The weather was bright, Dragon’s den stands rock-firm in the storm fly terjemahan - The weather was bright, Dragon’s den stands rock-firm in the storm fly Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The weather was bright, Dragon’s de

The weather was bright, Dragon’s den stands rock-firm in the storm fly­ing snow, the field of vi­sion is not open, but can look far­ther ahead under shin­ing of sky­light, the bound­less north­ern jun­gle, has trans­mit­ted every­where the whoosh­ing sound of wild an­i­mal and devil, dug up a grave the ghost to wield the fly cut­ter arm to run out of the jun­gle, front line was at least 4 me­ters high giant, this giant had four arms, each arm grasped a han­dle fear­ful cut­ting edge, the whole body is cov­er­ing in the black mail-ar­mor and hel­met, the chest six mus­culi ab­do­minis let pre­sent all male play­ers to blush with shame, on the lower part four sharp legs full was the thorn, pricked the rock layer to clash., The fierce head is sway­ing, ex­udes the grat­ing roar.
„BOSS came, to us!” Song Han anx­ious say­ing with a smile.
I raise the sword to jump to go for­ward, „” comes to a stop on the archery tar­get stone col­umn, is nar­row­ing the eye, with the BOSS dis­tance is about 100 yards time has read the BOSS at­tribute, shares di­rectly in the guild chan­nel, fi­nally every­body has also gawked star­ing, this BOSS is not gen­eral
【Rips wind Lin Jie】( Saint sun­light step BOSS)
Level: 102
At­tack: 5700-7500
De­fense: 7000
HP: 4000,0000
Skill: 【Armor pierc­ing blade edge】 【Tor­nado cuts】 【The shield of courage】 【Scar­let storm】
In­tro­duced: Rips wind, the pow­er­house of north dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory ice cold re­spec­tive de­part­ment, Lin Jie had tal­ent re­mark­ably to the wind sys­tem el­e­ment since child­hood, has the orig­i­nal un­der­stand­ing to the wind sys­tem magic and war tech­nique, is an demon Wu Shuangxiu mas­ter, fol­low­ing Ling Han to fight up and down the coun­try, uni­fied the south of dif­fer­ent demon tribe, was a re­mark­able cap­tain and war plun­der­ing
Lin Wan Er looks at the BOSS at­tribute, said: „Slightly loses mas­sacres this BOSS, the de­fen­sive power and HP of flat­ter pig are high enough, more­over is small with the BOSS Level dis­par­ity, the at­tribute was sup­pressed also lit­tle, you ad­vo­cate T, wipes the tea, one sec­ond of hero and Tang Xin three knights to sub­sti­tute, pre­pares to hit to break the BOSS skill at any time hero­ically, I and lean, the wolf totem to wait for an op­por­tu­nity to sneak at­tack the out­put shal­lowly, long-dis­tance main­tains with a BOSS at least 30 yards dis­tance, with the ice is the magic and dizzi­ness skill burst, starts, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine lock­ing guild­mas­ter treat­ment!”
I „clang” draws out be­hind town month sword, dis­tant to is rip­ping wind is a sharp knife blade spa­tial spin skill, brushed con­sec­u­tively for 4 times to pen­e­trate the BOSS stature, he speed­ily has also charged, was roar­ing, bran­dished a han­dle long blade to jump to jump, di­rectly to me was being fierce fierce struck, armor pierc­ing blade edge skill!
The shoul­der was at­tacked, a sad feel­ing trans­mits, the strik­ing power of this goods also was re­ally too high
Li Mu makes a fist: „, 102 lev­els of Saint sun­light step will BOSS, how hit that many HP? guild­mas­ter ac­tual de­fen­sive power at least 2 W above rank”
Wipes the tea to nar­row a pair of beau­ti­ful eye: „The at­tack that be­cause the Boss with­stands is the armor pierc­ing blade edge, at least has dis­re­garded over 50% de­fen­sive pow­ers!”
Fi­nally, BOSS cut down me again and again to retro­cede, over­takes twice or­di­nary at­tacks, con­firmed has wiped the tea the words, the or­di­nary at­tack of this goods is truly lower to my in­jury, had 7000-8000 points in­jury digit, was not fatal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The weather was bright, Dragon’s den stands rock-firm in the storm fly­ing snow, the field of vi­sion is not open, but can look far­ther ahead under shin­ing of sky­light, the bound­less north­ern jun­gle, has trans­mit­ted every­where the whoosh­ing sound of wild an­i­mal and devil, dug up a grave the ghost to wield the fly cut­ter arm to run out of the jun­gle, front line was at least 4 me­ters high giant, this giant had four arms, each arm grasped a han­dle fear­ful cut­ting edge, the whole body is cov­er­ing in the black mail-ar­mor and hel­met, the chest six mus­culi ab­do­minis let pre­sent all male play­ers to blush with shame, on the lower part four sharp legs full was the thorn, pricked the rock layer to clash., The fierce head is sway­ing, ex­udes the grat­ing roar.„BOSS came, to us!” Song Han anx­ious say­ing with a smile.I raise the sword to jump to go for­ward, „” comes to a stop on the archery tar­get stone col­umn, is nar­row­ing the eye, with the BOSS dis­tance is about 100 yards time has read the BOSS at­tribute, shares di­rectly in the guild chan­nel, fi­nally every­body has also gawked star­ing, this BOSS is not gen­eral【Rips wind Lin Jie】( Saint sun­light step BOSS)Level: 102At­tack: 5700-7500De­fense: 7000HP: 4000,0000Skill: 【Armor pierc­ing blade edge】 【Tor­nado cuts】 【The shield of courage】 【Scar­let storm】In­tro­duced: Rips wind, the pow­er­house of north dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory ice cold re­spec­tive de­part­ment, Lin Jie had tal­ent re­mark­ably to the wind sys­tem el­e­ment since child­hood, has the orig­i­nal un­der­stand­ing to the wind sys­tem magic and war tech­nique, is an demon Wu Shuangxiu mas­ter, fol­low­ing Ling Han to fight up and down the coun­try, uni­fied the south of dif­fer­ent demon tribe, was a re­mark­able cap­tain and war plun­der­ingLin Wan Er looks at the BOSS at­tribute, said: „Slightly loses mas­sacres this BOSS, the de­fen­sive power and HP of flat­ter pig are high enough, more­over is small with the BOSS Level dis­par­ity, the at­tribute was sup­pressed also lit­tle, you ad­vo­cate T, wipes the tea, one sec­ond of hero and Tang Xin three knights to sub­sti­tute, pre­pares to hit to break the BOSS skill at any time hero­ically, I and lean, the wolf totem to wait for an op­por­tu­nity to sneak at­tack the out­put shal­lowly, long-dis­tance main­tains with a BOSS at least 30 yards dis­tance, with the ice is the magic and dizzi­ness skill burst, starts, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine lock­ing guild­mas­ter treat­ment!”I „clang” draws out be­hind town month sword, dis­tant to is rip­ping wind is a sharp knife blade spa­tial spin skill, brushed con­sec­u­tively for 4 times to pen­e­trate the BOSS stature, he speed­ily has also charged, was roar­ing, bran­dished a han­dle long blade to jump to jump, di­rectly to me was being fierce fierce struck, armor pierc­ing blade edge skill!„Bang!”The shoul­der was at­tacked, a sad feel­ing trans­mits, the strik­ing power of this goods also was re­ally too high„15277!”Li Mu makes a fist: „, 102 lev­els of Saint sun­light step will BOSS, how hit that many HP? guild­mas­ter ac­tual de­fen­sive power at least 2 W above rank”Wipes the tea to nar­row a pair of beau­ti­ful eye: „The at­tack that be­cause the Boss with­stands is the armor pierc­ing blade edge, at least has dis­re­garded over 50% de­fen­sive pow­ers!”Fi­nally, BOSS cut down me again and again to retro­cede, over­takes twice or­di­nary at­tacks, con­firmed has wiped the tea the words, the or­di­nary at­tack of this goods is truly lower to my in­jury, had 7000-8000 points in­jury digit, was not fatal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Cuaca yang cerah, den Dragon berdiri batu-perusahaan di terbang badai salju, bidang visi tidak terbuka, tetapi dapat melihat jauh ke depan di bawah bersinar dari langit, hutan utara tak terbatas, telah dikirimkan di mana-mana suara mendesing dari hewan liar dan iblis, menggali kuburan hantu untuk memegang lengan terbang cutter untuk menjalankan keluar dari hutan, garis depan setidaknya 4 meter raksasa tinggi, raksasa ini memiliki empat lengan, lengan masing-masing menggenggam sebuah menangani tepi pemotongan menakutkan, seluruh tubuh meliputi dalam surat-baja hitam dan helm, dada enam abdominis musculi biarkan ini semua pemain pria memerah karena malu, pada bagian bawah empat kaki tajam penuh adalah duri, ditusuk lapisan batu bentrok., kepala sengit bergoyang , memancarkan gemuruh kisi.
"BOSS datang, untuk kita!" Lagu Han cemas mengatakan dengan senyum.
aku mengangkat pedang untuk melompat untuk maju, "" datang untuk berhenti pada kolom batu sasaran memanah, adalah penyempitan mata, dengan jarak BOSS waktu sekitar 100 yard telah membaca atribut BOSS, saham langsung di saluran serikat, akhirnya semua orang juga melongo menatap, BOSS ini tidak umum
【Rips angin Lin Jie】 (Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS)
level: 102
Serangan : 5700-7500
Pertahanan: 7000
HP: 4000,0000
Keterampilan: 【Armor tepi pisau menusuk】 【pemotongan Tornado】 【perisai keberanian】 【badai Scarlet】
Diperkenalkan: Rips angin, pembangkit tenaga listrik dari utara wilayah iblis yang berbeda es dingin departemen masing , Lin Jie memiliki bakat luar biasa untuk elemen sistem angin sejak kecil, memiliki pemahaman asli untuk keajaiban sistem angin dan teknik perang, adalah setan Wu Shuangxiu induk, berikut Ling Han untuk melawan atas dan ke bawah negara, bersatu selatan yang berbeda setan suku, adalah seorang kapten yang luar biasa dan perang menjarah
Lin Wan Er melihat atribut BOSS, mengatakan: "Sedikit kehilangan pembantaian BOSS ini, kekuatan pertahanan dan HP babi datar yang cukup tinggi, apalagi kecil dengan BOSS Tingkat disparitas, yang atribut ditekan juga sedikit, Anda menganjurkan T, tisu teh, kedua pahlawan dan Tang Xin tiga ksatria untuk mengganti, bersiap untuk memukul untuk memecahkan keterampilan BOSS setiap saat heroik, saya dan ramping, serigala totem untuk menunggu kesempatan untuk menyelinap menyerang output dangkal, jarak jauh mempertahankan dengan BOSS setidaknya 30 yard jarak, dengan es adalah sihir dan pusing keterampilan meledak, dimulai, praktek pengobatan mengunci pengobatan Guildmaster! "
aku" dentang "menarik keluar belakang kota bulan pedang, jauh untuk yang merobek angin pisau pisau spasial keterampilan berputar tajam, disikat berturut-turut selama 4 kali menembus bertubuh BOSS, ia cepat juga dikenakan, menderu, mengacungkan pegangan panjang blade untuk melompat untuk melompat, langsung ke saya itu menjadi sengit sengit melanda, armor piercing keterampilan tepi pisau!
bahu diserang, perasaan sedih mentransmisikan, kekuatan mencolok barang ini juga benar-benar terlalu tinggi
Li Mu membuat tinju: ", 102 tingkat dari Saint sinar matahari langkah akan BOSS, bagaimana menekan bahwa banyak HP? kekuatan pertahanan Guildmaster sebenarnya minimal 2 W di atas peringkat "
Wipes teh untuk mempersempit sepasang mata yang indah:"! Serangan bahwa karena Boss tahan adalah tepi pisau armor piercing, setidaknya telah diabaikan lebih dari 50% kekuatan defensif "
Akhirnya, BOSS ditebang saya lagi dan lagi untuk retrocede, menyusul serangan dua kali biasa, dikonfirmasi telah dihapus teh kata-kata, serangan biasa barang ini benar-benar lebih rendah untuk cedera saya, memiliki 7000-8000 poin cedera digit, itu tidak fatal.
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