When faced with the countless number of gazes being shot over, some co terjemahan - When faced with the countless number of gazes being shot over, some co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When faced with the countless numbe

When faced with the countless number of gazes being shot over, some cold sweat involuntarily surfaced on Instructor Ruo Ling’s smooth forehead. Her fist was also tightly clenched as her eyes swept around her, hoping that the figure, whom she had valued greatly two years ago would appear once again like a savior.

The open ground, which had become silent, also caused Xun Er and Xiao Yu to become anxious. They exchanged glances and saw some anxiety from within each other’s eyes.

“Xiao Yan huh.. a coward who dares not even reveal himself and letting a girl receive such unnecessary criticism. This person, won’t do.” A white-dressed young man on the viewing platform, who was not bad looking, shook his head and said faintly, “He is not worthy of Xun Er…”

The white-clothed young man was shockingly the person who had met Xun Er at the foot of the mountain a few days before. He appeared to be called Bai Shan, one of the outstanding people among the younger students in Jia Nan Academy. His strength was not much weaker than Xun Er’s.

“Chi, this is the man whom Xun Er always talks about incessantly? Is his zodiac sign a turtle? If one were to follow this kind of man, isn’t it better to follow me? What is so good about those stinky men? They only think with the lower half of their bodies.” On another very good location in the viewing gallery, a young lady wearing a red-colored dress had her hands crossed in front of her chest. Her back leaned against an iron pipe with her exchanting curves appearing extremely alluring against the background of the straight iron pipe. The current her could not help but curl her lips as she eyed the open ground where there was actually no one who came out to engage in a fight. There was a little disdain as she spoke with a cold smile.

“Little witch, sit properly. Acting so presumptuously in public, where is your decency?” A white-haired old man by the side of the red-clothed young lady could not help but blow his beard angrily when he saw that posture of hers and the independent special words of hers.

The red-clothed lady unceremoniously rolled her eyes at this old man, who clearly had quite a high position within Jia Nan Academy as she coldly snorted, “To think that you are still the Deputy Headmaster of the Outer Academy. If it was up to me, I would have long kicked that Xiao Yan out of the academy. Two years leave. Humph. How arrogant.”

“There is no choice. That girl Xun Er insists on protecting that boy.” The old man helplessly shook his head. He immediately voiced his thoughts: “However, if he is to still absent this year, then I really have no other choice. The rules of the Jia Nan Academy cannot be broken…”

“Don’t tell me that you hope that Xiao Yan would be able to appear during the last few minutes?” The red-clothed young lady gave the old man an opaque glance as she said.

“I really do hope so…” The old man sighed. He slowly closed his eyes and waited for this farce to end.

After the silent atmosphere continued for two minutes, some private conversations finally began to appear.

“Ah, this bastard didn’t keep his promises…” Xiao Yu sighed and softly cursed when she saw the disappointment-filled face of Instructor Ruo Ling, who sat next to her.

Xun Er lowered her head. She pulled Instructor Ruo Ling’s sleeves and softly said, “Instructor, I’m sorry…”

“Ke ke, you need not blame yourself. This matter is not related to you.” Instructor Ruo Ling patted Xun Er’s hand and forcefully gave a comforting smile, “It’s alright. At the very most, I will wait another three years…”

“Let’s go.” Instructor Ruo Ling stood up and said to Xiao Yu and Xun Er. Seeing her somewhat reddened eyes, it appeared that she was not as free and easy as she had pretended to be with her mouth.

A group of male and female of the same class similarly sighed with disappointment as they stood up, preparing to leave the stadium. However, they had just stood up when Xun Er’s lovely body suddenly stiffened. Her pretty face was a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When faced with the countless number of gazes being shot over, some cold sweat involuntarily surfaced on Instructor Ruo Ling’s smooth forehead. Her fist was also tightly clenched as her eyes swept around her, hoping that the figure, whom she had valued greatly two years ago would appear once again like a savior.The open ground, which had become silent, also caused Xun Er and Xiao Yu to become anxious. They exchanged glances and saw some anxiety from within each other’s eyes.“Xiao Yan huh.. a coward who dares not even reveal himself and letting a girl receive such unnecessary criticism. This person, won’t do.” A white-dressed young man on the viewing platform, who was not bad looking, shook his head and said faintly, “He is not worthy of Xun Er…”The white-clothed young man was shockingly the person who had met Xun Er at the foot of the mountain a few days before. He appeared to be called Bai Shan, one of the outstanding people among the younger students in Jia Nan Academy. His strength was not much weaker than Xun Er’s.“Chi, this is the man whom Xun Er always talks about incessantly? Is his zodiac sign a turtle? If one were to follow this kind of man, isn’t it better to follow me? What is so good about those stinky men? They only think with the lower half of their bodies.” On another very good location in the viewing gallery, a young lady wearing a red-colored dress had her hands crossed in front of her chest. Her back leaned against an iron pipe with her exchanting curves appearing extremely alluring against the background of the straight iron pipe. The current her could not help but curl her lips as she eyed the open ground where there was actually no one who came out to engage in a fight. There was a little disdain as she spoke with a cold smile.“Little witch, sit properly. Acting so presumptuously in public, where is your decency?” A white-haired old man by the side of the red-clothed young lady could not help but blow his beard angrily when he saw that posture of hers and the independent special words of hers.The red-clothed lady unceremoniously rolled her eyes at this old man, who clearly had quite a high position within Jia Nan Academy as she coldly snorted, “To think that you are still the Deputy Headmaster of the Outer Academy. If it was up to me, I would have long kicked that Xiao Yan out of the academy. Two years leave. Humph. How arrogant.”“There is no choice. That girl Xun Er insists on protecting that boy.” The old man helplessly shook his head. He immediately voiced his thoughts: “However, if he is to still absent this year, then I really have no other choice. The rules of the Jia Nan Academy cannot be broken…”“Don’t tell me that you hope that Xiao Yan would be able to appear during the last few minutes?” The red-clothed young lady gave the old man an opaque glance as she said.“I really do hope so…” The old man sighed. He slowly closed his eyes and waited for this farce to end.After the silent atmosphere continued for two minutes, some private conversations finally began to appear.“Ah, this bastard didn’t keep his promises…” Xiao Yu sighed and softly cursed when she saw the disappointment-filled face of Instructor Ruo Ling, who sat next to her.Xun Er lowered her head. She pulled Instructor Ruo Ling’s sleeves and softly said, “Instructor, I’m sorry…”“Ke ke, you need not blame yourself. This matter is not related to you.” Instructor Ruo Ling patted Xun Er’s hand and forcefully gave a comforting smile, “It’s alright. At the very most, I will wait another three years…”“Let’s go.” Instructor Ruo Ling stood up and said to Xiao Yu and Xun Er. Seeing her somewhat reddened eyes, it appeared that she was not as free and easy as she had pretended to be with her mouth.A group of male and female of the same class similarly sighed with disappointment as they stood up, preparing to leave the stadium. However, they had just stood up when Xun Er’s lovely body suddenly stiffened. Her pretty face was a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ketika dihadapkan dengan jumlah yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dari tatapan ditembak lebih, beberapa keringat dingin tanpa sadar muncul di dahi halus Instruktur Ruo Ling. Tinjunya juga erat mengepalkan sebagai matanya menyapu sekelilingnya, berharap bahwa sosok, yang ia dihargai sangat dua tahun yang lalu akan muncul sekali lagi seperti penyelamat. Terbuka tanah, yang telah menjadi diam, juga disebabkan Xun Er dan Xiao Yu menjadi cemas. Mereka saling bertukar pandang dan melihat beberapa kecemasan dari dalam mata masing-masing. "Xiao Yan huh .. pengecut yang berani bahkan tidak mengungkapkan dirinya dan membiarkan seorang gadis menerima kritikan yang tidak perlu seperti itu. Orang ini, tidak akan melakukan. "Seorang pemuda putih berpakaian pada tampilan platform, yang tidak buruk mencari, menggelengkan kepala dan berkata lirih," Dia tidak layak Xun Er ... " Pemuda putih berpakaian adalah mengejutkan orang yang telah bertemu Xun Er di kaki gunung beberapa hari sebelumnya. Dia muncul untuk disebut Bai Shan, salah satu orang yang luar biasa di kalangan mahasiswa muda di Jia Nan Academy. Kekuatannya tidak jauh lebih lemah daripada Xun Er. "Chi, ini adalah pria yang Xun Er selalu berbicara tentang henti? Apakah zodiak nya menandatangani kura-kura? Kalau orang untuk mengikuti semacam ini manusia, bukankah lebih baik untuk mengikuti saya? Apa yang begitu baik tentang orang-orang bau? Mereka hanya berpikir dengan bagian bawah tubuh mereka. "Pada lokasi lain yang sangat baik di galeri melihat, seorang wanita muda mengenakan gaun berwarna merah telah tangannya disilangkan di depan dadanya. Punggungnya bersandar pipa besi dengan kurva exchanting dia tampil sangat memikat dengan latar belakang pipa besi lurus. Saat ini dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi meringkuk bibirnya ketika dia melihat tanah terbuka di mana ada benar-benar ada orang yang keluar untuk terlibat dalam perkelahian. Ada jijik sedikit saat berbicara dengan senyum dingin. "Sedikit penyihir, duduk dengan benar. Bertindak sehingga terlalu berani di depan umum, di mana Anda kesopanan? "Seorang pria tua berambut putih di sisi wanita muda merah-berpakaian tidak bisa membantu tetapi meniup janggutnya marah ketika ia melihat bahwa postur miliknya dan kata-kata khusus independen miliknya . wanita merah berpakaian begitu saja memutar matanya pada orang tua ini, yang jelas memiliki cukup posisi tinggi dalam Jia Nan Academy saat ia dengan dingin mendengus, "Untuk berpikir bahwa Anda masih Wakil Kepala Sekolah Luar Academy. Jika itu kepada saya, saya akan lama menendang bahwa Xiao Yan keluar dari akademi. Dua tahun meninggalkan. Huh. Bagaimana arogan. " " Tidak ada pilihan. Gadis itu Xun Er bersikeras melindungi anak itu. "Orang tua itu tak berdaya menggeleng. Dia segera menyuarakan pikirannya: "Namun, jika ia masih absen tahun ini, maka saya benar-benar tidak punya pilihan lain. Aturan Jia Nan Academy tidak bisa patah ... " " Jangan bilang bahwa Anda berharap bahwa Xiao Yan akan mampu tampil selama beberapa menit terakhir? "Wanita muda merah-berpakaian memberi orang tua melirik buram sebagai katanya. "saya benar-benar berharap begitu ..." Orang tua mendesah. Dia perlahan-lahan menutup matanya dan menunggu sandiwara ini sampai akhir. Setelah suasana hening berlangsung selama dua menit, beberapa percakapan pribadi akhirnya mulai muncul. "Ah, bajingan ini tidak menepati janji-Nya ..." Xiao Yu menghela napas dan lembut mengutuk ketika ia melihat wajah kekecewaan yang penuh Instruktur Ruo Ling, yang duduk di sampingnya. Xun Er menunduk. Dia menarik lengan Instruktur Ruo Ling dan dengan lembut berkata, "Instruktur, aku minta maaf ..." "Ke Ke, Anda tidak perlu menyalahkan diri sendiri. Hal ini tidak terkait dengan Anda. "Instruktur Ruo Ling menepuk tangan Xun Er dan tegas tersenyum menghibur," Tidak apa-apa. Di sangat paling, saya akan menunggu tiga tahun ... " " Mari kita pergi. "Instruktur Ruo Ling berdiri dan berkata kepada Xiao Yu dan Xun Er. Melihat matanya agak memerah, ternyata dia tidak gratis dan mudah karena ia berpura-pura dengan mulut. Sekelompok pria dan wanita dari kelas yang sama sama mendesah dengan kekecewaan karena mereka berdiri, bersiap untuk meninggalkan stadion . Namun, mereka baru saja berdiri ketika tubuh indah Xun Er tiba-tiba menegang. Wajahnya yang cantik adalah

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