that authority which is open to free and honest examination is a legit terjemahan - that authority which is open to free and honest examination is a legit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

that authority which is open to fre

that authority which is open to free and honest examination is a legitimate source of knowledge under certain circumstances. We also saw, however, that authority accepted on blind faith and in disregard of the extent to which it may harmonize with experience and reason is a dangerous thing. Today we live under rapidly changing conditions, and we face problems upon which the ancient authorities are silent. They do not tell us whether or not it is right to join a trade union or to do a score of other' things. Authoritarian ethics are likely to delay progress in a changing society. They are also likely to be destructive of moral perspective, since acts are condemned because they violate the code rather than because they are injurious to human welfare. The questionable. the unimportant, and the universally recognized acts of wrongdoing are put on the same level. Furthermore, whatever tends to discredit the authority tends to discredit all its pronouncements.

Many persons in our society accept custom as the basis of right and wrong. While many customs are beneficial and represent the past experience of the group, custom is not a good gauge of morality. To accept custom and tradition as the standard is to submerge the individual in society. In the past, progress has come mainly through some individual's challenging the customary actions of the group. While custom and moral demands will ordinarily coincide, we need to remember that there are good customs and bad customs.

To accept divine law in one of its forms does not give us as 'certain a standard as may appear at first. Let us admit that it is right to do the “will of God." There is, however, no hard and fast set of rules which can be entitled “God's will." The codes and commands attributed to God are most diverse, and they have changed with the development of the group and with changed conditions. Many modern religious leaders say that religion inspires men to discover the right and to live according to it. They do not think of ethics as an authoritarian and fixed system.

The role of authority has been growing weaker in modern society. This is due in part to influences that have come to us from the Renaissance, the Reformation, the development of modern science, the growth of the democratic spirit, which Stresses the worth of the person and his’right to think and to judge for himself, the growth of historical studies, and the rapid'changes in our mode of living and working. The modern attitude is not “as it was in the beginning,"but" prove all things" and “hold fast to that which is good" or which can stand the test of living.

At the opposite extreme from authoritarianism is ethical relativism. The ethical relativists claim that there are no common standards among men and that whatever an individual or a group thinks good is good for them. The rightness of an act depends on the opinion of some individual or group
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
that authority which is open to free and honest examination is a legitimate source of knowledge under certain circumstances. We also saw, however, that authority accepted on blind faith and in disregard of the extent to which it may harmonize with experience and reason is a dangerous thing. Today we live under rapidly changing conditions, and we face problems upon which the ancient authorities are silent. They do not tell us whether or not it is right to join a trade union or to do a score of other' things. Authoritarian ethics are likely to delay progress in a changing society. They are also likely to be destructive of moral perspective, since acts are condemned because they violate the code rather than because they are injurious to human welfare. The questionable. the unimportant, and the universally recognized acts of wrongdoing are put on the same level. Furthermore, whatever tends to discredit the authority tends to discredit all its pronouncements.Many persons in our society accept custom as the basis of right and wrong. While many customs are beneficial and represent the past experience of the group, custom is not a good gauge of morality. To accept custom and tradition as the standard is to submerge the individual in society. In the past, progress has come mainly through some individual's challenging the customary actions of the group. While custom and moral demands will ordinarily coincide, we need to remember that there are good customs and bad customs.To accept divine law in one of its forms does not give us as 'certain a standard as may appear at first. Let us admit that it is right to do the “will of God." There is, however, no hard and fast set of rules which can be entitled “God's will." The codes and commands attributed to God are most diverse, and they have changed with the development of the group and with changed conditions. Many modern religious leaders say that religion inspires men to discover the right and to live according to it. They do not think of ethics as an authoritarian and fixed system.The role of authority has been growing weaker in modern society. This is due in part to influences that have come to us from the Renaissance, the Reformation, the development of modern science, the growth of the democratic spirit, which Stresses the worth of the person and his’right to think and to judge for himself, the growth of historical studies, and the rapid'changes in our mode of living and working. The modern attitude is not “as it was in the beginning,"but" prove all things" and “hold fast to that which is good" or which can stand the test of living.ETHICAL RELATIVISMAt the opposite extreme from authoritarianism is ethical relativism. The ethical relativists claim that there are no common standards among men and that whatever an individual or a group thinks good is good for them. The rightness of an act depends on the opinion of some individual or group
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
bahwa otoritas yang terbuka untuk pemeriksaan gratis dan jujur ​​merupakan sumber yang sah pengetahuan dalam keadaan tertentu. Kita juga melihat, bagaimanapun, otoritas yang diterima pada iman buta dan mengabaikan sejauh mana mungkin selaras dengan pengalaman dan alasannya adalah hal yang berbahaya. Hari ini kita hidup di bawah kondisi yang berubah dengan cepat, dan kami menghadapi masalah di mana otoritas kuno diam. Mereka tidak memberitahu kita apakah atau tidak itu adalah hak untuk bergabung dengan serikat pekerja atau untuk melakukan skor 'hal-hal lain. Etika otoriter cenderung untuk menunda kemajuan dalam masyarakat yang berubah. Mereka juga cenderung merusak perspektif moral, karena tindakan yang dikutuk karena mereka melanggar kode bukan karena mereka merugikan bagi kesejahteraan manusia. Dipertanyakan. yang penting, dan tindakan yang diakui secara universal kesalahan diletakkan pada tingkat yang sama. Selanjutnya, apa pun cenderung mendiskreditkan otoritas cenderung mendiskreditkan semua pernyataan tersebut. Banyak orang di masyarakat kita menerima kustom sebagai dasar benar dan salah. Banyak kebiasaan yang manfaat resmi dan mewakili pengalaman masa lalu kelompok, adat bukanlah ukuran yang baik moralitas. Untuk menerima adat dan tradisi sebagai standar adalah untuk menenggelamkan individu dalam masyarakat. Di masa lalu, kemajuan telah datang terutama melalui beberapa individu menantang tindakan adat kelompok. Sementara tuntutan adat dan moral yang biasanya akan bertepatan, kita perlu ingat bahwa ada kebiasaan baik dan kebiasaan buruk. Untuk menerima hukum Tuhan di salah satu bentuknya tidak memberi kita sebagai 'tertentu standar yang mungkin muncul pada awalnya. Mari kita mengakui bahwa itu adalah hak untuk melakukan "kehendak Tuhan." Ada, bagaimanapun, tidak ada keras dan cepat set aturan yang dapat berjudul "kehendak Tuhan." Kode dan perintah dikaitkan dengan Allah yang paling beragam, dan mereka telah berubah dengan perkembangan kelompok dan dengan kondisi yang berubah. Banyak pemimpin agama yang modern mengatakan bahwa agama mengilhami orang untuk menemukan kanan dan hidup menurut itu. Mereka tidak berpikir etika sebagai sistem yang tetap otoriter dan fi. Peran otoritas telah semakin lemah dalam masyarakat modern. Hal ini disebabkan sebagian pengaruh-pengaruh yang datang kepada kita dari Renaissance, Reformasi, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern, pertumbuhan semangat demokrasi, yang Menekankan nilai dari orang dan his'right untuk berpikir dan menilai dirinya sendiri , pertumbuhan studi sejarah, dan rapid'changes dalam mode kami tinggal dan bekerja. Sikap modern tidak "seperti di awal," tapi "membuktikan segala sesuatu" dan "berpegang teguh bahwa yang baik" atau yang dapat bertahan dalam ujian hidup. Relativisme etis Pada ekstrem yang berlawanan dari otoritarianisme adalah relativisme etis . The relativisme etis mengklaim bahwa tidak ada standar umum di antara pria dan bahwa apa pun individu atau kelompok berpikir yang baik adalah baik bagi mereka. Kebenaran dari suatu tindakan tergantung pada pendapat beberapa individu atau kelompok

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