Players of the Everest game had access to photographs, video, stories, terjemahan - Players of the Everest game had access to photographs, video, stories, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Players of the Everest game had acc

Players of the Everest game had access to photographs, video, stories, and reports of Everest expeditions funded by NGS. The success of these products led Fahey to establish a new division, National Geographic Games (NGG), in November 2008 to develop games for multiple platforms that reflected the society's mission and values and related to content from various units. The first game released was "Herod's Lost Tomb," which could be downloaded to diverse platforms or played online from the NG website.4 Some content came from the NGM issue on King Herod. Cross-platform events Beginning in 2008, a cross-platform team of senior representatives from the editorial groups of the magazine, television production, channel, books, and other units met monthly to assess story or program opportunities that NGS could develop, produce, and slot into coordinated events. The goal, noted Betty Hudson, executive vice president of communications, was "to better leverage our synergistic potential to engage and attract all kinds of audiences in lots of different ways. The team coordinates projects and programs across multiple media platforms using the same basic content, while managing through the day-to-day issues like leadership, messaging, and timing." Plans for topics to be featured in future publications and NGS products were made 12 to 24 months ahead. Once the team chose a project for a cross-platform event, NGS set up smaller, project-specific working groups to share production assets, update others on the work, and coordinate marketing and other project management functions. Members of these groups varied, depending on which producers, magazine writers, and photojournalists were directly involved.
The society did about six major cross-platform events annually, building multiple offerings such as a magazine article, a game, and a television documentary around a single topic or theme (called a "tent pole"); it also organized a few intermediate-sized events. The story about Michael Fay's walk through Africa was told on the web, in the magazine, in a book, and in a television special. While television programs related to cross-platform events tended to have 50%-100% higher viewership than other NGS programming, stories played differently across diverse media. For example, the Ice Baby story (about the 40,000-year-old remains of a one-month-old baby mammoth) did well on the web, but poorly in single-copy magazine sales. The original idea for a tent pole could come from any division or group. Mission Programs was the first to see a manuscript of the Gospel of Judas and acquired the rights to use the material; the magazine got the original lead for a story on Stonehenge. Making the new structure work Challenges soon emerged. First, topics did not always generate consensus. Fahey explained, "The channel might have an idea and want the magazine to do a story on it as well. If the idea is market-based and has journalistic integrity, the magazine should do it. But if the magazine rejects the idea because they did not come up with it, that is a shame and something we must avoid." Second, once a topic was selected, no specific formula existed for allocating the costs for developing content related to the story. Typically, some of the costs were borne by Mission Programs. Kelly observed, "We try to work with them so that they invest in things that all of our media are onboard with. Otherwise, it is money wasted." Third, because each major piece of GMG was still a distinct business whose financial results drove some part of individual compensation, there was a sense that many leaders judged themselves by the success of their own division and strove to maximize its success rather than that of the society as a whole. A senior NGM executive, for example, noted, "If I don't sell magazines, I am a failure." As a result, even as they increased coordination, GMG, Mission Programs, and the Enterprise Group were each working on deals with various contingencies and exclusivities, but with no cost-benefit analysis conducted at the level of the society as a whole. "There could be business opportunities that multiple groups are chasing independently," Sablo explained. "Such things crop up frequently."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pemain dari permainan Everest memiliki akses ke foto-foto, video, cerita, dan laporan dari ekspedisi Everest didanai oleh NG. Keberhasilan produk ini menyebabkan Fahey untuk mendirikan divisi baru, National Geographic permainan (Diashow), pada bulan November 2008 untuk mengembangkan permainan untuk beberapa platform yang mencerminkan misi dan nilai-nilai masyarakat dan berkaitan dengan isi dari berbagai unit. Permainan pertama yang dirilis adalah "Herodes hilang makam," yang dapat di-download ke berbagai platform atau bermain online dari website.4 NG beberapa konten datang dari edisi NGM pada Raja Herodes. Cross-platform peristiwa mulai tahun 2008, tim lintas-platform perwakilan senior dari kelompok redaksi majalah, produksi televisi, saluran, buku, dan unit lain bertemu bulanan untuk menilai cerita atau program peluang yang NG bisa mengembangkan, memproduksi, dan slot ke dalam kegiatan terkoordinasi. Tujuannya, mencatat Betty Hudson, executive vice president dari komunikasi, adalah "untuk lebih memanfaatkan potensi kita sinergis untuk terlibat dan menarik semua jenis penonton dalam banyak cara yang berbeda. Tim Koordinasi proyek dan program di beberapa platform media dengan menggunakan konten dasar yang sama, sementara mengelola melalui isu-isu sehari-hari seperti kepemimpinan, pesan, dan waktu." Rencana untuk topik untuk tampil di depan publikasi dan Komunikasi produk dibuat 12 sampai 24 bulan depan. Setelah tim memilih sebuah proyek untuk acara lintas-platform, NG mengatur lebih kecil, proyek kelompok kerja berbagi aset produksi, memperbarui orang lain pada pekerjaan dan mengkoordinasikan fungsi manajemen proyek pemasaran dan lainnya. Anggota dari kelompok ini bervariasi, tergantung pada produsen, majalah penulis dan photojournalists terlibat langsung. The society did about six major cross-platform events annually, building multiple offerings such as a magazine article, a game, and a television documentary around a single topic or theme (called a "tent pole"); it also organized a few intermediate-sized events. The story about Michael Fay's walk through Africa was told on the web, in the magazine, in a book, and in a television special. While television programs related to cross-platform events tended to have 50%-100% higher viewership than other NGS programming, stories played differently across diverse media. For example, the Ice Baby story (about the 40,000-year-old remains of a one-month-old baby mammoth) did well on the web, but poorly in single-copy magazine sales. The original idea for a tent pole could come from any division or group. Mission Programs was the first to see a manuscript of the Gospel of Judas and acquired the rights to use the material; the magazine got the original lead for a story on Stonehenge. Making the new structure work Challenges soon emerged. First, topics did not always generate consensus. Fahey explained, "The channel might have an idea and want the magazine to do a story on it as well. If the idea is market-based and has journalistic integrity, the magazine should do it. But if the magazine rejects the idea because they did not come up with it, that is a shame and something we must avoid." Second, once a topic was selected, no specific formula existed for allocating the costs for developing content related to the story. Typically, some of the costs were borne by Mission Programs. Kelly observed, "We try to work with them so that they invest in things that all of our media are onboard with. Otherwise, it is money wasted." Third, because each major piece of GMG was still a distinct business whose financial results drove some part of individual compensation, there was a sense that many leaders judged themselves by the success of their own division and strove to maximize its success rather than that of the society as a whole. A senior NGM executive, for example, noted, "If I don't sell magazines, I am a failure." As a result, even as they increased coordination, GMG, Mission Programs, and the Enterprise Group were each working on deals with various contingencies and exclusivities, but with no cost-benefit analysis conducted at the level of the society as a whole. "There could be business opportunities that multiple groups are chasing independently," Sablo explained. "Such things crop up frequently."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pemain dari permainan Everest memiliki akses ke foto-foto, video, cerita, dan laporan dari ekspedisi Everest yang didanai oleh NGS. Keberhasilan produk ini dipimpin Fahey untuk mendirikan sebuah divisi baru, National Geographic Games (NGG), pada bulan November 2008 untuk mengembangkan game untuk berbagai platform yang mencerminkan misi dan nilai-nilai masyarakat dan terkait dengan konten dari berbagai unit. Permainan pertama dirilis adalah "Herodes Lost Tomb," yang bisa diunduh untuk beragam platform atau dimainkan secara online dari NG website.4 Beberapa konten berasal dari masalah NGM pada Raja Herodes. Lintas-platform peristiwa Awal tahun 2008, tim lintas-platform dari perwakilan senior dari kelompok editorial majalah, produksi televisi, saluran, buku, dan unit lainnya bertemu bulanan untuk menilai cerita atau program peluang yang NGS bisa mengembangkan, memproduksi, dan Slot ke acara terkoordinasi. Tujuannya, mencatat Betty Hudson, wakil presiden eksekutif komunikasi, adalah "untuk lebih meningkatkan potensi sinergis kami untuk terlibat dan menarik semua jenis penonton dalam banyak cara yang berbeda. Tim Koordinat proyek dan program di platform beberapa media menggunakan konten dasar yang sama , sambil mengelola melalui isu-isu sehari-hari seperti kepemimpinan, messaging, dan waktu. " Rencana untuk topik yang akan ditampilkan dalam publikasi masa depan dan produk NGS dibuat 12 sampai 24 bulan ke depan. Setelah tim memilih sebuah proyek untuk acara lintas-platform, NGS mengatur lebih kecil, kelompok kerja proyek-spesifik untuk berbagi aset produksi, informasi lain pada pekerjaan, dan mengkoordinasikan pemasaran dan manajemen proyek lainnya fungsi. Anggota kelompok ini bervariasi, tergantung pada produsen, penulis majalah, dan jurnalis foto terlibat langsung.
Masyarakat melakukan sekitar enam utama acara lintas-platform setiap tahun, membangun beberapa persembahan seperti artikel majalah, permainan, dan sebuah film dokumenter televisi sekitar topik tunggal atau tema (disebut "tenda tiang"); itu juga diselenggarakan beberapa acara menengah berukuran. Cerita tentang Michael Fay berjalan melalui Afrika diberitahu di web, di majalah, buku, dan di televisi khusus. Sementara program televisi yang berkaitan dengan cross-platform peristiwa cenderung memiliki 50% pemirsa -100% lebih tinggi dari pemrograman lain NGS, cerita yang dimainkan berbeda di beragam media yang. Misalnya, cerita Ice Baby (sekitar sisa-sisa berusia 40.000 tahun dari mammoth bayi satu-bulan-tua) melakukannya dengan baik di web, tapi buruk dalam penjualan majalah single-copy. Ide asli untuk tiang tenda bisa datang dari setiap divisi atau kelompok. Misi Program adalah orang pertama yang melihat naskah Injil Yudas dan memperoleh hak untuk menggunakan materi; majalah tersebut mendapat memimpin asli untuk cerita tentang Stonehenge. Membuat pekerjaan struktur baru Tantangan segera muncul. Pertama, topik tidak selalu menghasilkan konsensus. Fahey menjelaskan, "Saluran ini mungkin punya ide dan ingin majalah melakukan cerita di atasnya juga. Jika idenya adalah berbasis pasar dan memiliki integritas jurnalistik, majalah harus melakukannya. Tetapi jika majalah menolak gagasan karena mereka tidak datang dengan itu, itu adalah rasa malu dan sesuatu yang harus kita hindari. " Kedua, setelah topik terpilih, tidak ada formula khusus ada untuk mengalokasikan biaya untuk mengembangkan konten yang terkait dengan cerita. Biasanya, beberapa biaya yang ditanggung oleh Program Mission. Kelly diamati, "Kami mencoba untuk bekerja dengan mereka sehingga mereka berinvestasi dalam hal-hal yang semua media kami onboard dengan. Jika tidak, itu adalah uang terbuang." Ketiga, karena masing-masing bagian utama dari GMG masih bisnis yang berbeda yang hasilnya keuangan melaju beberapa bagian dari kompensasi individu, ada perasaan bahwa banyak pemimpin dinilai sendiri oleh keberhasilan divisi mereka sendiri dan berusaha untuk memaksimalkan keberhasilan dan bukan yang dari masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Seorang eksekutif senior NGM, misalnya, mencatat, "Jika saya tidak menjual majalah, saya gagal." Akibatnya, bahkan saat mereka meningkatkan koordinasi, GMG, Misi Program, dan Enterprise Group masing-masing bekerja pada penawaran dengan berbagai kontinjensi dan exclusivities, tapi tanpa analisis biaya-manfaat yang dilakukan di tingkat masyarakat secara keseluruhan. "Mungkin ada peluang bisnis yang beberapa kelompok mengejar independen," jelas Sablo. "Hal-hal seperti muncul sering."
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