within the organization and with the investor, theywere not in fact us terjemahan - within the organization and with the investor, theywere not in fact us Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

within the organization and with th

within the organization and with the investor, they
were not in fact using any resources to improve
actual CSR engagement. In other words, as it became
more powerful, work on CSR planning and
initiatives virtually ceased while actors struggled to
position themselves more favourably within the
organization based on the new opportunities presented
by CSR. And, there is the paradox – as CSR
becomes more powerful, the rewards that this power
creates within organizations may in fact subvert efforts
to move CSR forward, and therefore subvert
the benefits to stakeholders that this power is
assumed to provide.
CSR is therefore distinct in that it is highly susceptible
to the opportunistic behaviour of actors and
subversion of resulting societal benefits due to the high
uncertainty that surrounds it. As resource dependence
theory suggests, organizations employ different strategies
and tactics to reduce uncertainty and constraint
within their environments. This is done by accessing
key resources (such as individuals or legitimacy) that
help to absorb the constraint, providing the organization
with increased discretion and control over its
activities (e.g. Casciaro and Piskorski, 2005; Hillman
et al., 2000). However, the complexity and uncertainty
surrounding a vast range of CSR issues means
that identifying the appropriate resources to ‘absorb’
CSR is difficult. Few individuals have the knowledge
and networks to effectively create the interdependencies
between the organization and external groups
around pertinent CSR issues. They therefore have
limited expertise and experience, but also fewer
channels for communication, aids in obtaining support
or external credibility (Pfeffer and Salancik,
1978/2003) to deal with these external CSR factors.
This in tandem with the complexity of CSR means
that it is quite easy for individuals with little expertise
and/or interest to manipulate and control CSR
activities without the organization realizing the consequences
until much later in the process. Therefore,
CSR acts as a constraint at the organizational level,
compelling organizations to engage in it due to
changes in their operating environment, but as an
opportunity at the individual level, where actors
(some with little personal interest) may use CSR as a
tool for improving their own position.
Thus, constraint absorption (Casciaro and Piskorski,
2005) is not achieved in the long-term as the
constraints imposed by CSR still exist, but the
opportunistic behaviour of actors within the organization
ignore or do not employ their resources in
responding to these constraints, putting the organization
at further risk. Opportunities for the business
(Bloodgood and Morrow, 2003) resulting from CSR
are also virtually ignored, reducing the likelihood
that CSR will be seen as having traditional (and
non-traditional) business benefits, and therefore less
likely to have support at senior levels within the
organization. Looking back to the three more
common methods of reducing uncertainty, creating
interdependencies, mergers and acquisitions and
employing individuals with key resources, we see
that these methods are problematic with regard to
CSR. Since merging or acquiring new ‘CSR focussed’
companies is a very expensive option and is
not guaranteed to provide access to key resources in
such a complex area (i.e. as was the case with
L’Oreal’s purchase of the Body Shop), and the creation
of interdependencies relies heavily on individual
actors to identify and create these
relationships, the problems created by opportunistic
behaviour are significant. And, this behaviour is
exacerbated by the fact that CSR does not have its
own natural place within business due to the fact that
it cuts across all business functions. Without this
natural placement, with high levels of uncertainty
due to its complexity, and with the potential to attract
opportunistically motivated individuals due to
the opportunities CSR creates at an individual level,
it is susceptible to perversion or corruption from
those who seek to control it. Also, the struggle for
control is heightened due to the fact that personal
ethics of CSR professionals are thought to be relevant
to their ability to be in control of CSR, and are
thus used to personalize and therefore intensify the
struggle, whether intentional or not.
Therefore, CSR must be carefully managed to ensure
that its formation within the organization reflects
an understanding of the resources needed to engage
effectively across a range of issues. For instance, by
ensuring senior management responsibility for CSR,
authority and access given to the person functionally
responsible for CSR, and appropriate hiring competencies
used to fill the CSR role, it is possible to significantly
limit the potential forCSRto be used as a tool
for personal gain within organizations.
The Paradox of Power in CSR 31
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
within the organization and with the investor, they
were not in fact using any resources to improve
actual CSR engagement. In other words, as it became
more powerful, work on CSR planning and
initiatives virtually ceased while actors struggled to
position themselves more favourably within the
organization based on the new opportunities presented
by CSR. And, there is the paradox – as CSR
becomes more powerful, the rewards that this power
creates within organizations may in fact subvert efforts
to move CSR forward, and therefore subvert
the benefits to stakeholders that this power is
assumed to provide.
CSR is therefore distinct in that it is highly susceptible
to the opportunistic behaviour of actors and
subversion of resulting societal benefits due to the high
uncertainty that surrounds it. As resource dependence
theory suggests, organizations employ different strategies
and tactics to reduce uncertainty and constraint
within their environments. This is done by accessing
key resources (such as individuals or legitimacy) that
help to absorb the constraint, providing the organization
with increased discretion and control over its
activities (e.g. Casciaro and Piskorski, 2005; Hillman
et al., 2000). However, the complexity and uncertainty
surrounding a vast range of CSR issues means
that identifying the appropriate resources to ‘absorb’
CSR is difficult. Few individuals have the knowledge
and networks to effectively create the interdependencies
between the organization and external groups
around pertinent CSR issues. They therefore have
limited expertise and experience, but also fewer
channels for communication, aids in obtaining support
or external credibility (Pfeffer and Salancik,
1978/2003) to deal with these external CSR factors.
This in tandem with the complexity of CSR means
that it is quite easy for individuals with little expertise
and/or interest to manipulate and control CSR
activities without the organization realizing the consequences
until much later in the process. Therefore,
CSR acts as a constraint at the organizational level,
compelling organizations to engage in it due to
changes in their operating environment, but as an
opportunity at the individual level, where actors
(some with little personal interest) may use CSR as a
tool for improving their own position.
Thus, constraint absorption (Casciaro and Piskorski,
2005) is not achieved in the long-term as the
constraints imposed by CSR still exist, but the
opportunistic behaviour of actors within the organization
ignore or do not employ their resources in
responding to these constraints, putting the organization
at further risk. Opportunities for the business
(Bloodgood and Morrow, 2003) resulting from CSR
are also virtually ignored, reducing the likelihood
that CSR will be seen as having traditional (and
non-traditional) business benefits, and therefore less
likely to have support at senior levels within the
organization. Looking back to the three more
common methods of reducing uncertainty, creating
interdependencies, mergers and acquisitions and
employing individuals with key resources, we see
that these methods are problematic with regard to
CSR. Since merging or acquiring new ‘CSR focussed’
companies is a very expensive option and is
not guaranteed to provide access to key resources in
such a complex area (i.e. as was the case with
L’Oreal’s purchase of the Body Shop), and the creation
of interdependencies relies heavily on individual
actors to identify and create these
relationships, the problems created by opportunistic
behaviour are significant. And, this behaviour is
exacerbated by the fact that CSR does not have its
own natural place within business due to the fact that
it cuts across all business functions. Without this
natural placement, with high levels of uncertainty
due to its complexity, and with the potential to attract
opportunistically motivated individuals due to
the opportunities CSR creates at an individual level,
it is susceptible to perversion or corruption from
those who seek to control it. Also, the struggle for
control is heightened due to the fact that personal
ethics of CSR professionals are thought to be relevant
to their ability to be in control of CSR, and are
thus used to personalize and therefore intensify the
struggle, whether intentional or not.
Therefore, CSR must be carefully managed to ensure
that its formation within the organization reflects
an understanding of the resources needed to engage
effectively across a range of issues. For instance, by
ensuring senior management responsibility for CSR,
authority and access given to the person functionally
responsible for CSR, and appropriate hiring competencies
used to fill the CSR role, it is possible to significantly
limit the potential forCSRto be used as a tool
for personal gain within organizations.
The Paradox of Power in CSR 31
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dalam organisasi dan dengan investor, mereka
tidak pada kenyataannya menggunakan sumber daya untuk meningkatkan
keterlibatan CSR yang sebenarnya. Dengan kata lain, karena menjadi
lebih kuat, bekerja pada perencanaan dan CSR
inisiatif hampir berhenti sementara aktor berjuang untuk
memposisikan diri lebih positif dalam
organisasi berdasarkan peluang baru yang disajikan
oleh CSR. Dan, ada paradoks - sebagai CSR
menjadi lebih kuat, imbalan yang kekuatan ini
menciptakan dalam organisasi mungkin sebenarnya menumbangkan upaya
untuk bergerak maju CSR, dan karena itu menumbangkan
manfaat bagi para pemangku kepentingan bahwa kekuatan ini
diasumsikan untuk memberikan.
CSR karena itu berbeda dalam hal ini sangat rentan
terhadap perilaku oportunistik dari aktor dan
subversi yang dihasilkan manfaat sosial karena tingginya
ketidakpastian yang mengelilinginya. Ketergantungan sumber daya
teori menyatakan, organisasi menggunakan strategi yang berbeda
dan taktik untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian dan kendala
dalam lingkungan mereka. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengakses
sumber kunci (seperti perorangan atau legitimasi) yang
membantu untuk menyerap kendala, menyediakan organisasi
dengan peningkatan kebijaksanaan dan kontrol atas nya
kegiatan (misalnya Casciaro dan Piskorski, 2005; Hillman
et al., 2000). Namun, kompleksitas dan ketidakpastian
seputar berbagai macam isu CSR berarti
bahwa mengidentifikasi sumber daya yang tepat untuk 'menyerap'
CSR sulit. Beberapa individu memiliki pengetahuan
dan jaringan untuk secara efektif menciptakan saling ketergantungan
antara organisasi dan kelompok-kelompok eksternal
sekitar isu-isu terkait CSR. Oleh karena itu mereka memiliki
keahlian yang terbatas dan pengalaman, tetapi juga lebih sedikit
saluran untuk komunikasi, membantu dalam mendapatkan dukungan
atau kredibilitas eksternal (Pfeffer dan Salancik,
1978/2003) untuk menangani faktor-faktor eksternal CSR tersebut.
Hal ini seiring dengan kompleksitas CSR berarti
bahwa sangat mudah bagi individu dengan sedikit keahlian
dan / atau bunga untuk memanipulasi dan mengendalikan CSR
kegiatan tanpa organisasi menyadari konsekuensi
sampai lama kemudian dalam proses. Oleh karena itu,
CSR bertindak sebagai kendala di tingkat organisasi,
organisasi yang menarik untuk terlibat di dalamnya karena
perubahan dalam lingkungan operasi mereka, tetapi sebagai
kesempatan pada tingkat individu, di mana aktor
(beberapa dengan kepentingan pribadi sedikit) dapat menggunakan CSR sebagai
alat untuk meningkatkan posisi mereka sendiri.
Dengan demikian, penyerapan kendala (Casciaro dan Piskorski,
2005) tidak tercapai dalam jangka panjang sebagai
kendala yang dikenakan oleh CSR masih ada, tetapi
perilaku oportunistik pelaku dalam organisasi
mengabaikan atau tidak menggunakan sumber daya mereka dalam
menanggapi kendala-kendala tersebut, menempatkan organisasi
pada risiko lebih lanjut. Peluang untuk bisnis
(Bloodgood dan Morrow, 2003) yang dihasilkan dari CSR
juga hampir diabaikan, mengurangi kemungkinan
bahwa CSR akan terlihat seperti memiliki tradisional (dan
non-tradisional) keuntungan bisnis, dan karena itu kurang
cenderung memiliki dukungan di tingkat senior dalam yang
organisasi. Melihat kembali ke tiga
metode umum untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian, menciptakan
saling ketergantungan, merger dan akuisisi dan
mempekerjakan individu dengan sumber daya utama, kita melihat
bahwa metode ini bermasalah berkaitan dengan
CSR. Sejak merger atau mengakuisisi baru 'CSR difokuskan'
perusahaan adalah pilihan yang sangat mahal dan
tidak dijamin untuk memberikan akses ke sumber daya kunci dalam
suatu wilayah yang kompleks (yaitu seperti yang terjadi dengan
pembelian L'Oreal of the Body Shop), dan penciptaan
saling ketergantungan sangat bergantung pada individu
pelaku untuk mengidentifikasi dan membuat ini
hubungan, masalah yang diciptakan oleh oportunistik
perilaku yang signifikan. Dan, perilaku ini
diperburuk oleh fakta bahwa CSR tidak memiliki nya
tempat alami sendiri dalam bisnis karena fakta bahwa
itu melintasi semua fungsi bisnis. Tanpa
penempatan alami, dengan tingkat ketidakpastian yang tinggi
karena kompleksitas, dan dengan potensi untuk menarik
individu termotivasi oportunis karena
peluang CSR menciptakan pada tingkat individu,
itu adalah rentan terhadap penyimpangan atau korupsi dari
mereka yang berusaha untuk mengendalikannya. Juga, perjuangan untuk
kontrol meningkat karena fakta bahwa pribadi
etika profesional CSR dianggap relevan
dengan kemampuan mereka untuk mengendalikan CSR, dan
dengan demikian digunakan untuk personalisasi dan karena itu mengintensifkan
perjuangan, baik disengaja atau tidak.
Oleh karena itu, CSR harus hati-hati dikelola untuk memastikan
bahwa pembentukannya dalam organisasi mencerminkan
pemahaman tentang sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk terlibat
secara efektif di berbagai isu. Misalnya, dengan
memastikan tanggung jawab manajemen senior untuk CSR,
otoritas dan akses yang diberikan kepada orang yang secara fungsional
bertanggung jawab untuk CSR, dan kompetensi perekrutan yang tepat
digunakan untuk mengisi peran CSR, adalah mungkin untuk secara signifikan
membatasi potensi forCSRto digunakan sebagai alat
untuk pribadi mendapatkan dalam organisasi.
The Paradox of Power di CSR 31
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