2004, China’s economy averaged a real GDP growth rate of 9.5 percent a terjemahan - 2004, China’s economy averaged a real GDP growth rate of 9.5 percent a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2004, China’s economy averaged a re

2004, China’s economy averaged a real GDP growth rate of 9.5 percent and became
the world’s sixth-largest economy. By 2004, China had become the third-largest trading
nation in dollar terms, behind the United States and Germany and just ahead of Japan.
Today, China, the world’s second-largest economy, generates 10 to 15 percent of world
GDP, and in 2011, accounted for about 25 percent of world GDP growth. The United
States now imports more goods from China than any other nation in the world. In
fact, China, with almost $1.9 trillion in exports, is the world’s number-one exporter. In
2012, China took steps to promote the international use of its currency, the renminbi.5
Commonwealth of Independent States The growth in this region is expected to
be 3.7 percent in 2012 and 3.8 percent in 2013. Strong growth is expected to continue
in Azerbaijan and Armenia, whereas growth is projected to remain stable in Moldova,
Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
After World War II, trade between the United States and the communist nations of
Central and Eastern Europe was minimal. The United States maintained high tariff barriers
on imports from most of these countries and also restricted their exports. However,
since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism, trade
between the United States and Central and Eastern Europe has expanded substantially.
The countries that made the transition from communist to market economies
quickly have recorded positive growth for several years—those that did not continue
to struggle. Among the nations that have enjoyed several years of positive economic
growth are the member countries of the Central European Free Trade Association:
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia.
U.S. exports to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia will increase, as will U.S.
investment in these countries, as demand for capital goods and technology opens new
markets for U.S. products. There already has been a substantial expansion in trade
between the United States and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland.
Table 3.1 shows the growth rates from 2010 to 2013 for most regions of the world.
Exports and the U.S. Economy In 2008, U.S. exports supported more than 10.3
million full- and part-time jobs during a historic time, when exports as a percentage
of GDP reached the highest levels since 1916. The new record, 13.8 percent of GDP in
2011, shows that U.S. businesses have great opportunities in the global marketplace.
Global Growth Is Picking Up Gradually

Value of U.S. Merchandise Exports and Imports, 2011
Even though the global economic crisis caused the number of jobs supported by exports
to decline sharply to 8.5 million in 2009, globalization represents a huge opportunity
for all countries—rich or poor. Indeed, in 2011, for the first time, the U.S. exports
exceeded $2.1 trillion and supported 9.7 million jobs, an increase of $1.2 million since
2009.6 The 15-fold increase in trade volume over the past 60 years has been one of
the most important factors in the rise of living standards around the world. During
this time, exports have become increasingly important to the U.S. economy. Exports as
a percentage of U.S. GDP have increased steadily since 1985, except in the 2001 and
2008 recessions. Our exports to developing and newly industrialized countries are on
the rise. Table 3.2 shows the value of U.S. merchandise exports to, and imports from,
each of the nation’s ten major trading partners. Note that Canada and Mexico are our
best partners for our exports; China and Canada, for imports.
Figure 3.3 shows the U.S. goods export and import shares in 2011. Major U.S.
exports and imports are manufactured goods, agricultural products, and mineral fuels.
U.S. Goods Export and Import Shares in 2011
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2004, China’s economy averaged a real GDP growth rate of 9.5 percent and becamethe world’s sixth-largest economy. By 2004, China had become the third-largest tradingnation in dollar terms, behind the United States and Germany and just ahead of Japan.Today, China, the world’s second-largest economy, generates 10 to 15 percent of worldGDP, and in 2011, accounted for about 25 percent of world GDP growth. The UnitedStates now imports more goods from China than any other nation in the world. Infact, China, with almost $1.9 trillion in exports, is the world’s number-one exporter. In2012, China took steps to promote the international use of its currency, the renminbi.5Commonwealth of Independent States The growth in this region is expected tobe 3.7 percent in 2012 and 3.8 percent in 2013. Strong growth is expected to continuein Azerbaijan and Armenia, whereas growth is projected to remain stable in Moldova,Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.After World War II, trade between the United States and the communist nations ofCentral and Eastern Europe was minimal. The United States maintained high tariff barrierson imports from most of these countries and also restricted their exports. However,since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism, tradebetween the United States and Central and Eastern Europe has expanded substantially.The countries that made the transition from communist to market economiesquickly have recorded positive growth for several years—those that did not continue
to struggle. Among the nations that have enjoyed several years of positive economic
growth are the member countries of the Central European Free Trade Association:
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia.
U.S. exports to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia will increase, as will U.S.
investment in these countries, as demand for capital goods and technology opens new
markets for U.S. products. There already has been a substantial expansion in trade
between the United States and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland.
Table 3.1 shows the growth rates from 2010 to 2013 for most regions of the world.
Exports and the U.S. Economy In 2008, U.S. exports supported more than 10.3
million full- and part-time jobs during a historic time, when exports as a percentage
of GDP reached the highest levels since 1916. The new record, 13.8 percent of GDP in
2011, shows that U.S. businesses have great opportunities in the global marketplace.
Global Growth Is Picking Up Gradually

Value of U.S. Merchandise Exports and Imports, 2011
Even though the global economic crisis caused the number of jobs supported by exports
to decline sharply to 8.5 million in 2009, globalization represents a huge opportunity
for all countries—rich or poor. Indeed, in 2011, for the first time, the U.S. exports
exceeded $2.1 trillion and supported 9.7 million jobs, an increase of $1.2 million since
2009.6 The 15-fold increase in trade volume over the past 60 years has been one of
the most important factors in the rise of living standards around the world. During
this time, exports have become increasingly important to the U.S. economy. Exports as
a percentage of U.S. GDP have increased steadily since 1985, except in the 2001 and
2008 recessions. Our exports to developing and newly industrialized countries are on
the rise. Table 3.2 shows the value of U.S. merchandise exports to, and imports from,
each of the nation’s ten major trading partners. Note that Canada and Mexico are our
best partners for our exports; China and Canada, for imports.
Figure 3.3 shows the U.S. goods export and import shares in 2011. Major U.S.
exports and imports are manufactured goods, agricultural products, and mineral fuels.
U.S. Goods Export and Import Shares in 2011
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2004, ekonomi China rata-rata tingkat pertumbuhan PDB riil 9,5 persen dan menjadi
ekonomi terbesar keenam di dunia. Pada tahun 2004, Cina telah menjadi terbesar ketiga perdagangan
bangsa dalam dolar, di belakang Amerika Serikat dan Jerman dan hanya di depan Jepang.
Hari ini, Cina, ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia, menghasilkan 10 sampai 15 persen dari dunia
PDB, dan di 2011, menyumbang sekitar 25 persen dari pertumbuhan PDB dunia. Amerika
Serikat sekarang mengimpor lebih barang dari Cina daripada bangsa lain di dunia. Pada
kenyataannya, Cina, dengan hampir $ 1,9 triliun di tahun ekspor, adalah nomor satu eksportir di dunia. Di
2012, Cina mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mempromosikan penggunaan internasional mata uangnya, yang renminbi.5
Commonwealth of Independent States Pertumbuhan di daerah ini diharapkan
menjadi 3,7 persen pada 2012 dan 3,8 persen pada tahun 2013. Pertumbuhan yang tinggi diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut
di Azerbaijan dan Armenia, sedangkan pertumbuhan diproyeksikan tetap stabil di Moldova,
Tajikistan, dan Uzbekistan.
Setelah Perang Dunia II, perdagangan antara Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara komunis
Eropa Tengah dan Timur sangat minim. Amerika Serikat dipertahankan hambatan tarif tinggi
pada impor dari sebagian besar negara-negara ini dan juga dibatasi ekspor mereka. Namun,
karena disintegrasi Uni Soviet dan runtuhnya komunisme, perdagangan
antara Amerika Serikat dan Eropa Tengah dan Timur telah berkembang secara substansial.
Negara-negara yang membuat transisi dari komunis ke ekonomi pasar
dengan cepat telah mencatat pertumbuhan positif selama beberapa tahun-orang yang tidak melanjutkan
berjuang. Di antara negara-negara yang telah menikmati beberapa tahun ekonomi yang positif
pertumbuhan adalah negara-negara anggota dari European Central Asosiasi Perdagangan
Bebas:. Hungaria, Republik Ceko, Polandia, Slovenia, dan Slowakia
ekspor AS ke Eropa Tengah dan Timur dan Rusia akan meningkat, sebagai akan US
investasi di negara-negara ini, karena permintaan untuk barang modal dan teknologi membuka baru
pasar untuk produk AS. Ada sudah telah ekspansi besar dalam perdagangan
antara Amerika Serikat dan Republik Ceko, Slovakia, Hungaria, dan Polandia.
Tabel 3.1 menunjukkan tingkat pertumbuhan 2010-2013 untuk sebagian wilayah di dunia.
Ekspor dan Ekonomi AS tahun 2008, Ekspor AS didukung lebih dari 10.3
juta penuh dan paruh waktu pekerjaan selama waktu yang bersejarah, ketika ekspor sebagai persentase
dari PDB mencapai tingkat tertinggi sejak 1916. Rekor baru, 13,8 persen dari PDB pada
2011, menunjukkan bahwa bisnis AS memiliki besar peluang di pasar global.
Pertumbuhan global Apakah Picking Up Secara bertahap
79 Nilai dari US Ekspor Merchandise dan Impor, 2011 Meskipun krisis ekonomi global yang disebabkan jumlah pekerjaan didukung oleh ekspor menurun tajam menjadi 8,5 juta pada tahun 2009, globalisasi merupakan peluang besar untuk semua-negara kaya atau miskin. Memang, pada tahun 2011, untuk pertama kalinya, ekspor US melebihi $ 2100000000000 dan didukung 9,7 juta pekerjaan, peningkatan sebesar $ 1,2 juta sejak 2.009,6 Kenaikan 15-kali lipat volume perdagangan selama 60 tahun terakhir telah menjadi salah satu faktor yang paling penting dalam kenaikan standar hidup di seluruh dunia. Selama waktu ini, ekspor telah menjadi semakin penting untuk ekonomi AS. Ekspor sebagai persentase dari PDB AS telah meningkat terus sejak tahun 1985, kecuali di tahun 2001 dan 2008 resesi. Ekspor kita ke negara berkembang dan negara industri baru yang meningkat. Tabel 3.2 menunjukkan nilai ekspor US barang dagangan untuk, dan impor dari, masing-masing sepuluh mitra dagang utama bangsa. Perhatikan bahwa Kanada dan Meksiko yang kami mitra terbaik bagi ekspor kita; China dan Kanada, untuk impor. Gambar 3.3 menunjukkan AS ekspor barang dan impor saham pada tahun 2011. Mayor AS ekspor dan impor barang-barang yang diproduksi, produk pertanian, dan bahan bakar mineral. US Barang Ekspor dan Impor Saham pada tahun 2011 80

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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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