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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Itu tidak akan mudah untuk menemukan sebuah buku benar-benar menyedihkan yang lain dari novel ini baru oleh F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Beautiful dan terkutuk." Bukan karena ada sesuatu dari tragedi di tragedi itu mungkin dan sering halus dan inspirasi-tapi karena narasi yang bergerak lambat Catatan kehidupan yang benar-benar tidak berharga benar-benar sia-sia. Bukan salah satu buku banyak karakter, penting penting, pernah naik ke tingkat biasa kemanusiaan yang layak. Tidak salah satu dari mereka menunjukkan percikan kesetiaan, kehormatan, kesetiaan, kemurahan hati, persahabatan sejati atau kasih sayang yang nyata. Anthony Patch, paling penting dari mereka semua, tidak memiliki keberanian bahkan fisik. Kualitas mengagumkan nya satu adalah "memahami terlalu baik untuk menyalahkan", dan pembaca lebih mencurigai bahwa ini menahan diri dari menyalahkan adalah karena lebih untuk kemalasan umum nya, inersia umum nya, daripada apa pun. Jejak buku, panjang sangat besar, dengan banyak pengulangan analisa psikologis halus yang tidak sangat mendalam dan banyak disertasi, tentu disintegrasi nya mental, moral dan fisik. Pada mulanya dia hanyalah seorang pria muda yang menganggur, mewah, mental prig dan sombong, sia-sia dari apa yang ia anggap nya "kecanggihan," melihat dirinya sebagai seorang yang "adalah menyadari bahwa ada bisa ada lagi kehormatan dan belum memiliki kehormatan, yang tahu menyesatkan 并 keberanian dan belum berani," menyadari dengan jelas dan benar-benar "bahwa tidak ada untuk limbahkarena semua usaha dan pencapaian bernilai sama. " Kakeknya adalah multijutawan, dan dia sedang menunggu kakeknya mati. Begitulah Anthony Patch di 25, usia ketika buku dimulai, ketika itu berakhir, enam tahun kemudian, ia telah menjadi merengek, direndam wiski semi bodoh.Gloria, the heroine, is beauty-physical beauty-incarnate. Her creed is enjoyment. Completely selfish, she declares: "If I wanted anything, I'd take it... I can't be bothered resisting things I want." Toward the close of the book she wants innumerable cocktails. And she does not resist her desire. She believes implicitly in her beauty and its power; she could endure her husband's degradation; but when she realized that her loveliness had begun to wane, she really suffered. From the time she was 16 she had been admired and embraced by men. Retaining her "technical purity," she offered her lips, not to one or two, but to scores. This she regarded as being brave and independent. Yet she had grace to recognize something at least of her cheapness, the appeal to her of "bright colors and gaudy vulgarity." Without fineness, fastidiousness or good taste, she yet possessed some small amount of endurance, and of courage. She did not, like Anthony, whine as soon as things began to go against them.About these two-and naturally enough, since people, like water, seek their own level-move a number of other small-souled individuals. The women most closely associated with Gloria are even cheaper than she is, and though the men who are Anthony's "friends" never quite fall into the abyss of physical degradation which engulfs him, it would be difficult to find anything to say in their favor. The book covers the war years, and Anthony is sent to Camp Hooker, where he occupies himself by getting drunk and picking up a mistress. Patriotism being in Mr. Fitzgerald's view, mere foolishness and hysteria, it is not surprising that he should depict the men Anthony meets in camp as another worthless lot. He is not ill-treated; officers and men are not cruel, but merely stupid and contemptible.Most of the scenes are laid either in New York or in the gray house, not far from the Post Road. Anthony and Gloria rented a few months after their marriage. There they entertained acquaintances at week-end parties, with the help of their Japanese servant, Tana; "then the room seemed full of men and smoke. There was Tana in his white coat reeling about supported by Maury... It appeared that everything in the room was staggering in grotesque fourth-dimensional gyrations through intersecting planes of hazy blue." Gloria did have one brief but violent reaction of disgust, but it was quickly over and "parties" of this kind were numerous, both in the country and in the New York apartment, where "there was the odor of tobacco always-both of them smoked incessantly... Added to this was the wretched aura of stale wine, with its inevitable suggestion of beauty gone foul and revelry remembered in disgust... There had been many parties-people broke things; people became sick in Gloria's bathroom; people spilled wine; people made unbelievable messes of the kitchenette." There is a great deal of this sort of thing, though neither Anthony nor Gloria confined their drinking bouts to their own apartment, or to those of their friends.So far as its style is concerned, much of the novel is well written, and Anthony's gradual loss of his mental curiosity, his gradual degeneration into "a bleak and sordid wreck" is convincingly depicted, though to the reader he never seems one-third as intelligent as the author apparently thinks him. The long conversations between Anthony and his two friends, Maury Noble and Dick Caramel, are often merely tedious and pretentious, in spite of the fact that now and then one of them does make a remark which is fairly clever. The general atmosphere of the book is an atmosphere of futility, waste and the avoidance of effort, into which the fumes of whisky penetrate more and more, until at last it fairly reeks with them. The novel is full of that kind of pseudo-realism which results from shutting one's eyes to all that is good in human nature, and looking only upon that which is small and mean-a view quite as false as its extreme opposite, which, reversing the process, results in what we have learned to classify as "glad" books. It is to be hoped that Mr. Fitzgerald, who possesses a genuine, undeniable talent, will some day acquire a less one-sided understanding.
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