I'm sleeping in the ghost-chamber,

I'm sleeping in the ghost-chamber,"

I'm sleeping in the ghost-chamber," said Mrs. Bellmore, pensively. "But it's so nice I wouldn't change it, even if I were afraid, which I'm not. It wouldn't do for me to submit a counter story of a desirable, aristocratic shade, would it? I would do so, with pleasure, but it seems to me it would be too obviously an antidote for the other narrative to be effective."

"True," said Terence, running two fingers thoughtfully into his crisp, brown hair; "that would never do. How would it work to see the same ghost again, minus the overalls, and have gold bricks in the hod? That would elevate the spectre from degrading toil to a financial plane. Don't you think that would be respectable enough?"

"There was an ancestor who fought against the Britishers, wasn't there? Your mother said something to that effect."

"I believe so; one of those old chaps in raglan vests and golf trousers. I don't care a continental for a Continental, myself. But the mother has set her heart on pomp and heraldry and pyrotechnics, and I want her to be happy."

"You are a good boy, Terence," said Mrs. Bellmore, sweeping her silks close to one side of her, "not to beat your mother. Sit here by me, and let's look at the album, just as people used to do twenty years ago. Now, tell me about every one of them. Who is this tall, dignified gentleman leaning against the horizon, with one arm on the Corinthian column?"

"That old chap with the big feet?" inquired Terence, craning his neck. "That's great-uncle O'Brannigan. He used to keep a rathskeller on the Bowery."

"I asked you to sit down, Terence. If you are not going to amuse, or obey, me, I shall report in the morning that I saw a ghost wearing an apron and carrying schooners of beer. Now, that is better. To be shy, at your age, Terence, is a thing that you should blush to acknowledge."

At breakfast on the last morning of her visit, Mrs. Bellmore startled and entranced every one present by announcing positively that she had seen the ghost.

"Did it have a—a—a—?" Mrs. Kinsolving, in her suspense and agitation, could not bring out the word.

"No, indeed—far from it."

There was a chorus of questions from others at the table. "Weren't you frightened?" "What did it do?" "How did it look?" "How was it dressed?" "Did it say anything?" "Didn't you scream?"

"I'll try to answer everything at once," said Mrs. Bellmore, heroically, "although I'm frightfully hungry. Something awakened me—I'm not sure whether it was a noise or a touch—and there stood the phantom. I never burn a light at night, so the room was quite dark, but I saw it plainly. I wasn't dreaming. It was a tall man, all misty white from head to foot. It wore the full dress of the old Colonial days—powdered hair, baggy coat skirts, lace ruffles, and a sword. It looked intangible and luminous in the dark, and moved without a sound. Yes, I was a little frightened at first—or startled, I should say. It was the first ghost I had ever seen. No, it didn't say anything. I didn't scream. I raised up on my elbow, and then it glided silently away, and disappeared when it reached the door.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I'm sleeping in the ghost-chamber," said Mrs. Bellmore, pensively. "But it's so nice I wouldn't change it, even if I were afraid, which I'm not. It wouldn't do for me to submit a counter story of a desirable, aristocratic shade, would it? I would do so, with pleasure, but it seems to me it would be too obviously an antidote for the other narrative to be effective.""True," said Terence, running two fingers thoughtfully into his crisp, brown hair; "that would never do. How would it work to see the same ghost again, minus the overalls, and have gold bricks in the hod? That would elevate the spectre from degrading toil to a financial plane. Don't you think that would be respectable enough?""There was an ancestor who fought against the Britishers, wasn't there? Your mother said something to that effect.""I believe so; one of those old chaps in raglan vests and golf trousers. I don't care a continental for a Continental, myself. But the mother has set her heart on pomp and heraldry and pyrotechnics, and I want her to be happy.""You are a good boy, Terence," said Mrs. Bellmore, sweeping her silks close to one side of her, "not to beat your mother. Sit here by me, and let's look at the album, just as people used to do twenty years ago. Now, tell me about every one of them. Who is this tall, dignified gentleman leaning against the horizon, with one arm on the Corinthian column?""That old chap with the big feet?" inquired Terence, craning his neck. "That's great-uncle O'Brannigan. He used to keep a rathskeller on the Bowery.""I asked you to sit down, Terence. If you are not going to amuse, or obey, me, I shall report in the morning that I saw a ghost wearing an apron and carrying schooners of beer. Now, that is better. To be shy, at your age, Terence, is a thing that you should blush to acknowledge." At breakfast on the last morning of her visit, Mrs. Bellmore startled and entranced every one present by announcing positively that she had seen the ghost."Did it have a—a—a—?" Mrs. Kinsolving, in her suspense and agitation, could not bring out the word."No, indeed—far from it."There was a chorus of questions from others at the table. "Weren't you frightened?" "What did it do?" "How did it look?" "How was it dressed?" "Did it say anything?" "Didn't you scream?""I'll try to answer everything at once," said Mrs. Bellmore, heroically, "although I'm frightfully hungry. Something awakened me—I'm not sure whether it was a noise or a touch—and there stood the phantom. I never burn a light at night, so the room was quite dark, but I saw it plainly. I wasn't dreaming. It was a tall man, all misty white from head to foot. It wore the full dress of the old Colonial days—powdered hair, baggy coat skirts, lace ruffles, and a sword. It looked intangible and luminous in the dark, and moved without a sound. Yes, I was a little frightened at first—or startled, I should say. It was the first ghost I had ever seen. No, it didn't say anything. I didn't scream. I raised up on my elbow, and then it glided silently away, and disappeared when it reached the door.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tidur di hantu-ruang, "kata Mrs. Bellmore, termenung." Tapi itu begitu baik saya tidak akan mengubahnya, bahkan jika aku takut, yang aku tidak. Ini tidak akan lakukan untuk saya untuk mengirimkan cerita kontra dari yang diinginkan, warna aristokrat, kan? . Aku akan melakukannya, dengan senang, tapi menurut saya itu akan menjadi terlalu jelas penangkal untuk narasi lain untuk menjadi efektif " " Benar, "kata Terence, berjalan dua jari serius dalam renyah, rambut cokelatnya," yang akan tidak pernah melakukan. Bagaimana hal itu akan bekerja untuk melihat hantu yang sama lagi, minus overall, dan memiliki batu bata emas di gerobak itu? Itu akan meningkatkan momok dari merendahkan kerja keras untuk pesawat keuangan. Apakah Anda tidak berpikir bahwa akan cukup terhormat? " " Ada nenek moyang yang berperang melawan orang Inggris, tidak ada? Ibumu mengatakan sesuatu seperti itu ". " Saya percaya begitu; salah satu bab tua di rompi raglan dan celana golf. Saya tidak peduli benua untuk Kontinental, diriku sendiri. Tapi ibu telah menetapkan hatinya pada kemegahan dan lambang dan kembang api, dan saya ingin dia bahagia. " " Kamu adalah anak yang baik, Terence, "kata Mrs. Bellmore, menyapu sutra nya dekat dengan salah satu sisi dia," tidak untuk mengalahkan ibumu. Duduklah di sini oleh saya, dan mari kita lihat album, seperti yang digunakan orang untuk melakukan dua puluh tahun yang lalu. Sekarang, ceritakan tentang setiap satu dari mereka. Siapakah ini tinggi, bermartabat bersandar cakrawala, dengan satu tangan pada kolom Korintus pria? " " Itu chap tua dengan kaki besar? "Tanya Terence, menjulurkan lehernya." Itu bagus-paman O'Brannigan. Ia digunakan untuk menyimpan Rathskeller di Bowery. " " Saya meminta Anda untuk duduk, Terence. Jika Anda tidak akan menghibur, atau taat, aku, aku akan melaporkan di pagi hari bahwa saya melihat hantu mengenakan celemek dan membawa schooners bir. Sekarang, yang lebih baik. Pemalu, pada usia Anda, Terence, adalah hal yang harus Anda memerah untuk mengakui. " Saat sarapan di pagi hari terakhir kunjungannya, Mrs. Bellmore kaget dan terpesona setiap orang yang hadir dengan mengumumkan secara positif bahwa dia telah melihat hantu. "Apakah itu memiliki-a-a-?" Mrs. Kinsolving, dalam ketegangan dan agitasi nya, tidak bisa membawa keluar kata. "tidak, memang-jauh dari itu." ada paduan suara pertanyaan dari orang lain di meja . "Apakah kamu tidak takut?" "Apa yang ia lakukan?" "Bagaimana terlihat?" "Bagaimana itu berpakaian?" "Apakah itu mengatakan sesuatu?" "Apakah kau tidak berteriak?" "saya akan mencoba untuk menjawab semuanya sekaligus, "kata Mrs. Bellmore, heroik," walaupun aku menakuntukan lapar. Sesuatu membangunkan saya-aku tidak yakin apakah itu suara atau sentuhan-dan di sana berdiri hantu. Aku tidak pernah membakar cahaya di malam hari, sehingga ruangan itu cukup gelap, tapi aku melihat dengan jelas. Saya tidak bermimpi. Ini adalah seorang pria tinggi, semua putih berkabut dari kepala sampai kaki. Ini mengenakan gaun penuh dari hari-bubuk Colonial rambut tua, baggy mantel rok, ruffles renda, dan pedang. Itu tampak tidak berwujud dan bercahaya dalam gelap, dan pindah tanpa suara. Ya, aku sedikit takut pada awalnya-atau kaget, saya harus mengatakan. Itu hantu pertama yang pernah kulihat. Tidak, itu tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Aku tidak menjerit. Aku dibangkitkan pada siku, dan kemudian meluncur diam-diam pergi, dan menghilang ketika mencapai pintu.

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