“He would have been loved.”“What makes you so sure of that? When you a terjemahan - “He would have been loved.”“What makes you so sure of that? When you a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“He would have been loved.”“What ma

“He would have been loved.”
“What makes you so sure of that? When you admit that you don’t know how you would have felt about him?”
“I know you,” he murmured huskily. “And you have a capacity for love that boggles the mind. Of course you would have loved that baby; it’s the only way you know how to be.”
“How am I supposed to keep living with you now, Sandro?” She asked him helplessly. “It was bad enough before but the thought of going home with you now is almost completely unbearable.” His hand loosened its grip around hers and he reached up to stroke the side of her cheek tenderly.
“We’ll get through this,” he whispered and she flinched away from his touch. His eyes flickered with some strange emotion before his hand dropped back down to the table.
“I’m tired,” she said quietly. “Take me back to the house.” He nodded and summoned the waiter over to ask for the check. Theresa’s eyes dropped to the full table regretfully.
“Such a waste,” she whispered half to herself but she was surprised when Sandro overheard her and asked the waiter to deliver the food to the nearest homeless shelter.
Nothing much else was said between them until they got home, where Theresa excused herself under the pretext of being tired and closeted herself in her room for the rest of the afternoon.
“Sandro,” Theresa cautiously breached the sanctity of his study later that night. In all the time they had been living in the house, it was the first time Theresa had ever set foot in the study while he was in it. He looked up to see her hovering uncertainly in the doorway and stood up abruptly, nearly sending his chair toppling. She jumped backward at the sudden violent movement but he was around his desk in an instant and approaching her with one hand outstretched.
“Theresa,” he intoned huskily. “Please come in.” He seemed almost eager to have her there. Not exactly the reception she was expecting. He steered her towards the huge, leather easy chair in one corner of the large study, seating her before taking the chair opposite hers, leaning towards her, with his hands loosely clasped together and hanging down between his spread thighs.
“I want to know why,” she finally whispered, after a lengthy silence. “I want to know what commodity you so casually traded my happiness for. What meant so much to you that you were willing to give up your precious freedom for it?” He was quiet for so long that she wondered if he would bother to respond.
“My father is old and sick,” he finally said in a low voice, keeping his head down and his eyes fixed on his hands. “He grew up on a wine farm. Not a very profitable vineyard but it had been in our family for generations and it meant a lot to him. It was the land he was born on, the land he imagined retiring to and eventually dying on… but before he made his fortune; he ran into some bad luck and made some terrible financial decisions that resulted in the loss of that vineyard. He soon found his footing and got stinking rich but that vineyard had been purchased by your father who quite stubbornly, despite anything my father offered him, refused to sell it. The place is pretty worthless to a man of his fortune, so I can only conclude that he enjoyed having that kind of leverage over my father,” he shrugged helplessly. “All of my life I remember my father waxing lyrical about that place. He always regretted the fact that none of his children had been born on that land, the guilt at losing a huge chunk of family history ate at him and in the last few years, his quest to get it back became an obsession.
“His health started to deteriorate really badly. He was diagnosed with cancer and the doctors aren’t optimistic. Naturally his impending death has made the loss of that land even more unbearable for him and it was killing us to watch him suffer emotionally, physically and mentally. I wanted to give him his pride and dignity back. I want him to find peace and die happy. So I approached your father, who, having seen your reaction to me after our first meeting, finally relented and came up with the terms of sale as you now know them.” Theresa flushed miserably when she remembered how obviously infatuated she had been the first time she had seen Sandro and recognised her own, unwitting role, in this façade.
“How’s your father?” She asked tightly and he nodded slightly, his face betraying the first hint of emotion since he had started telling the sorry tale.
“Content, now that he’s home,” his voice was absolutely racked with the pain he was trying so desperately to disguise.
“And your family knows about this ‘deal’ you made for the land?” She asked her own voice high with tension.
“No wonder they never expressed any desire to meet me, or made any overtures of friendship towards me,” she said, half to herself and he made a muffled sound and moved a hand towards her face. She flinched away from his reach and his hand dropped halfway between them.
“I’m sorry about your father,” she said tonelessly. “I see now how impossible your situation must have been.”
“Even so… I could have treated you less…” he began, his voice bitter with something very close to self-loathing.
“Never mind,” she cut him off, not really in the mood to hear his moans of regret and self-recrimination. “Thank you for telling me.” She got up slowly, always mindful of the dizziness and he jumped up along with her.
“Theresa, wait… please…” he began.
“I don’t think there’s much more to say…” she turned toward the door.
“What about us? Our marriage?”
“I suppose we go on as we always have,” she shrugged listlessly. “Only, without the intimacy Sandro, I really couldn’t handle that anymore. We lead separate lives…”
“I don’t want that,” he said hoarsely, sounding almost horrified by the prospect.
“It won’t have to be for too much longer,” she murmured faintly, wondering why the door seemed to be getting further away with every faltering step.
“What do you mean?” He asked in alarm. “Theresa?” This last when she swayed slightly, he put a steadying arm around her narrow shoulders and led her back to the chair she had just vacated.
“That’s it,” he snapped, crouching in front of her, while his hands went up to frame her pale face. “I’m calling the doctor! This is…”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“He would have been loved.”“What makes you so sure of that? When you admit that you don’t know how you would have felt about him?”“I know you,” he murmured huskily. “And you have a capacity for love that boggles the mind. Of course you would have loved that baby; it’s the only way you know how to be.”“How am I supposed to keep living with you now, Sandro?” She asked him helplessly. “It was bad enough before but the thought of going home with you now is almost completely unbearable.” His hand loosened its grip around hers and he reached up to stroke the side of her cheek tenderly.“We’ll get through this,” he whispered and she flinched away from his touch. His eyes flickered with some strange emotion before his hand dropped back down to the table.“I’m tired,” she said quietly. “Take me back to the house.” He nodded and summoned the waiter over to ask for the check. Theresa’s eyes dropped to the full table regretfully.“Such a waste,” she whispered half to herself but she was surprised when Sandro overheard her and asked the waiter to deliver the food to the nearest homeless shelter.Nothing much else was said between them until they got home, where Theresa excused herself under the pretext of being tired and closeted herself in her room for the rest of the afternoon. “Sandro,” Theresa cautiously breached the sanctity of his study later that night. In all the time they had been living in the house, it was the first time Theresa had ever set foot in the study while he was in it. He looked up to see her hovering uncertainly in the doorway and stood up abruptly, nearly sending his chair toppling. She jumped backward at the sudden violent movement but he was around his desk in an instant and approaching her with one hand outstretched.“Theresa,” he intoned huskily. “Please come in.” He seemed almost eager to have her there. Not exactly the reception she was expecting. He steered her towards the huge, leather easy chair in one corner of the large study, seating her before taking the chair opposite hers, leaning towards her, with his hands loosely clasped together and hanging down between his spread thighs.“I want to know why,” she finally whispered, after a lengthy silence. “I want to know what commodity you so casually traded my happiness for. What meant so much to you that you were willing to give up your precious freedom for it?” He was quiet for so long that she wondered if he would bother to respond.“My father is old and sick,” he finally said in a low voice, keeping his head down and his eyes fixed on his hands. “He grew up on a wine farm. Not a very profitable vineyard but it had been in our family for generations and it meant a lot to him. It was the land he was born on, the land he imagined retiring to and eventually dying on… but before he made his fortune; he ran into some bad luck and made some terrible financial decisions that resulted in the loss of that vineyard. He soon found his footing and got stinking rich but that vineyard had been purchased by your father who quite stubbornly, despite anything my father offered him, refused to sell it. The place is pretty worthless to a man of his fortune, so I can only conclude that he enjoyed having that kind of leverage over my father,” he shrugged helplessly. “All of my life I remember my father waxing lyrical about that place. He always regretted the fact that none of his children had been born on that land, the guilt at losing a huge chunk of family history ate at him and in the last few years, his quest to get it back became an obsession."Kesehatannya mulai memburuk benar-benar parah. Ia didiagnosis dengan kanker dan dokter tidak optimis. Alami kematiannya yang akan datang telah membuat hilangnya tanah itu bahkan lebih tak tertahankan baginya dan itu adalah membunuh kita untuk menonton dia menderita secara emosional, fisik dan mental. Aku ingin memberinya kebanggaan dan martabat kembali. Aku ingin dia untuk menemukan kedamaian dan mati bahagia. Jadi saya mendekati Bapamu yang, setelah melihat reaksi Anda kepada saya setelah pertemuan pertama kami, akhirnya mengalah dan datang dengan syarat-syarat penjualan seperti yang Anda ketahui sekarang mereka." Theresa memerah sedih ketika Dia teringat betapa jelas tergila-gila dia sudah pertama kalinya dia telah melihat Sandro dan diakui peran sendiri, tanpa disadari, dalam fasad ini."Bagaimana adalah Bapa Anda?" Dia bertanya erat dan ia mengangguk sedikit, wajahnya mengkhianati petunjuk pertama emosi karena ia telah mulai menceritakan kisah Maaf."Konten, sekarang bahwa dia pulang," suaranya benar-benar disiksa dengan rasa sakit yang ia berusaha sangat untuk menyamarkan."Dan keluarga Anda tahu tentang ini 'kesepakatan' Anda dibuat untuk tanah?" Dia bertanya suara-Nya sendiri tinggi dengan ketegangan."Ya.""Tidak heran mereka tidak pernah menyatakan keinginan untuk bertemu dengan saya, atau membuat setiap tawaran persahabatan terhadap saya," katanya, setengah untuk dirinya sendiri dan ia membuat suara teredam dan pindah tangan terhadap wajahnya. Meraba dari jangkauan nya dan tangannya turun setengah jalan antara mereka."Aku menyesal tentang ayah," katanya tonelessly. "Saya melihat sekarang bagaimana mustahil situasi Anda pasti."“Even so… I could have treated you less…” he began, his voice bitter with something very close to self-loathing.“Never mind,” she cut him off, not really in the mood to hear his moans of regret and self-recrimination. “Thank you for telling me.” She got up slowly, always mindful of the dizziness and he jumped up along with her.“Theresa, wait… please…” he began.“I don’t think there’s much more to say…” she turned toward the door.“What about us? Our marriage?”“I suppose we go on as we always have,” she shrugged listlessly. “Only, without the intimacy Sandro, I really couldn’t handle that anymore. We lead separate lives…”“I don’t want that,” he said hoarsely, sounding almost horrified by the prospect.“It won’t have to be for too much longer,” she murmured faintly, wondering why the door seemed to be getting further away with every faltering step.“What do you mean?” He asked in alarm. “Theresa?” This last when she swayed slightly, he put a steadying arm around her narrow shoulders and led her back to the chair she had just vacated.“That’s it,” he snapped, crouching in front of her, while his hands went up to frame her pale face. “I’m calling the doctor! This is…”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Dia pasti akan menyukainya."
"Apa yang membuatmu begitu yakin? Ketika Anda mengakui bahwa Anda tidak tahu bagaimana Anda akan merasa tentang dia? "
"Aku tahu kau," gumamnya parau. "Dan Anda memiliki kapasitas untuk cinta yang mengejutkan pikiran. Tentu saja Anda akan mencintai bayi itu; itu satu-satunya cara Anda tahu bagaimana menjadi. "
"Bagaimana aku bisa terus hidup dengan Anda sekarang, Sandro?" Dia bertanya tanpa daya. "Itu cukup buruk sebelum tapi pikiran akan pulang dengan Anda sekarang adalah hampir sepenuhnya tak tertahankan." Tangannya melonggarkan cengkeramannya di sekitar miliknya dan ia mengulurkan tangan untuk membelai sisi pipinya lembut.
"Kita akan melalui ini," bisiknya dan dia tersentak jauh dari sentuhannya. Matanya berkedip-kedip dengan emosi yang aneh sebelum tangannya turun kembali ke meja.
"Aku lelah," katanya pelan. "Bawa aku kembali ke rumah." Dia mengangguk dan memanggil pelayan atas untuk meminta cek. Mata Theresa turun ke meja penuh penyesalan.
"Seperti limbah," bisiknya setengah pada dirinya sendiri tapi dia terkejut ketika Sandro mendengar dan meminta pelayan untuk memberikan makanan ke tempat penampungan tunawisma terdekat.
Tidak banyak lagi yang dikatakan di antara mereka sampai mereka sampai di rumah, di mana Theresa minta diri dengan dalih menjadi lelah dan terkurung diri di kamarnya untuk sisa sore. "Sandro," Theresa hati-hati melanggar kesucian studinya nanti malam. Dalam semua waktu mereka telah tinggal di rumah, itu adalah pertama kalinya Theresa pernah menginjakkan kaki dalam penelitian sementara ia berada di dalamnya. Dia mendongak untuk melihat dia melayang ragu di ambang pintu dan berdiri tiba-tiba, hampir mengirimkan jatuhnya kursinya. Dia melompat mundur pada gerakan kekerasan yang tiba-tiba tapi ia sekitar mejanya dalam sekejap dan mendekati dia dengan satu tangan terentang. "Theresa," ucapnya dengan suara parau. "Silakan masuk." Dia tampak hampir bersemangat untuk memiliki dia di sana. Tidak persis penerimaan dia mengharapkan. Dia mengarahkan dirinya ke arah besar, kulit mudah kursi di salah satu sudut studi besar, tempat duduk sebelum mengambil kursi berlawanan miliknya, condong ke arah dia, dengan tangannya tergenggam longgar bersama-sama dan menggantung ke bawah antara penyebaran pahanya. "Aku ingin tahu mengapa, "akhirnya dia berbisik, setelah diam panjang. "Aku ingin tahu apa komoditas Anda begitu santai diperdagangkan kebahagiaan saya untuk. Apa sangat berarti bagi Anda bahwa Anda bersedia untuk menyerah kebebasan berharga Anda untuk itu? "Dia tenang begitu lama bahwa ia bertanya-tanya apakah dia akan repot-repot untuk menanggapi. "Ayah saya sudah tua dan sakit," katanya akhirnya dalam suara rendah, menjaga kepala ke bawah dan matanya tetap di tangannya. "Dia dibesarkan di sebuah peternakan anggur. Tidak kebun anggur sangat menguntungkan tetapi telah di keluarga kami untuk generasi dan itu berarti banyak baginya. Itu tanah yang lahir pada, tanah ia membayangkan pensiun untuk dan akhirnya mati di ... tapi sebelum ia membuat kekayaannya; ia berlari ke dalam beberapa nasib buruk dan membuat beberapa keputusan keuangan yang mengerikan yang mengakibatkan hilangnya kebun anggur itu. Dia segera menemukan pijakan dan mendapat bau kaya tetapi kebun yang telah dibeli oleh ayah yang cukup keras kepala, meskipun apa ayah saya menawarkan dia, menolak untuk menjualnya. Tempat ini cukup berharga untuk seorang pria kekayaannya, jadi saya hanya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa ia menikmati semacam pengaruh atas ayah saya, "ia mengangkat bahu tak berdaya. "Semua hidup saya, saya ingat ayah saya waxing liris tentang tempat itu. Dia selalu menyesali kenyataan bahwa tidak ada anak-anaknya lahir di tanah itu, rasa bersalah pada kehilangan sepotong besar dari sejarah keluarga makan di dia dan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, usahanya untuk mendapatkannya kembali menjadi obsesi. "Kesehatannya mulai memburuk benar-benar buruk. Ia didiagnosa menderita kanker dan dokter tidak optimis. Tentu kematian yang akan datang telah membuat hilangnya tanah bahkan lebih tak tertahankan untuk dia dan itu membunuh kita untuk menonton dia menderita secara emosional, fisik dan mental. Saya ingin memberinya kebanggaan dan martabat kembali. Aku ingin dia menemukan kedamaian dan mati bahagia. Jadi saya mendekati ayahmu, yang, setelah melihat reaksi Anda terhadap saya setelah pertemuan pertama kami, akhirnya mengalah dan datang dengan syarat penjualan karena sekarang Anda tahu mereka. "Theresa memerah sedih ketika ia ingat bagaimana jelas tergila-gila dia telah pertama Waktu ia melihat Sandro dan diakui, peran tanpa disadari sendiri, di façade ini. "Bagaimana ayahmu?" Dia bertanya erat dan dia mengangguk sedikit, wajahnya mengkhianati petunjuk pertama emosi sejak ia mulai menceritakan kisah maaf. "Konten , sekarang dia di rumah, "suaranya benar-benar disiksa dengan rasa sakit ia berusaha sangat keras untuk menyamarkan. "Dan keluarga Anda tahu tentang ini 'kesepakatan' yang Anda buat untuk tanah itu?" Dia bertanya suaranya sendiri tinggi dengan ketegangan. " Ya. " "Tidak heran mereka tidak pernah menyatakan keinginan untuk bertemu dengan saya, atau membuat setiap tawaran persahabatan terhadap saya," katanya, setengah pada dirinya sendiri dan ia membuat suara teredam dan pindah tangan ke arah wajahnya. Dia tersentak jauh dari jangkauan dan tangannya turun setengah jalan antara mereka. "Saya minta maaf tentang ayahmu," katanya datar. "Saya melihat sekarang bagaimana mungkin situasi Anda pasti." "Meski begitu ... aku bisa memperlakukan Anda kurang ..." ia mulai, suaranya pahit dengan sesuatu yang sangat dekat dengan membenci diri sendiri. "Sudahlah," ia memotongnya, tidak benar-benar dalam mood untuk mendengar rintihan nya penyesalan dan self-tuduhan. "Terima kasih untuk memberitahu saya." Dia bangkit perlahan, selalu sadar pusing dan dia melompat bersamanya. "Theresa, tunggu ... tolong ..." dia mulai. "Saya tidak berpikir ada banyak lagi untuk mengatakan ..." ia berbalik ke arah pintu. "Bagaimana dengan kita? Pernikahan kami? " "Saya kira kami berjalan seperti yang kita selalu memiliki," dia mengangkat bahu lesu. "Hanya, tanpa keintiman Sandro, aku benar-benar tidak bisa menangani itu lagi. Kami menjalani hidup terpisah ... " "Aku tidak mau itu," katanya dengan suara serak, terdengar hampir ngeri dengan prospek. "Ini tidak akan harus terlalu lama lagi," gumamnya pelan, bertanya-tanya mengapa pintu tampaknya mendapatkan lebih jauh dengan setiap langkah goyah. "Apa maksudmu?" Dia bertanya alarm. "Theresa?" Ini lalu ketika dia bergoyang sedikit, ia meletakkan lengan memantapkan sekitar bahu sempit dan membawanya kembali ke kursi yang baru saja ditinggalkan. "Itu saja," bentaknya, berjongkok di depannya, sementara tangannya pergi hingga membingkai wajahnya yang pucat. "Aku akan menelepon dokter! Ini adalah ... "

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