I am from a big family. I have two aunts and one uncle whose houses ar terjemahan - I am from a big family. I have two aunts and one uncle whose houses ar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am from a big family. I have two

I am from a big family. I have two aunts and one uncle whose houses are so far from mine. I am the oldest child and have three brothers and one sister. I make many friends and love them very much. Everyday, after school, as village children, we gather together in our village’s playing field. In there, we can play football, play kites, play the “go back through the door” game, marbles game, and some other village children’s games. We are very closed friends.

One day, Thinky, my cousin, said, “Hi friends, you know that my father is a clever farmer. He had created scarecrow that made the birds never approach our paddy-field anymore. They just watched it from three miles away. They didn’t dare to pick even a grain of rice,” he boasted. “That’s great,” said one of my friends. “That’s nothing,” said Pinky, a big talk friend, too. “My father had created a so big-talk created a so big-dark scarecrow that the birds returned all of rice they had picked some days ago.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am from a big family. I have two aunts and one uncle whose houses are so far from mine. I am the oldest child and have three brothers and one sister. I make many friends and love them very much. Everyday, after school, as village children, we gather together in our village’s playing field. In there, we can play football, play kites, play the “go back through the door” game, marbles game, and some other village children’s games. We are very closed friends. One day, Thinky, my cousin, said, “Hi friends, you know that my father is a clever farmer. He had created scarecrow that made the birds never approach our paddy-field anymore. They just watched it from three miles away. They didn’t dare to pick even a grain of rice,” he boasted. “That’s great,” said one of my friends. “That’s nothing,” said Pinky, a big talk friend, too. “My father had created a so big-talk created a so big-dark scarecrow that the birds returned all of rice they had picked some days ago.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya dari keluarga besar. Aku punya dua bibi dan satu pamannya yang rumahnya begitu jauh dari saya. Saya anak tertua dan memiliki tiga saudara dan satu saudara perempuan. Saya membuat banyak teman dan sangat mencintai mereka. Setiap hari, sepulang sekolah, sebagai anak-anak desa, kita berkumpul bersama di lapangan desa kami ini. Di sana, kita bisa bermain sepak bola, layang-layang bermain, memainkan "kembali melalui pintu" permainan, kelereng permainan, dan permainan beberapa anak-anak desa lain. Kami adalah teman yang sangat tertutup.

Suatu hari, Thinky, sepupu saya, berkata, "Hai teman-teman, Anda tahu bahwa ayah saya adalah seorang petani yang cerdas. Dia telah menciptakan orang-orangan sawah yang membuat burung-burung tidak pernah mendekati sawah kami lagi. Mereka hanya menyaksikan dari tiga mil jauhnya. Mereka tidak berani mengambil bahkan sebutir beras, "ia membual. "Itu bagus," kata salah satu teman saya. "Itu tidak ada," kata Pinky, seorang teman bicara besar, juga. "Ayah saya telah menciptakan begitu besar-talk menciptakan orang-orangan sawah begitu besar-gelap bahwa burung kembali semua beras mereka telah mengambil beberapa hari yang lalu."
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