#1007: Small fox and old fox! „I get rid with these Chosen, brings hon terjemahan - #1007: Small fox and old fox! „I get rid with these Chosen, brings hon Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1007: Small fox and old fox! „I ge

#1007: Small fox and old fox!

„I get rid with these Chosen, brings honor for the family, making my Fang Clan focus attention on!” Meng Hao is staring at Fang Shoudao, he on the opposite party, had found a similar aura, immediately to open mouth
„Em, this reason is good, starting today, you are my Fang Clan first Chosen, regardless of outward internal, you on behalf of Fang Clan!” The Fang Shoudao right hand wields, departs a glittering token, falls in front of Meng Hao, token one side is Fang (方) Character, another side writes the Chosen two characters.
Meng Hao looks at the token, there, his fierce gaining ground, is staring at Fang Shoudao, thought one were provoked, moreover aspect that most cares about in oneself by serious provocation.
„By the family use, my heart was been cold!” Meng Hao clenches teeth maliciously.
Fang Shoudao right hand figure of Meng Hao, Dao Light falls on the Meng Hao chest immediately, covers on his heart, making the heart warm.
„Warmed.” Fang Shoudao said lightly.
Meng Hao must grasp crazily, he has not seen such shameless old fogy, he said was very thorough, may actually by opposite party being perfunctory repeatedly.
„Family drastic change, I prevented others to seize Fang Wei after shed, rescued many consanguinity, I successful cutting has also killed Fang Xiushan!”
„Defends the Dao Protector elephant to be called by me, resists that three Dao Realm old men , to promote execution that you have planned!”
„Fang Heshan was cut to kill by me!”
„The lead wire of this family, is my Nirvana fruit!”
„I have made these many for the family, I want the reward!!” Meng Hao said loudly.
„Was good, does not want the practicing resources, with your grandfather your disposition.” Fang Shoudao is somewhat afraid, coughs. The right hand lifts wields. In Meng Hao both eyes brave in the anticipation of light. Immediately his front, presented a paper.
Brushes several, Fang Shoudao on this paper, has written down the name.
„Knows that you like others' Promissory Note, look the old men prepared to you, above you planned that made the family owe you many, you wrote.” Fang Shoudao said with a smile.
Meng Hao dull looks at front that paper. When gains ground, the eye was red, when will spell has revolted, suddenly, Fang Shoudao facial expression, fierce enforces.
His breathes deeply, Grim looks at Meng Hao, such an expression, making Meng Hao be startled, temperament that must erupt. Also has cannot help but pressed.
„Fang Hao!” The Fang Shoudao sinking sound, the words spread. Has dignified filling the air.
„Old man knows that you for these that the family makes, understands that your grievance, knows merit that you perform, other did not say, Immortal meridians peak that solely you start out, causes a stir in Ninth Mountain and Sea, this matter, any family Sect, can as if one had found a treasure.”
„Your here, same so, in our Fang Clan, your importance, is the same to Dao Realm!”
„Fang Wei is the shield of family, you ... Then is the sword of family!”
„After this, he is shadow, is your shadow, in your magnificence, he will be obscure, because, you are my Fang Clan future true hope!”
„You believe that is the family is parsimonious, doesn't want to give you to reward?”
„You have made a mistake, the old man told you, the family regarding your such scorching sun, will not be parsimonious, but ... You know that First Generation Patriarch regains consciousness one time, how many prices can we pay?”
„First Generation Patriarch already died during meditation, you before saw, was his past clone, could be said as this Planet East Victory worked, he year to year the deep sleep, every time regained consciousness, will let the Planet East Victory depletion thousand years.”
„To maintain the revolution of Planet East Victory, endured these thousand years, needs in the family to pay the indescribable resources, in present family ... Cannot put out anything to reward to you.” Fang Shoudao in a soft voice to open mouth, sound ancient.
„Moreover, all rewards, are not enough as encouraging, as you to family important granting, therefore, this time, the old man early has the decision.” Fang Shoudao stands up, tranquil is looking at Meng Hao.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1007: Small fox and old fox! „I get rid with these Chosen, brings honor for the family, making my Fang Clan focus attention on!” Meng Hao is staring at Fang Shoudao, he on the opposite party, had found a similar aura, immediately to open mouth„Em, this reason is good, starting today, you are my Fang Clan first Chosen, regardless of outward internal, you on behalf of Fang Clan!” The Fang Shoudao right hand wields, departs a glittering token, falls in front of Meng Hao, token one side is Fang (方) Character, another side writes the Chosen two characters.Meng Hao looks at the token, there, his fierce gaining ground, is staring at Fang Shoudao, thought one were provoked, moreover aspect that most cares about in oneself by serious provocation.„By the family use, my heart was been cold!” Meng Hao clenches teeth maliciously.Fang Shoudao right hand figure of Meng Hao, Dao Light falls on the Meng Hao chest immediately, covers on his heart, making the heart warm.„Warmed.” Fang Shoudao said lightly.Meng Hao must grasp crazily, he has not seen such shameless old fogy, he said was very thorough, may actually by opposite party being perfunctory repeatedly.„Family drastic change, I prevented others to seize Fang Wei after shed, rescued many consanguinity, I successful cutting has also killed Fang Xiushan!”„Defends the Dao Protector elephant to be called by me, resists that three Dao Realm old men , to promote execution that you have planned!”"Fang Heshan dipotong untuk membunuh oleh saya!""Memimpin kawat dari keluarga ini, adalah buah Nirvana saya!""Saya telah membuat ini banyak untuk keluarga, saya ingin hadiah!!" Meng Hao berkata keras."Baik, tidak ingin sumber daya berlatih, dengan kakek disposisi Anda." Fang Shoudao agak takut, batuk. Lift kanan wields. Dalam Meng Hao kedua mata berani dalam antisipasi dari cahaya. Segera depan nya, mempresentasikan sebuah makalah.Sikat beberapa, Fang Shoudao pada tulisan ini, telah dituliskan nama."Tahu bahwa Anda ingin orang lain Promes, melihat laki-laki tua yang siap untuk Anda, di atas Anda yang direncanakan yang membuat keluarga berutang banyak, Anda menulis." Fang Shoudao berkata dengan senyum.meng Hao kusam terlihat di depan kertas. Ketika tanah keuntungan, mata merah, Kapan akan mantra telah memberontak, tiba-tiba, Fang Shoudao ekspresi wajah, sengit memberlakukan.Nya bernapas dalam-dalam, Grim memandang Meng Hao, ekspresi itu, membuat Meng Hao akan terkejut, temperamen yang harus meletus. Juga memiliki tidak dapat membantu tapi ditekan."Fang Hao!" Fang Shoudao tenggelam suara, kata-kata menyebar. Memiliki bermartabat mengisi udara."Orang tua tahu bahwa Anda untuk ini yang membuat keluarga, memahami bahwa keluhan Anda, tahu kebaikan yang Anda lakukan, tidak lain mengatakan, peak Meridian abadi yang semata-mata Anda mulai keluar, menyebabkan kegemparan di kesembilan gunung dan laut, masalah ini, setiap keluarga sekte, dapat seperti telah menemukan harta.""Anda di sini, sama Jadi, dalam Fang klan kami, penting Anda, adalah sama dengan dunia Dao!""Fang Wei adalah perisai Keluarga, Anda... Maka adalah pedang keluarga!""Setelah ini, dia adalah bayangan, bayangan Anda, dalam kehebatan Anda, ia akan mengaburkan, karena, Anda harapan benar masa depan yang Fang klan saya!""Anda percaya itu adalah keluarga terlalu kikir, tidak ingin memberi Anda hadiah?""Anda telah membuat kesalahan, orang tua mengatakan kepada Anda, keluarga mengenai Anda seperti terik matahari, tidak akan terlalu kikir, tapi... Anda tahu bahwa generasi pertama patriak mendapatkan kembali kesadaran satu kali, harga berapa banyak yang dapat kita membayar?""Generasi pertama patriak sudah meninggal selama meditasi, Anda sebelum melihat, adalah klon nya masa lalu, bisa dikatakan sebagai Planet Timur kemenangan ini bekerja, ia tahun nyenyak, setiap kali sadar, akan membiarkan penipisan Planet Timur kemenangan seribu tahun.""Untuk menjaga revolusi Planet Timur kemenangan, bertahan seribu tahun ini, perlu dalam keluarga membayar sumber daya yang tak terlukiskan, sekarang keluarga... Tidak mengeluarkan apapun untuk hadiah untuk Anda." Fang Shoudao dengan suara lembut untuk membuka mulut, suara kuno."Selain itu, Semua hadiah, tidak cukup sebagai menggembirakan, sebagai Anda untuk keluarga penting pemberian, oleh karena itu, saat ini, orang tua awal memiliki keputusan." Fang Shoudao berdiri, tenang memandang Meng Hao.
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