“The time is about right. The leftover Northern road, we three…” Song  terjemahan - “The time is about right. The leftover Northern road, we three…” Song  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“The time is about right. The lefto

“The time is about right. The leftover Northern road, we three…” Song Qingluo said hesitantly.

The aim of both Qin Wushuang and Xia Houwu was extremely clear.

They were from the two most influential families within the city, and naturally did not care about the Spirit herbs and rare medicines within the [Boundary canyon battlefield]. If they wanted a Spirit beast, they could also think of other methods to obtain one in the outside world. There was not a need to go to the wild areas outside the canyons and place themselves in danger.

Within this battlefield, every time you were able to kill a rune soldier, you were rewarded by the Boundary canyon. You could obtain a strand of yuan qi forever, and this type of increase in strength would persist even when you left the [Boundary canyon battlefield].

So therefore, from the perspective of these people, before being killed by the students of Azure Phoenix academy, they would do their best and kill the most demon rune soldiers. This way, they would be able to obtain the most rewards, this way they could maximise their gains.

As for the overall victory?

From the very start, they had not cared about such a thing.

One person completely controlling a canyon road, was unquestionably the best choice if you wanted to kill the most rune demon soldiers.

The words of Song Qingluo had a hint of unwillingness to split the rewards of the Northern path between three people.

“You and Xiaojun head to the North path, at the very least you can take care of each other.” Ye Qingyu said unhesitatingly.

“I want to go with Brother Qingyu.” The lips of the little loli pouted out till oil bottles were able to hung from it.

“Listen to me, I’ll go and find you shortly.” Ye Qingyu lifted his hand, in the process of giving the little loli a flick on the head.

“Brother Qingyu is annoying.” The little loli quickly evaded, jumping to one side.

Finally the cousins left together.

In the entire headquarters, there was only Ye Qingyu left.


“There is two hours left till the enemies will reach the battlefield, completely crush them!”

The vast voice of the Formation Emperor Luoso sounded out through the entire battlefield yet again. The voice was like the beat of a war drum, causing one’s blood to boil, and causing someone’s will to do battle exponentially rise.

Ye Qingyu stood in front of the gate of the North path, a smile appearing on his face.

“What does the rewards from killing rune soldiers matter. The largest pile of wealth in this battlefield, is really within the wilderness…allow me, to rule over this entire battle.”

His figure was like lightning, rushing out from the headquarters.



“It’s started,it’s started, the fourth round has finally begun!”

“I hope there can be a pleasant surprise!”

“As long as we don’t get completely destroyed by Azure Phoenix!”

“Give us a little bit of hope!”

In the centre of the practice rounds, the students clustered in front of the stone mirror, said in a pleading tone, almost as if they were praying.



“What’s happening? Ye Qingyu has chosen to enter the wildernhess?””

Ascending Heaven pavilion.

The second and third year representatives who had already been eliminated, through the formation projection, were able to see everything that happened within the battlefield. Instantly, shock was evident on the faces of every person.

In the previous three rounds, there was no one who had chosen the wilderness to become their field of activity

Although in the formation projection, they were only able to see the actions of their own party and not the doings of the Azure Phoenix people, but nearly every student felt Ye Qingyu had gone mad.

“He’s definitely afraid, he’s definitely afraid. He thinks that by entering the desolate wilderness, the people of Azure Phoenix won’t be able to find him, and he can live for a longer time.” Someone said in a thoughtful tone.

“If it is really this, then he is despicable…” Another person said.

“To allow suc
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“The time is about right. The leftover Northern road, we three…” Song Qingluo said hesitantly.The aim of both Qin Wushuang and Xia Houwu was extremely clear.They were from the two most influential families within the city, and naturally did not care about the Spirit herbs and rare medicines within the [Boundary canyon battlefield]. If they wanted a Spirit beast, they could also think of other methods to obtain one in the outside world. There was not a need to go to the wild areas outside the canyons and place themselves in danger.Within this battlefield, every time you were able to kill a rune soldier, you were rewarded by the Boundary canyon. You could obtain a strand of yuan qi forever, and this type of increase in strength would persist even when you left the [Boundary canyon battlefield].So therefore, from the perspective of these people, before being killed by the students of Azure Phoenix academy, they would do their best and kill the most demon rune soldiers. This way, they would be able to obtain the most rewards, this way they could maximise their gains.As for the overall victory?From the very start, they had not cared about such a thing.One person completely controlling a canyon road, was unquestionably the best choice if you wanted to kill the most rune demon soldiers.The words of Song Qingluo had a hint of unwillingness to split the rewards of the Northern path between three people.“You and Xiaojun head to the North path, at the very least you can take care of each other.” Ye Qingyu said unhesitatingly.“I want to go with Brother Qingyu.” The lips of the little loli pouted out till oil bottles were able to hung from it.“Listen to me, I’ll go and find you shortly.” Ye Qingyu lifted his hand, in the process of giving the little loli a flick on the head.“Brother Qingyu is annoying.” The little loli quickly evaded, jumping to one side.Finally the cousins left together.In the entire headquarters, there was only Ye Qingyu left.Suddenly—“There is two hours left till the enemies will reach the battlefield, completely crush them!”The vast voice of the Formation Emperor Luoso sounded out through the entire battlefield yet again. The voice was like the beat of a war drum, causing one’s blood to boil, and causing someone’s will to do battle exponentially rise.Ye Qingyu stood in front of the gate of the North path, a smile appearing on his face.“What does the rewards from killing rune soldiers matter. The largest pile of wealth in this battlefield, is really within the wilderness…allow me, to rule over this entire battle.”His figure was like lightning, rushing out from the headquarters.…………“It’s started,it’s started, the fourth round has finally begun!”“I hope there can be a pleasant surprise!”“As long as we don’t get completely destroyed by Azure Phoenix!”“Give us a little bit of hope!”In the centre of the practice rounds, the students clustered in front of the stone mirror, said in a pleading tone, almost as if they were praying.…………“What’s happening? Ye Qingyu has chosen to enter the wildernhess?””Ascending Heaven pavilion.The second and third year representatives who had already been eliminated, through the formation projection, were able to see everything that happened within the battlefield. Instantly, shock was evident on the faces of every person.In the previous three rounds, there was no one who had chosen the wilderness to become their field of activityAlthough in the formation projection, they were only able to see the actions of their own party and not the doings of the Azure Phoenix people, but nearly every student felt Ye Qingyu had gone mad.“He’s definitely afraid, he’s definitely afraid. He thinks that by entering the desolate wilderness, the people of Azure Phoenix won’t be able to find him, and he can live for a longer time.” Someone said in a thoughtful tone.“If it is really this, then he is despicable…” Another person said.“To allow suc
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Waktu yang tepat. The sisa jalan Utara, kami tiga ... "kata Song Qingluo ragu-ragu. Tujuan dari kedua Qin Wushuang dan Xia Houwu sangat jelas. Mereka berasal dari dua keluarga yang paling berpengaruh dalam kota, dan secara alami tidak peduli tentang tumbuhan Roh dan langka obat-obatan dalam [Batas canyon medan perang]. Jika mereka ingin binatang Roh, mereka juga bisa memikirkan metode lain untuk mendapatkan satu di dunia luar. Tidak ada kebutuhan untuk pergi ke daerah liar di luar lembah dan menempatkan dirinya dalam bahaya. Dalam medan perang ini, setiap kali Anda mampu membunuh seorang tentara Rune, Anda dihargai oleh canyon Batas. Anda bisa mendapatkan sehelai yuan qi selamanya, dan jenis ini peningkatan kekuatan akan bertahan bahkan ketika Anda meninggalkan [Boundary canyon medan perang]. Jadi karena itu, dari sudut pandang orang-orang ini, sebelum dibunuh oleh mahasiswa dari Azure Phoenix akademi , mereka akan melakukan yang terbaik dan membunuh paling tentara setan Rune. Dengan cara ini, mereka akan dapat memperoleh paling imbalan, cara ini mereka bisa memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka. Adapun kemenangan keseluruhan? Dari awal, mereka tidak peduli tentang hal itu. Satu orang benar-benar mengendalikan jalan canyon, adalah tidak diragukan lagi pilihan terbaik jika Anda ingin membunuh paling Rune setan tentara. kata-kata Song Qingluo memiliki sedikit keengganan untuk membagi penghargaan dari jalur Utara antara tiga orang. "kau dan kepala Xiaojun ke jalan Utara, di bagian paling setidaknya Anda bisa mengurus satu sama lain. "kata Ye Qingyu tanpa ragu. " aku ingin pergi dengan Saudara Qingyu. "bibir orang loli sedikit cemberut keluar sampai botol minyak mampu menutup dari itu. " Dengarkan aku, aku ll pergi dan menemukan Anda segera. "Ye Qingyu mengangkat tangannya, dalam proses pemberian loli kecil film di kepala. " Saudara Qingyu menjengkelkan. "The loli kecil cepat menghindari, melompat ke satu sisi. Akhirnya sepupu meninggalkan bersama-sama. di seluruh markas, hanya ada Ye Qingyu tersisa. tiba-tiba- "ada dua jam meninggalkan sampai musuh akan mencapai medan perang, benar-benar menghancurkan mereka!" suara besar Formasi Kaisar Luoso terdengar keluar melalui seluruh medan perang belum lagi. Suara itu seperti ketukan drum perang, menyebabkan darah seseorang mendidih, dan menyebabkan kemauan seseorang untuk melakukan pertempuran secara eksponensial meningkat. Ye Qingyu berdiri di depan pintu gerbang jalur Utara, senyum muncul di wajahnya. "Apa imbalan dari membunuh tentara Rune peduli. Tumpukan terbesar dari kekayaan di medan perang ini, adalah benar-benar dalam padang gurun ... memungkinkan saya, untuk memerintah atas seluruh pertempuran ini. " Sosoknya seperti petir, bergegas keluar dari kantor pusat. ...... ...... " Ini mulai, itu dimulai, putaran keempat akhirnya dimulai! " " saya berharap bisa ada kejutan yang menyenangkan! " " selama kita tidak mendapatkan hancur oleh Azure Phoenix! " " Beri kami sedikit harapan! " Di tengah praktek putaran, siswa berkerumun di depan cermin batu, berkata dengan nada memohon, hampir seolah-olah mereka sedang berdoa. ...... ...... "Apa yang terjadi? Ye Qingyu telah memilih untuk masuk wildernhess itu? "" Ascending Surga paviliun. Para wakil tahun kedua dan ketiga yang sudah tersingkir, melalui proyeksi pembentukan, mampu melihat segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam medan perang. Seketika, shock tampak jelas di wajah setiap orang. Dalam tiga putaran sebelumnya, tidak ada orang yang telah memilih padang gurun menjadi bidang kegiatan Meskipun dalam proyeksi formasi, mereka hanya bisa melihat tindakan mereka sendiri partai dan bukan perbuatan dari orang-orang Azure Phoenix, tapi hampir setiap siswa merasa Ye Qingyu sudah gila. "dia pasti takut, dia pasti takut. Ia berpikir bahwa dengan memasukkan padang gurun terpencil, orang-orang dari Azure Phoenix tidak akan dapat menemukan dia, dan dia bisa hidup untuk waktu yang lama. "Seseorang berkata dengan nada bijaksana. " Jika benar-benar ini, maka ia tercela ... "kata orang lain. " Untuk memungkinkan suc

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