ear Users:Thanks for your interesting in Auto Macro Recorder,here the  terjemahan - ear Users:Thanks for your interesting in Auto Macro Recorder,here the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ear Users:Thanks for your interesti

ear Users:
Thanks for your interesting in Auto Macro Recorder,here the following is the instruction that make you know what the program is and how to use it.

1.What is Auto Macro Recorder?
Auto Macro Recorder is an easy-to-use macro recorder and player.You can use it to record keyboard and mouse operation to editable script files for any windows applications.

2.How to use it?
Press F10 to start ---> Do your operations you want to save ----> Press F11 to stop recording.

Press F9 to replay the script file ----> Press F8 to stop the replay at any time.
(You can change the hotkey if you don't like these)

3.Where is Auto Macro Recorder?
It looks like "+" , in the task bar (you can find its icon at right bottom of your desktop),you can right click it to do setting.

4.Why I can't edit the script file in Win7?
If you couldn't see or edit the scp file in Win7 by Windows Explorer but could see it by AutoMacroRecorder, It was just a matter of SECURITY PRIVILEGES, once you added ALL the privileges to the USER GROUP, you'll be able to edit the files which created by software."

About examples:
There are some examples in the installation folder of Auto Macro Recorder.

You can use notepad to open

to see the comments of how to use complex script command.

Also you can use Auto Macro Recorder to run them to see the result.
To debug the script file,use AutoEdit.

To know more,please open help document.

If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me by this email address:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
telinga pengguna:Terima kasih untuk menarik Anda dalam Auto perekam makro, di sini berikut adalah instruksi yang membuat Anda tahu apa program dan bagaimana menggunakannya.1. apa itu Auto Macro Recorder?Auto Macro Recorder adalah mudah-ke-menggunakan makro perekam dan pemutar.Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk catatan operasi keyboard dan mouse untuk file script yang dapat diedit untuk setiap aplikasi windows.2. how untuk menggunakannya?Tekan F10 untuk memulai---> Do operasi Anda ingin menyimpan---> Tekan F11 untuk menghentikan perekaman.Tekan F9 untuk replay skrip---> tekan F8 untuk menghentikan replay setiap saat.(Anda dapat mengubah jika Anda tidak suka ini)3. dimana ada Auto Macro Recorder?Kelihatannya seperti "+", di task bar (Anda dapat menemukan ikon di kanan bawah dari desktop Anda), Anda dapat mengklik kanan untuk melakukan pengaturan.4. Mengapa saya tidak dapat mengedit file script di Win7?Jika Anda tidak bisa melihat atau mengedit file dalam Win7 oleh Windows Explorer scp tapi bisa melihatnya oleh AutoMacroRecorder, itu hanya masalah keamanan keistimewaan, setelah Anda menambahkan semua hak untuk kelompok pengguna, Anda dapat mengedit file yang dibuat oleh perangkat lunak. "Tentang contoh:Ada beberapa contoh dalam folder instalasi otomatis Macro Recorder.Anda dapat menggunakan notepad untuk membukacapturescr.SCPRandom.SCPcopystrings.SCPloop.SCPsavewriteline.SCPreadtextline2clipboard.SCPwait4blackcolor.SCPWindow.SCPuntuk melihat komentar tentang bagaimana menggunakan perintah kompleks script.Juga Anda dapat menggunakan Auto Macro Recorder untuk menjalankan mereka untuk melihat hasil.Untuk men-debug script file, menggunakan AutoEdit.Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, silahkan buka dokumen bantuan.Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya melalui alamat email ini:Support@readmesoft.com
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ear Users:
Thanks for your interesting in Auto Macro Recorder,here the following is the instruction that make you know what the program is and how to use it.

1.What is Auto Macro Recorder?
Auto Macro Recorder is an easy-to-use macro recorder and player.You can use it to record keyboard and mouse operation to editable script files for any windows applications.

2.How to use it?
Press F10 to start ---> Do your operations you want to save ----> Press F11 to stop recording.

Press F9 to replay the script file ----> Press F8 to stop the replay at any time.
(You can change the hotkey if you don't like these)

3.Where is Auto Macro Recorder?
It looks like "+" , in the task bar (you can find its icon at right bottom of your desktop),you can right click it to do setting.

4.Why I can't edit the script file in Win7?
If you couldn't see or edit the scp file in Win7 by Windows Explorer but could see it by AutoMacroRecorder, It was just a matter of SECURITY PRIVILEGES, once you added ALL the privileges to the USER GROUP, you'll be able to edit the files which created by software."

About examples:
There are some examples in the installation folder of Auto Macro Recorder.

You can use notepad to open

to see the comments of how to use complex script command.

Also you can use Auto Macro Recorder to run them to see the result.
To debug the script file,use AutoEdit.

To know more,please open help document.

If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me by this email address:
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