in Finnish primary care has recently
deteriorated due to difficulties in recruiting GP:s into
the public health system. As a consequence, access to
public daytime services has worsened [18] and EDs are
forced to back up the inadequate daytime services in
primary and secondary care. Easily accessible EDs may
also be considered as an extra public service for those
who are, for various reasons [4], not willing or able to
use daytime services. The EDs are overused and this
situation has led to negative patient feedback and
increased frustration among the staff [20]. There have
been difficulties in recruiting doctors and a growing ten-
dency to outsource the work of the GPs to agency
employees. This is partly due to the nature of the work
and inconvenient working hours, [18,20]. Therefore, the
turnover of primary care doctors especially in out-of-
hours services has been high [18]. It has also been diffi-
cult to recruit experienced nursing staff to the emer-
gency system. Many stakeholders and organizations are
involved in the provision of emergency services making
the responsibility for the leadership and the develop-
ment of the EDs unclear.
Emergency services must be capable of providing
quick, high quality and effective treatment to patients
with acute medical problems. This capability is compro-
mised if the ED is too crowded [21]. Internationally,
most countries separate primary care and ED services
and define ED services as secondary care functions and
EDs have their own triage scales [5-15]. In Finland,
there are also primary care EDs and this is the main
reason for developing a specific triage scale for primary
health care ED’s. As an attempt to provide immediate
treatment for those patients in primary health care EDs
who need it the most, a face-to-face triage system [16]
based on letters from A, B, C, D and E for assessing the
urgency of patients’ treatment needs was applied in the
main combined ED in the City of Vantaa, Finland (Pei-
jas Hospital). In this system, all patients who were trans-
ported to the ED by ambulance were triaged by
secondary health care nurses consulting secondary doc-
tors for safety reasons. Patients arriving by other means
than ambulance go to primary health care ABCDE-
triage. Patients in group E are not in need of urgent
medical treatment. At least 8% of primary care ED
patients have been reported to belong to this group
[16]. Yet it is very important to be sure that also
patients in this group are in safe hands and can trust
that their evaluation in ED is made by approved stan-
dards. In most cases they are treated by nurses.
The primary aim of the present study was to deter-
mine whether this type of triage system combined with
public guidance related to the proper use of EDs alters
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bebas akut dan non-mendesak kunjungan ke darurat
Departemen (ED) dapat menyebabkan masalah yang signifikan sejak
mereka mengkonsumsi sumber daya yang harus dialokasikan untuk
akut pasien [1-4]. Triase, sebagian, telah dikembangkan
untuk mengalokasikan sumber daya [3,4]. Darurat berangkat-
nyata di seluruh dunia menggunakan sistem triase berbeda untuk
menilai tingkat keparahan kondisi pasien masuk dan
menetapkan prioritas pengobatan: Scale
(ATS) triase Australasia, Kanada triase dan ketajaman skala (CTAS),
sistem triase Manchester (MTS), dan telepon darurat-
gency Severity Index (ESI) [5-16]. Ada, memang,
menyarankan beberapa data dari sistem perawatan kesehatan sekunder-
ing bahwa tim-triase dapat mengurangi menunggu kali untuk melihat
dokter dan Radiologi dan lama tinggal di ED
[17]: dokter-perawat berpengalaman triase tim telah
dilaporkan menjadi cara yang efektif untuk memperpendek menunggu
waktu di ED, terlepas dari urgensi
sistem kesehatan di Finlandia terbagi menjadi pribadi
dan layanan perawatan primer Umum (GP) dan di samping
perawatan primer ED dan menengah care ED layanan. EDs
dan sebagian besar perawatan primer jam kantor didanai oleh
sistem kesehatan masyarakat. Dengan kata lain, mereka non-
membuat keuntungan. Layanan darurat di Finlandia telah
disediakan oleh rumah sakit dan puskesmas sejak
tahun 1970-an. Layanan Out-of-jam di pusat-Pusat Kesehatan dijalankan
oleh staf perawatan kesehatan primer dan GPs sementara EDs dari
rumah sakit perawatan sekunder dijalankan oleh berbeda medis
spesialisasi. Perawatan primer out-of-jam unit
semakin dimasukkan ke rumah sakit darurat unit
karena sentralisasi pada akhir 20 abad.
EDs ini kemudian dikenal sebagai ' darurat gabungan
Departemen [16]. GPs bertanggung jawab untuk awal
penilaian dan pengobatan di EDs, dengan demikian mengatur
akses ke perawatan kesehatan sekunder akut. Salah satu argumen
untuk sentralisasi ini adalah bahwa sejumlah besar
pasien yang membutuhkan perawatan akut, juga memerlukan Perlakukan rumah sakit-
ment, tes yang dilakukan di rumah sakit dan perhatian medis
dari spesialis [16]. Penggunaan Layanan out-of-jam
menurun ketika pelayanan kesehatan primer umum
pusat perawatan membaik pada tahun 1990 oleh sehingga disebut
sistem dokter pribadi [18]. Penurunan penggunaan EDs indi-
cated yang lancar menjalankan pelayanan publik selama
jam kantor mengurangi permintaan untuk out-of-jam ser-
keburukan [18]. Ini diamati untuk menjadi kecenderungan umum ketika
kualitas siang hari perawatan primer yang memadai [19]. Sebagai
komplementer, keuntungan sistem didorong ada baik-
dilengkapi pribadi perawatan kesehatan primer yang, namun,
lebih mahal bagi pasien untuk menggunakan. Pasien Choo-
ing sistem ini menutupi biaya menggunakan mereka sendiri
uang dan asuransi. Kedua publik dan Pribadi sec-
tor perawatan primer dan sekunder pribadi perawatan berkonsultasi
umum sekunder perawatan dengan menggunakan arahan. Yang paling
kasus-kasus klinis yang sulit biasanya diperlakukan secara umum sec-
perawatan ondary.
situasi di Finlandia perawatan primer baru-baru ini
memburuk karena kesulitan dalam merekrut GP:s ke
sistem kesehatan masyarakat. Sebagai akibatnya, akses ke
Layanan Umum siang hari telah memburuk [18] dan EDs adalah
dipaksa untuk membuat cadangan Layanan siang hari tidak memadai dalam
dasar dan menengah care. Mudah diakses EDs mungkin
juga dianggap sebagai pelayanan publik tambahan bagi
yang, karena berbagai alasan [4], tidak bersedia atau mampu untuk
menggunakan layanan siang hari. EDs digunakan secara berlebihan dan ini
situasi telah menyebabkan negatif umpan balik pasien dan
peningkatan frustrasi antara staf [20]. Ada
telah kesulitan dalam merekrut dokter dan sepuluh tumbuh-
dency untuk melakukan outsourcing pekerjaan GPs untuk badan
karyawan. Hal ini sebagian disebabkan oleh sifat dari pekerjaan
dan jam kerja yang nyaman, [18,20]. Oleh karena itu,
omset perawatan primer dokter terutama di keluar - dari-
layanan jam telah tinggi [18]. Ini juga telah sulit
kultus untuk merekrut staf berpengalaman Keperawatan telepon darurat-
gency sistem. Banyak pemangku kepentingan dan organisasi
terlibat dalam penyediaan layanan darurat yang membuat
tanggung jawab kepemimpinan dan mengembangkan-
bangan EDs jelas.
layanan darurat harus mampu memberikan
cepat, kualitas tinggi dan pengobatan yang efektif untuk pasien
dengan masalah medis akut. Kemampuan ini merupakan compro-
mised jika ED adalah terlalu ramai [21]. Internasional,
kebanyakan negara terpisah perawatan primer dan layanan ED
dan mendefinisikan Layanan ED sebagai fungsi perawatan sekunder dan
EDs memiliki sisik triase mereka sendiri [5-15]. Di Finlandia,
ada juga perawatan primer EDs dan inilah utama
alasan untuk mengembangkan skala tertentu triase untuk dasar
ED perawatan kesehatan Sebagai upaya untuk memberikan langsung
pengobatan bagi pasien dalam perawatan kesehatan primer EDs
yang memerlukannya paling, sistem triase tatap muka [16]
Berdasarkan huruf dari A, B, C, D dan E untuk menilai
mendesaknya kebutuhan perawatan pasien diterapkan pada
utama dikombinasikan ED di kota Vantaa, Finlandia (Pei-
jas Hospital). Dalam sistem ini, semua pasien yang trans-
porting ke ED dengan ambulans yang triaged oleh
sekunder perawatan kesehatan perawat konsultasi sekunder doc-
tur untuk alasan keamanan. Pasien yang datang dengan cara lain
daripada ambulans pergi ke perawatan kesehatan primer ABCDE-
triase. Pasien dalam Grup E tidak membutuhkan mendesak
perawatan medis. Setidaknya 8% perawatan primer ED
pasien telah dilaporkan menjadi milik grup ini
[16]. Namun hal ini sangat penting untuk memastikan itu juga
pasien dalam grup ini berada di tangan yang aman dan dapat di percaya
bahwa evaluasi mereka di ED dibuat oleh disetujui stan-
dards. Dalam kebanyakan kasus mereka diperlakukan oleh perawat.
tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencegah-
tambang Apakah jenis sistem triase dikombinasikan dengan
mengubah petunjuk umum yang terkait dengan penggunaan yang tepat dari EDs
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Non acute and non-urgent visits to the emergency
department (ED) may cause significant problems since
they consume resources that should be allocated for
acute patients [1-4]. Triage has, in part, been developed
in order to allocate resources [3,4]. Emergency depart-
ments around the world use different triage systems to
assess the severity of incoming patients’ conditions and
assign treatment priorities: the Australasian Triage Scale
(ATS), the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS),
the Manchester Triage System (MTS), and the Emer-
gency Severity Index (ESI) [5-16]. There is, indeed,
some data from secondary health care systems suggest-
ing that team-triage may reduce waiting times to see a
doctor and to radiology and the length of stay in the ED
[17]: experienced doctor-nurse triage teams have been
reported to be an effective way of shortening the waiting
time in the ED, irrespective of the urgency of the
The health system in Finland is divided into private
and public primary care (GP) services and in addition to
primary care ED and secondary care ED services. EDs
and most of the office-hours primary care are funded by
the public health system. In other words, they are non-
profit making. Emergency services in Finland have been
provided by both hospitals and health centres since the
1970s. Out-of-hours services in health centres are run
by primary health care staff and GPs while the EDs of
the secondary care hospitals are run by different medical
specialities. Primary care out-of-hours units were
increasingly incorporated into hospital emergency units
due to centralization at the end of the 20th century.
These EDs came to be known as ‘combined emergency
departments’ [16]. GPs are responsible for the initial
assessment and treatment in the EDs, thereby regulating
access to the acute secondary health care. One argument
for this centralization is that a considerable number of
patients needing acute care, also require hospital treat-
ment, tests performed in hospital and medical attention
from specialists [16]. The use of out-of-hours services
decreased when the service of the public primary health
care centres was improved in the 1990’s by the so-called
personal doctor system [18]. Decreased use of EDs indi-
cated that a smoothly running public service during
office hours reduced the demand for out-of-hours ser-
vices [18]. This is observed to be a general trend when
the quality of daytime primary care is adequate [19]. As
a complementary, profit driven system there is a well-
equipped private primary health care which is, however,
more expensive for the patients to use. Patients choos-
ing this system cover the expenses by using their own
money and insurances. Both the public and private sec-
tor primary care and private secondary care consult
public secondary care by using referrals. The most
difficult clinical cases are usually treated in public sec-
ondary care.
The situation in Finnish primary care has recently
deteriorated due to difficulties in recruiting GP:s into
the public health system. As a consequence, access to
public daytime services has worsened [18] and EDs are
forced to back up the inadequate daytime services in
primary and secondary care. Easily accessible EDs may
also be considered as an extra public service for those
who are, for various reasons [4], not willing or able to
use daytime services. The EDs are overused and this
situation has led to negative patient feedback and
increased frustration among the staff [20]. There have
been difficulties in recruiting doctors and a growing ten-
dency to outsource the work of the GPs to agency
employees. This is partly due to the nature of the work
and inconvenient working hours, [18,20]. Therefore, the
turnover of primary care doctors especially in out-of-
hours services has been high [18]. It has also been diffi-
cult to recruit experienced nursing staff to the emer-
gency system. Many stakeholders and organizations are
involved in the provision of emergency services making
the responsibility for the leadership and the develop-
ment of the EDs unclear.
Emergency services must be capable of providing
quick, high quality and effective treatment to patients
with acute medical problems. This capability is compro-
mised if the ED is too crowded [21]. Internationally,
most countries separate primary care and ED services
and define ED services as secondary care functions and
EDs have their own triage scales [5-15]. In Finland,
there are also primary care EDs and this is the main
reason for developing a specific triage scale for primary
health care ED’s. As an attempt to provide immediate
treatment for those patients in primary health care EDs
who need it the most, a face-to-face triage system [16]
based on letters from A, B, C, D and E for assessing the
urgency of patients’ treatment needs was applied in the
main combined ED in the City of Vantaa, Finland (Pei-
jas Hospital). In this system, all patients who were trans-
ported to the ED by ambulance were triaged by
secondary health care nurses consulting secondary doc-
tors for safety reasons. Patients arriving by other means
than ambulance go to primary health care ABCDE-
triage. Patients in group E are not in need of urgent
medical treatment. At least 8% of primary care ED
patients have been reported to belong to this group
[16]. Yet it is very important to be sure that also
patients in this group are in safe hands and can trust
that their evaluation in ED is made by approved stan-
dards. In most cases they are treated by nurses.
The primary aim of the present study was to deter-
mine whether this type of triage system combined with
public guidance related to the proper use of EDs alters
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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