„It is not good, the bright tem­ple sent the tem­ple knight to reen­fo terjemahan - „It is not good, the bright tem­ple sent the tem­ple knight to reen­fo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„It is not good, the bright tem­ple

„It is not good, the bright tem­ple sent the tem­ple knight to reen­force!”
City gate place, Han Yuanti long blade dis­tressed ran away, on the shoul­der mail-ar­mor and hel­met dis­pers­ing is bring­ing the blood, has prob­a­bly been wounded, I do not re­mem­ber that this was his sev­eral time leads the sol­dier of palace guard to charge to be re­pelled, the at­tack of tem­ple knight was ac­tu­ally very strong, nearby Xiao Li knit the brows: „Sir, might as well make me lead troops to go to the bright tem­ple, has burnt down any nui­sance tem­ple, looked that they also take any­thing to reen­force the Lin­hai em­pire!”
I shake the head: „Do not im­pulse, our goals are the Lin­hai cities, does not need to an­tag­o­nize peo­ple too, if in the fu­ture we oc­cu­pied the Lin­hai city, must hit to re­late with the bright tem­ple.”
„Yes, the sub­or­di­nate un­der­stood!”
„Con­tin­ues to at­tack, do not idle.”
Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. also lead at­tack­ing a city that the [Zhan Long] player hot sharp fire singes, many peo­ple crawled in the city wall, but on city the King state, war war ca­su­alty, cre­cent moon and non- world dy­nasty and other Lin­hai city of main trade unions as in de­fend­ing, want­ing in short Cooldown to break through the city wall is al­most im­pos­si­ble, but I es­tab­lished a pur­ple thun­der car­riage every time quickly have shat­tered by LEE and frost for­est belt per­son, again has not gone to the wave tak­ing the trou­ble mil­i­tary tally, waited for that the city gate broke through di­rectly.
„Be care­ful, the cav­alry sol­diers of Chiba Reg­i­ment came!”
After one sec­ond of hero fell 3 lev­els, killed under the city once again, led one crowd of [Zhan Long] player, said: „guild­mas­ter, is that Chiba com­mands NPC to lead per­son­ally, we in­ter­cepted them in the past, the lead­ers of this NPC army killing?”
I turned around to look at the past from afar, saw only a heroic woman to raise the long hal­berd back and forth to rush ahead in the crowd, truly was Chiba, 158 lev­els of ghost nian step BOSS, the Lin­hai city third NPC com­bat gen­eral, can mas­sacre her as if truly to be able the strength of big weak­en­ing Lin­hai city, after all the Chiba Reg­i­ment had the 14 W per­son, now also 70,000-80,000 peo­ple guard as in the inner city.
„On, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides, the iron blade edge to ride on to­gether, the per­son who Chiba leads are not many, seizes the chance to kill them!”
As soon as I raise the long sword, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to shout: „Fine silks, lead­ing one team of archers to come!”
„Yes, Sir!”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„It is not good, the bright tem­ple sent the tem­ple knight to reen­force!”City gate place, Han Yuanti long blade dis­tressed ran away, on the shoul­der mail-ar­mor and hel­met dis­pers­ing is bring­ing the blood, has prob­a­bly been wounded, I do not re­mem­ber that this was his sev­eral time leads the sol­dier of palace guard to charge to be re­pelled, the at­tack of tem­ple knight was ac­tu­ally very strong, nearby Xiao Li knit the brows: „Sir, might as well make me lead troops to go to the bright tem­ple, has burnt down any nui­sance tem­ple, looked that they also take any­thing to reen­force the Lin­hai em­pire!”I shake the head: „Do not im­pulse, our goals are the Lin­hai cities, does not need to an­tag­o­nize peo­ple too, if in the fu­ture we oc­cu­pied the Lin­hai city, must hit to re­late with the bright tem­ple.”„Yes, the sub­or­di­nate un­der­stood!”„Con­tin­ues to at­tack, do not idle.”„Yes!”Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. also lead at­tack­ing a city that the [Zhan Long] player hot sharp fire singes, many peo­ple crawled in the city wall, but on city the King state, war war ca­su­alty, cre­cent moon and non- world dy­nasty and other Lin­hai city of main trade unions as in de­fend­ing, want­ing in short Cooldown to break through the city wall is al­most im­pos­si­ble, but I es­tab­lished a pur­ple thun­der car­riage every time quickly have shat­tered by LEE and frost for­est belt per­son, again has not gone to the wave tak­ing the trou­ble mil­i­tary tally, waited for that the city gate broke through di­rectly.„Be care­ful, the cav­alry sol­diers of Chiba Reg­i­ment came!”
After one sec­ond of hero fell 3 lev­els, killed under the city once again, led one crowd of [Zhan Long] player, said: „guild­mas­ter, is that Chiba com­mands NPC to lead per­son­ally, we in­ter­cepted them in the past, the lead­ers of this NPC army killing?”
I turned around to look at the past from afar, saw only a heroic woman to raise the long hal­berd back and forth to rush ahead in the crowd, truly was Chiba, 158 lev­els of ghost nian step BOSS, the Lin­hai city third NPC com­bat gen­eral, can mas­sacre her as if truly to be able the strength of big weak­en­ing Lin­hai city, after all the Chiba Reg­i­ment had the 14 W per­son, now also 70,000-80,000 peo­ple guard as in the inner city.
„On, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides, the iron blade edge to ride on to­gether, the per­son who Chiba leads are not many, seizes the chance to kill them!”
As soon as I raise the long sword, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to shout: „Fine silks, lead­ing one team of archers to come!”
„Yes, Sir!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Ini tidak baik, kuil terang mengirim kesatria kuil untuk reenforce!"
Gerbang Kota tempat, Han Yuanti panjang blade tertekan lari, di bahu surat-armor dan helm pendispersi adalah membawa darah, mungkin telah terluka, saya lakukan tidak ingat bahwa ini adalah beberapa waktu memimpin prajurit pengawal istana untuk mengisi untuk memukul mundur, serangan ksatria kuil benar-benar sangat kuat, dekat Xiao Li merajut alis: "Sir, mungkin juga membuat saya memimpin pasukan untuk pergi ke kuil terang, telah dibakar setiap bait gangguan, tampak bahwa mereka juga mengambil apa pun untuk reenforce kerajaan Linhai "!
aku menggelengkan kepala:" Jangan impuls, tujuan kami adalah kota Linhai, tidak perlu memusuhi orang juga, jika di masa depan kita menduduki kota Linhai, harus memukul berhubungan dengan kuil terang. "
" Ya, bawahan mengerti! "
" Terus menyerang, tidak menganggur. "
" Ya! "
Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. juga menyebabkan menyerang sebuah kota bahwa [Zhan Panjang] pemain panas api yang tajam singes, banyak orang merangkak di dinding kota, tapi di kota negara Raja, perang perang korban, bulan crecent dan non dinasti dunia dan kota Linhai lain dari perdagangan utama serikat seperti dalam membela, ingin di Cooldown singkat untuk menerobos tembok kota hampir tidak mungkin, tapi aku mendirikan kereta guntur ungu setiap kali cepat telah hancur oleh LEE dan es sabuk hutan orang, lagi tidak pergi ke gelombang mengambil kesulitan militer penghitungan, menunggu untuk itu gerbang kota menerobos langsung.
"hati-hati, para prajurit kavaleri dari Chiba Resimen datang!"
Setelah satu detik dari jagoan jatuh 3 tingkat, tewas di bawah kota itu sekali lagi, memimpin salah satu kerumunan [Zhan panjang] pemain , mengatakan: "Guildmaster, adalah bahwa Chiba perintah NPC untuk memimpin secara pribadi, kami dicegat mereka di masa lalu, para pemimpin NPC ini tentara pembunuhan?"
aku berbalik untuk melihat masa lalu dari jauh, hanya melihat seorang wanita heroik untuk menaikkan panjang tombak bolak-balik ke terburu-buru maju dalam kerumunan, benar-benar adalah Chiba, 158 tingkat hantu nian langkah BOSS, kota Linhai ketiga NPC tempur umum, dapat pembantaian seakan benar-benar dapat kekuatan melemahnya besar Linhai kota, setelah semua Chiba Resimen memiliki 14 W orang, kini juga 70,000-80,000 orang menjaga seperti di dalam kota.
"pada, prosesi lentera naik, tepi pisau besi untuk naik bersama-sama, orang yang Chiba lead tidak banyak, merebut kesempatan untuk membunuh mereka "!
begitu aku mengangkat pedang panjang, mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk berteriak:"! sutra halus, memimpin satu tim pemanah untuk datang "
" Ya, Pak! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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