Luo Lin gains ground sud­denly, in limpid pupil the pupil re­ceives su terjemahan - Luo Lin gains ground sud­denly, in limpid pupil the pupil re­ceives su Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Luo Lin gains ground sud­denly, in

Luo Lin gains ground sud­denly, in limpid pupil the pupil re­ceives sud­denly: „Damn, Ling Han!?”
Air­borne, tow­er­ing proudly into the skies Ling Han who grasps the sickle mis­for­tune, in the north dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory 14 king level pow­er­houses places 11 th for­mi­da­ble ex­is­tence, in the war of be­fore­hand heroic memo­r­ial park, Ba Huang City and Dragon’s den that al­lied armies also this Ling Han leads Luo Lin shat­ter to pieces, has al­most mas­sa­cred Luo Lin, this ac­count, Luo Lin this whole life will not per­haps for­get.
Ling Han the cor­ners of the mouth are hav­ing the happy ex­pres­sion of dis­dain­ing, said: „What's wrong, didn't you take away to de­spair? Now why starts to fight un­armed? Ha Ha, didn't the whole wide world em­peror's son weapon of our glory match to have? Also or is, did the south­ern main­land of pre­sent start the pop­u­lar near body non- pointed weapons wres­tle?”
Luo Lin stands in the dam­aged city edge silently, a pair of pupil is fix­ing the eyes on the pow­er­ful enemy, said lightly: „Ling Han, you ar­rived here, is it pos­si­ble that to ridicule me? Come, you , to kill me, hap­pily mas­sacres me!”
Ling Han beck­ons with the hand: „, My hon­ored em­peror's son your high­ness, please do not mis­un­der­stand, I do not want to take your life quickly, such will be sense­less, I am dis­cussing with you now, what sit­u­a­tion the south­ern main­land of pre­sent is, what de­ci­sive bat­tle way are you pop­u­lar? I heart that you have es­tab­lished the demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tute in var­i­ous Great na­tional cap­i­tals, with train the young ma­gian and sol­dier, heard that in these demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tutes has the poor, there is a blood re­la­tion­ship fine aris­to­crat, right?”
Luo Lin clenches teeth say­ing: „You asked that these do do?”
Ling Hant­ian has licked the lip, said with a smile: „What does not have, but 10,000 years had not crossed cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, I some­what fondly re­mem­ber these to be known as the taste of woman hero­ine, in your demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tute had many not know­ing the im­men­sity of heaven and earth, with the time of San­jiao­mao threat­ened that wants the slaugh­ter demon [Zhan Long] adorable girl? Can in­tro­duce one to me? Varies in­suf­fi­cient, in­tro­duced 100 to me, how? You are em­peror's son your high­ness, should not lack the woman?”
Luo Lin body shiv­ers, the fist sur­round­ings mump to linger, look up Ling Han, every sin­gle word or phrase ex­claimed lowly: „Bas­tard, you gave up any idea of that bribes my home­land, my Luo Lin pledged, even if the life ar­rives in the ter­mi­nus, will cer­tainly not make your de­gen­er­ates cross cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, I will not hes­i­tate at all costs!”
Ling Han has been rais­ing up the thumb to Luo Lin, said: „That lets I ex­pe­ri­ence Ba Huang City em­peror's son your high­ness not hes­i­tate at all costs is any de­gree!”
Say­ing, Ling Han­tai the hand shoul­ders the sickle mis­for­tune after be­hind, raises the both arms, said with a smile slightly: „Since you do not have the pointed weapons, I can­not bully you, comes, we fight a vic­tory and de­feat un­armed, I must have a look am the woman who your this hum­ble grace­ful em­peror's son your high­ness can pro­tect the home­land, my this prac­tices ten thou­sand years of devil to bribe Ba Huang City in the north­ern dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, dev­as­tates woman who you show ten­der af­fec­tion, tram­ples your final dig­nity!”
Luo Lin ar­mored hand one hor­i­zon­tal, „Hong” the roar­ing flame surges, jump­ing with­out demur leaps, a fist bang has ap­proached the op­po­site party sud­denly.
Ling Hanx­iao, the swing­ing arm, „bang” a bang has dis­persed Luo Lin sud­denly strikes, the stature flut­ters for­ward, bom­bard­ment that the both arms raise, Luo Lin han­dles to guard, one side of the hur­ried body avoids, sud­denly in the back a fist, the body was hang­ing, the mump­ing dance, after
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Luo Lin perolehan tanah tiba-tiba, di jernih murid murid tiba-tiba menerima: "Sialan, Ling Han!?"Udara, menjulang bangga ke langit Ling Han yang menggenggam kemalangan sabit, di utara berbeda setan wilayah 14 raja tingkat powerhouses tempat 11 th tangguh keberadaan, dalam perang sebelumnya heroik memorial park, Ba Huang kota dan sarang naga yang bersekutu tentara juga Ling Han ini menyebabkan Luo Lin menghancurkan potongan, hampir dibantai Luo Lin, account ini , Luo Lin seluruh hidup tidak mungkin akan melupakan.Ling Han sudut-sudut mulut memiliki ekspresi bahagia disdaining, mengatakan: "apa salah, tidak Anda mengambil untuk putus asa? Sekarang mengapa dimulai untuk melawan tak bersenjata? Ha Ha, tidak seluruh dunia yang luas Kaisar anak senjata kemuliaan kita cocok untuk memiliki? Juga atau, apakah yang populer di dekat tubuh non - senjata menunjuk bergulat daratan Selatan mulai sekarang? "Luo Lin berdiri di tepi kota rusak diam-diam, sepasang murid memperbaiki mata terhadap musuh yang kuat, kata ringan: "Ling Han, Anda tiba di sini, adalah mungkin bahwa mengejek saya? Ayo, Anda, untuk membunuh aku, bahagia massacres saya!"Ling Han beck­ons with the hand: „, My hon­ored em­peror's son your high­ness, please do not mis­un­der­stand, I do not want to take your life quickly, such will be sense­less, I am dis­cussing with you now, what sit­u­a­tion the south­ern main­land of pre­sent is, what de­ci­sive bat­tle way are you pop­u­lar? I heart that you have es­tab­lished the demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tute in var­i­ous Great na­tional cap­i­tals, with train the young ma­gian and sol­dier, heard that in these demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tutes has the poor, there is a blood re­la­tion­ship fine aris­to­crat, right?”Luo Lin clenches teeth say­ing: „You asked that these do do?”Ling Hant­ian has licked the lip, said with a smile: „What does not have, but 10,000 years had not crossed cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, I some­what fondly re­mem­ber these to be known as the taste of woman hero­ine, in your demon mil­i­tary in­sti­tute had many not know­ing the im­men­sity of heaven and earth, with the time of San­jiao­mao threat­ened that wants the slaugh­ter demon [Zhan Long] adorable girl? Can in­tro­duce one to me? Varies in­suf­fi­cient, in­tro­duced 100 to me, how? You are em­peror's son your high­ness, should not lack the woman?”Luo Lin badan menggigil, mump lingkungan tinju berlama-lama, memandang Ling Han, setiap satu kata atau frase rendah berseru: "bajingan, Anda memberi up ide itu suap Tanah Airku, Luo Lin saya berjanji, bahkan jika kehidupan tiba di ujung, tentu saja tidak akan membuat Anda degenerates cross dingin tanah diolah naga den, saya tidak akan ragu di semua biaya!""Baik"Ling Han telah membangkitkan jempol Luo Lin berkata: "Yang memungkinkan saya mengalami Ba Huang kota Kaisar anak mulia Anda ragu di semua biaya adalah tingkat apapun!"Berkata, Ling Hantai tangan bahu kemalangan sabit setelah di belakang, menimbulkan kedua lengan, kata dengan senyum sedikit: "karena Anda tidak memiliki senjata tajam, aku tidak mengganggu Anda, datang, kita melawan kemenangan dan kekalahan yang tak bersenjata, harus melihat perempuan yang ini Anda merendahkan anggun Kaisar anak mulia Anda dapat melindungi tanah air ini praktek sepuluh ribu tahun Iblis untuk menyuap Ba Huang kota di wilayah utara berbeda setan, menghancurkan wanita yang Anda menunjukkan kasih sayang tender, menginjak-injak martabat akhir Anda! "Luo Lin lapis baja tangan satu horisontal, lompatan "Hong" mengaum api lonjakan, melompat tanpa menyatakan keberatan, bang tinju telah mendekati partai yang berlawanan tiba-tiba.Ling Hanx­iao, the swing­ing arm, „bang” a bang has dis­persed Luo Lin sud­denly strikes, the stature flut­ters for­ward, bom­bard­ment that the both arms raise, Luo Lin han­dles to guard, one side of the hur­ried body avoids, sud­denly in the back a fist, the body was hang­ing, the mump­ing dance, after
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