Hears this words, Chu Feng also to stare, looks down to Lei Yao, disco terjemahan - Hears this words, Chu Feng also to stare, looks down to Lei Yao, disco Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hears this words, Chu Feng also to

Hears this words, Chu Feng also to stare, looks down to Lei Yao, discovered that Lei Yao is looking up. At this moment, on the face of Lei Yao has covered entirely the unwilling color, has the sentiment of fear, looks to the Chu Feng vision, is the mood occurred simultaneously, complex. But is most obvious, actually facing the death fear, spiritless that as well as does not want dead, he admitted defeat. „, You also feared death, then signs the life and death shape time, you think that what is coming?” The Chu Feng corners of the mouth go up, but in that smiling face, is actually sending out the brutal sentiment as well as despising meaning. He to this Lei Yao, has not sympathized, because he is very clear, what if loses is he, Lei Yao may not let off him absolutely. „Chu Feng, has sufficed, Lei Yao has begged for mercy to you, can you also kill him not to be possible?” „Originally is the same side, why can kill one another? Young people, Rao Renchu, and Rao people, relinquishes in light of this.” Sees Chu Feng not to plan to let off Lei Yao, Shen Xing Guan Elder, opens the mouth once again. And, their expressions very callous, manner very unyielding, to human a feeling of order, as if Chu Feng , if not comply with, must be faced with imminent disaster surely, must be been ordinary by the heavy fine. „Elder, your Meaning I understand, but I want to ask one, the person who if defeats now is I, can you ask favor for me?” Chu Feng is sneering asking. Elder that „” formerly asked favor, had not replied that they are Shen Xing Guan Elder, looks forward to Chu Feng dead, how possibly is Chu Feng to ask favor. „Elder, is Shen Xing Guan? You asked favor for Lei Yao like this, whether to have by the Elder status, harbored oneself disciple suspicion?” Sees numerous position Elder not to speak, Chu Feng while winning the pursuit, forces to ask. „Chu Feng, you do not do to have a big mouth, nonsense.” „In Cyanwood Mountain, you are my Cyanwood Mountain disciple, even if the present were you lost, I and others will also make Lei Yao put your horse, because you were to us same, was Cyanwood Mountain disciple, without any difference.” Hears this words, Shen Xing Guan Elder to fly into a rage, but while accusing Chu Feng, does not forget to explain, but they are this, to exceed appeared to shelter the Lei Yao suspicion. After all, until now, all apertures are the people who Lei Yao asked favor, was Shen Xing Guan Elder, this intention, too obviously. „Then, Elder, but also is really righteous, Chu Feng admires, admire.” „But, you, since so cherishes Cyanwood Mountain disciple, when my two people sign the life and death shape, where did Elder go to?” Asking that Chu Feng smiles. „This” at this moment, Elder did not say once again, they presented at that time, but wholeheartedly wants to visit them who Chu Feng made a boner, how possibly to prevent Chu Feng they to sign the life and death shape. „Since my two people sign the life and death shape time, Elder has not prevented, then at this moment, invited to be righteous, unselfish Elder, do not speak well?” Chu Feng is very saying of satire. „Chu Feng, you” listened to Chu Feng such saying, incessantly was that several speech Elder, almost Shen Xing Guan Elder on the scene, all was the complexion becomes dark, was mad heavily, because this Chu Feng in the presence of everyone shamed them to be ordinary simply. „Young people, I urged your one, worked should not be mad abundantly.” When Shen Xing Guan that Half Emperor Elder, the Cold voice aperture, he spoke, has clenched jaws, can definitely feel his spunk at this moment. „It is not mad abundantly, can call the young people?” However, regarding that Elder words, Chu Feng is actually the smiling face does not change, calm incomparable, has not placed in the opposite party the eye. „Creaking” hears this words, that Half Emperor Elder, the climate the double fist grips tightly, including that side world that he is, fiercely shivered. But Chu Feng at this moment, actually no matter completely these Shen Xing Guan Elder are what response, but looked to Lei Yao, said: „Lei Yao, I can not kill you, but you formerly twice got rid, all had the murderous intention, what if this moment defeat is I, I think that you will not let off me absolutely.” „Since you have to sign life and death shape the courage, must withstand this result courage, the road is walks, regardless of wrong right, must withstand, even if strange, you also can only blame you.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hears this words, Chu Feng also to stare, looks down to Lei Yao, discovered that Lei Yao is looking up. At this moment, on the face of Lei Yao has covered entirely the unwilling color, has the sentiment of fear, looks to the Chu Feng vision, is the mood occurred simultaneously, complex. But is most obvious, actually facing the death fear, spiritless that as well as does not want dead, he admitted defeat. „, You also feared death, then signs the life and death shape time, you think that what is coming?” The Chu Feng corners of the mouth go up, but in that smiling face, is actually sending out the brutal sentiment as well as despising meaning. He to this Lei Yao, has not sympathized, because he is very clear, what if loses is he, Lei Yao may not let off him absolutely. „Chu Feng, has sufficed, Lei Yao has begged for mercy to you, can you also kill him not to be possible?” „Originally is the same side, why can kill one another? Young people, Rao Renchu, and Rao people, relinquishes in light of this.” Sees Chu Feng not to plan to let off Lei Yao, Shen Xing Guan Elder, opens the mouth once again. And, their expressions very callous, manner very unyielding, to human a feeling of order, as if Chu Feng , if not comply with, must be faced with imminent disaster surely, must be been ordinary by the heavy fine. „Elder, your Meaning I understand, but I want to ask one, the person who if defeats now is I, can you ask favor for me?” Chu Feng is sneering asking. Elder that „” formerly asked favor, had not replied that they are Shen Xing Guan Elder, looks forward to Chu Feng dead, how possibly is Chu Feng to ask favor. „Elder, is Shen Xing Guan? You asked favor for Lei Yao like this, whether to have by the Elder status, harbored oneself disciple suspicion?” Sees numerous position Elder not to speak, Chu Feng while winning the pursuit, forces to ask. „Chu Feng, you do not do to have a big mouth, nonsense.” „In Cyanwood Mountain, you are my Cyanwood Mountain disciple, even if the present were you lost, I and others will also make Lei Yao put your horse, because you were to us same, was Cyanwood Mountain disciple, without any difference.” Hears this words, Shen Xing Guan Elder to fly into a rage, but while accusing Chu Feng, does not forget to explain, but they are this, to exceed appeared to shelter the Lei Yao suspicion. After all, until now, all apertures are the people who Lei Yao asked favor, was Shen Xing Guan Elder, this intention, too obviously. „Then, Elder, but also is really righteous, Chu Feng admires, admire.” „But, you, since so cherishes Cyanwood Mountain disciple, when my two people sign the life and death shape, where did Elder go to?” Asking that Chu Feng smiles. „This” at this moment, Elder did not say once again, they presented at that time, but wholeheartedly wants to visit them who Chu Feng made a boner, how possibly to prevent Chu Feng they to sign the life and death shape. „Since my two people sign the life and death shape time, Elder has not prevented, then at this moment, invited to be righteous, unselfish Elder, do not speak well?” Chu Feng is very saying of satire. „Chu Feng, you” listened to Chu Feng such saying, incessantly was that several speech Elder, almost Shen Xing Guan Elder on the scene, all was the complexion becomes dark, was mad heavily, because this Chu Feng in the presence of everyone shamed them to be ordinary simply. „Young people, I urged your one, worked should not be mad abundantly.” When Shen Xing Guan that Half Emperor Elder, the Cold voice aperture, he spoke, has clenched jaws, can definitely feel his spunk at this moment. „It is not mad abundantly, can call the young people?” However, regarding that Elder words, Chu Feng is actually the smiling face does not change, calm incomparable, has not placed in the opposite party the eye. „Creaking” hears this words, that Half Emperor Elder, the climate the double fist grips tightly, including that side world that he is, fiercely shivered. But Chu Feng at this moment, actually no matter completely these Shen Xing Guan Elder are what response, but looked to Lei Yao, said: „Lei Yao, I can not kill you, but you formerly twice got rid, all had the murderous intention, what if this moment defeat is I, I think that you will not let off me absolutely.” „Since you have to sign life and death shape the courage, must withstand this result courage, the road is walks, regardless of wrong right, must withstand, even if strange, you also can only blame you.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mendengar ini kata-kata, Chu Feng juga untuk menatap, melihat ke bawah untuk Lei Yao, menemukan bahwa Lei Yao melihat ke atas. Pada saat ini, di wajah Lei Yao telah tertutup seluruhnya warna tidak mau, memiliki sentimen ketakutan, terlihat visi Chu Feng, adalah suasana hati terjadi secara bersamaan, kompleks. Tapi yang paling jelas, benar-benar menghadapi rasa takut mati, spiritless yang juga tidak ingin mati, dia mengakui kekalahan. ", Anda juga takut mati, maka tanda-tanda waktu hidup dan mati bentuk, Anda berpikir bahwa apa yang akan datang?" The Chu Feng sudut mulut naik, tapi di wajah tersenyum, sebenarnya mengirimkan sentimen brutal serta membenci makna. Dia ke Lei Yao ini, belum bersimpati, karena ia sangat jelas, bagaimana jika kehilangan dia, Lei Yao mungkin tidak melepaskan dia benar-benar. "Chu Feng, telah mencukupi, Lei Yao telah memohon ampun kepada Anda, Anda dapat juga membunuhnya tidak mungkin?" "Awalnya adalah sisi yang sama, mengapa bisa membunuh satu sama lain? orang-orang muda, Rao Renchu, dan Rao orang, relinquishes dalam terang ini. "Melihat Chu Feng tidak berencana untuk melepaskan Lei Yao, Shen Xing Guan Elder, membuka mulut lagi. Dan, ekspresi mereka sangat berperasaan, cara yang sangat pantang menyerah, untuk manusia perasaan order, seakan Chu Feng, jika tidak mematuhi, harus berhadapan dengan bencana dekat pasti, harus menjadi biasa dengan denda berat. "Elder, Arti Anda saya mengerti, tapi aku ingin bertanya satu, orang yang jika kekalahan sekarang adalah saya, Anda dapat meminta bantuan untuk saya?" Chu Feng mencibir bertanya. Elder bahwa "" sebelumnya meminta bantuan, tidak menjawab bahwa mereka Shen Xing Guan Elder, berharap untuk Chu Feng mati, bagaimana mungkin adalah Chu Feng untuk meminta bantuan. "Elder, adalah Shen Xing Guan? Anda meminta bantuan untuk Lei Yao seperti ini, apakah akan memiliki dengan status Elder, memendam diri murid kecurigaan? "Melihat banyak Elder posisi untuk tidak berbicara, Chu Feng sementara memenangkan pengejaran, pasukan untuk bertanya. "Chu Feng, Anda tidak lakukan untuk memiliki mulut besar, omong kosong." "Dalam Cyanwood Gunung, Anda saya murid Cyanwood gunung, bahkan jika ada yang Anda hilang, saya dan orang lain juga akan membuat Lei Yao menempatkan kuda Anda, karena Anda kepada kami sama, itu Cyanwood Gunung murid, tanpa ada perbedaan. "Mendengar kata-kata ini, Shen Xing Guan Elder terbang ke marah, tapi sementara menuduh Chu Feng, tidak lupa untuk menjelaskan, tetapi mereka ini, melebihi muncul ke tempat penampungan Lei Yao kecurigaan. Setelah semua, sampai sekarang, semua lubang adalah orang-orang yang Lei Yao meminta bantuan, itu Shen Xing Guan Elder, niat ini, terlalu jelas. "Kemudian, Elder, tetapi juga benar-benar benar, Chu Feng mengagumi, kagumi." "Tapi, Anda, karena begitu menghargai Cyanwood Gunung murid, ketika saya dua orang menandatangani hidup dan mati bentuk, mana Elder pergi ke?" Mengajukan bahwa chu Feng tersenyum. "Ini" pada saat ini, Elder tidak mengatakan sekali lagi, mereka disajikan pada waktu itu, tapi sepenuh hati ingin mengunjungi mereka yang Chu Feng membuat kesalahan yg bodoh, bagaimana mungkin untuk mencegah Chu Feng mereka untuk menandatangani hidup dan mati bentuk. "Sejak saya dua orang menandatangani hidup dan bentuk kematian waktu, Elder tidak mencegah, maka pada saat ini, diundang untuk menjadi benar, tidak egois Elder, tidak berbicara dengan baik?" Chu Feng sangat mengatakan sindiran. "Chu Feng, Anda" mendengarkan Chu Feng mengatakan seperti itu, tak henti-hentinya adalah bahwa beberapa pidato Elder, hampir Shen Xing Guan Elder di tempat kejadian, semua adalah kulit menjadi gelap, marah berat, karena ini Feng Chu di hadapan semua orang malu mereka untuk menjadi biasa sederhana. "Orang-orang muda, saya mendesak satu Anda, bekerja tidak boleh marah berlimpah." Ketika Shen Xing Guan yang Half Kaisar Elder, aperture suara Dingin, ia berbicara, telah mengepal rahang, pasti dapat merasakan keberanian nya saat ini. "Hal ini tidak gila berlimpah, dapat memanggil orang-orang muda?" Namun, mengenai bahwa kata-kata Elder, Chu Feng sebenarnya wajah tersenyum tidak berubah, tenang tak tertandingi, belum ditempatkan di pihak lawan mata. "Berderit" mendengar kata-kata ini, yang Setengah Kaisar Elder, iklim ganda tinju genggaman erat, termasuk bahwa dunia sisi bahwa ia, keras menggigil. Tapi Chu Feng saat ini, benar-benar tidak peduli sama sekali ini Shen Xing Guan Elder adalah apa respon, tapi tampak Lei Yao, mengatakan: "Lei Yao, saya tidak bisa membunuh Anda, tetapi Anda sebelumnya dua kali menyingkirkan, semua memiliki niat membunuh , bagaimana jika kekalahan saat ini, aku berpikir bahwa Anda tidak akan melepaskan aku benar-benar. "" Karena Anda harus menandatangani hidup dan mati membentuk keberanian, harus menahan hasil keberanian ini, jalan-jalan, terlepas dari benar salah, harus tahan, bahkan jika aneh, Anda juga hanya bisa menyalahkan Anda. "
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