Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
In Equation 1, Pix(θ) is the probability that an individual with a trait (construct) level θ will respond positively at the boundary of category j for item i where x = j = 1 . . . mi. Theta (θ) represents the individual’s trait (construct) level, ai represents the item discrimination or slope, and bij represents the category location or difficulty parameter with respect to the trait continuum. Importantly, the values of bij should be successive integers reflecting increased difficulty in progressing through the response options in well-functioning items. In the second step of the GRM, the probability of responding in a particular category is determined using category response functions, which are derived by subtracting Pix(θ) from the following category. This process is illustrated in Equation 2 (adapted from Embretson & Reise, 2000).To test the dimensionality of the MS, we used our EFA sample (N = 474) and employed an ordinal EFA followed by an ordinal CFA using LISREL v8.8 (Jöreskog & Sör- bom, 2006). We generated three separate exploratory factor analyses (one, two, and three factor solutions) to understand how the individual items loaded on the respective factors. A promax (oblique) rotation was employed in the three factor analyses. The single factor solution suggested that several items loaded inversely on the factor and at least one item did not load at all. The two-factor solution resulted in over-factoring and insufficient factor loadings for several items making the solution uninterpretable. Based on these results, the two-factor solution was not regarded as acceptable and was not included in the subsequent confirmatory factor analyses. The three- factor solution produced an interpretable factor structure, however several items had very low factor loadings. Fac- tor loadings are presented in Table 1.
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