But since I have received the honor of this appointment I have felt th terjemahan - But since I have received the honor of this appointment I have felt th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

But since I have received the honor

But since I have received the honor of this appointment I have felt that it would never
do to decline. The academic career also has its heroic obligations, so I stand here
without further deprecatory words. Let me say only this, that now that the current, here
and at Aberdeen, has begun to run from west to east, I hope it may continue to do so.
As the years go by, I hope that many of my countrymen may be asked to lecture in the
Scottish universities, changing places with Scotsmen lecturing in the United States; I
hope that our people may become in all these higher matters even as one people; and
that the peculiar philosophic temperament, as well as the peculiar political
temperament, that goes with our English speech may more and more pervade and
influence the world
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tapi karena saya telah menerima kehormatan penunjukan ini saya merasa bahwa itu tidak akan pernahmelakukan menurun. Karir Akademik juga memiliki kewajiban heroik, sehingga aku berdiri di sinitanpa lebih lanjut deprecatory kata. Saya katakan hanya ini, yang sekarang bahwa yang saat ini, di sinidan di Aberdeen, sudah mulai dijalankan dari Barat ke Timur, saya berharap ini dapat terus melakukannya.Seperti tahun-tahun berlalu, saya berharap bahwa banyak dari bangsaku mungkin diminta untuk kuliah diUniversitas Skotlandia, berubah tempat dengan orang Skotlandia yang memberikan kuliah di Amerika Serikat; Sayaberharap bahwa orang-orang kami dapat menjadi dalam semua hal ini lebih tinggi bahkan sebagai salah satu orang; danyang aneh temperamen filosofis, serta aneh politiktemperamen, yang berjalan dengan pidato bahasa Inggris kami dapat lebih menyerap danmempengaruhi dunia
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
But since I have received the honor of this appointment I have felt that it would never
do to decline. The academic career also has its heroic obligations, so I stand here
without further deprecatory words. Let me say only this, that now that the current, here
and at Aberdeen, has begun to run from west to east, I hope it may continue to do so.
As the years go by, I hope that many of my countrymen may be asked to lecture in the
Scottish universities, changing places with Scotsmen lecturing in the United States; I
hope that our people may become in all these higher matters even as one people; and
that the peculiar philosophic temperament, as well as the peculiar political
temperament, that goes with our English speech may more and more pervade and
influence the world
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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