Now, head down the stairs. jump up on the crate and get off on the oth terjemahan - Now, head down the stairs. jump up on the crate and get off on the oth Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Now, head down the stairs. jump up

Now, head down the stairs. jump up on the crate and get off on the other
side. Run down the small set of stairs. Run across the walkway to the other
end. Get up the stairs and go through the door. Now, you should be in
familiar territory, just in case, I'll still walk you through it fairly
easily. Go to the door across from you, behind the crash. There might be a
zombie here, so be careful. Go through the door. Now, you're back in the
graveyard. Go forward and kill the zombie. Then, follow the path around and
kill the other zombies. Go down the stairs, back down into the prison cell.
Run through the halls and back into the cell room. A cut scene will come on.
When it's over, you no longer have the lighter, but you have the lock pick!
Now, head back up the stairs and go through the graveyard. This time, don't
go through the big doors, go through the smaller doors. Now, you're in the
area with the guillotine. Go into the cage and use the Eagle plate on the
door. Go through it.

Here, kill the zombies. Then, go through the door on the left. This is
somewhat a research center. Walk into the office on the left side of the
room. Pick up the memo on the table. It tells how there is a secret entrance
to the basement, but you need a key that doesn't look like a key. Right...
Examine the sculpture of the human body. There's an eye missing, interesting.
Now, exit the office and go to the left. Try to exit through the door. A
body bag will begin to twitch. Uh oh. Now, in here, kill the zombies. There
is a red herb in the corner. Then, walk past the coffins and pick up the
briefcase. Use your lock pick to open it. Inside are custom parts for your
handgun. Attach them. Now, you're gun has rapid fire. You'll need it in a
minute. Go back through the doorway. You will hear a disgusting noise, and
the body bag will be ripped open. Walk around the room to find the doctor
that was in the body bag. He's eating another victim! He will look up at you,
then the dead body he was eating will get up as well.

Now, be careful, because he can run really fast. Shoot him apart with your
custom handgun. When he'd dead, kill the other zombie. Walk over to the
doctors corpse and pick up the glass eye ball. Now, with it in hand, go over
to the statue of the human body. Place the glass eye in the empty socket to
open a doorway. Go through it. Run down the hall, kill the bats since you no
longer have the lighter. When you reach the door, go through it. In here,
kill the zombies, then go forward. Turn left and go through the door. Examine
the statue on the north wall. You will receive a rusted sword. The room will
begin to fill with gas, uh oh. The statue in the middle will rise up,
revealing a horizontal pole. Push it until the shield of the statue is
facing the statue where you got the sword. Doing so will make the statue
turn around, revealing a coffin. Shove the rusty sword into the hole to open
it. A zombie jumps out so kill him. Then, pick up the piano scroll. Now,
exit the room. Go all the way back up to the research lab. Now, exit the lab.
Run down the rest of the alley to reach a door. In here, climb over a box to
reach an item box. Do what you need here and exit. Go all the way back up to
the palace.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Now, head down the stairs. jump up on the crate and get off on the otherside. Run down the small set of stairs. Run across the walkway to the other end. Get up the stairs and go through the door. Now, you should be in familiar territory, just in case, I'll still walk you through it fairly easily. Go to the door across from you, behind the crash. There might be a zombie here, so be careful. Go through the door. Now, you're back in the graveyard. Go forward and kill the zombie. Then, follow the path around and kill the other zombies. Go down the stairs, back down into the prison cell.Run through the halls and back into the cell room. A cut scene will come on. When it's over, you no longer have the lighter, but you have the lock pick! Now, head back up the stairs and go through the graveyard. This time, don't go through the big doors, go through the smaller doors. Now, you're in thearea with the guillotine. Go into the cage and use the Eagle plate on the door. Go through it.Here, kill the zombies. Then, go through the door on the left. This is somewhat a research center. Walk into the office on the left side of theroom. Pick up the memo on the table. It tells how there is a secret entrance to the basement, but you need a key that doesn't look like a key. Right... Examine the sculpture of the human body. There's an eye missing, interesting.Now, exit the office and go to the left. Try to exit through the door. Abody bag will begin to twitch. Uh oh. Now, in here, kill the zombies. Thereis a red herb in the corner. Then, walk past the coffins and pick up the briefcase. Use your lock pick to open it. Inside are custom parts for yourhandgun. Attach them. Now, you're gun has rapid fire. You'll need it in a minute. Go back through the doorway. You will hear a disgusting noise, and the body bag will be ripped open. Walk around the room to find the doctor that was in the body bag. He's eating another victim! He will look up at you,then the dead body he was eating will get up as well.Now, be careful, because he can run really fast. Shoot him apart with your custom handgun. When he'd dead, kill the other zombie. Walk over to the doctors corpse and pick up the glass eye ball. Now, with it in hand, go over to the statue of the human body. Place the glass eye in the empty socket to open a doorway. Go through it. Run down the hall, kill the bats since you no longer have the lighter. When you reach the door, go through it. In here, kill the zombies, then go forward. Turn left and go through the door. Examinethe statue on the north wall. You will receive a rusted sword. The room willbegin to fill with gas, uh oh. The statue in the middle will rise up, revealing a horizontal pole. Push it until the shield of the statue is facing the statue where you got the sword. Doing so will make the statue turn around, revealing a coffin. Shove the rusty sword into the hole to open it. A zombie jumps out so kill him. Then, pick up the piano scroll. Now, exit the room. Go all the way back up to the research lab. Now, exit the lab.Run down the rest of the alley to reach a door. In here, climb over a box to reach an item box. Do what you need here and exit. Go all the way back up to the palace.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Sekarang, kepala menuruni tangga. melompat pada peti dan turun di sisi lain
sisi. Berlari menuruni set kecil tangga. Berjalan di jalan setapak yang lain
akhir. Dapatkan menaiki tangga dan pergi melalui pintu. Sekarang, Anda harus berada dalam
wilayah akrab, hanya dalam kasus, saya masih akan memandu Anda melalui itu cukup
mudah. Pergi ke pintu di seberang Anda, di balik kecelakaan itu. Mungkin ada
zombie di sini, jadi hati-hati. Pergi melalui pintu. Sekarang, kau kembali di
kuburan. Maju dan membunuh zombie. Kemudian, ikuti jalan sekitar dan
membunuh zombie lainnya. Turun tangga, kembali ke dalam sel penjara.
Jalankan melalui lorong-lorong dan kembali ke ruang sel. Sebuah adegan dipotong akan datang.
Ketika itu berakhir, Anda tidak lagi memiliki lebih ringan, tetapi Anda memiliki kunci memilih!
Sekarang, kembali menaiki tangga dan pergi melalui kuburan. Kali ini, tidak
pergi melalui pintu besar, pergi melalui pintu kecil. Sekarang, Anda berada di
daerah dengan guillotine. Pergilah ke kandang dan menggunakan pelat Elang di
pintu. Pergi melalui itu. Di sini, membunuh zombie. Kemudian, pergi melalui pintu di sebelah kiri. Ini adalah agak pusat penelitian. Berjalan ke kantor di sisi kiri ruangan. Mengambil memo di atas meja. Ini menceritakan bagaimana ada pintu masuk rahasia ke ruang bawah tanah, tetapi Anda membutuhkan kunci yang tidak terlihat seperti kunci. Tepat ... Periksa patung tubuh manusia. Ada mata hilang, menarik. Sekarang, keluar kantor dan pergi ke kiri. Cobalah untuk keluar melalui pintu. Sebuah kantong mayat akan mulai berkedut. Uh oh. Sekarang, di sini, membunuh zombie. Ada adalah ramuan merah di sudut. Kemudian, berjalan melewati peti mati dan mengambil tas. Gunakan kunci memilih Anda untuk membukanya. Di dalamnya terdapat bagian kustom untuk Anda pistol. Melampirkannya. Sekarang, Anda memiliki senjata api cepat. Anda akan membutuhkannya di menit. Kembali melalui pintu. Anda akan mendengar suara menjijikkan, dan tas tubuh akan merobek. Berjalan di sekitar ruangan untuk menemukan dokter yang berada di kantong mayat. Dia makan korban lain! Dia akan memandang Anda, maka mayat dia makan akan bangun juga. Sekarang, hati-hati, karena ia dapat berjalan sangat cepat. Tembak dia terpisah dengan Anda pistol kustom. Ketika ia Sebaiknya mati, membunuh zombie lainnya. Berjalan ke mayat dokter dan mengambil bola kaca mata. Sekarang, dengan itu di tangan, pergi ke patung tubuh manusia. Tempatkan kaca mata di soket kosong untuk membuka pintu. Pergi melalui itu. Jalankan menuruni lorong, membunuh kelelawar karena Anda tidak lagi memiliki lebih ringan. Ketika Anda mencapai pintu, pergi melalui itu. Di sini, membunuh zombie, kemudian pergi ke depan. Belok kiri dan pergi melalui pintu. Memeriksa patung di dinding utara. Anda akan menerima pedang berkarat. Ruangan akan mulai mengisi dengan gas, eh oh. Patung di tengah akan bangkit, mengungkapkan tiang horisontal. Dorong sampai perisai dari patung tersebut menghadap patung di mana Anda mendapat pedang. Melakukan hal ini akan membuat patung berbalik, mengungkapkan peti mati. Mendorong pedang berkarat ke dalam lubang untuk membuka itu. Sebuah zombie melompat keluar begitu membunuhnya. Kemudian, mengambil gulungan piano. Sekarang, keluar ruangan. Pergilah sepanjang jalan kembali ke laboratorium penelitian. Sekarang, keluar laboratorium. Jalankan menuruni sisa gang untuk mencapai pintu. Di sini, memanjat kotak untuk mencapai kotak item. Lakukan apa yang Anda butuhkan di sini dan keluar. Pergilah sepanjang jalan kembali ke istana.

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