It must be in accordance with the ethical and cultural environment of  terjemahan - It must be in accordance with the ethical and cultural environment of  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It must be in accordance with the e

It must be in accordance with the ethical and cultural environment of the
society keeping in view the principle of utility and public interest. Islamic ethical
philosophy of economics has divided the socio-economic utility into a three level
hierarchy that are necessities (daruriyyat), needs (Hajat) and luxuries (Tahsinat).
(Shatibi,1341 A.H., pp.9-14). Justice (Adl) and benevolence (Ehsan) however, should
be correctly interpreted to face modern economic challenges under the capitalist
supremacy (Asghar Ali,1980,pp.13-23).
The Qur’anic provisions regarding economy reveal that Islamic economics has
a dual character. It is positive as it studies economic problems as they are. It is
normative because it also concerns with the future scope and the consequences of a
contemporary problem. In this way, both positive and normative aspects of Islamic
economics are so interlinked that they cannot be separated from each other and thus,
lead that the economic problems and the issues should be viewed in their totality
(Mannan,1986,pp.5-8). To ensure social justice in changed scenario, Islam just
provided a frame-work to analyze changed circumstances and changed techniques
arising from the system of dynamism and left the detail at the discretion of the
believers to decide. This is the reason that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared: “If
something belongs to the domain of your affairs, then you know all about it. (You are
the best judge thereof and have the right and the capacity to deal with it according to
the Shari’ah” (Ibn Majah,1988, Vol.2, p.34).
2. Institutions of Economy in Historical Perspective
In the history of economics, certain institutions have been recognized and
practiced by all and nations of the world from time immemorial such as trade,
partnership, riba, rent and mudarbah. The fact is that Islam did not introduce any
distinctive system of the economy rather recognized those institutions of economy
which were not against its objectives such as trade, partnership and qirad/mudarbah
while those means of earning which were based on the principle of exploitation and
resulted in social discrimination were declared prohibited by the divine revelation
such as riba, gambling, hoarding of wealth etc. To establish a well-fare state, the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) interpreted the legal texts of the Qur ̓an in the light of the changed
context. For instance, in addition to the prohibition of riba al-nasi’ah, the Prophet
(PBUH) prohibited riba al-Fadl. (Ali Hasbillah,1976,p.226).Naseem Razi
The companions particularly, the Khulafa–e-Rashdin adopted the same policy
and brought certain changes in the existing institutions of the economy to cope with
the changed scenario in the guise of the doctrines of necessity (darurah) and public
interest. For instance, Hadrat Umar prohibited Muslims from tilling the soil either
themselves or by employing others and to have landed properties which in fact, are
permissible by the Qur’anic provisions. (Sarakhsi,1376A.H. 1:126). Moreover, he
made the wealth of the people under the direct control of the state and introduced a
salary system for scholars and judges (Abu Yusuf, n.d.p.89).
As far as concerned the institutions of riba (usury), it was existed and practiced
over the centuries in Europe, North Africa, and Middle-East in its extreme
exploitative from and caused to create a highly unequal relationship between the
money lenders, owner of large estates and the borrower, the poor and the suppressed
class of society and it was this reason that all the religions condemned usury (riba) and
prohibited it (Rodney, p.32). For instance, The Jewish Holy Book, Leviticus declared:
“If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself . . . help
him . . . do not take usury of any kind from him. . . You must not lend him money on
usury or sell him food at a profit (25:35-36). Likewise, Christian’s view about riba
(usury) is also based on their religious ethics of the economy and it is stated in the
Deuteronomy: “Do not charge your brother usury whether on money or on food or
anything else that may earn usury/interest”(19:19). There were circumstances under
which Christian could deal with credit such as in the conduct of trade (Leon, 1977,
Towards the end of the 16 th century, the idea of interest based economy
introduced in the European societies to condemn feudalism, to ensure capital growth
and to provide benefit of the capital to the creditors (Tawner,1977, p.234). John
Calvin was the first who presented the idea of interest to reconcile secular and
religious opinion and to break through the stagnant intellectual environment of
feudal-dominated medieval Europe (Maxime,1974, p.104). This idea was based on the
assumption as pointed out by Tawney (1977) that “why should a creditor who may
himself be poor, make a loan gratis, in order to put money into the pocket of a
wealthy capitalist who uses the advance to corner the wool crop or to speculate on the
exchange” (p.185). It was argued that in a society where production is largely of
subsistence, borrowing should be resorted to. The borrower should return not only
the amount advanced but a certain percentage of the principal as interest.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It must be in accordance with the ethical and cultural environment of thesociety keeping in view the principle of utility and public interest. Islamic ethicalphilosophy of economics has divided the socio-economic utility into a three levelhierarchy that are necessities (daruriyyat), needs (Hajat) and luxuries (Tahsinat).(Shatibi,1341 A.H., pp.9-14). Justice (Adl) and benevolence (Ehsan) however, shouldbe correctly interpreted to face modern economic challenges under the capitalistsupremacy (Asghar Ali,1980,pp.13-23).The Qur’anic provisions regarding economy reveal that Islamic economics hasa dual character. It is positive as it studies economic problems as they are. It isnormative because it also concerns with the future scope and the consequences of acontemporary problem. In this way, both positive and normative aspects of Islamiceconomics are so interlinked that they cannot be separated from each other and thus,lead that the economic problems and the issues should be viewed in their totality(Mannan,1986,pp.5-8). To ensure social justice in changed scenario, Islam justprovided a frame-work to analyze changed circumstances and changed techniquesarising from the system of dynamism and left the detail at the discretion of thebelievers to decide. This is the reason that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared: “Ifsomething belongs to the domain of your affairs, then you know all about it. (You arethe best judge thereof and have the right and the capacity to deal with it according tothe Shari’ah” (Ibn Majah,1988, Vol.2, p.34).2. Institutions of Economy in Historical PerspectiveIn the history of economics, certain institutions have been recognized andpracticed by all and nations of the world from time immemorial such as trade,partnership, riba, rent and mudarbah. The fact is that Islam did not introduce anydistinctive system of the economy rather recognized those institutions of economywhich were not against its objectives such as trade, partnership and qirad/mudarbahwhile those means of earning which were based on the principle of exploitation andresulted in social discrimination were declared prohibited by the divine revelationsuch as riba, gambling, hoarding of wealth etc. To establish a well-fare state, the HolyProphet (PBUH) interpreted the legal texts of the Qur ̓an in the light of the changedcontext. For instance, in addition to the prohibition of riba al-nasi’ah, the Prophet(PBUH) prohibited riba al-Fadl. (Ali Hasbillah,1976,p.226).Naseem Razi31The companions particularly, the Khulafa–e-Rashdin adopted the same policyand brought certain changes in the existing institutions of the economy to cope withthe changed scenario in the guise of the doctrines of necessity (darurah) and publicinterest. For instance, Hadrat Umar prohibited Muslims from tilling the soil eitherthemselves or by employing others and to have landed properties which in fact, arepermissible by the Qur’anic provisions. (Sarakhsi,1376A.H. 1:126). Moreover, hemade the wealth of the people under the direct control of the state and introduced asalary system for scholars and judges (Abu Yusuf, n.d.p.89).As far as concerned the institutions of riba (usury), it was existed and practicedover the centuries in Europe, North Africa, and Middle-East in its extremeexploitative from and caused to create a highly unequal relationship between themoney lenders, owner of large estates and the borrower, the poor and the suppressedclass of society and it was this reason that all the religions condemned usury (riba) andprohibited it (Rodney, p.32). For instance, The Jewish Holy Book, Leviticus declared:“If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself . . . helphim . . . do not take usury of any kind from him. . . You must not lend him money onusury or sell him food at a profit (25:35-36). Likewise, Christian’s view about riba(usury) is also based on their religious ethics of the economy and it is stated in theDeuteronomy: “Do not charge your brother usury whether on money or on food oranything else that may earn usury/interest”(19:19). There were circumstances underwhich Christian could deal with credit such as in the conduct of trade (Leon, 1977,p.16).Towards the end of the 16 th century, the idea of interest based economyintroduced in the European societies to condemn feudalism, to ensure capital growthand to provide benefit of the capital to the creditors (Tawner,1977, p.234). JohnCalvin was the first who presented the idea of interest to reconcile secular andreligious opinion and to break through the stagnant intellectual environment offeudal-dominated medieval Europe (Maxime,1974, p.104). This idea was based on theassumption as pointed out by Tawney (1977) that “why should a creditor who mayhimself be poor, make a loan gratis, in order to put money into the pocket of awealthy capitalist who uses the advance to corner the wool crop or to speculate on theexchange” (p.185). It was argued that in a society where production is largely ofsubsistence, borrowing should be resorted to. The borrower should return not onlythe amount advanced but a certain percentage of the principal as interest.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini harus sesuai dengan lingkungan etika dan budaya dari
masyarakat tetap melihat asas manfaat dan kepentingan umum. Etika Islam
filsafat ekonomi telah membagi utilitas sosial-ekonomi menjadi tiga tingkat
hirarki yang kebutuhan (daruriyyat), kebutuhan (Hajat) dan kemewahan (tahsinat).
(Shatibi, 1341 AH, pp.9-14). Keadilan (Adl) dan kebajikan (Ehsan) Namun, harus
ditafsirkan dengan benar untuk menghadapi tantangan ekonomi modern di bawah kapitalis
supremasi (Asghar Ali, 1980, pp.13-23).
​​Ketentuan Quran tentang ekonomi mengungkapkan bahwa ekonomi Islam memiliki
sebuah karakter ganda. Hal ini positif karena mempelajari masalah ekonomi seperti mereka. Hal ini
normatif karena juga menyangkut dengan lingkup masa depan dan konsekuensi dari
masalah kontemporer. Dengan cara ini, baik aspek positif dan normatif Islam
ekonomi begitu saling terkait bahwa mereka tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain dan dengan demikian,
menyebabkan bahwa masalah ekonomi dan masalah harus dilihat dalam totalitas mereka
(Mannan, 1986, pp.5-8 ). Untuk memastikan keadilan sosial dalam skenario berubah, Islam hanya
memberikan kerangka kerja untuk menganalisis situasi yang berubah dan mengubah teknik
yang timbul dari sistem dinamika dan meninggalkan detail pada kebijaksanaan dari
orang-orang percaya untuk memutuskan. Ini adalah alasan bahwa Nabi Suci (SAW) menyatakan: "Jika
sesuatu milik domain urusan Anda, maka Anda tahu semua tentang hal itu. (Anda
hakim terbaik daripadanya dan memiliki hak dan kemampuan untuk menghadapinya sesuai dengan
syariat "(Ibnu Majah, 1988, Vol.2, hal.34).
2. Lembaga Ekonomi dalam Perspektif Sejarah
Dalam sejarah ekonomi, lembaga-lembaga tertentu telah diakui dan
dipraktekkan oleh semua dan bangsa di dunia dari zaman dahulu seperti perdagangan,
kemitraan, riba, sewa dan mudarbah. Faktanya adalah bahwa Islam tidak memperkenalkan setiap
sistem khas ekonomi lebih diakui mereka lembaga ekonomi
yang tidak bertentangan tujuannya seperti perdagangan, kemitraan dan qirad / mudarbah
sedangkan sarana produktif yang berdasarkan pada prinsip eksploitasi dan
mengakibatkan diskriminasi sosial yang dinyatakan dilarang oleh wahyu ilahi
seperti riba, judi, penimbunan kekayaan dll Untuk mendirikan negara baik-tarif, Suci
Nabi (saw) menafsirkan teks-teks hukum AN Qur dalam terang berubah
konteks. Misalnya, di samping larangan riba al-nasi'ah, Nabi
(saw) melarang riba al-Fadl. (Ali Hasbillah, 1976, p.226) .Naseem Razi
The sahabat khususnya, yang Khulafa-e-Rashdin mengadopsi kebijakan yang sama
dan membawa perubahan tertentu dalam lembaga-lembaga yang ada ekonomi untuk mengatasi
skenario berubah dalam kedok doktrin kebutuhan (darurah) dan publik
bunga. Misalnya, Sayidina Umar dilarang Muslim dari mengolah tanah baik
sendiri atau dengan mempekerjakan orang lain dan telah mendarat properti yang sebenarnya, yang
diperbolehkan oleh ketentuan Alquran. (Sarakhsi, 1376A.H 1:. 126). Selain itu, ia
membuat kekayaan orang-orang di bawah kontrol langsung dari negara dan memperkenalkan
sistem gaji untuk sarjana dan hakim (Abu Yusuf, ndp89).
Sejauh menyangkut lembaga riba (riba), itu ada dan dipraktekkan
selama abad di Eropa, Afrika Utara, dan Timur Tengah di ekstrim
eksploitatif dari dan menyebabkan untuk menciptakan hubungan yang sangat tidak setara antara
pemberi pinjaman uang, pemilik perkebunan besar dan peminjam, orang miskin dan tertindas
kelas masyarakat dan itu ini Alasan bahwa semua agama mengutuk riba (riba) dan
dilarang itu (Rodney, hal.32). Misalnya, Kitab Suci Yahudi, Imamat menyatakan:
"Jika salah satu dari senegara Anda menjadi miskin dan tidak mampu untuk mendukung dirinya. . . membantu
dia. . . tidak mengambil riba apapun dari dia. . . Anda tidak harus meminjamkan uang pada
riba atau menjual dia makanan dengan keuntungan (25: 35-36). Demikian juga, pandangan Kristen tentang riba
(riba) juga didasarkan pada etika agama mereka ekonomi dan dinyatakan dalam
Ulangan: "Jangan menagih riba saudaramu apakah uang atau makanan atau
hal lain yang dapat memperoleh riba / bunga " (19:19). Ada situasi di
mana orang Kristen bisa berurusan dengan kredit seperti dalam melakukan perdagangan (Leon, 1977,
Menjelang akhir abad ke-16, gagasan ekonomi bunga berdasarkan
diperkenalkan di masyarakat Eropa untuk mengutuk feodalisme , untuk memastikan pertumbuhan modal
dan memberikan manfaat ibukota kepada kreditur (Tawner, 1977, p.234). John
Calvin adalah orang pertama yang mempresentasikan ide menarik untuk mendamaikan sekuler dan
pendapat agama dan menerobos lingkungan intelektual stagnan
feodal yang didominasi abad pertengahan Eropa (Maxime, 1974, p.104). Ide ini didasarkan pada
asumsi seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh Tawney (1977) bahwa "mengapa harus kreditur yang mungkin
dirinya menjadi miskin, membuat gratis pinjaman, untuk memasukkan uang ke dalam saku dari
kapitalis kaya yang menggunakan uang muka untuk sudut tanaman wol atau untuk berspekulasi pada
pertukaran "(hal.185). Dikatakan bahwa dalam masyarakat di mana produksi sebagian besar dari
subsisten, pinjaman harus terpaksa. Peminjam harus kembali tidak hanya
jumlah maju tetapi persentase tertentu dari pokok sebagai bunga.
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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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